Blaze the Pony Tale

by Wolven5

273. The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone - Part 2

The three visitors grimaced at the sight before them, as they noticed a griffoness perch on a branch that held what was presumably her home, only for the branch to crack and almost fall, the griffoness flapping aloft in alarm. Nobirdy paid any attention to the three ponies walking amongst them as Blueblood muttered, "Good grief, it's even worse than I remember."

"Yyyyeeeaah, maybe the map should've called Rarity," Rainbow Dash commented as they noticed a couple griffons playing some kind of dice game but neither of them looked to be playing for the sake of fun.

"Oh goddess, no!" Blueblood was hesitant to even imagine his beloved muse Rarity's reaction to the sight of this sorry excuse of a royal capitol, "She'd have one of her fainting couch moments, you can bet your tail on that."

"Excuse me, sir!"

Blueblood and Rarity looked to see Pinkie Pie had wandered off and was speaking to an older-looking griffon wearing a smoking cap, "This is Griffonstone, right?"

The griffon responded by grabbing Pinkie Pie by her face and rudely setting her aside and carrying on about his own business, as a bewildered Pinkie said, "Well, that wasn't very nice."

"See?! These griffons are exactly like I thought they'd be!" Rainbow Dash huffed.

"I can't say I'm surprised either," Blueblood sighed, not liking this less than promising start, "and since there's no griffon monarch, I'm uncertain as to ask anybirdy around here as to what led to Griffonstone to falling from grace."

"You don't like it, then feel free to leave, losers!"

The three of them looked down the way and saw a griffoness with a light brownish-gold lion body, white feathered eagle head with like purple accents, and golden eyes narrowed contemptuously in their direction. Recognizing her, Rainbow responded, "Hello, Gilda..."

"Dash...!" Gilda growled, the tension rising-


"Not the time, Pinkie Pie," Blueblood shook his head gently at the party pony before addressing the griffoness, "Ahem, good day to you, Gilda. I've heard... quite a lot about you. I am Prince Blueblood, and I am aware that you are already acquainted with my friends here-"

"What're you doing in my neighborhood, dweebs?" Gilda rudely interrupted.

"Hey! We "dweebs" are here to help Griffonstone," Pinkie popped up in front of Gilda.

"Help it what?!" Gilda challenged.

"Well, unfortunately, even we are uncertain," Blueblood tried to explain, only for Pinkie Pie to pop up.

"But it involves a map and cutie-marks and a problem, and-"

"Bored now!" Gilda walked past them, no longer interested until Blueblood spoke up.

"Well, Miss Gilda, while you don't have a king-"

"We don't! We have Lord Gar..." Gilda snapped and she didn't sound like she was a fan of the mentioned lord.

"Lord Gar... the name doesn't ring a bell," Blueblood considered before asking, "but perchance could you direct us to the Idol of Boreas?"

"Ha-ha! Don't tell me you actually believe in that thing," jibed Gilda, to the ponies' confusion-

"You'd better believe it, missy!"

Gilda grimaced and looked out the corner of her eyes and the ponies looked over her shoulder to see an elderly griffon with a vulture-like head topped with a fez poke his coughing head (showing a left dead eye) out of his house before he tumbled out of his house, rasping, "The idol was the best thing that ever happened to us griffons of Griffonstone!"

"Oh great...! Now you've got my Grampa Gruff started," growled Gilda to the ponies in a tone that said 'thanks a lot' as her grandfather stepped past her and approached the pony visitors.

"I'll tell you the whole tragic tale...!" Grampa Gruff said dramatically before chuckling in a miserly way as he held out his talons, "For a couple of your Equestrian Bits."

Pinkie, Rainbow, and Blueblood shared a look but Blueblood raised a hoof with a patient smile and obliged Grampa Gruff's request, paying a couple silver Bits, to the old bird's delight. He bit one, making sure it was real, before setting them under his fez before he began.

"Centuries ago, after our kind was humbled by the united efforts of our rival nations and agreed to put an end to our practice of slavery, a griffon explorer by the name of Grover united our kind like we'd never been united before or since. And he did it all by finding that incredible Idol of Boreas!" Gruff recounted, unaware that Gilda was behind him mirroring his movements.

