Thomas & Friends: The Dazzlings (S1)

by SodorSiren

S1E2: Aria And The Express

It was a beautiful day in the Island of Sodor. The engines thundered down the tracks with their goods and passengers. The most important train on the tracks of Sodor is the express, which is pulled by Gordon. One morning, Aria and Sonata were at Knapford Station, talking to each other.

"Aria, you know I like tacos, right?" Sonata asked.

"Ugh, go back to sleep, Sonata. How many times I have to tell you that ENGINES DON'T EAT TACOS?!" Aria wheesed.

"Oh, right," said Sonata in disappointment.

Just then, Sir Topham Hatt arrived. He had a job for Aria

"Aria, Gordon has to go take the Duke And Duchess of Boxford to Ulfstead Castle because Spencer broke his coupling rod. I want you to pull the express to Crovan's Gate and back. As for you, Sonata, you must collect corn from Farmer Trotter and take them to the flour factory. Tacos cannot be made real without corn."

Sir Topham Hatt then went back into his office. Aria then realized what Sir Topham Hatt had said about "tacos cannot be made real" to Sonata. This made Aria shudder in fear. She begins to remember the time she told the truth about tacos to Sonata.

A quick flashback begins to two years ago in a taco place.


"What you are eating is a CHEAP COPY OF THE ORIGINAL!"

Sonata then burst out of the taco place in siren form, carrying Adagio and Aria in her hooves. The flashback ends.

"Are you okay Aria?" asked Sonata.

"I'm fine. Just go to wherever Fat Hatt told you to go," replied Aria.

"Okay, Aria, see you later," said Sonata as she chuffed off to Farmer Trotter.

Aria then felt something bump into her. It was the express coaches, being pushed by Phillip, the diesel boxcab with the number 68 on his sides.

"HEY, YOU, TAKE IT EASY!" Aria snapped.

"Sorry about that," said Philip. "My name's Phillip. Who are you?"

"I'm Aria, and I'm filling in for Gordon today," she introduced herself.

"Oh, okay, carry on," chimed Phillip.

The guard blew his whistle, and Aria chuffed away with the express.

As Aria thunders down the line, she passes Crosby. Adagio was there, waiting with the wool train to Vicarstown at a red signal.

"Hey, boss," said Aria as she passed Adagio.

"Don't call me boss!" wheesed Adagio.
But Aria was too far to reply.

Soon, Aria was nearing Wellsworth, the Express's first stop. She thunders down the tracks, feeling so worried about Sonata that she forgot what the Fat Controller had said to her. Then there was trouble. Whiff the NER 66 Aerolife was waiting at a red signal at the station with the garbage train. The signalman noticed that Aria wasn't stopping. So he switched Aria into a siding.

"Huh, where am I going?" said Aria, confused. Then she noticed that the tracks end at a barber shop nearby.

"Oh, no!" cried Aria as she applied her brakes. But it was too late. Aria crashed into the barber shop, derailing the express coaches. The brakecoach then swung onto the brakevan of Whiff's train, causing the trucks of scrap metal and garbage to spill their cargo all over the platform and all over Whiff.

"What in the name of Lady is going on?" said Whiff.

Luckily, no one was hurt, but poor Aria Blaze was now even more worried.

"The Fat Hatt will be mad at me, just for worrying about Sonata too much," said Aria.

"And that is what you'll get for frightening my customers!" boomed a man. He was the barber. He then applied makeup to Aria.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That tickles!" laughed Aria.

Soon, Aria had to be pulled out of the barber shop by Spencer, who recently just got out of the Steamworks, and Rocky, who was putting the express coaches and Whiff's trucks back on the rails. Sir Topham Hatt then arrived onboard Sonata, who had just finished delivering corn to the flour factory.

"Aria, what is the meaning of this?" asked Sir Topham Hatt sternly. Sonata then chuckled upon seeing Aria's face.

"I can explain, sir. I was worried about Sonata so much that I forgot to pay attention to the rails. I didn't want you to accidentally reveal the truth about tacos to Sonata," replied Aria.

"Oh, right, Aria," said the Fat Controller. "But anyway, you have caused confusion and delay. Spencer will take you to the Steamworks."

"But, sir, who will take the Duke And Duchess of Boxford back to the summer house?," asked Spencer.

"Gordon will. Sonata will pull the express, and you will shunt Aria to the Steamworks. Is that understood?" the Fat Controller said sternly.

"Yes, sir," replied Spencer.

Soon, on the way to the Steamworks, Sonata, pulling the express, caught up with Spencer, who was shunting Aria to the Steamworks.

"Can I talk with Aria for a moment?" Sonata asked Spencer.

"Sure," replied Spencer.

Sonata then sped up to Aria.

"Aria, why you were so worried?" Sonata asked her sister.

"It's because I don't want you to assume siren form just because Sir Topham Hatt told the truth about tacos to you," replied Aria. "I regret telling you about the tacos earlier. So I had to get a change of pants to pay for my actions."

"Aww, Aria," Sonata responded warmly. "I wouldn't do that again. Not after the RCMP chased us off with their drones."

"What are pants?" beamed Spencer. "I never heard such a thing as pants.

"Spencer, pants are an American slang term for 'trousers', which mean underwear in the USA. In your words, pants mean underwear here in Sodor and The Mainland," said Aria.

Everyone then laughed as they chuffed into the daylight. The end.