The Dishonored: Rise of an Emperor

by Deathwatch 456

Time in Equestria. Part One.

It's been a week since John left with the Outsider to train. Repairs have been going alright in Equestria. Those he left in charge were doing their best to keep thing in order. Celestia and Luna have been doing their best to keep the citizens happy. Ponies, griffons, dragons,minotaurs and the other species have been getting along for the most part. There have been some trouble here and there, but nothing to serious. The princesses have been ok themselves. Citizens have been asking about “The Blade of Equestria” and where he has been. They answered that he has left somewhere to train so that he can better protect his and everyone's home, and that he will not be back for a while. They asked the citizens to be patient. That he will return eventually.

Twilight has done her best when it came to the economy side of things. With the bits and munny from the castle treasury she was able to help get things in the village repaired as well as offer reconstruction to other parts of Equestria. She also was busy with the castle archives. She found many spells and info in the castles ancient library. She had a blast going through those. She also had a lot of help from Trixie as her apprentice. Trixie grew in both her magical powers and her keyblade skills as well. Twilight was a great teacher and a great friend as well. Twilight cherishes her friends more after she lost the others. She and Trixie have been doing their best to help. Trixie has also been visiting the Pie family to help them cope. She wants to make up for her past mistakes and is willing to do anything to help.

Vanitas was doing a great job training and managing the cadets and guards. Everyone sees him as the unofficial leader in John's absence. He made sure that no one was slacking in their training. He noticed that while most of them have hit their limit when it comes to individual power he made up for it in their teamwork. Working together to take on stronger heartless and unversed. He also sent out elite or veteran members or guards on missions to either patrol, clear out an area, search for survivors, or other things to make sure they get experience in the field. Cadets were sent to help with reconstruction to make sure they weren’t cooped up in the village all the time as well as give them a little work experience. He kept up with his own training now and then. He was training to get better control of the darkness he has as well as his secret technique he hasn’t used in battle yet. It puts a strain on his body so he has been doing endurance training to use it longer as well as increase his battle stamina. He isn't as strong as John yet. His base form at least, but he is getting stronger by the day. He has also been doing solo missions to keep himself from getting rusty.

Gilda and Roseluck have been missing John since he left. They wished he would hurry back, but knew this training was important to him. So they decided to get much stronger so when he gets back they will be able to stand by his side to protect everything with him instead of being in the background being protected. Gilda has been training furiously since he left. Trying to make herself stronger and faster each day. She has also been trying to fly with boulders tied to her in order to increase the strength of her wings so she can fly faster and carry heavier things. She also is getting stronger with her Fenrir. Her keyblade reminds her of John since they have similar keyblades. It comforts her a bit.

Rose has also been upping her training as well. While Gilda is more of speed and strength while using her aerial advantage against her foes Roseluck uses her magic to help keep up. She practiced her offencive spells daily and her defencive spells as well. She is really good with her barrier and reflect spells as well as her healing spells. She has been trying to get better at those so she can protect and heal others so fewer die. She has gotten so good at them that the cadets and guards are seeing her as the head healer of the village. She has healed lots of wounds and saved a lot of lives. She even has her own group to train as combat medics.

Both Gilda and Roseluck have been looking after Survivor together. John adopted him and since they are in a herd with him they are his mothers together. Rose had an easier time taking care of him then Gilda do to her being a pony like him as well as have been a mother already. Gilda did her best with Survivor and did a good job, but with her personality and her being a griffon instead of a pony she had troubles now and then. Which is why she was glad Rose was here to help. Nurse Redheart also helped to make sure S was healthy as well. Together Survivor was a happy colt.

From what they heard of the Crystal Empire things have been going well. Other than Everfree Village the Crystal Empire has been receiving refugees from other species as well. Cadence has been doing what she can to keep the peace while Shining Armour has been training with the guards to help protect the citizens of their Empire. Thanks to their shield from the Crystal Heart they haven’t had trouble from Heartless in the city, but Unversed can still enter. Cadence sent word of a surprise to Twilight that she was pregnant which Twilight was delighted about. She heard that Shining Armour passed out for a few hours when he heard. To which Twilight now has some new teasing material against her brother.

Applejack was doing well also. After learning that she may be distant relatives to Pinkies family she got to know them and mourned Pinkie as well as her family and friends. She has been training as well, but spent most of her time helping with construction. She leads the earth ponies in farming to help keep the citizens fed. She also has been helping her little sister Applebloom move about with her disability. Bloom has been adjusting well to moving without her eyes, but still has trouble. Thanks to her sister things have been easier, but she misses her friends and the rest of her family.

Everyone was doing their part in order to help. The Princesses didn’t like to admit it, but what John did here with the Village has made peace more possible than what they have done before he appeared. He is a great leader. They’ll do their best to protect it while he is gone.

They wonder though. There are threats our there that are powerful. Sombra wasn’t the only enemy from Equestria. They haven’t found a shard of Discord’s statue so it's possible that he is free. They also found out something got past Cerberus and escaped Tartarus. Both worried the princesses greatly. Vanitas and the others upped their training even further to prepare. They wanted to make sure that when John returns there is still home for him to return to.

