//------------------------------// // 189. Big Finish - "Changelings" // Story: Short Shorts // by Coranth //------------------------------// Commander Pincer approached the collective body of the Changeling Hivemind of the Badlands Hive, installed after the deposition of Queen Chrysalis. "COMMANDER PINCER. STARVATION OF THE HIVE DRONES IS INCREASING. WHY DELAY THE CREATION OF REPLACEMENT DRONES?" "Theeeeee love-storage-cells arrrrrrrrre ooooonnnnly at seventy-one-percent-storage." The Changeling Commander replied. "THAT IS SUFFICIENT." The Hivemind stated. "Energy iiiiiiiis needed toooo reeeeeepair theeeee walls in theeeee damaged nursery ooooof the Hive." Pincer responded. This caused the individuals within the Hivemind to temporarily split as they debated. "THE QUEEN-NURSERY MUST SURVIVE." "MORE CHANGELING DRONES MUST BE CREATED." "CREATION OF A NEW QUEEN TAKES PRIORITY." "A SACRIFICE MUST BE MADE." ...... ....... .............. "DISJUNCTION. THE HIVE MIND DOES NOT AGREE." Pincer immediately responded, "Theeeeee damaged Nursery must bbeeeee reeeeee-paired or a new Queen aaaaand Nymphs will not surrrrr-vive." Suddenly, a thought occurred to the Collective Mind. "THERE IS ANOTHER SOLUTION. YOU WILL SEEK PRINCESS CADANCE OF THE CRYSTAL EMPIRE. YOU WILL TELL HER OF OUR PLIGHT. YOU WILL RETRIEVE HER, WILLINGLY; DEBASE YOURSELF BEFORE HER IF YOU MUST. SHE WILL BE INSTALLED AS OUR NEW QUEEN. SELECT SEVERAL OF THE REMAINING DRONES AS ESCORT. BEGIN THIS WORK IMMEDIATELY. WE MUST SURVIVE." Commander Pincer immediately turned and walked away to carry out the orders as happiness buoyed the Hivemind. "HARMONY. THE HIVE MIND IS IN CONSENSUS. PRINCESS CADANCE WILL BE OUR QUEEN." "QUEEN CADANCE." "QUEEN." "CADANCE." "QUEEN." "CADANCE." "QUEEN." "CADANCE."