My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Two Daring Do

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 11: The Ritual Stops Here

In the cell whee Golden Cakes is being captured, Skate Trick and Skater Girl are trapped in the cell along with her. For the longest time, they are trying to figure out a way to escape the cell and help Daring Do before the ritual can be performed. However, they have come up with nothing at all. They are trapped, Daring Do is going to be disposed of, and Ahuizotl is going to start the dark ceremony very soon, and there's not much time left.

Skate Trick sighs and says, "I can't believe we ended up being stuck in here too."

"And it looks like Ahuizotl is making sure we are kept watched," Skater Girl agrees.

The three look back to see that the front of the cell has three guards making sure the three prisoners can't escape from their imprisonment.

"Now what are we going to do?" Golden Cakes asks with concern.

"Well we can't sit here, we need to get out of here," Skate Trick says in frustration.

"But how?" Skate Girl asks worriedly.

Just then Golden Cakes remember something that could be useful to their escape plan.

Golden Cakes looks up as she walk to one of the walls, and says, "Well, there is a window up there, but it's too far for me to reach."

Skate Trick and Skater Girl look up to see the window Golden Cakes is talking about, but it has a few loose and rusted bars. This just might be their only way of getting out of here.

Skater Girl think about this as she scratches her head, and says, "Maybe not one of us, but maybe we can stand on top of each other."

"But what if Ahuizotl and his guards see us come out?" Golden Cakes asks with concern.

Just then Skater Girl has an idea, and says, "I think I have an idea."

Skater Girl explains to the others about her idea, and hopefully she will be able to get past the guard without getting caught. With that Golden Cakes stand on top of Skate Trick since he's the strongest. Skater Girl climbs on top of the two, and is high enough to reach the bar. After a few minutes of struggling with them, she is able to move the bars and able to slip through the opening. After sealing the window with the bars, Skater Girl look around to see there are many guards and there might not be a way to get past them. Seeing the spare clothes and other stuff around, Skater Girl has an idea.

In the cell, Golden Cakes and Skate Trick are still waiting for Skater Girl to be back. However, they are very worried about her. Outside of the cell, the two native guards are still guarding the door. Just then, a third one comes over to see them. She has white skin and brown hair covering her eyes. She is also wearing a dark red dress with a dark red hairband on her head, sandals, and some beaded bracelets on wrists and ankles. She is also carrying a spear and a bag.

She firmly says to the guards, "You two, the master needs you at the ceremony, and put me in charge of the prisoners."

The two guards nod their heads and make their way to the center to the fortress. One of the guards hand her the key so she can keep any on it. When they're both gone, she decides to check to see if they haven't take too long for her to come.

"Guys, are you okay, hope I didn't keep you two long in there?" The familiar girl's voice whispers.

The two from the cell look at the girl in a shock and recognize that voice anywhere.

"Skater Girl, is that you?" Golden Cakes asks looking surprised.

"It's me alright." Skate Girl says as she unlock the cell.

She opens the cell, and then passes the two some new clothes as she explains, "I thought it will be a good idea to 'borrow' some of the natives' clothes for a while. I got this for you and Goldy so we can get around."

"Thank," the two happily reply.

A little time later, Skate Trick and Golden Cakes are wearing some attire just like the native, they also wear painted mask and change their hairstyle so they won't be recognized. Now they need to hurry and stop the ceremony from taking place.

"Come on, we better hurry and stop the ceremony," Skater Girls says.

Skate Trick and Skater Girl are about to leave, but Golden Cakes remember something important, and worriedly asks, "But what about Daring Do?"

Skater Girl and Skate Trick realize that Golden Cakes is right. They need to rescue Daring Do, since she might be in trouble and needs help. Plus, she may know a way to stop the ceremony and foil Ahuizotl's plans. Usually Daring Do don't want any help, but they don't want to take chances.

"Skate Trick and I will stall for as long as we could, while Golen Cakes will find Daring Do," Skater Girl informs the two.

"Right," Golden Cakes and Skate Trick agrees to the idea.

With that, Skate Girl and Skate Trick are going to find where the ceremony is being held while Golden Cakes tries to find Daring Do and help her before she meets her doom, or whatever will become of her.

Where Daring Do is going to have, she'll end up swimming with the fishes… mostly piranhas to say. She is cuffed up to the wall over a water full of them. Daring Do is not that scared, but doesn't want to stick around to be piranha food.

"Surrender now Ahuizotl or I'll be forced to take you down" Daring Do angrily shouts as she struggles her restraints, but it's no use.

Just then Ahuizotl manically laugh, and says to Daring Do, "Oh Daring Do, I will so missed you little jokes. Now, I must leave for the ring placing ceremony, to unleash eight hundred years of relentless swithering heat."

Ahuizotl then pulls the switch which causes the water to come onto the room. He Then leaves with the ring in his hand, while Daring sees the water and the piranha heading up towards her. Daring Do then begins to move around so she can break her restraints. She manages to break free from her right leg, breaking the block in the process. Seeing the danger getting closer she manages to break her left leg and her left arm, and is able to break the blocks holding her in place. She still have the strap from her right are to get free. She manages to break free from her last cuff, but the block doesn't break. She then grabs one of the chain and tries to get herself up, but can't hold out any long.

As her hand slips from the chain, someone grabs her by the wrist. Daring Do looks to see Golden Cakes holding on to her while using her other arm to hold onto a rope has picked up in advance.

