//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: The Mixed Up Bags // Story: My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Two Daring Do // by Pinkie Pie Sweets //------------------------------// On the third day of the tour, Golden Cakes is having something to eat at the food festival. She is wearing one of her purple dresses, gray hat with ribbon, and has a olive green like bag. For the past few days, Golden Cakes had been having a wonderful time, and is glad to see her favorite author. She really love being here and she get to meet many different people. As she is enjoying her lunch, she starts to hear people talking about something. From the sounds of it, it's kind of serious. She doesn't know what it is, but can also tell that something bad must have happened. Golden Cakes says to herself, "I wonder what happened?" "You mean you didn't know," A girl's voice says. Golden Cakes turn to see a girl along with a boy walking towards her. The girls has white skin, light brown hair covering her eyes. She is wearing jean shirts with tears at the end of the short sleeves, dark blue jean pants, black shoes, and she's wearing a helmet, pads on her elbows and knees, and holding a skateboard. The boy has gray skin, black hair and brown eyes. He is wearing a white shirt, a black jacket, black jean pants, a red hat on his head, and he's wearing a helmet, elbow pads and knee pads, and roller skates. "Did something happened?" Golden Cakes asks. "The Ring of Scorchero was stolen last night," The girl explains. "Stolen?!" Golden Cakes asks with a shock. "Yeah. Who ever did it was able to get past the guards and everything, so no one was able to find any clues," The boy explains. However the girl corrects the boy, "Not any, I heard that they were able to find some hair from an animal outside the museum, and some set of footprints inside." "Animal fur?" Golden Cakes questionably replies. "I remember, the police though that someone or some animal was in the museum last night," The girl answers. Then she says, "By the way, the name's Skater Girl." "And I'm Skate Tricks," the boy adds. "Hi I'm Golden Cakes," Golden Cakes introduces herself. "Nice to meet you, you don't mind if I call you Goldie?" Skater Girl asks. Golden Cakes smiles and says, "I don't mind, lots of people called me Goldie." "Good. So what do you think of the robbery?" Skater Girls asks. Golden Cakes starts to think about the situation as she explains, "I honestly don't have much thought about it. This is the first I've heard of it, and if there wasn't much clues left behind, then it can conclude that this isn't any ordinary burglar." "That's what the police thinks," Skate Trick replies. Just as they wonder about the robber, someone accidentally run into Golden Cakes, making her and that someone fall into the ground. Her bag and the bag looks like the her bag fall to the ground. Golden Cakes look to see a man wearing a white suit and has sunglasses, He also has light gray skin, and short black hair. The man simply grabs the bag and runs as fast as his feet can take him. Skater Girl angrily shouts, "Hey, come back here and apologize!" Skate Trick comes up to Golden Cakes, who is still on the ground, and asks, "Are you alright, Goldie?" "I think so," Golden Cakes answers, as she is trying to get up. But she then starts to feel a pain on her right ankle. She then sits back down to look at it. Skater Girl and Skate Trick notice that Golden Cakes is having trouble getting up, so they decide to see what has happened. Skater Girl looks at her right ankle and says, "I don't think your ankle is looking very good." "We better get her to a doctor," Skate Trick replies. Agreeing to the suggestion, Skater Girl and Skate Trick have taken Golden Cakes to the nearest doctor clinic in the city. Luckily it isn't that far for them to walk over. When the get there, there aren;t much clients so it's not long to wait. The doctor takes an exacting at Golden Cakes ankle. After looking at it and giving it an x-ray, he comes to a conclusion. The doctor says, "Well Ms. Cakes, I have to say that you have a sprained ankle, but if you don't walk on it too much you will be fine in a few days. "Thank you doctor," Golden Cakes replies. "It's no problem, but from what your friends told me, you had a run in with a man," The doctor says. "She did. He didn't even stop to apologize to her," Skater Girl girly says. "Now sis, I know you're upset, but he's gone now so we don't know where he is," Skate Trick replies. "He's right, but it will be a good idea to get Golden Cakes to the hotel she and the tour members are staying," The doctor says. "Okay," Skate Trick and Skater Girl say. Sometime later, Skater Girl and Skate Trick are able to get Golden Cakes back to the hotel and the room she is staying. Of course, they're both kind of surprised that she's on the trip alone. Luckily, they are going to stay in the room for a while until it's time for them to head back to their room and meet their parents. Golden questionably says, "What's this thing?" Golden Cakes takes the something out of her bag. To everyone's shock, they see a ring that's about as big as a head band. They are able to recognize it right away. "It'sThe Ring of Scorchero!" Skater Girl surprisingly says. "But… how did it get inside your bag?" Skate trick asks. Golden Cakes decide to look inside her bag to see what's going on. But she has discovered a shocking discovery. All of her things are not in the bag; her wallet, phone, book, and some of the souvenirs she already bought today. She realizes what this could mean. Golden Cakes gasps in a fight, and scaredly answers, "This… this isn't my bag." "What?! Not your bag!" Skate Trick shockley replies. "It's not, all of my stuff are not here!" Golden Cakes adds scaredly. Then Skater Girl says, "That man did have the same bag, maybe they both got switched when he bumped into you." "But how are we going to find him?" Skate Trick asks. "I think we should go to the police," Golden Cakes suggests. "Good idea. They may know a way to find that man and they can return the ring to the museum. I'm willing to bet that man must be the thief they police are looking for," Skater Girls says. At that moment, Golden Cakes and Skate Trick agree with Skater Girl's assumption. They believe that the man who bumped into Golden Cake must be the thief. So they decide to report this to the police. They hope they can find the person who took Golden Cakes' bag and catch the thief In a different side of town. The man runs to a an abandoned warehouse. He walks into see three other men waiting for him. This is where they are supposed to meet someone else who is supposed to the the leader of the gang. "Sorry it took so long, " The man holding the bag says. "Yeah. But that annoying treasure hunter was looking for us, along with that cat lover's pets," The man wearing the best and the scar in his left eye says. "What does the boss planing on doing?" The man with the sunglasses ass as he put the bag table and emptying it. "That is for the boss to know," the man with the fedora says. Just then, the man wearing a blue shirt says, "Uh what's all this stuff?" The men look to see that the ring is not in here. The only things that are in the bag is a wallet, a cell phone, three Daring Do books, and souvenir bags. They are all shocked to see that the ring is not here at all, and wonder what could have happen. The man wearing the fedora glares at the man with the glasses as he angrily demands, "Where is the ring?" "I don't know, I remember bumping into that…" The man with the glasses tries to explain. Then something hits him as he mutters, "That girl!" "What girl?" the man with the scar asks. "There's this girl I bumped into who had a similar bag. We must have got the bags switched." The man with the sunglasses explains. "We need to get it back," The man with the fedora informs. "And we should do it before the boss find out, "the man with the scar adds. "Find out about what?" Another man's voice asks. The four men turns around to see their boss has entered the man gray like skin, light green eyes, dark hair with a light gray steak on it, and a five o'clock shadow on his face. The man is wearing a light tan khaki vest, and a little dark pants and shoes, a red scarf with white polka dots and has a gold skull with a red ruby gem like pin on his shirt. Now the four men have no choice, but to tell their boss about the situation. They walk over and explain to their boss about their problem. However as they are explaining the situation to their boss, someone else is spying on them from the top of the building. There is a man up there with four big wild cats and a small kitten. The darkness is hard to make out the man's appearance, but he looks a bit muscular. After hearing the conversation, the man and his cats leave to go find the girl who has the ring now. The five men also leaves to go find her too. This is going to spell big trouble for Golden Cakes when one of the groups find her.