A Twist in Evolution 3: Planewalking

by Dark Nightshade

The Reality Phaser

It had been a few weeks since Twilight and the gang had gotten back from Antartica, which Smelting Scorcher spent making a few more reality phasers. It had been surprisingly difficult, mostly because he didn't have access to all of the right resources right away. But that was the past. He had finally finished his fourth reality phaser. They were rectangular, with knobs and a hole to create and project a portal to the other planes. Smelting Scorcher had gathered the group to talk to them about how they worked.

"All you have to do it twist the knob on the left to tune the machine to another plane," he was saying. "And use the knob on the right to lock onto it. All portals, while locked, will go to that plane."

"And how many planes are there?" Submersive Exploration asked. Smelting Scorcher shrugged, his torn black shirt rising and falling with his shoulders. His bronze colored shorts were covered in small tools, hanging on with small hooks.

"I have no idea," he said. "There could be hundreds, there could be ten. Hopefully, there aren't that much for the pale brown man to be in."

"Do you know what kind of creatures we could meet in these other planes?" Twilight asked. Smelting Scorcher shook his head.

"They could be anything," he said. "Although I'm guessing that they might be humanoid. Honestly, these things haven't been tested yet, and I don't know what could be in these other planes." Twilight looked nervous when Smelting Scorcher said that.

"Wait, these haven't been tested yet?" she asked. Smelting Scrocher shook his head.

"Nope!" he said. "But don't worry, these are slightly more advanced versions of the same thing that the pale brown man stole from our tribe, and that one had been tested. That one worked, so these ones should also work!" Twilight still looked nervous but nodded anyway.

"Ok, if you're sure about it," she said.

"I am," Smelting Scorcher said. "Mostly. Now, we should probably start our adventure, right?" The rest of the group nodded. "Good. And Twilight, you're sure that it's ok for you to be gone from your school? We don't know how long we'll be gone, and we don't know if time works differently on these other planes." Twilight nodded.

"Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna don't like it, but yes, they're ok with what we're doing," Twilight said. "Now, before we go, everyone needs to have their bags, ok?" Smelting Scorcher nodded.

"Me and Ethereal Whisper also need our house coats," he said. Ethereal Whisper nodded and Rarity sighed.

"They look so good when they are a part of you, but as coats, they don't look very good," she said. Smelting Scorcher shrugged.

"Sometimes function is better than fashion," he said.

"Yeah, you know how true that is," Ethereal Whisper said.

"He does have a point, though," Broiling Striker said. She was wearing white pants and a red shirt. "Anyway, Submersive Exploration and I will get the travel bags. Are you sure the reality phasers will work?" Smelting Scorcher nodded.

"Don't worry, I'm as sure that they will work as we are incompatible," he said. Broiling Striker's face erupted in a furious blush, and Submersive Exploration made an explanation of disgust. Everyone else reacted pretty much the same way.

"Why would you say that?!" Submersive Exploration asked. She was wearing light green pants and a purple shirt. "That's my mom! WHY?!"

"Hey, calm down, that was just a example," Smelting Scorcher said. "Me and your mom aren't fooling around. Although I wouldn't say no to that."

"This is why you aren't in a relationship," Broiling Striker said as Submersive Exploration covered her ears and groaned.

"I'm going to go start getting the travel bags," she said. She stared at Smelting Scorcher. "And you'd better stop it with saying that." As she headed up the stairs, Smelting Scorcher yelled out "I'm sorry!" After a few awkward seconds, Twilight cleared her throat.

"Well, anyway, now that that's over, can we get back to our plan?" she asked. Smelting Scorcher nodded.

"Right, sorry," he said. "We all set the reality phasers knobs to the same position."

"Or we could all just enter through the same portal," Ethereal Whisper said. That wasn't the first time she had mentioned that idea.

"Yeah, but it would be better if we had different devices," Smelting Scorcher said. "For multiple reasons."

"I know, but we could just use the one portal," Ethereal Whisper said. She was wearing a pale blue shirt and midnight blue shorts.

"I know, but we should use each device to make sure that they all work," Smelting Scorcher said. "Now, everyone get into your groups, and I'll hand out a reality phaser to each one." Flash was paired with Ethereal Whisper, Twilight was paired with Smelting Scorcher, Rarity was paired with Broiling Striker, and Sunset Shimmer was paired with Submersive Exploration. Speaking of Submersive Exploration, she had gathered all the backpacks at the top of the stairs to the basement, and was dragging them down, each backpack weighed down with food, rope, pepper spray and a knife, and a sleeping bag. Sunset Shimmer started to help as Submersive Exploration got the first two down. Almost a minute later, everyone had their travel bags, and Smelting Scorcher started handing out the reality phasers.

"Now, we have no idea what could be on the other side of these portals," he started saying. "So don't freak to to badly. Also, these things should auto-translater anything we hear on the other side, so not only will we still understand English, but we will also be able to understand the first language we hear."

"How?" Twilight asked.

"I'll answer that later," Smelting Scorcher said. "Now, set your knobs to a fourth of the way to the right." As the group set their knobs to the directed position, Smelting Scorcher aimed his device at the wall. "Aim at a good place, and press the button above the knob." As Smelting Scorcher pressed down on his button, a ball of light shot out of the hole in the front and hit the wall. It expanded until it was large enough for a person to walk to. Three other portals opened up besides the first. As the grew, the small spaces in between them disappeared.

"I didn't think that would happen," Smelting Scorcher said. "Still that's cool to know." As they looked past the portals and into the world on the other side, they noticed that it looked like a cave.

"Well then, lets get this adventure started!" Sunset Shimmer said as she stepped forward. She passed through the portal and turned towards the rest of the group. She beckoned at Submersive Exploration to follow. "Come on! Let's go!" Submersive Exploration hesitantly stepped towards the portal. As she passed through it, she shivered.

"It's damp," she said. "Really damp." She turned towards the rest of the group and started to beckon.

"It's completely fine!" she said. Ironically, it was then that something dropped down from the roof. Whatever it was grabbed onto Submersive Exploration and popped back towards the roof. Something else grabbed onto Sunset Shimmer. It all happened so fast that no one reacted for a few seconds. Whatever it was looked strongly blue, and almost looked like some kind of slime. Finally, Rarity screamed.

"Sunset Shimmer!" she yelled out. She started running towards the portal, but Broiling Striker grabbed onto her.

"No! We can't go running blindly into there!" she said.

"Why not?" Rarity asked, struggling to get out of her grip.

"Because we don't know what took them!" Broiling Striker said.

"We should at least get over there," Smelting Scorcher said. "I don't know how long the portals will remain open." As if on queue, the first one closed.

"Ok, never mind!" Broiling Striker said. "Everyone through the portals!" The group started rushing towards the remaining portals. Rarity and Broiling Striker managed to get through one before it closed. The rest barely managed to get through in time.