Once Upon A Dream

by awesomeponies03

Restless Nights

"I'm so glad you asked us to come on this picnic" said Fluttershy.

"Thank you for coming here, but to be honest, I'm really tired, and had to make this simple" explained Twilight.

"I know, I couldn't get my beauty sleep either" said Rarity yawning.

"I had ah really weird dream last night" sighed Applejack, "I'm kind of embarrassed about it"

"Well, so am I, it was about um, my friend Soarin" said Rainbow Dash blushing.

"Friend, huh?" asked Pinkie Pie, nudging her playfully.

"Well, I did have a dream with Discord" giggled Fluttershy.

"That is adorable! Mine had Spike" chuckled Rarity.

"Oh my gosh! You like him back" gushed Twilight.

"I had Cheese Sandwitch, and I know AJ had Caramel. But what about you Twilight?"
Pinkie said.

"How did you know?" asked Applejack.

"I came over to your place at 4 this morning for apples, and you were mumbling about Caramel dreamily" explained Pinkie. Applejack blushed. "So what about you Twilight?"

"Um, I had Flash Sentry" Twilight said.

"That hot guard with no personality from the Crystal Empire?" said Rarity. Twilight nodded sheepishly.

"Well, what was your dream about?" asked Twilight.

"Well, in mine, Discord had captured father, and I took his place. And then Big Mac was coming to kill Discord because he loved me, and all the servants were talking household items, and when the last rose petal fell, they would stay. I proclaimed my love for him, and every one lived happily" explained Fluttershy.

Flashback to Fluttershy's dream...

Father had gone to the market, and I was at home. HIDING from Big Mac. He kept saying 'I am the one for you' and asking me to marry him. I groaned, reluctantly going outside and feeding the chickens. "Fluttershy!" It was Gladmane's unmistakable voice when he would propose. I quickly ran inside, pretending not to hear him.

After about two hours, I was really worried. Father usually came back by now. I decided to go after him, and ran into- The Everfree Forest! As I slow trudged through the forest snow, I was confused. It was summers! Snow in summer? Timberwolves howled. I knew I had to get out of there quickly! I galloped as fast as I could out of there. Finally, I spotted a castle to take refuge!

I burst opened there doors, and picked up the candlestand. I heard father's voice. "Father let's get you out of here" I said, finding him in a dungeon.

"Fluttershy, you must go, there is a beast who's captured me!" cried Mr Shy.

"Who are you?" growled a voice from the other side.

"I've come for my father" I replied boldly, stepping forward.

"You're father's a theif" snarled the voice.

"Come into the light" I said. I gasped as a creature came out. He had a deer antler on the right, a blue goat horn on the left, one long fang, different-sized pupils, a snake tongue, a goat beard, and white bushy eyebrows.

He has the right arm of a lion, the left claw of an eagle, the right leg of a lizard, and the left leg of a goat. In addition, he has a bat's right wing, a Pegasus' left wing, a horse's mane, and a dragon-like snake's tail with a white tail tuft. I had never seen such a creature!

"Can I take his place?" I asked.

"Fluttershy no!" Mr Shy cried.

"At least let me talk and see him one last time" The beast hesitated, but pulled a lever, opening the cell. I tightly embraced father.

"Don't worry about me, I'm old, but you have your life to live" reassured Mr Shy.

"I get out of here" I whispered, pushing father out. "No!" he cried, as the beast through him out.

"You took his place" said the Beast. I nodded, as the beast walked off. "Wait!" I called, "What's your name?"

"Discord" he replied.

I sat alone, wondering how to escape as I heard a friendly voice say,"Hello!" The candlestick thingy was moving, and opened the lever for me to get out. "What, you did not think that, "Once this door closes it will not open again" was serious?" he said mimicking Discord's voice.

"You can talk!" I said in disbelief.

"Of course he can talk, it's just about all he does" said a grumpy clock. I stared, "I'm Cogsworth, and this is Lumiere"

"Let us take you to your room" said Lumiere. Pretty soon, I was in a room, and met a lovely teapot Mrs Potts and her son Chip. They were all so welcoming. But they forbid me from going to the West Wing. Soon I heard Discord come back. "You will join me for dinner" he demanded.

"Gently master, the girl lost her father and her freedom in just one night" I heard Mrs Potts say.

"Will you join me for dinner?" asked Discord, a little gentler.

"No!" I yelled. After half and hour, the household items escorted me for dinner, without Discord. They sang and danced around as I watched in awe.

I smiled, but knew I had to escape. But I decided to go to the West Wing when my curiousity got the best of me. The was a rose in a glass case, I watched intently. As I reached my hand to touch, I heard a deafening roar.

"GET OUT!" yelled Discord. I was frightened, and ran out back into the forest as the house items called after me. The Timberwolves howled meanicingly.

I looked around, and there was no escape. But then a roar came, and Discord battled the Timberwolves away bravely. His wounds leaked dangerously, as he collapsed unconscious. I cautiously came over to him.

"You have to be strong, you have to get up" I whispered, helping Discord get back to the castle. Over the next few days, or perhaps weeks, I helped Discord get better, fixing his wounds with ointments. He groaned painfully, and rolled over, as I sat next to him. I gently applied it onto him, as Discord fell asleep.

I asked them all why they cared for Discord, and they explained that when Discord's mother died, and his step father twisted him, they did nothing, and were paying the debt.

I slowly came to realise that I was in love with Discord! I loved his ways, how he read plays and books, and I found he was well read. I admired him, and we became good friends, perhaps more. And then, Discord asked me for a dance. I got ready, wearing a fine yellow ball gown. As I arrived, we both bowed, and danced the night away. But I knew I needed to go home. And Discord let me.

I raced back home, to see father being put in a wagon for madmen. I pleaded with the villagers, and showed them Discord in the magic mirror. But instead, Big Mac lead a huge town to go kill Discord.

I freed father and ran after them. When I got there, the households were battling the villager, and I climbed up the turrets. I saw Gladmane had wounded Discord, and begged him to stop. And then Discord fell, as the next gunshot fired.

Gladmane fell down the turret, but Discord was dying! I kneeled next to him, crying. And then I said it. "I love you Discord" Glowing light emitted from the rose and Discord, as they transformed back. Discord had gotten his powers back, and the households were normal again.

And summer light dawned on the castle. Discord and I kissed passsionetly,and everyone cheered and clapped. We danced the day away, and everyone called us, 'Beauty and the Beast'