The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

Mark of Mastery. Part One.

It's been a few weeks since Hollow brought John into the Void to train. They have been training in the dojo that John got from his Tenno friend a while back. Hollow has been training him in the weapons he has from the Tenno. Only this training is much harder then what her’s was. Hollow’s training began with the fist type weapons like Furax, Ankyros, Kogake, and Obex. John had to master each one while facing either Hollow himself or creatures from the Void. He nearly died over thirty times in the first day. Hollow was even going easy for the first month he was told. He probably would have been in worse position if he wasn't a black belt.

After he finally got to a lvl with those that Hollow was pleased with he went to blades. For the rest of this month he trained with one handed blades like the Skana, Plasma Sword, Heat sword, Dark Sword, Destreza, Nami Solo,Sarpa, and others. He had to master all their styles to. Some he had to learn without his Void arm so he was basically learning how to use them with one arm. Hollow said the one arm training will help when he starts the keyblade training. Said he couldn't use any Void on it. John has trained in many weapons, and somehow is mastering them very quickly. Hollow said that's because Tenno weapons aren't that hard to master. He told him that another Survivor from Earth is trying to master twelve weapons and they are really hard to master because of their different forms and abilities. When John ends up with similar weapons they will be hard to master as well.

When the month ended Hollow told him it was time to begin the Keyblade training, and preceded to remove his Void mark from John's hand. Cutting off John's Void powers.

“Your Mark of Mastery must be completed without Void. You must obtain it with you keyblade skills alone. This first month was to ease you into the training. Now to turn it up.” Hollow explained.

And turn it up he did. For the next five months John was forced through many, many drills on keyblade spells and moves. While he still couldn't use their third form he has learned the second form. He has been beaten down by Hollow in magic and fighting every single HOUR! He was rarely healed too. As to make it he is resilient to pain at a point. Which he calls bull crap on.

John was also practicing his command styles Diamond Dust, Fire Storm, and Thunder Bolt. Hollow trained him to quickly enter the forms and switch between them. Originally he could only stay in one for a few minutes with switch reducing the time drastically, but Hollow trained his endurance for it till he can go nearly an hour in one form with switching barely reducing it as much. He even got good combat experience from fighting Hollow. Again John is only using one arm because he doesn't have Void at the moment.

John even progressed well with his shotlocks. He mastered Flame Salvo, Thunderstorm, Meteor Shower, Photon Charge, Absolute Zero, and Lightning Ray. He asked about Ultimate Shotlocks and was told everyone develops their own. While possible to learns their they must be trained by them. He told John that he already has two for himself but can't use them since they are Void based.

Once the half year mark came Hollow decided it was time to advance the training. Said he was ready. So Hollow opens a portal and throw John through it.

John opened his eyes to find himself in a wasteland. There wasn't any buildings or anything no matter where he looked. Although the air itself felt...different. Like there was a darkness to it. John quickly realized where he was.

“Welcome to the Realm of Darkness. Your training will continue here for now. Your objective is simple. Survive. Heartless will soon be appearing endlessly and you must fight them off. I took your other weapons away for you must only use your keyblade and its magic.” Hollow announced from nowhere.

“What! For how long? I don't want to attract Core’s attention here.” John said.

“Don't worry about him. Someone went and killed him already” Hollow sounded...different for a bit. Like there was a sadness to his voice. “You must worry about surviving.”

When he said that Heartless started appearing everywhere. All kinds of heartless. From Shadows to Invisibles. There were even huge heartless like Darksides. John summoned Fenrir and got ready.

“This is going to suck big time.”

There is no way to describe the chaos that followed. One man vs an infinite army of Darkness. It was all John could do to stay alive. He used every spell from Thundara to destroy multiple shadows to shotlocks for taking down the tougher Heartless. He is covered in multiple cuts and bruises from the battle. Cura helps but there is no end to them.

John jumped out of the way of a slam from a darkside that was about to crush him. “Ok. Time to kick it up a notch. Haste. Strength. Defense!” These spells increased his speed, strength and defense respectively. He then used a Fira to destroy the Darkside from before while cutting through over a dozen Neoheartless with Zantetsuken. He has been fighting for hours he believes.

As he was readying another attack, he stopped, seeing all the heartless around him just...stopped. They were standing still, making little to no movement. “Why...did they stop?” He asked. Then, he heard clapping. “Well well, not bad.” John turned around,, he was split in half. This half having jet black hair, ash pale skin, and his ears were beginning to form a point. “And with one arm. Impressive.”

