Second Chances

by Nailah

Chapter 4: Flim's Resolve

Applejack hadn't been able to sleep ever since seeing what went on that day with Flim and the animals and she swore she was going to get to the bottom of it. She ended up following the zookeeper back to his zoo as he got the animals into their cages. She approached him carefully as she knew she wasn't upset with him.

“I reckon ya'll can tell me exactly what went on back there?” she questioned.

The zookeeper looked to Applejack rather confused. “What do you mean what is going on? I was told Fluttershy needed some space for herself and with all those animals she was just too busy so Flim asked me to take some of them off her hands and in exchange I gave him bits for each animal.” explained the zookeeper with a sweat drop running down his face.

“Hmm how interesting. Fluttershy would never send her animals away. She loves and cares for all her creatures, even that devil.” spoke Applejack as she glared at the zookeeper. “I reckon ya'll need to return all these here animals back to the cottage, I'll be sure to talk to Flim so you get your bits back, and believe me I'm going to give him a hell of a scolding for this.” explained Applejack clearly very upset. She knew he was up to no good. All that ever came of those two was trouble and where there was trouble there was a heck of a mess to clean up afterwards. She would fix this though, though she had to talk to Fluttershy. Though she couldn't help but pause in her steps. What if what she saw the other day was true? What if Fluttershy was falling for that con artist? Her eyes went wide eyed with horror at the sheer thought. She quickly shook it out of her head but she couldn't ignore the possibility. She really didn't want to hurt Fluttershy's feelings but she wasn't a liar either, she deserved to know what he had done. Applejack sighed, she knew this wasn't going to be easy. She decided to approach the situation cautiously but when she returned to the cottage, Fluttershy wasn't at her cottage when Applejack had arrived to talk to her, but when she did return Flim and here were hoof in hoof. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. She shook her head and looked again and it was still the same. Fluttershy really did care for Flim. Oh she was in trouble. She took a deep gulp of breath and kept herself hidden behind a tree.

Flim left Fluttershy's cottage as he glanced around making sure no one was in sight. He couldn't let things stand the way the were, he hurried and dashed off into the distance. Applejack wasn't even able to confront him about his actions but with him dashing off like that, she would now have time to sit down and talk with Fluttershy. She knew this wasn't going to be easy but being the element of honestly was never an easy thing, especially when it came to her friend's feelings. She knew the truth could hurt but she didn't want Fluttershy to be further lead into this pony's trap. He had already scammed her without her even being aware of it. Applejack went up to the cottage and knocked gently on the door as she would then wait for a response. She was trying to think of what to say once Fluttershy answered and right now it was hard because nothing she said would make it hurt any less.

“Oh Applejack what brings you here?” questioned Fluttershy as she answered the door, though she did glance around wondering why Flim had taken off so suddenly, all he told her was there was something he had to take care of but he wouldn't say what it was. She was worried about him, he seemed a bit tense and worried but she couldn't figure out why so she was hoping to get some answers when he returned.

“I reckon ya'll should know why I'm here. It's Flim he's up to no good I tell ya.” began Applejack. There was no sense in dragging things on, as hard as it may be, Fluttershy deserved to know the truth, and she was just the pony to tell her.

“Flim? What about him? He's doing really well to find a new purpose and I am quite fond of him. I understand you don't trust him but I'm willing to look past his past and help him become a better pony.” replied Fluttershy as she closed her eyes and held her hoof to her heart. She then looked towards Applejack, prepared to turn on her heels.

“Listen Fluttershy, you know I would never lie to you. He sold your animals to a farm! I watched him do it.” replied Applejack.

“I have been wondering where some of my animals wondered off too...but why would he do such a thing?” questioned Fluttershy towards her friend.

“Same reason he does everything, for bits, that's all they care about is how much bits they can make. I highly doubt he even wants to change, he is probably using you just like he used me.” replied Applejack.

Fluttershy didn't want to believe it, Flim had seemed so desperate to change and start a new but she also knew Applejack didn't lie. She couldn't help but sob at the thought as tears came to her face and she immediately grabbed for Applejack holding onto her as she sobbed into her neck. “Why? Oh why...I actually really liked him too. I thought I was seeing the real Flim and not just some con artist.”

“I don't know Fluttershy, but you know I'm always here for you. When that cheating piece of flith gets back you let me handle things okay?” she asked towards her as Fluttershy could only nod as she was at a lost for words. She couldn't believe Flim would do something like this, she knew that he had a bad past but he really had seemed genuine, she must be really gullible to fall for whatever he was planning because she was blindly falling in love with him and her heart ached just thinking about everything Applejack had just told her.

