My Little Pony Equestria Girls: The Two Daring Do

by Pinkie Pie Sweets

Chapter 3: Trip to Fillydelphia

It's was the day of the tour and everyone in the tour had to be in a group. Every one was excited of going to the Archeological Tour. Golden Cakes was wearing a purple long sleeve dress with white swirls on the bottom, she also has a grey sun hat with a white ribbon on it. She was carrying a suitcase with her clothes and supplies she needed for the week. Cream Filling was with her, she was taking her to the tour group on the train to Fillyldelphia.

"Golden Cakes, I hope you had everything you need," Cream Filling says.

"Don't worry, I got everything I need for the tour, and made sure I get extra clothes and supplies," Golden Cakes says.

"Okay, now there some extra money, I'm giving you just in case and make sure you answer your phone when I call." Cream Filling says.

"Okay!" Golden Cakes says.

Then the conductor came to the train and says, "All a Board"

Cream Filling and Golden Cakes heard the conductor and know that it time for Golden Cakes to go to Fillydelphia.

"Bye Cream I'll see you soon," Golden Cakes says.

"Bye Goldie, promise you'll be safe," With that Cream Filling and Golden Cakes hug each other

Then Golden Cakes says, "I will."

Golden Cakes then went with the group on the train for the tour. Then the train started to leave, with that Golden Cakes and Cream Filling wave to each other good bye. The train went off to Fillydelphia and to other stops on the way for anybody to transfer to a different location.

On the train Golden Cakes was put in a one person room of the train car. She then looks at the view to see that there are so many greeneries outside. Then the train went through a tunnel. She knows that it was going to take until tomorrow afternoon before they get to Fillydelphia.

Golden Cakes decides to look around the train and meet some of the other people who are on the train. In the food cart of the train she met a girl, she an off white skinned girl with two tone blue short hair. She is wearing a darker off white sailor shirt, with a white boarded lavender sailor collar and matching skirt, scarlet tie sand a tri-shade hair clip.

Golden Cakes decides to introduce herself, "Hello my name is Golden Cakes, what's your name?"

Then the girl introduces herself, "My name is Coco Pommel, nice to meet you"

"So what are you doing?" Golden Cakes asks.

"I'm going to a fashion show in Crystal town, where are you going?" Coco replies.

"I'm going to an Archelogical tour in Fillydelphia" Golden Cakes replies.

Then Coco says, "A tour that's sounds like fun."

Golden Cakes and Coco stayed in the same cart talking about their kind of interest and some they had are the same and some are not. At that time Coco had to transfer to another train to get to where she wanted to go. After that Coco and Golden Cakes say their good byes and Golden Cakes is still on the train waiting to get to Fillydelphia. It was a really long trip to get there but it will be worth it once she gets there.

Later that night Golden Cakes was looking at the stars and they moon. While she was looking at the moon and the stars she thought about her parents and wishes they can be there with her. When she had trouble sleeping she took out one of the books she brought with her, the book was Daring Do and the Griffons. She's a fan of daring do and was also excited that the website said author A.K Yearling is going to be at the tour as well, and she can't wait to meet her. She also knows for a fact that Daring do looks a lot like her except for the hair style. After reading the books she drifted off to sleep waiting for the tour to begin and to meet A.K Yearling, she was also hoping to get an autograph form her as well.