Obviously she'd heard this tale before, but she quickly pulled an innocent look when her grandfather glanced at her with a frightful stink eye using his dead eye, spurring a few stifled chuckles from Pinkie and even an amused smile from Blueblood. Rainbow Dash remained platonic.

"It was because that idol brought pride to every griffon that saw it that our ancestors chose Grover to be our king!" Gruff went on, "And from one king to the next, Griffonstone and the idol were the envy of many other sentient creatures! It held us together, gave us a new identity so that we could leave behind our disgraceful old ways as slavers, right up until.... the rein of King Guto.

"It was on that dark and terrible day after King Guto's coronation that the most ruthless and terrible of the cyclopes, Arimaspi, came to steal our sacred treasure! King Guto and his loyal Sky Knights fought bravely but that wretched brute Arimaspi managed to pilfer our beloved Idol! Despite their injuries, King Guto and the Sky Knights gave chase in an attempt to recover the idol from the monster, but as they headed him off on a bridge of stone over the Abyssmal Abyss fate most cruel struck the blow that would lead not only to Arimaspi's downfall but to the pride of Griffonstone...

"Two Sky Knights lost their lives in vain to recover the Idol from Arimaspi as he was making an escape over a bridge of stone that spanned the Abysmal Abyss. A bolt of lightning struck the bridge, sending the cyclops plummeting to his doom, taking the Idol with him. King Guto noticed two pony ambassadors on the other side of the abyss, recognizing them even as they slunk away like thieves in the night, Starboard Jib and Port Bow, two Equestrian ambassadors who had come to attend his coronation just the other day!"

"Starboard Jib? Port Bow?" Blueblood wondered aloud as the names rang a bell, "If I remember my history correctly... those were two members of House High Seas, the noble family whose members have served my aunt's council in handling Foreign Affairs."

"Indeed, and those High Seas ponies turned tail and ran before King Guto could get an explanation as to why they were there during the darkest moment of our city's history!" Gruff said with a suspicious tone, "but in any case, the loss of the Idol of Boreas, our most precious treasure, right after his coronation filled King Guto with deepest shame... He discontinued the monarchy, and without a king we were leaderless until Lord Hawkrest rose up and took charge, and we allll lived miserably ever after. THE END!"

Sniffling, Pinkie Pie whimpered, "That's the saddest story I've ever heard in my life!"

"Ah well... TOUGH TAILFEATHERS!! No refunds!" Gruff shouted before taking off.

"Well, this certainly explains why Twilight's book ended with the coronation of King Guto," Blueblood commented as he and Rainbow Dash looked at the pedestal where the Idol of Boreas once stood.

"Yeah! I mean, who would wanna record history that sad?!" Pinkie Pie added.

"It's not sad!" Gilda sniped, giving them the stink eye, "Do we look sad to you?"

Blueblood and Pinkie Pie shared a look but had a silent agreement not to answer that question-

"Guys! I think I know why the map sent us here," Rainbow Dash perked up, her friends looking to her before she declared, "We need to find the Idol of Boreas and bring back glory and pride to Griffonstone!"

"Ha-ha! Here we go," Gilda mocked while flapping aloft, "Typical pony hero complex. None of us care about that dumb idol, don't you geddit?! We don't care about anything and that's the way we like it..."

"I think Rainbow Dash is right about one thing," Pinkie Pie spoke up, popping up behind Gilda's wings, "The map did send us here to fix a problem."

Gilda growled angrily at the pink pony invading her personal space but before she could say anything-


The three ponies and griffon startled to see four griffons drop down from the dusty and cobwebbed ceiling of the palace, all of them wearing dark scarves around their heads, their talons outfitted with metal claws but the leader, a male griffon with a missing right eye scarred shut and raven-like feathers, clutched fiendish daggers in each talon as he and his gang glared wickedly.

"Wotan!" Gilda knocked Pinkie Pie off her back and bore her own talons, "You and yer goons looking for some easy money, I see!"