Hidden away in a distant cave lied an old being in a cloak. It was a old shriveled up centaur. This wasn’t any old centaur though. This was Tirek. He escaped from Tartarus and has been in hiding. He was betrayed by his brother long ago and was locked away forever. He eventually escaped and is now biding his time. He saw the battles between Core and Hollow, John and Blueblood, John and Core, and the others as well. He knew he was behind a lot and needed a plan in order to steal magic and take over Equestria. He found out that the “Blade of Equestria” was gone and wasn’t coming back for a while. He knew that he had an opportunity to gain magic and get stronger so when John gets back he can beat him and steal his strange magic. With that power he should be able to easily conquer Equis.

“Soon my plans will be put into action, and all of Equis will bow to me.” Tirek said. He started to laugh evilly to himself since no one was there, or so he thought. A small salamander crawled away and when it was a few yards away from the cave turned into a creature that look like it was made of multiple animal parts. It then teleported to a distant location and gave a small laugh to himself.

“Oh things are going to get fun soon, and so much Chaos will happen hahaha. Oh all the lovely chaos lately. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out.” The creature said. This being was the spirit of Chaos. Master of Chaos magic. Discord. He has been free since Core and Hollow started to fight. All the chaos they were causing broke his seal and released him. The death of most of the elements of Harmony ensured that they couldn’t seal him away again. So when things were said and done he was free to cause as much chaos as he wants. Oh the fun he will have.

He then snapped his claws and summoned some popcorn and and sports hat with the cups and straws attached. “I’m going to need some snacks and refreshments for this haha. Can’t wait till the author starts this.” Discord said- wait what?? “Don’t be so surprised I’m me. So go ahead and finish this so we can get on with the story.” He said looking at the author...who is now afraid of what's going on. “Ok your taking too long.” Discord then grabs the next scene and places it infront of him.

Ok that was a thing. On with the story.

Celestia was on the castle balcony looking out over the Village. Which was quickly growing into a city. She remembers when she and luna onced lived here and ruled before Luna was banished to the moon. She regrets that day a lot, but more than anything she regrets failing to protect her sister from herself. If she had noticed how lonly her sister was then maybe Nightmare moon wouldn't have happened, but that is the past. Now she and Luna must watch over this new kingdom till its rightfully leader returns.

She looked behind her to see her sister Luna trotting next to her. Looking out over the kingdom with her. She repressed a wince when she saw her legs. She remembers her wings and horns are gone as well. While she replaced her wings with these artificial ones she can’t replace her horn. Luna not only lost her legs, but with the moon in its current shape she lost a lot of power. Both Celestia and Luna have to work together to move the sun and moon around the planet. It will be for some time, but Luna will eventually be able to move the moon on her own and gain most of her power back.

“Greeting Luna dear.” Celestia greeted. “Shouldn’t you be asleep. The moon shouldn’t rise for a couple more hours now?” She asked.

“I know, but i couldn’t sleep. It's still a little hard adjusting to these legs i got. So sleep is a little difficult. So I decided to come out here and look around for a bit.” Luna answered. Her sister can relate. These new wings are still new to her, but she is managing.

“Well don’t stay up to late. You need your sleep so you can protect the citizens from nightmares in their dreams.”

“I’ve been meaning to tell you something about that. I think there are creatures similar to Heartless and Unversed in the dream world. I’ve been seeing them lately. They have a symbol similar to the other creatures and got worried. It's a good thing i can summon my keyblade in the dream world or i would’ve been in trouble.” Luna told her.

“What?! Why didn’t you say anything sooner? We could have helped.” Celestia questioned worryingly. She was surprised to hear this.

“I thought i was imagining them at first or that they were just things i saw in ponies nightmares, but i know better know. Lets go ask Vanitas. He should probably know what they are.” Celestia agreed and they both left to find Van. They found him near the training grounds just leaving from training. When they told him what they found out he was surprised.

“Really? Didn’t expect Dream Eaters to appear. Although it kinda makes sense. Given what's been going on.” Vanitas states.

“So these things are called Dream Eaters? Sounds fitting from what i’ve seen.” Luna said.

“Ya. Although you shouldn’t have a problem with them since as you said you can summon your keyblade. Works on them like any Heartless or Unversed.”

“Glad for that. Although if i run into them in another keybladers dream i’ll convince them to help me.” Luna told him. Celestia sighed in relief.

“Well time to get back to work. I’ll head back to check on the cadets training. Celestia go and check to see if anyone has any complaints and see how to sort it out. As for you Luna. Your going back to sleep even if I need to use the sleep spell on you.” Vanitas told them

Luna let out a yawn and nodded her head. She turned around and went back to her quarters to go back to sleep. Van headed off to make sure the cadets weren’t slacking because may the gods help them if they are. Celestia trotted back to the throne room. They will have to make renivashinions for when John comes back. After all. He is Equestai’s true ruler after all.