//------------------------------// // 5 // Story: Sky Bolt and the Twin Stones // by BadgerBrony900 //------------------------------// I awoke, nothing felt right, I was still in Flutter Shy's Cottage, but it didn't feel right, everything just felt gloomy. I got up from the couch, my guitar was gone, I walked upstairs and checked all of the rooms, none of them contained Flutter Shy. As I walked downstairs a cool breeze sent shivers up my back, the door was open. Confused I walked slowly to the door, But before I closed it something caught my eye. Not a single star shined in the sky, even the moon was gone. I looked down the path that led to town, there was a hooded pony holding my guitar, he smiled as he ran towards town, " Hey wait up, thats my guitar, uuuggggghhhh " I started chasing the Hooded Theif. I was too focused on the theif to see me surroundings, none of the street lights were on, the eerie yellow eyes staring at me from the shadows, the whispers of hatred that surrounded me. I finally caught up to the theif, he stopped at a familiar building. We were at the studio, " Whats the deal man? " I said almost out of breathe, He didn't say a single word as he stepped into the studio... Knowing this was a bad idea, but that guitar meant a lot to me, I stepped in. It felt, cold and hard to breathe in here, my hoofs clicking at every step I take, the eerie mist that surrounded me, and my own breathe fogging up my vision, " Hello? " my voice echoed through the studio. The floor at my feet started to give away when another voice echoed through the studio, " It appears your waking up, until next time " was all I heard before I fell away with the floor. I awoke, I was sweating and shaking really bad, it also appears I disturbed some of the animals. *Pinch* . Ow, okay I wasn't dreaming anymore, I looked out the window see it was about early morning, a time I would usually never wake up. My guitar was leaning against a wall next to the couch. I looked at the staircase to Flutter Shy has just awoke too ". " Oh..... " She blushed and tried to fix her hair. " Stop that, Your perfect just the way you are " I said smiling, I walked back to the couch and picked up my guitar. " What?..... " she said shocked, I froze, blushing at what I just said also, I mean ive said it as a charity promo to many screaming fans, but this was different. " Uhhhhhh.......... Erm....... " was all I managed to get out. An awkward silence followed..... The charity promo was for Fillies and Colts that were born with a disorder, I forgot what it was called but it caused them to lose there fur. I did the promo because those I hate it when Mares try to look all pretty with make-up and that crap, and I just wanted to let those fillies and colts know that they're beautiful on the inside. So as I and Flutter Shy stood completely still avoiding eye contact, my face was tomato red, hers was more of a rosey red. The silence was broken by the white bunny who wanted his breakfast, " Oh okay angel " She left him into the kitchen and I walked outside to enjoy the morning air. I took the deep breathe of the refreshing morning air, It took a minute for that dream to work its way back into my head. " ......Hope that dream doesn't happen again " muttering to myself. I just stood there looking around and watching the day begin. The birds chirping, the sun rising, and the bits of dew on the grass. I took another deep breathe of the morning air before I walked back inside. As I walked inside breakfast was ready for both of us, it consisted of pancakes and a muffins and 2 glasses of milk.