"Damn straight, sweetie!" answered the griffon called Wotan, whose eyes narrowed greedily upon his prey, "and a pony prince and his two lovely maids oughta fetch a nice reward from Canterlot!"

"Oh, you are so going down...!" Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes and raised her wings.

The ponies and Gilda all readied themselves as Wotan dove onto Blueblood, as the two began wrestling in the dirt, Blueblood lighting up his horn to keep those sharp talons clutching knives away. Gilda charged in, only to be punched in the face and knocked to the side by one of Wotan's goons. Dash was tempted to dive in, but was stopped by four shadows.

“One side there, Rainbow Dash!"

"Huh?!" Rainbow Dash stopped. That voice sounded familiar. She looked over her shoulder to see Doran zoom in and wrestle Wotan off Blueblood as two more griffons, both garbed in silver and golden tunics pounce down on Wotan's thugs, Gilda paying back the one who punched her by busting up his beak.

Before Rainbow Dash had done anything, the fight was over as quickly as it began, with Wotan and his gang subdued, and Pinkie Pie was checking on Blueblood, who assured her that he was just a little bruised and no worse for wear.

Then, Doran and the two griffons who'd arrived with him saluted with their wings while keeping the bandits under claw, as Doran's father, Sir Godric arrived. He wore the same silver and golden tunic but also included metal spaulders on his shoulders, and Rainbow finally noticed Doran had some kind of medallion hanging from his neck.

“Is everyone alright?” Godric looked around, nodding to his men and son, looking at Wotan and his lot with contempt, and then at the ponies with concern.

"We're fine, thanks to your son and his friends I assume," Blueblood stood up, dusting himself off

"Good to hear, and I'm glad my son and squires arrived in time to aid you," Godric sighed before glaring reproachfully at Wotan, "As for you, bandit, I'm going to take my time picking your brain about all your cohor-"

"Ah, it seems we're right on time."

All eyes turned to see a griffon around Godric's age, accompanied by two large bruiser griffons at his sides, obviously bodyguards of some kind, and both wore scarves with shiny badges pinned to them. The griffon and Godric looked similar but where Godric was immense and mighty, this griffon was snake-like and slender, looking more corvid than aquiline, and he wore a robe of burgundy red, jeweled rings on his talons, with a medal hanging around his neck, and everyone present, aside from the bodyguards and bandits, regarded this griffon with distrust as he slunk over to Godric, "Why, if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to come to the valiant rescue of the commoners."

"What do you want, Gar?" Godric furrowed his brows at his brother. "Shouldn't you be at Griffonstone City Hall, taking care of some paperwork I collected from the citizens for you to go over?"

"That was today? Oh my mind must be going..." Gar reared up and raked his talons on a stone wall, creating a hideous screech that sent chills up everyone's spines, before he sat down on his haunches and examined his sharpened claws and dismissively added, "Must've slipped my mind."

"I bet something slipped," Doran scoffed, catching Gar's attention.

"Oh and could this strapping young lad be my dear nephew Galador?" Gar eyed his nephew like a piece of meat. "I say, you're going to give your big brother Horus quite the competition for leadership of the knighthood after your father retires- Oh, but not for a long time, of course."

"I ask again, what are you doing here, Gar?" Godric repeated, albeit a little less patient this time.

"Oh, I beg your pardon, brother, but first..." Gar approached Blueblood and gave a courteous bow, "Your Highness, Prince Blueblood, nephew of Her Shining Immortal Majesty, Princess Celestia, I deeply apologize for this unfortunate occurrence. As you might imagine, banditry is a growing problem here in Griffonstone. Ah! But where are my manners? I am Gar, Lord of Griffonstone, and as you might have gathered, younger brother of our good and esteemed Sir Godric of the Knighthood of the Sky. It is indeed an honor to welcome you to our... humble city."

"You are too kind, Lord," Blueblood said courteously but he could spy insincerity from a mile away.

Gar then turned to Wotan and his accomplices, "As for these hooligans, I'll be taking them off your claws, brother. After all, enforcing law in Griffonstone is a busy task."