John lowered his keyblade, but just a little. Still wary. “Who are you? Your not Zeke since he split. His dark half?” John questioned.

“Call me Drezke. Been around, for a while I just wandered the realm of darkness. WIth the darkness he absorbed from Core, the thing that set his heart into the instability that split me from my brother, Unversed and Heartless alike all obey me. Consider this a break for you while I’m here.”

“Thanks I guess. This is my Mark of Mastery so I can't take a long break. Don't know how long Hollow wants me to go at this?” John said. He used Cura to heal up a little.

“Hmm. Very well. Tell me, does Hollow know Core is dead?”

“Ya. Told me before he left and this started. Who did it?”

“Hm. An old…friend of Zeke’s. Huxley. Survivor, like him, you, the rest. Died doing it, yet, Core isn't dead yet. All that was killed was his Nobody, a Nobody hyped up on ancient and powerful darkness. Daybreak holds Core’s heart, and from that, he can still return.”

“Great. Well at least I can still have some payba-wait? Why do I sense light nearby?” John asked looking around.

“Yes, that’s right. About all of the reflections of Aqua are still out there. My time scouting these lands before finding a place that better suited my needs, I came across more than a few of her reflection’s corpses. Though, Heartless don’t leave behind bodies now do they? Wonder what killed those ones.”

“Something or someone worse I guess. I should probably head to her quickly and send her to my Equestria. At least there she can be safe. In a way.” John said. He summoned his keyblade glider and flew in the direction of the light he sensed. It took a minute but he found her surrounded by Invisibles. He quickly blasted four of them with the bow portion of his glider while she cut the others that were surprised by his attack down. He flew down and desummoned his glider. “You ok?”

“Y-Yeah. Are...Are you real...or an illusion?” She asked, looking at John with uncertainty.

He looked at her for a sec before knocking his hand lightly on her head. “Ya I'm real.”

“Owe!” She yelped, rubbing her forehead. “Heh, alright. Good enough. I’m Aqua, how did you end up in the Realm of Darkness? How are the worlds, if you know at all.”

John smiled a little. “I'm John. John Corvo. I'm here for a Mark of Mastery test. Been fighting heartless for the last few hours I think.” She looked shocked at his answer. She also saw he was missing an arm and assumed he lost it recently. He saw her look. “Don't worry about the arm. I actually lost that over a year ago. Hey. You want a portal out of here? I can't send you back to your home but I know of a world you can go. I have friends there that will help you. Just say you know me.”

“You can actually do that?” She asked, slight glimmer of hope in her eyes.

He smirks as he points his keyblade in a direction and a beam of light left it. A portal then appeared. “One portal out of Darkness at your service.” He says giving a bow.

“Wow, didn’t even know those worked here.” She said, giving John a smile. “Thank you John. I hope to see you after your exam is finished.” She said, stepping into it.

“Later. Better get back to it.” He flew back to see Drezke still there. “Figured you would have left by now?”

He arrived, seeing Drezke just sitting on a rock. “I have things to do still, but, I felt I should warn you about…”

John tensed up a bit. “Your light half...that Psychopath took over.”

“He’s already ended countless worlds, an entire reflection, and the Keyblades where were with him are now corrupted by that things influance. I don’t even know why I show up when someone tries to end him anymore…”

“Because he is still your other half. Your brother. You feel like if anything should stop him it's you. While also having a small part of you wanting him to be saved.” John said.

“Maybe. We each made up parts of Zeke that made him...him. Each passing day those parts of him slip away from me, and when that thing took over my brother, those parts of Zeke died the very second. Tell me, is Genocide of all evil on a world justified?”

“I can't give you that answer. The answer varies from different morals. Some will say it is while others will say it isn't. What do you think?” John asked.

”I say who gives a damn.” John turned around while Drezke merely looked up, Psychopath there, taking a slash at John’s face. He dodged, but a rather large gash now took of his left side. ”Damn, missed.”

John gives him a deadpanned face while holding his cut. “Somehow I knew you would appear. That was cliché.”

”Grand to meet the fool who went berserk and ultimately lead to this half of my true host being split. I owe you this body, even if it’s just half of the whole prize.”

John signed looking down. His hair covering his eyes. “You think I don't know that...I know that ultimately every death by your hands is my fault. Because I couldn't control my rage. My darkness. I know that Core also released other monster because of our battle as well. I blame myself fully for that.”