Golden Cakes shouts, "I promise, I won't let go!"

Golden Cakes tries her best to lift Daring Do up, but she has never pull up a grown woman before, and is not the athletic type. She knows that she has to get Daring Do out of her situation, so she tries to pull as hard as she possibly can.

"Gotta… keep… trying… almost… there," Golden Cakes replies, as she tries to pull Daring Do up from the doom.

After her struggles on pulling the rope and Daring Do, Golden Cakes is able to get Daring Do to the entrance and out of harm's way. Daring Do then breaks the last block of her restraint, and look to see Golden Cakes very tired.

"I was just about to save yourself you know," Daring Do firmly says.

"I know, just thought you need," Golden Cakes replies, feeling a bit tired..

"Usually I work alone, but in this case, I'll make it an exception," Daring Do says, seems very pleased on Golden Cakes' potential.

Daring Do gets up and says, "Now let's hurry."

"Right," Golden Cakes agrees.

With that, the two make a run to where the ceremony is at, and they need to hurry because they are ready to perform the dark ritual. At the ceremonial chamber, Ahuizotl and the native are ready to perform the ceremony. Two of them are holding the last ring and are ready to put it on. Skate Trick and Skater Girl look from one of the hallways and see they are just in time, and know they need to stop it.

Before the last ring can be placed on the pillar, Skate Trick angrily holler, "Drop the ring Ahuizotl!"

Everyone turn to see Skate Trick and Skater Girl and then the two run up to them.

"Place the ring, quickly!" Ahuizotl demands.

Skater Girl then uses Daring Do's whip to grab the wing and takes it from the guard.

"Get it!" Ahuizotl angrily shouts.

The guards do what their master has told them, but Skate Trick and Skater Girl are not making this easier for them. They are athletic so they are able to outrun them very easily. Daring So and Golden Cakes look from the hallway to see the ceremony has been on hold. They know that this is their chance to do something about it.

"Come with me," Daring Do says.

With that Daring Do and Golden Cakes sneak to the pillar where most of the rings are.

"Help me get all these rings off," Daring Do directs Golden Cakes.

With that, Golden Cakes starts helping Daring Do get the rings off from the top of the pillars. As they take care of the rings, Skate Trick and Skater Girl are trying their best to avoid the guards and Ahuizotl. They manage to pull it off, but not sure if they can do it for much longer. Back at the pillar, Daring Do and Golden Cakes are able to get more rings off of the pillar, but as they get to the larger, they had to hold the ring as they use their legs to climb the pillar.

"If we can get to the giant ring at the bottom, the whole fortress will collapse," Daring Do informs.

As lifting the rings, Golden Cakes, asks, "Was this your plan from the start?"

"I need to find a way to get in the fortress to get you out and get the rings," Daring Do says.

"You let yourself get caught on purpose when you saw us tied up," Golden Cakes asks with a shocked look as she tries her best to lift the rings.

"Yes… but I didn't want you three to get hurt and… I tried to get Ahuizotl… to let you go, but… didn't go for it. Also… I didn't count on how… heavy these rings are. I guess having a little help can be handy sometimes, especially since your friends really cared about you," Daring Do explains, as she struggles to get the larger ring off the pillar.

Golden Cakes can understand that even though Daring do works along, I guess this experience has shows her that sometimes it's good to get some help. Also, their involvement turn out to be a good thing. Back on the ground, Skater Girl tries to pass the ring to Skate Trick, but before he can get it, one of the guards push him, grabs the ring, and throws it. Before anyone can get it, Ahuizotl manages to grab the ring, and laughs thinking he has triumph.

Back where the pillar is Daring Do and Golden Cakes starts to climb up as they take the last ring up and off.

Golden Cakes tiredly says as she lifts the ring, "This ring… is really heavy!"

"Keep pushin!" Daring Do struggles to get the last ring up.

As they lift the ring up, the fortress starts to shake and fall apart. Everyone are starting to feel it too, and have no idea what is happening. Ahuizotl is wondering what is happening, but when he turns towards the pillar he can see what Daring do and Golden Cakes are doing.

"Stop them!" Ahuizotl screams in anger.

Hearing his command, the natives use their spears to try and stop Daring Do and Golden Cakes from getting the ring off, but Daring Do is not making this easy for them. Golden Cakes is still struggling on trying to get the ring off, because it's very, very heavy.

"You can do it Golden Cakes… I need your help to… finish this," Daring Do says.

"Who knows getting a ring off is going to be this hard," Golden Cakes tiredly replies.

With some more strength and teamwork, Daring Do and Golden Cakes lift the last ring off of the center of the pillar. When that happens the pillar dissolves into sand, and the two fall to the ground, on top of the guards. Luckily they aren't hurt by the spears at all. The two get up to see the place is starting to fall apart, and they need to get out of here, and fast.

Golden Cakes calls out to her two friends,"Guys, run! This place is going down!"

With that Skater Girl and Skate Trick start run towards the exit. Daring Do and Golden Cakes start to follow them. They manage to escape the temple as it's coming down. When the fortress collapse, it ends up turning into a giant pile of broken bricks. Luckily the native are alright, but are hurt and bruised from the falling structure. They manage to dig himself out and are feeling hurt and have headaches.

As Ahuizotl gets out of the rubble, he angrily shouts on the top of his lunges, "Daring Do, I will have my revenge!"