Mare On The Moon

by Ponyjokster

Mare On The Moon

As Luna looked out at Earth from the moon she thought about what she had done and felt very sorry for herself. "Why did I do this to myself?" Luna cried out as she thought about how she had disobeyed her sister by lowering the moon to allow the sun to rise. "If only I had not been so selfish and had just lowered the moon to begin the new day in Equestria." As Luna sat in loneliness and silence on the moon she thought back to what her sister had told her before she was banished to the moon. "Luna, my only sister", the words of Celestia spoken to her. "For refusing to lower the moon at night to make way for the dawn and letting me raise the sun to start the morning, I hereby banish you to the moon for your crimes against my subjects here in Equestria." As the words of Celestia ran through Luna's head, she had grown frustrated and angry towards all living ponies and her sister living in Equestria. "I WILL RULE EQUESTRIA FOR ALL ETERNINTY!!!" Luna had shouted as she had started to turn back into Nightmare Moon. "I NIGHTMARE MOON WILL RETURN TO EQUESTRIA AND THE NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!!!" Nightmare Moon exclaimed promising to plot revenge on those who had turned against her. "I will wait till the the longest day of the thousandth year when the star will aid in my escape and when I return to Equestria the NIGHT WILL LAST FOREVER!!!" Nightmare Moon had then realized that she would have to find a way so that she would not be defeated again. "I know just what to do" Nightmare Moon explained to herself. I must find the elements of harmony and then destroy them to ensure that nopony can possibly defeat me. Nightmare Moon let out an evil laugh in her genius plan but had then also realized that she would have to be prepared to return to Equestria and be able to obtain the elements. Nightmare Moon had then thought up a brilliant plan that would ensure her to keep the night in Equestria to last forever. "First I will cast a spell on every single pony to do as I say, then I will create an army to ensure that anypony who rejects my actions to be banished forever in the Everfree Forest." "Then, when all ponies are under my rule I will find the elements of harmony and destroy them myself to ensure that nopony will stop me in any way whatsover." Nightmare Moon then had let out another cackling laugh as she had thought about her genius plan. "As long as I have the elements of harmony destroyed and everypony under my total control I CANNOT BE STOPPED!!!." As Nightmare Moon became more and more confident in her plan, she had started to remember where the elements were being held currently. "Of course, the elements are in the Ancient castle of the royal pony sisters." Nightmare Moon had reminded herself. "I will simply go there and find where the elements are hidden and smash them to pieces." "If somepony however is not effected by my spell I will use different spells that I had learned watching my sister and transform myself into many different creatures to stop anypony from reaching the elements before I get there myself." "This will be the end of the day forever and everypony will have to live in darkness and evil for the rest of they're lives."

Months had gone by, and during this time, Nightmare Moon had taught herself new spells and different forms of magic to carry out her plan that she knew would be flawless. She had learned to transform herself into different creatures and ponies to manipulate anypony who dared attempted to defeat her. Since there were 6 elements of harmony, Nightmare Moon had thought up of 6 different transformations to stop anypony from reaching her. The first element of harmony she knew was honesty. So she decided to have a dangerous situation in which she knew that nopony would be honest to let her friend know that if she lets go and falls into a deep chasm off of a very high cliff that she would be safe. The second element, which was kindness had made Nightmare Moon decide to transform herself into a ferocious manticore that would attack anypony that had approached it. "Those silly ponies will never dare attempt to see that through only kindness, will this creature become tamed and affectionate."
The 3rd element, laughter had inspired Nightmare Moon to make the environment surronding anypony a dangerous and very frightening scene. "Everypony will be too frightened and in panic that they will make no attempt to laugh at the ridiculous environment that I have created." Generosity, the 4th element would involve Nightmare Moon to injure a sea serpent that anypony came across and be expected to be generous to revive him. Nightmare Moon laughed. "Those ponies will be under my control and there would be no way that any of them will even think to offer generosity to a silly old sea serpent." Loyalty, one of the most important elements would be very easy for Nightmare Moon to manipulate anypony from caring about anypony else. "I will also create a trio of ponies under my rule as well known as, The Shadowbolts." "Everypony knows and loves the Wonderbolts so much so I have decided to take them under my rule and make them evil and manipulate anypony who encounters them to join they're team in assisting me to keep me in power."
As Nightmare Moon went over each of the elements, she had also remembered that there were actually six elements and that nopony, including herslf had ever discovered what it had resembeled. Nightmare Moon simply chuckled and said, "If nopony knows what the 6th element resembles, then I will have nothing else to worry about." "I have everything prepared for my return to Equestria and NOPONY WILL EVER STOP ME!!! NO PONY!!!" Nightmare Moon let out one last evil laugh in victory and waited years until the stars would aid in her return to take over Equestria.