“Hmm...Tell me, Psychopath. Your current body is like mine, right, held by the energy of the half of the person we are?” Drezke asked, walking up and then between the two.

”Yeah, why ask such a dum-”

Drezke then acted quickly, using his Kingdom Key D and tore out the other half of Zeke’s heart, which was a blood red rather than a pure glowing white. “Thanks.”

”Ha! What are you going to do, absorb it? I’m in it’s half of Zeke’s core being. I’ll just take over you finally.” Psychopath said, his body fading without the light half of Zeke’s heart in it.

“Not exactly.” Drezke said, his hand flowing with darkness before he squeezed his other half...and it shattered.

John was shocked at this. “What did you do?”

John looked over at Psychopath, who was even more shocked than he was. ”How...How could you kill your other half!? Don’t you care Zeke will never be whole now!? He screamed as his body began to disintegrate into ash.

John raised an eyebrow. “Never figured the embodiment of murder would be shocked over death?”

”Grr… It happens, but this took me off guard completely. Heh, so tell me, what happens now?”

“Firstly, all those Keyblades you had suffering I sent to Kingdom Hearts now that they’re no longer trapped by you. Second, you’re going to die in that decaying half that was once my brother. Then, I’m going to fix up the world who’s evil I ended, and then, fight. Fight until this body is no longer able to stay in it’s form, and let myself be ended. I am half of Zeke, and I know, even though his...our family won’t ever see him again, he would have done this act. That’s something of him I can keep alive.” Drezke said, opening a DTL behind him and walking into it.

John looked where the portal and smiled. “Something tells me Zeke won't die that easily. He'll be back.” He looked over at the half that was disintegrating.

”He’s a reflection of Cript so sadly I agree with you.” Psychopath said, his body looking worse every second.

“Before you go I have something to say Psychopath.”

”Spill it, at the rate I’m going I won’t last the hour.”

John looked down. “I won't forgive both myself or you for all those life's you ended. So I swear on my body, my soul,my spirit-” He summons his keyblade Fenrir. “- and I swear on Fenrir-” He looks into its eyes with a look of determination, and a small glow it was Very familiar with. “I will make the real you, the real Psychopath, pay a thousand time for it!” John swore.

Psychopath looked over At John for a time. Then laughed. ”We. Are. Murder. We feel all the pain of every death from wars, sentient life killing each other, the mental instability. That heart and this vessel may be dying, but I’ll just end up in another host. The only way to actually end us forever is to put an end to Murder itself.” Psychopath then opened pools of blood all around him, blood covered bodies of...ponies, ponies John had killed crawling out of them. ”I doubt someone like you can do that, Assasin.”

“Maybe I can't end murder, but I know that you have a real form. A form that no matter what body you posses is the original and strongest of all. I was talking about that form. If I can't kill it. I'll seal it away. You'll still be alive, but won't be able to possess anyone I hope.”

He laughed again. ”Idiot.” He said, charging in for an attack, his blood covered reminders of John’s past work following close, moving in twisted, alien movements.

As they closed in John remembered his time in Equestria. He failings, and those he came close to. His friends, his adopted son Survivor, and the girls he left to train. Instead of rage. He smiled. As Psycho drew near John swung Fenrir clashing with him...while a wave of energy wiped out the dead around.

John’s eyes widened at that, all that was left of Psychopath was a head rolling towards him lazily. ”Hehehehe. Idiot.” Psychopath said, the head turning to ash. In the pile, John saw something. It was small, and stood out. When he picked it up, his eyes widened, a Keychain. It was a Heart, bleeding, and there was a faint glow of white in the center of it.

Hesitantly. He put it on his keyblade and watched it change.

It looked like bloody metal, John swore it was like someone took a handgun and molded it to be in the shape of a Keyblade, the blade being part of the barrel and the top being made of of partal gunsmoke looking metal, with the bullet being a heart. “What is this?” He wondered.

“Bloodborn.” John turned around, seeing a face he saw before. “Been a long time John.” Cript said.

“Cript?” John said in confusion. “Why are you here?”

“Isn’t it obvious? You wiped out those Blood Creatines, and a Decaying Psychopath in one swing. Even when Decaying, it takes a bit more than just a swing to take them out.”