"I was planning to escort them to the stockades personally, brother..." Godric's tone was almost threatening but Gar paid it no mind.

"Oh but I insist," Gar's smirk made Rainbow Dash want to bust that beak and she couldn't help but notice Gilda seemed to have the same thought. "As Lord, it is the least I can do to serve our humble city. And besides, the sooner these streetrats are processed, the sooner I can get to that paperwork, dear brother. Gentlebirds, if you please."

Gar's two bodyguards stepped forward, approaching the squires who were holding Wotan and his three thugs. The bodyguards glared at the squires who glared back in defiance as Doran gave his father a look. Godric looked like he wanted to wring his brother's neck but he sighed and nodded for them to stand down.

They backed off, allowing Gar's bodyguards to take the bandits into custody, and they all watched them take the thieves away, Gar beginning to take his leave before he said, "Thank you for your cooperation, my good knight, and Prince Blueblood, i hope the rest of your visit is a pleasant experience. Good day, everyone."

They watched the lord strut away, following his bodyguards and once they were out of earshot, Gilda threw Godric such a stink eye, "Why do you always do that?! Let him take away Wotan and those jerks only for them to "get loose" as he claims and they go right back to messing with everyone!?!"

"Miss, without concrete evidence that proves my brother is letting Wotan walk or escape, my claws are tied," Godric seemed disgusted with the words coming out of his mouth as he sighed and looked to the ponies, "I apologize to you all for that debacle. Mayhaps you would join us for a meal at the Sky Knight garrison?"

"Count us in, Sir Godric sir!" Pinkie popped up between Blueblood and Rainboiw Dash, hugging them in, before she zipped over to Gilda, "and Gilda should come too!"

"Say what?" Gilda felt put on the spot.

The Sky Knight Garrison of Griffonstone were somewhat an improvement compared to most of the city. There was a main building, where Godric explained the Sky Knight higher-ups, including himself, handled office-related duties, there was a training ground outside with an armory, the barracks where the knights and squires slept, and a cafeteria, where Godric and his squires treated their guests to a nice lunch. Gilda in particular had been reluctant to accept any hospitality, certain she'd have to pay for it that Godric had to assure her on his word as a knight that it was all on the house. The nice meal they were offered finally broke Gilda's defenses, and she joined them at the table, where the griffons enjoyed a stew and mead while they offered some daisy sandwiches, hay fries, and nectar or cider to their pony guests.

As they ate, Doran explained that unless one has proper clearance, they can't enter the Garrison without a legitimate concern.

"Gar doesn't have proper clearance on account of the fact he keeps trying to forge a voucher and we keep seeing through his bogus work," he added as they ate.
"He only gets to come in and complain every once in a while since he's the baron of Griffonstone. But he seldom abuses the privilege.

"One can get in, if vouched for by my dad or one of the senior knights, but getting that's easier said than done. Those seeking their voucher of approval would find it easier to find a needle in a haystack. However, since you're all friends of Midnight's, we're fine with you being here by our invitation."

Once Doran was done explaining the particular, Godric cleared his throat to get his guests' attention as he stated, "I strongly advise you keep your distance from Gar, his bodyguards, or any other shady-looking griffons around here."

“May I ask why?” Blueblood quizzed.

Godric took a deep breath as he joined his talons together as if deep in thought before he explained, “As you probably gathered from our... discussion earlier, Gar is my brother. My younger brother, actually. Our father, Hawkrest, stepped up decades ago to lead Griffonstone sometime after King Guto abolished the monarchy out of shame. Hawkrest managed to keep Griffonstone from falling into anarchy, but as you can plainly see it's coming apart at the seams... As firstborn, I would have succeeded my father after he retired. But I chose the path of Knighthood, leaving my brother to be our father's successor instead. A part of me regrets pursuing my calling and leaving Griffonstone under my brother's authority, but I swore an oath and here we are.

