My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Two Daring Do

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 9: Traveling Answers

Some time later, Daring Do, Skater Girl, and Skate Trick are in the room where Caballeron and his henchmen are recovering from their attack, but also here for questioning. Daring Do know that her enemy know what has become of the ring, and Golden Cakes. However, she know that he is not going to give her any information that easily, which is getting on Daring do and Skate Trick's nerves.

"Alright Caballeron, I'm not playing any games here. I need to know what happened to the Ring of Scorchero and the girl you abducted from the hotel," Daring Do firmly says.

"What girl are you referring to?" Caballeron asks, sounding sarcastic.

Daring Do grabs Caballeron by the scarf, and angrily says, "I'm not playing games here! You and your men kidnapped a young girl who looks a lot like me, and she in more trouble than she already had because of you."

"Oh that girl, well you do have to admit, the resemblance between you two is remarkable. Of course she's younger than you and has a nice hair style," Caballeron replies, starting to get on Daring's nerves.

However, it's also getting on Skate Trick and Skater Girl's nerves as well.

"Listen Daring, how about you let me handle this," Skate Trick recommends rolling up his sleeves.

Skater Girl grabs him but the should and asks in shock, "Skate Trick, what are you trying to pull?!"

"What does it look like, I'm going to make this guy talk," Skate Trick angrily replies.

"How, by punching him in the face?" Skater Girl, not being pleased about his idea.

"Duh!" Skate Trick bluntly remarks.

Daring Do comes into the conversation, and explains, "Skate Trick, I'm trying to reason with him about the danger of the dark enchantment, and an endangerment of an innocent girl. On punch and you can kiss these answer good bye."

"Even if he does deserve it," Daring Do whispers.

This makes Caballeron a little unpleased about what Daring says.

He then firmly says, "Look I'm not taking all the blame you know."

"Why is that?" Skate Girl asks.

"Because Ahuizotl and his cats attacked us and took the ring," One of Caballeron's henchmen answer.

Daring Do and the two teenagers gasp in shock to hear what Caballeron says. Now they know that Golden Cakes is in more trouble than she needs.

Then Skater Girl says with concern, "So it was Ahuizotl who took Golden Cakes, and the ring."

"I know it," Daring Do mutters with anger.

"Now what do we do?!" Skate Trick shoutly asks.

Daring Do turns to them, and says, "Not we, me."

"What?!" The two teens exclaims in shock.

"I need to get the ring back, and rescue your friend before he perform the dart ritual," Daring Do explain.

"You mean we can't come!" Skater Girl replies

"Of course you two can't come, the jungle will be very dangerous, and Ahuizotl will have his cats and guards around the area," Daring Do explains.

The two can understand the danger, but Golden Cakes is in danger, and doesn't want anything bad to befall her.

"But Golden Cakes is in trouble," Skate Trick replies.

"And who knows what Ahuizotl will do to her," Skater Girl worriedly says.

"There's no need to worry about that problem," Caballeron says out of the blue.

The look at him and are not very happy about it, mostly because he's responsible for the whole mess.

"Why that?" Skater Girl asks with a serious look on her face.

"Ahuizotl may be an evil treasure hunter, but I doubt he'll actually harm a young girl like this Golden Cakes you've mention," Caballeron answers.

Daring Do rolls her eyes, looking annoyed, and says, "He's right, as much as I hate to admit."

"Still we're not going to stand by and keep worrying about Golden Cakes," Skate Trick says.

"Listen kids, I really don't thinkā€¦" Daring Do tries to reason with them.

However, Skater Girl cross her arms, and firmly says, "We're going with you!"

Daring Do sigh with defeat, and says, "Okay, you can come."

"But you gotta take order, both of you," Daring Do firmly adds.

"Aye eye captain!" Skate Trick salutes.

"Yes mam!" Skater Girl replies, nodding her head.

"And what about us?" Caballeron asks.

Daring Do shows a smug look on her face, and answers, "Easy, you boys are going to stay here and have a little chat with Fillydelphia's authorities."

Cabelleron narrows his eyes, and mutters, "Should have figured I won't be getting off the hook that easily."

"That's what you get for resorting to kidnapping to find the ring," Daring Do remarks with a smirk on her face.

After their talk, Daring Do, Skater Girl, and Skate Trick are in the train heading towards Vanhoover at the other side of the country, their main destination is the Fortress of Talicon. It's been taking them hours to get there, and they don't have the time to lose. They are close to their destination and hopefully they'll reach Vanhoover soon. During the ride, Skate Trick and Skater Girls are getting bored with waiting, and worried for Golden Cakes at the same time.

Skate Tricks asks, "How long do you think it will be?"

"Don't worry, we'll get there very soon," Daring so says.

"I hope so, even though you and Caballeron said we wouldn't hurt her, I'm still scared for her well being," Skater Girl replies, feeling scared for Golden Cakes.

Daring Do can see the two teens worried for their friend, and can understand why.

Daring Do smiles at Skater Girl, and says, "Skater Girl, I promise that with you and your brother, that we'll do whatever it takes to get your friend back."

"I know, I'm just worried. She seems too sweet and kind to deal with this, she doesn't deserve it," Skater Girl says with concern.

"There's nothing to worry, we going to get her out of there and then she'll be safe," Daring Do says with a smile.

Skate Trick looks confused about Daring's attitude, and asks, "How come you're so confidence about this?"

"Because one, I always defeat get the treasure and defeat Ahuizotl. Two, I got the map to where the Fortress is, and three, as long as you two follow my orders, we can not only take the fortress down, but we can rescue your friend," Daring Do explains.

"Well that's good, but what exactly is the plan?" Skate Girl asks.

"I'll explaining to you when we reach our destination, alright," Daring do answers.

"Alright," The two agree to the idea.

The three continue to wait for the train to make its stop at the station. When they reach the station, Daring Do and the two teens buy some supplies so they can go in the jungle. They even have some appropriate clothes and supplies for the journey. After getting the supplies, Daring Do, Skate Trick, and Skater Girl begin to travel in the jungle to find the Fortress of Talicon so they can rescue Golden Cakes, and stop Ahuizotl before his be can fulfill his master plan with the ring.

Back in the prison cell in the fortress, Golden Cakes feels scared and alone. She really wants to go back home to her friends and other loved ones. She wishes that someone can rescue her before the ring placing ceremony. Golden Cakes has also been wonder what plan Ahuizotl has for her after the ceremony is over, and really doesn't want to know about it.