John nods. “I know. What was that by the way? That...power I used. I felt it when I thought of my past. My failures, and my loved ones. I was happy I met them. I didn't let my rage control for this fight. It was then I felt it...I never felt such pressure. It felt like it could have tore me to pieces if I had it any longer.”

“Humanity. The power opposite of the Psychopaths. The power I, and so far only I, can access and use both freely, at will, and without limit.”

“The opposite of the Psychopaths…” John then looked confused. “Wait. If only you , so far, are the only to use it freely. Then how did I use it?”

“It’s...well, hard to explain. The Key to accessing it, that I have learned, is feeling no rage against even those who wronged you in the worse ways. Thinking instead of loved ones and past events that bring up joyful emotions.”

“And so far Psycho has wronged me more than anyone. Even more than Core, and yet I didn't feel anger. Just love for those I have back on Equestria. There is a catch to it isn't there? Power like that can't be free?” John asked.

“Sadly all I can really tell you is that the few times I felt others use this power it was in short amounts, but, it’s...potent. In small amounts it’s like a second wind, in large amounts...unless you can handle it, it will burn though your body like sunfire.”

“So unless you can control so it doesn't kill you no risks? Other than that it's very hard to use.” John summarized.

“It’s, like I said, hard to explain, but that’s the basic of it I guess.”

John looked at his keyblade. “You said its name is Bloodborn. What kind of keyblade is it? It doesn't feel like a normal keyblade.”

“ my Realm, more than two kinds of Keyblades.” He said, summoning his own, looking like something out of a Realm of Darkness eldritch horror mess. “This is Darkest Hero. My masters called Keyblades like this, Soul Blades. They represent your core being, your past, your present. That, is Bloodborn, well, like Zeke, half of it. It’s part of his core, his soul.”

“Half his core. So it's not complete. If it combines with its other half will it change?” John ask.

“Only when Drezke is defeated will the other half appear, though, it’s no guarantee that they will combine.”

“Both of them. Their Zeke’s Soul Blades. When he comes back I'll give Bloodborn to him. It's his anyway.” John said. “Wonder what my Soul Blade is?”

“In time, I think.” Cript said, looking around. “Man, this place get’s more and more depressing every time, no matter what Realm it is.”

“Realm of Darkness. What did you expect?” John said with a smile. “My mark of mastery should continue soon.”

Actually. You passed this portion.” Hollow said appearing a few feet from them.

John let out a sigh of relief. “Ok. What's part two?”

“Hey there Hollow.” Cript said, giving a light wave.

Hello Cript. Things going well I presume?” Hollow asked.

“Depends...I am sadly having to incorporate a backup plan I didn’t want to use, but, sadly, things are getting rather bad.”

“Does it have anything to do with what happened a little bit ago?” John asked.

“No, this concerns a different matter involving all the realms.”

John sighs. “Ok. Was worried I accidentally did something forbidden or something. Should I be involved in any way or is it out of my territory?”

“For now, it is. Let’s just say there are now two kinds of Realms. Locked, and open. Which reminds me, Hollow, weren’t you supposed to be coming to me for some special training of your own?”

A little busy training this one. He has a big destiny. Once he is done with his Mark of Mastery I need to train him in Void as well as help him gather a special team.” Hollow explained.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, I read the script. Still, for being late, your first day, will be worse than his time here so far.” Cript said, pointing a thumb at me and making Hollow gulp.

John almost felt bad for him.

Well. John your next part of this training is simple. You must fight your inner darkness. Your rage given form. You did a good job against Psychopath but you still must face it completely. ” Hollow said with some sweat on his face from Cript's threat.

“Alright then, John, before you go, wanna see Hollow get hurt?” He asked, appearing next to Hollow. “I can fling him for MILES with just my pinkie finger.”

Please don’t…” Hollow begged.

John looked at Hollow for a bit. “As tempting as that is I'll pass. Don't want my Master flung across the Realm of Darkness.” John said with Hollow letting out a sigh of relief. “Your going to do it anyway aren't you?” That question made Hollow tense.

“As much as I want to, I probably shouldn’t. I have phase two of my backup plan to do. Till then, later. Oh, and here.” Cript said, tossing John a...cookie? “Enjoy.” He said before vanishing into thin air.”

“Why a cookie?” John asked looking at it.

Don't worry it's just a normal Cookie. Cript likes cookies.” Hollow explained. John shrugged and ate it. He likes cookies to.

