My Singing Ponies

by Dead Calzone

Battle of the Bands

"Alright, everybody," Steven announced, "If we want to get Furcorn back, we need to get to Spike's world and TAKE him back. Barrb, you take this letter to the portal, see if you can find Spike's home world. Tring, you take Spike to the Celestials, let THEM take care of him. As for the rest of you, get ready to sing. We've got a friend to save."

Spike was confused. He didn't think that humans were capable of attacking other worlds. At the same time, he was worried for his friends in Equestria. He didn't know what this human would do.

Suddenly, Steven looked at Spike. "Take him away," he said to the creature holding Spike.

With a silent nod, the creature took Spike to the portal. Spike closed his eyes, scared of what he was going to see. When he opened them again, he saw some sort of machine, along with twelve other creatures surrounding him.

The creature dropped him. The creature walked back through the portal. "Good luck," it said before departing.

Spike didn't know what to do. He and everypony in Equestria were doomed. He couldn't help but blame himself.

So he cried.

Galvana looked at this new creature. She couldn't help but feel sorry for it. It looked as if it had lost its family. She raised her hand over the creature. Her intuition was correct.

His name was Spike. He was a dragon who lived in a land named Equestria. He was clearly loved by his caretaker, Twilight Sparkle. He was lost. Afraid. Needing comfort.

As she delved deeper, she saw a vision of a past dream he had. It was of a wisp, telling him to "find the elements, protect both worlds". No, she thought, It couldn't be. A wisp only shows up when...fate needs to be changed. But now was not the time for thinking about wisps. It was time to sing.

"Spike," she said, "Wake up."

"Please," he replied, "Don't hurt me..."

"We're not going to hurt you. We're going to send you back."

Spike got up. Rubbing the tears from his eyes, he looked at Galvana, who gave him a reassuring smile.

Spike was confused. "W-what?"

"We're celestial monsters," said Attmoz, "We don't hurt the innocent."

"How did you--?"

"Galvana scanned your brain," interrupted Scaratar, "Then sent the message to us."

"We ARE celestials," laughed Hornacle.

Spike was worried. "What is Steven going to do to my friends?"

The celestials frowned.

Galvana tried to explain. "He's going to...try to use force to get one of HIS friends back."


"He thinks you're part of The Hunter Corporation."

"The what?"

Furnoss replied, "They're a group of inter-dimensional poachers. They want to capture creatures and put them up for display."

"But," said Galvana, "We can still get you to your friends; you just have to trust us."

Spike hesitated for a minute. "Okay," he finally said, "I trust you."

Scaratar started to play her instrument. The portal began to whiz and whir, like a machine booting up. Some of the other monsters started to play, and the portal became bigger and brighter. With each beat made by Torrt, the portal echoed along. Finally, as Vhamp started her tune, the portal was complete. With a "Rooty-toot-too", Galvana escorted Spike. Without a second thought, Spike entered the portal. Then it closed.

"I hope we did the right thing," said Plixie.

"Yeah," said Galvana, "Now, let's find those Wisps."

Twilight peaked into Spike's room. Furcorn was there, snoozing with Fluttershy and the rest. She smiled as she gently closed the door. At least Furcorn was in good hooves.

She flew to her bed. With the letter she sent, whoever had Spike was BOUND to find her. But what if that was a problem? What if she had made a mistake? No. That couldn't be possible. If Furcorn was from a bad place, he wouldn't be the way he was. As she fell asleep, she continued to ponder. However, her pondering and resting was soon interrupted by a strange sound:

"Bummm. Ba-dum-bummm, bum bummm. Ba-DUM-BUMMM, BUM bummm. Ba-dum-bummm, bum bummm."

She looked out her window. No pony was there. She went back to her bed, and heard another voice:

"Dup, diddy-dup, diddy-DEY-DA-DEY-DA-dup, diddy-dup, diddy-dup, diddy-doo."

Puzzled, she went out to the window again. Before she peaked out, a small boulder crashed through. She looked closer at the rock and noticed it had hands, feet, eyes, and a mouth. It looked at Twilight angrily. Then, it began to pat its head, creating the sound of bongos. Soon after, more creatures arrived through the broken window. They all looked at Twilight with the same anger as the rock creature. They began to harmonize with their voices and instruments as they moved closer and closer.

In fear, Twilight ran, and the creatures soon followed. She hurried to Spike's room and slammed the door shut, waking the others.

"What in tarnation is going on?" asked Apple Jack, rubbing her eyes.

"We're under attack," Twilight replied. She held the door to keep the creatures from entering.

"No," said Furcorn, "We aren't."

"Wait, what?" exclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Those are my friends," Furcorn continued, "They just want to take me back."

Furcorn went to the door and opened it. A strange and quite large creature loomed over with an unamused face and crossed arms. It was a human.

"Hi, Steven," said Furcorn, "How are you?"

"Not good," replied Steven through his teeth. He stepped into the room. "First, I found this 'Spike' creature in the forrest. THEN, I find out that you went missing. And NOW, I have to show these--" Steven looked at the ponies. He seemed confused, but still enraged. "Wait, are those PONIES?"

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash.

"And do they work for THEM?"

"Them?" asked Twilight.

Steven snapped to Twilight. "Don't play coy with me," he said, "You know who I'm talking about. The Hunter Corporation."

Twilight looked at him in confusion. He rolled his eyes in disgust and motioned his hand to a rock-like creature with six heads. The creature gave him a knife, and he pointed the knife at the ponies. Stepping closer and closer, he got angrier and angrier.

Then Furcorn stepped in front of him.