“You just take as long as you need Fluttershy. You let me handle this.” explained Applejack comforting her.

“No Applejack, I would like to talk to him myself. As hard as it may be I have to know the truth and hear it from his lips.” replied Fluttershy softly with a determined tone in her voice.

“If you are sure.” replied Applejack. She still didn't trust Flim or Flam but she couldn't help but wonder if there might be a reason behind his actions, she remembered what the zookeeper had said about Fluttershy not having time to herself, did Flim think she didn't tend to all her animals when she wasn't doing anything else? After all it was what Fluttershy was passionate about, she loved her animals more than anything else.

Though before Flim returned the zookeeper returned to Fluttershy's cottage with all the animals he had taken returning them back into her care once more. He apologized to Fluttershy for the misunderstanding and promised to speak with her from now on rather than listen to the words of a con artist.

“I forgive you. Just be more careful next time okay? I wouldn't want you to get in real trouble.” explained Fluttershy she didn't blame him really. None of this was his fault, he had just been caught up in one giant mess. She intended to find out what was going on though and she had to talk to Flim. The three of them waited but the moon rose into the sky before Flim finally returned. He look exhausted like he had traveled all the way to Canterlot and back.

“Fluttershy!” he began as he looked towards the zookeeper and then towards Applejack as a sweat drop ran down his face. Was he being ostracized?

Fluttershy stepped forward before Applejack could say anything as she looked towards Flim, not seeming like she was angry, but obviously she clearly was not pleased with things.

“ have some explaining to do.” began Fluttershy as she pointed to the zookeeper. “Is it true that you sold my animals to a zoo?” she questioned towards him.

Flim sighed, he couldn't lie to her, she deserved to know the truth even if it meant she would hate him. “Fluttershy, I was only doing it because I saw how busy you were taking care of these animals and it didn't seem like you had much downtime for yourself, so I figured it was a good way for me to get back onto my feet and for you to be able to enjoy yourself again, but now I realize it was wrong and I shouldn't have told this Zookeeper that you wanted more space. I should have talked to you first and for that I am deeply sorry and I will completely understand if you hate me.” replied Flim as he bowed his head down towards the ground. He wanted things to go good but he wasn't sure there was any good in the world if Fluttershy ended up hating him for his actions.

“Well Fluttershy it's up to you ultimately as to what you want to do with this rascal but I reckon I can lend you my lasso if he gets too out of hand. Maybe we should put him in a cage and see how he like it.” spoke Applejack giving Flim the death glare.

“I'd take that punishment over losing Fluttershy any day.” replied Flim.

“I'm not putting anyone in a cage, and I won't be needing a lasso either. I know you are just getting started again and are unsure of what to do. But what you did was still wrong and I can't just pretend like it didn't happen, but I may have an idea.” smiled Fluttershy as she looked to Applejack. “I bet you and the others could use a break right? Maybe Flim could use his magic to help around the farm.

“Whoo Fluttershy hold on here a second. I'm not sure I want him messing with magic around the farm.” replied Applejack.

“Come on Applejack he's really trying to apologize for what he did. Besides you can watch him right?” questioned Fluttershy.

“I guess I could, I know, you keep your eyes on him while Big Mac and I do our deliveries.” spoke Applejack.

Fluttershy nodded and looked towards Flim waiting to see if he would accept this or not. Flim nodded towards them.

“Very well I will gladly accept this. Fluttershy, I'm really sorry I shouldn't have leaped into action so quickly and I really should have talked to you first but I was lost and confused and didn't know what else to do.”

Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around his neck and embraced him softly. She whispered into his ear. “It's okay Flim, everyone messes up, but when you do you need to fix it and that's the right thing to do.” explained Fluttershy.

“ don't hate me?” questioned Flim with a worried look in his eyes.

“Of course not. I don't hate anyone. I get scared easily at times but I have never hated anyone. Though there was this one pony back in elementary school whom bullied me at Flight camp but Rainbow Dash was there to stand up for me.” replied Fluttershy.

Flim was glad to hear that and returned the hug softly. He wanted to kiss her but right now he knew that would be too much, especially with the actions he had done so far. He had to take his time to really gain her trust, regain her trust so that she would see the pony he really truly wanted to be, he wanted to be the stallion of her dreams but more than that he wanted to start a new and find a new purpose and he believed his purpose was to help Fluttershy in any way he could but he wasn't sure how he could use his marketing skills to help her. She really didn't need advertising but perhaps he could ask her what he could do for her, after all he was going to help the Apples with the chores on the farm but he really wanted to do something just for Fluttershy to show her he truly cared, he just had to figure out what she might want him to do for her.