Hollow than snapped his fingers and John found both his wounds and cloths healed and fixed. “ Now. Let's begin part three.” Hollow placed his hands on John's head and the next thing John knows is darkness.

John opened his eyes to a wide are of darkness. He looked everywhere seeing nothing. He knew what he had to find so he chose a random direction and walked. He walks for a few minutes thinking about what's been going on.

After walking he saw something. Himself. Only this one looked like how he was back on Earth. It wore normal blue jeans with a long sleeve green shirt and blue sneakers. It's skin was pale and had purple eyes. “ So...the master appears. hatred.

“Hatred huh. So your my darkness.”

Yes. Every ounce of hate, guilt, wrath, all that comes from me. Even fear. The fear you have of me. Of what you could become.” Rage said. He was right. John was afraid of him. He has seen what he could do when his rage takes over.

“I know we're supposed to have some kind of talk and what not, but we both know how this ends.” John said. Bringing out Fenrir.

Rage chuckles. “ Yes. We do. While you have only your keyblade and Magic. I have...everything else.” Rage then began to transform. He went into John's Demon form...and brought it further. It's power was growing at an incredible rate. When it was over John saw it...his demon form at its peak.

It stood seven feet tall. It was covered in a dark purple armor with runes he was sure were in a language known only to Void. It's two wings were spread out with a wingspan of eight feet each. It's claws look like they could rip the soul out of anything. It's eyes were slited demon like and dark purple. It's teeth were sharp enough to make a shark jealous and its arm look like they can bench press both Air Force One and the Titanic. At once. “ the power you were to afraid to obtain.” Rage spoke.

John let out a breath and prepared himself with some spells. “ Hastaga, Strengthga, Defensga, Magicga. I won't lose.” John said as he used the spells. ‘Since when could their third form?’ He thought.

Rage let out a loud laugh. “ Let's begin then!” As that was said both charged at each other. The clash made a small shock wave.

Before Rage smashed John away with its other hand sending him flying. If he didn't use the defense spell that attack would have ended it. John realized the difference in strength was still to much. He immediately had to dodge Void bullets from Rage making guns appear and shooting at him. John ran as fast as he could deflecting as best as possible but a few got through and hit him.

“Wait I'm an idiot Barrier.” A shield formed around him stopping the bullets. John let out a breath before he suddenly lifted Fenrir to block a punch from Rage who destroyed the shield and sent him flying again. John looked at his keyblade to see a crack in it. He realized the difference was greater then he previously thought. He pointed Fenrir at Rage as he came for another strike. “Stopga!” Rage stopped with a clock above its head.

Before John could breath the clock shattered and he was punched in the gut making him cough up blood as he was knocked a few dozen feet away.

‘T-this is alm-most like the ba-battle with Core the first t-time.’ John thought as he tried to stand. He was heavily injured with a broken rib. From the blood he coughs up it probably pierced a lung. It felt like it.

Trying to stop me was a good try, but you forget...I can manipulate time to.” Rage said as it appeared behind John and smacked him with two huge hammers in its hands. Fragors he thinks their called. The last of his protection spell broke and he was sent flying for over thirty feet. He felt broken. He could barely move.

This is the end. You never stood a chance John.” Rage told him. It lifted up its hand and formed a massive Void blast. “ Don't worry. You won't feel a thing soon. Which is more than I can say for those weaklings back at Equestria. They were holding us back. I'll take care of them once I'm done with you.” It then sent the blast right at John.

When John heard that last bit his eyes widened. ‘Gilda, Rose, Survivor, Celestia, Luna, Vantus, everyone…’

The blast connected and a huge explosion followed. Everything within over six dozen feet was wiped out. Smoke covered the area. When it cleared. Rage saw that nothing was there.

It is done. Now to leave and find those weaklings.” it turned around and started walking away before it stopped. “Wait a moment? If John is dead then...why am I still here!?” It realized before frantically looking around.

It was looking everywhere before it suddenly took a strong fist to the face sending it flying back. It skid on the ground for a dozen feet before stopping. It held its face in pain before looking up. It's eyes widened in shock.

John stood there. Completely fine. He was covered in a bluish aura that it recognized. Because John recently used it a while ago.

The power of Humanity!? Impossible! Once against Psychopath was one thing but twice so soon!? How!?” Rage yelled out. It didn't make sense.

