Shell Shocked

by Coolguy362

Everypony in Ponyville is a bitch.

Our group continued on to Ponyville. It was pretty boring, so I guess Rainbow Dash, being the pony that she is, asked an question that had been on her mind for a while.

"So Ashton, how'd you get here?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes. I've been wondering that ass well. I just didn't want to pry." Fluttershy said with smile.

"I'd....rather not talk about it." I mumbled with a dark look on my face.

"Come on! It can't be that bad! What are you chicken?"

"No I'm not. I'll tell ya then. But don't say I didn't warn you." I moved to the side of the path and sat on a log.

"Okay. You don't know this, but I was part of the Marines on my world. Marines are basically a mix of all all branches of the millitary. We were on a mission. Take back France from the Nazis. To do this, we had to take a beach head on the coastline of Normandy. I almost made it to the end when I was nailed in the chest by a machine gun. I guess died on my world and came back on this one." By this time I had tears running down my cheeks. I also thought of how my brother and grandfather would react to me dying.

"Dude....I never knew that you went through that. I'm sorry for being a jerk." She said. Everypony, even Discord, looked sad. Fluttershy once again looked like she was about to cry.

Discord thankfully changed the subject. "Well I think we should all stop being so depressed and get heading back to Ponyville now."

"Agreed." I said, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

And so we continued on our way to Ponyville. We were like a squad in the Marines. Exeped we didn't go on missions resulting in one or more of us being killed.

The first thing I noticed was do I put this? Fairy tale-ish. And from what i could tell, the Ponys there looked like background characters from one of those comic books my brother always tryed to get me to read. I also noticed that the ponys there were pussies.

"AHHHHHH!!! MONSTER!!!" Said a creme coloured pony with a rose red mane.

"DON'T WORRY, AH GOT HIM" Said an orange pony with a blond mane and southern accent. She then proceeded to kick me in the shin.


"Wait, you can talk talk?" She said, a confused look on her face.

"Yes. And I'm not a monster. I'm a human."

" ya intend to hurt anypony?" She said, still on her highest guard.

"No he doesn't Applejack. Now you should apologise right now." Fluttershy said sternly.

"B-but....." She sighed "Ahm sorry." Applejack said.

"It's fine. I just hope ya didn't break anything." I stood up. "Nope, I'm fine." I then looked around to see eveypony had gone into they're house's. "It looks like everypony else didn't get the 'I'm not a monster' thing." I said with a sigh.

"Oh, that's fine dude. They did the exact same thing to my friend Zecora when she came here, and now everypony in Ponyville is her friend. I'm sure they'll lighten up to you eventualy." Rainbow said.

"I sure hope so." I said with a frown.

"So, who should we terrify next?" Discord said, a mischievous grin on his face.

"I think we should se Twilight." Fluttershy said.

"Good idea." Rainbow Dash said "She's a level headed pony, so she should understand that if you're with us, then you're safe." She said confidently.

"So, were dose Twilight live?" I asked.

"In the big castle." Discord said, pointing to the big crystal tree house that looked like it was meant to be a toy for little girls.

"Oh.Didn't notice that before...somehow."
And so we went on the trail to Twilight's house, hoping Twilight wouldn't me like everypony else seems to.

When we got to Twilight house, (more like a catle) I noticed how tall it was. It loomed over us like a skyscraper or something back on my world. I knocked on the door, and about a minutes later, a purple dragon came out.

"Oh. Hi Fluttershy. Hello Discord, and hi Rainbow Dash." The dragon said. At this point, I had seen to many strange creatures to question why there was a dragon in front of me, so I just went with it. "Is this a new pet if yours Fluttershy?" He asked

"No." I responded simply.

"Y-you can talk?" The dragon asked.

"No, you're on LSD- OF COURSE I CAN TALK." I said, geting very annoyed with everypony thinking I'm an animal. "I'm Ashton. Whats yours?"

"S-spike." He said.

"Do you know were Twilight is?"

"Yes, she's in here. Follow me." And so I followed Spike into the casle. It was very spacious and it seemed like one of those murder hotels, but I wasn't thinking that at the moment.

"Twilight is in this room here. She's studying, so try not to startle her. It wasn't pretty last time somepony startled her while she was studying." He shuddered, most likely recalling a very un-happy experience.

"Noted." I said. I was a bit nervous, but
I opened the door and stepped inside....