by De Writer

The Day AFTER Hearthwarming!

T'was the day AFTER Hearthwarming and all through the town

Many a pony was looking at presents and beginning to frown!

This sweater WON'T DO! It makes me look fat!

You think that's bad, have you seen this HAT?

This scarf is a ghastly joke!

It would make a Changeling choke!

Who would give chocolates to me?

I am allergic, don't you see?

Shops all over Ponyville and other towns too

Threw open their doors to the gift exchange crew!

Through all of the Hearthwarming rush

The shopkeepers were dreading the DAY AFTER crush!

This toy isn't broken too bad is it?

This seam is torn only a bit!

Surely you have something better than this!

Frightened my pet snake and made her Hiss!

Unseen by many a Hearthwarming host

Were those who said, “It's lovely, I like it the most!

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