Carpe Diem: Rise of the Sun

by BluePhoenyx

ch.3 The Minotaur City

Just a short chapter this time everyone, sorry. I'm not getting much feed back so I don't know if I should keep writing

Morning came and Diem and Freyr were already well on their way to the Minotaur city. The forest had melted away long ago and now large grasslands lay before them. Diem’s injuries hadn’t improved much but the rest and well deserved sleep had given him new energy to press on. Freyr could see the labyrinth city in the horizon. The city it’s self was actually a labyrinth and in its center was a battle dome where citizens fought for pride, honor, money, women, whatever.

“Do you think the Minotaur will greet us with open arms?” Diem asked as he trudged through the tall grass.

“If you were going in alone? Probably not.” Freyr said in a painfully honest tone. “They respect the Wyvern though so leave the talking to me.”

“Will do.” Diem said and chuckled lightly. Birds fluttered off as they passed, leaving behind nests of eggs and chicks. Diem avoided the nests as best he could and looked up through the grass (which was a good foot taller than him) to Freyr who was keeping his stare straight ahead.

“Why are you coming on this journey with me anyway?” Diem asked.

“I owe you my life and freedom.” Freyr said simply. Diem shook his head and chuckled as they traveled on.

They reached the beginnings of the Labyrinth City, as it was called, by mid-day. Minotaur were wondering the streets carrying bales of hay on their shoulders or dragging along carts full of various vegetables. Freyr and Diem walked carefully through the city streets, receiving awkward looks and getting bumped into by citizens that couldn’t care less who they ran in to. A Minotaur dragged his heavy cart full of turnips across Freyr’s tail. It didn’t actually hurt him, but he roared to let the bull know what he had done. The Minotaur snorted and growled at Freyr and scrapped his hoof against the cobbled ground, lowering his horns in a threat. Freyr opened his mouth, showing the long fangs that filled his mouth, and allowing fire to spill out. The fire was a mix of lava like drool and normal fire. Freyr’s eyes went from lizard like to pure, bright white. It was a natural threat response that forced the Minotaur to back down and walk about before he or his crop caught fire. Freyr went back to normal and turned to Diem. Diem looked a little more than frightened as his companion returned to normal.

“Sorry about that. The thing about confronting these creatures is making sure you know you’re scarier than they are, even if you’re not.” Freyr explained. Diem shook that imagine out of his head and continued out towards the middle of the city.

They continued to get strange looks and snide remarks from the side. The city gave off mixed views about its personality. On the one hand, it was a happy sort of farm-driven society that seemed pleased to welcome new comers. The, once you turned the corner, you were greeted by snorts and grunts of blacksmiths and heavy drinkers that would have preferred to pick a fight with you than sell you something. Freyr finally led Diem to the middle of the city where the Battle Dome along with the council hall and other political buildings that helped the city run. A Minotaur dressed in fairly decent clothes with expensive looking jewelry in his hair and an expensive gold nose ring in his nose stepped up to Diem and Freyr, blocking their path.

“My name is Thalmone; I am the Mayor of this city. News of your arrival has reached me and I wanted to greet you personally.” The Minotaur said. Diem kept his head low and let Freyr respond.

“We are travelers from a few days walk east from here. We escaped the Chimera City as gladiators. We travel to Equestria and are just passing through.” Freyr said, bowing his head. Diem copied and waited for someone to speak again.

“I see. Gladiators eh? Even that little pony?” Thalmone asked nodding to Diem. Diem snorted angrily but was tapped by Freyr’s tail as a sign to keep quiet

“Yes, Lord Thalmone, in fact Diem had me dead to rights but spared me.” Freyr replied. He made Diem seem strong but not strong enough to possibly take on any warriors that lived there.

“Well we don’t get many visitors here. How much can you pay for room and board?” Thalmone asked, stroking his nose ring to signify the city’s attraction to wealth and money.

It was true the Minotaur city was obsessed with wealth; Gold murals and statues decorated with precious stones littered the streets. Multiple stores carried fine jewelry and very expensive armor and weapons.

“Unfortunately, we do not have any money.” Freyr said. He knew what was coming next.

“Then I insist you and your friend join in our games tonight.” Thalmone said placing his hand on Freyr’s wing and Diem’s head and led them towards the battle dome.