"Although he is the authority of Griffonstone, Gar is no king, as much as he likes to pretend he is. There is a council comprised of elder griffons, including our father, and the authority they carry keeps Gar from having absolute power. But that doesn't stop him from using any means necessary to get what he wants, and one of those means is Wotan and his gang.

"He's Gar's right-talon griffon, and rumored to lead a guild of thieves right here in Griffonstone. Wotan is in Gar's pocket and is known to make any problem or "undesirables"... disappear. Gar doesn't care about Griffonstone, only the power he has over it, and there is no low to which he won't stoop to increase his own power or wealth. If you want an example, he's hired Wotan's thieves to take tourists hostage until leaders of their homelands paid a ransom for their safe return. But even when a ransom was paid, the hostages weren't always safely returned...”

“That's disgusting...” Blueblood was taken aback in horror, Pinkie Pie hugging Rainbow, who let her, since the party pony looked like she needed some comfort.

Gilda displayed indifference but she was as interested as the rest of them.

“You don't know the half of it,” Doran hissed. “I'm ashamed to be his nephew, and would love nothing more than to see him jailed for his crimes. But none of us have ever been able to get solid evidence, and without proof to take to the council we can't remove Gar from power."

Blueblood, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie shared a troubled look, concern on all their faces. The fact that this tyrant in all but name was abusing his power so but the Sky Knights couldn't nail him for it was a clear and definite problem. Maybe it wasn't just friendship Griffonstone needed, but justice.

“Well... Maybe if we found that Idol of Boreas thing we could restore the pride of Griffonstone,” Dash suggested, earning her confused looks from all around her. "Blue, Pink, think about it! That must be why the map sent us here! If we find the Idol, we can bring pride and glory back to Griffonstone!"

"Oh for the love of- I told you dweebs already," Gilda fumed, getting up from the table while glaring at the rainbow pegasus, "We don't care about that stupid idol! I don't know about Godric and his lame knights but the rest of us don't care about anything and that's the way we like it!"

Then she stormed out, a knight getting out of her way, having been intimidated, and they heard someone clear his throat.

“Her anti-social behavior aside, I'm afraid I agree with Gilda, Rainbow Dash," Godric sighed, "and besides, it would not bode well if word got out you were looking for the Idol."

“What's the big deal?!" Rainbow Dash didn't get it! "The Idol was so important to Griffonstone, so why, of all other griffons, don't you want it to be found, Sir Godric?"

“Don't get me wrong, the Idol is a proud piece of our cultural history, Rainbow Dash," Godric explained, his tone wary, "But if my brother were to find out you or anyone had this notion, he would make sure whoever went on a search for the Idol would be lost in the Abysmal Abyss along with it. He's built his power on the promise that as long as he's in office, he'll find it and bring pride back to the city."

“And he hasn't found it,” Dash gathered.

“He hasn't even tried!” Doran clarified. “He's still using that empty promise to stay in power."

Godric nodded.

"Well, I'm not afraid of Gar or his cronies," Rainbow Dash flapped out of her seat, "I still say we find that treasure, make Griffonstone cool again, and then we'll be on the next train back to Ponyville. Blue, Pinks, c'mon!"

"Wait Rainbow Dash!" Rainbow Dash halted in the doorway and she saw neither Pinkie or Blueblood were in a hurry to follow as the Party Pony said, "What about Twilight's advice?"

"What, about taking pictures?" Rainbow Dash scoffed.

"Well, no," Blueblood shared a look with Pinkie before addressing Rainbow, "Didn't Twilight suggest we search for answers at the library?"


Blueblood shook off whatever had been thrown into his face and saw it was the notebook of suggestions and notes on Griffonstone Twilight had given them before they left.

"Knock yourselves out. But when you guys get bored with Twilight's tour book," rainbow Dash boasted, "I'll be at the Abysmal Abyss finding the Idol of Boreas."

She zoomed off, leaving Blueblood to sigh and Pinkie to ponder. Unbeknownst to them all however, a scrawny griffon wearing a scarf around his face had been eavesdropping from the roof, and waited until the coast was clear before he slipped away.

"Ooh-hoo-hoo! Wotan is gonna love this!"