John looked over himself and looked at Rage. “Just like before. I didn't let my ‘rage’ take over. You reminded me of who I'm fighting for. I can't let you win. I have to beat you for them. I can't use this long. I already feel it tearing my body apart. But now.” John then summons his keyblade. Rage looked at Fenrir in shock. Gone was its silver look and bandages. It's was now a mixture of black and gold with the keychain a solid gold. unlocked your true keyblade?!” Rage said taking a step back.

“Now...I'm going to end this! Nature's Favor!” John yelled.

“WHAT!! HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT SPELL!?” Rage yelled out in shock.

He watch as all the wounds John had was healed. New enhancements were placed over the old ones. More powerful ones to. The damage the Humanity power was causing was undone as well, but John had to hurry. Normally this spell wouldn't have been able to close the gap, but with this new power. He can win.

Rage let out a roar as he charged at John with two massive swords. John met it midway and clashed with one of them while kicking the other away. Rage tried to slam its fist into John only for him to dodge and kick its chin sending him flying straight up. John then appeared above it and blasted it with a combination of Flame Salvo and Thunderstorm sending it back to the ground under a rain of explosions of fire and lightning. Rage flew out of it pissed and let loose a barrage of Void blast.

John used Fenrir to deflect each one that was going to hit him while ignoring the others. Rage smirked at this and brought both arms down. John saw this and looked behind him. The attacks from before were hot on his tail. He summoned up blades of light and sent them at the Void blast. Cancelling each other out in small explosions. John then turned and blocked a claw strike from Rage and used his left leg to kick its head back to the ground. It opens its mouth and sends a beam of Void right at John. Having no time to dodge John uses another spell.

Reflectga!” The spell not only stops the beam but sends it back at Rage who takes the full force of it. John watches the area for a bit before Rage lets out a massive roar that blows the smoke away. John sees that it is heavily damaged and REALLY angry. John then coughs up blood. Realizing he has to hurry before the Humanity power takes too much of a toll.

I WILL NOT BE BEATEN!!YOU HEAR ME JOHN CORVO!!” It then creates massive blades of many kinds in the hundreds. “DIE!!!!!” It sends all of them at John at once.

“Time to end this.” John then focuses all of his remaining power, both the enhancements and the humanity power, into Fenrir. It glows brightly as he charges Rage. He sees blades coming from all directions see no way to dodge. Then just before a few hit him…his body suddenly dodges on its own. Both John and Rage are taken back, but John doesn't worry about it much as he lets it happen. He begins to dodge everyone as he comes closer and closer to Rage.

He then is right in front of it holding Fenrir is a drawing stance. Rage looks completely shocked. “I-I lose?

John looks Rage in the eye. “Yes. You do. Final Zantetsuken!” John then appears behind Rage a few feet away. A few seconds go by...when dozens of cuts appear all over Rage as it screams in pain. Blood flew out of the wounds as Rage fell to its knees before falling to the ground.

John desummons Fenrir and breathes heavily for a few moments. He then starts coughing up blood as the Humanity power finally took its toll on his body. He looks behind him to see Rage back in its human form. It's breathing heavy and shallow. John walked over and lifted its head with his right arm.

So. This is it huh? You go free, and I'm stuck here. With all this anger and pain.” John just shook his head.

“No. Because I'll take all that anger and pain on myself. You don't have to suffer anymore. Just sleep now.” John said. Smiling at Rage.

It looked at his eyes, and saw something. It started to chuckle weakly. “So.” It said. It's eyes now just like his. “I guess he was right about you.”

John was confused at that. “Who was right about me?”

Rage looked at him. “You'll know soon enough. You got one more test. Be prepared. He is stronger than me. Take care. John Corvo.” With that Rage closed his eyes and faded away. John looked were rage was in his arm for a second. “Goodbye. Rage.”

He got up and started moving. When a bright light overtakes him.

When he opens his eyes he sees he is standing on a platform. He looks at it to see himself on it. Along with Gilda, Rose, and a few others he didn't recognize. Wait one of them was Aqua. Where is-wait. Is this?

“Welcome John Corvo.”

John looks ahead to see a figure in an organization cloak.

“Impressive display with your darkness. But it's not over yet.”

“Who are you?” John asks.

The figure put its hand on its chin. “Who am I? Oh! Forgot to introduce myself.”
He proceeded to put its hood back revealing his face. John couldn't believe what he was seeing. The figure looks like him with a few differences. His hair was brown and his eyes were green.

“My Drexel Quake, and you. John Corvo. Are my reincarnation.” Drexel said.