//------------------------------// // Meeting with a book horse! // Story: Shell Shocked // by Coolguy362 //------------------------------// I opened the door to Twilight's bed room and found her, as expeted, studying. I hesitantly walked over to her and said "Um, miss Twilight? Can I speak to you." The vilot pony turned around and then proceeded to try to shoot me with her magic. I luckily got out of the way in time, but a couch that was behind her wasn't so lucky. It was now sporting a hole in the middle of it. "WHAT THE HELL?! I JUST WANT TO TALK!" I screamed. "You can ta-" "Yes I can talk! Is that a theme here or something? To ask everything that you ponys don't know about if it can talk?" "N-no. You're just so....fascinating!" She smiled like she just found 20 dollars laying on the ground. "You walk on two legs, but you're not half bull so you're not a minitor. You don't have fur, so you're not a yeti. And you're not short, so you're not a troll! What are you?!" "Well I'm a human. I'm pretty sure I come from another world because-" "AND YOU'RE AND ALIEN?!" She said, cutting me off. "I need to get this information to princess Celestia fast!" She said. She went off into the next room to write what she found in a notebook. Just then, the pony who is now my mortal frinemy came out. Starlight Glimmer. Better know as unicorn Joseph Stalin. "MONSTER!! DON'T WORY TWILIGHT I'LL GET HIM!!" She then grabbed me with her telekinesis and slammed me into a wall, which should have killed me, but I have plot armo- I MEEN THIS IS MAGICAL PONY LAND WHERE EVERTHING GOSE!! But anyways, I was knocked out for the second time since I entered magic pony land.... I woke up on a couch. Once my vision was clear, I could see that Starlight was tending to the head trama she gave me. I sat bolt up. "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU BLAST ME WITH MAGIC?!" I shouted. I also wanted to know not in a hospital, but I guess I never got to that. "I thought you were a threat. You should be lucky I didn't kill you." "While I have been lucky things didn't kill me before I got to this shit hole, I'm still not used to ALMOST BEING KILLED BY MAGIC HORSES!!" it was becoming very clear to me that these ponys don't care about my well being. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I'm not a horse by the way." "I am aware of this." I said "I said that to make you feel bad." "Oh....well that's kind of racist and mean." "I was going for mean, but racist? How?" I asked. "Well, there are horses aside from us ponies. Kind of like donkeys and dragons." Starlight said. "Okay, thanks for the lesson on races and shit, but I need to talk to Twilight." And with that, I left the room before Starlight could say anything else. I continued on around the castle until I finally found Twilghts bedroom. "Hey Twilight. I nees to ask you something." "Yes ummm...." "Ashton." I said flatly. "Right! What is it that you want to ask me." she said with a smile. "Well...I want to know if you can send me home." I said, taking on a serious tone. "Well....it's complicated. I don't really know if I can send you home. But what I can do is contact the princesses and see if they can help." "That'll have to do." I said. "Hey, do you have a bar here in Ponyville?" "Yes. It's on the other other side of town behind town hall." she said. "Thanks!" I raced out of the castle, and to said bar and drank for about an hour. I then drunkenly made my way to to the local park and fell asleep on a bench. I woke up the next day to find what looked like a pink blob looming over me. When my vision cleared, I found that pink blob to be a pink pony. "Hi!" she said "AHH!" I responded, and jumped off the bench. Then I realized I was not in some sort of dream and that I was in magical pony world. "I've never seen you before! Are you new here?" she asked. "Oh no, I've been here for years- OF COURSE I'M NEW HERE!!" I yelled. "OHMYCELESTIAYOU'RENEWHEREANDIHAVEN'TTHROWN YOUAPARTY?!" she asked. "Excuse me?" I asked. Is it possible for anything to talk like that? "I said." she took in a deep breath. "OH MY CELESTIA YOU'RE NEW HERE AND I HAVEN'T THROWN YOU A PARTY?!" After my ears stopped ringing, I said "What do you mean by 'party'?" "And you don't know what a party is? I need to get you a party right away! By the way what is you're name?" "It's Ashton. And I know what a party is. I am a fan of partys even! But I haven't had one in years." It was true. The last time I had had a party was when my family threw me a good bye party before I left for the Marines. "Aww. That's sad. But I'll make sure to make this the best party of you're life!" And so she was off. No really, she fucking teleported basically. I won't question how she dis it. Everything in this world seems to give physics the middle finger anyways. I honestly don't give a fuck anymore....