//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 // Story: Danger on the Tracks // by Bookpony579 //------------------------------// The plan was relatively simple and straightforward. "Okay, at the next stop, get off and head inside the cafe. There, you'll find a man in a stripped shirt in a far corner booth. When you see him, show him the case and tell him "Bravely Blue has the honey, but it has started attracting flies." once you do this head right back on the train and find me ok? If you see Caballeron or his goons, just ignore them and try to act casual. This stop only has fifteen minutes but that should be plenty of time for you to find him." Rainbow quickly got permission from Celestia and she and her friends waited for the station, carefully keeping the case out of sight. As the station approached, her friends grew nervous. "Are you sure you want to do this Rainbow?" Twilight asked, worried for her friends' safety. "It's an awful big risk yer takin'." Aj pointed out. "Oh please! Since when am I known for not taking risks? Besides all I gotta do is go in, say a line, and get out. Easy." Rainbow brushed aside her friends concerns. Couldn't they see that this was the opportunity of a lifetime? Before anyone could say anything else, the train came to full stop and the conductor announced the stop. Rainbow got up, clutching the case to her. "I gotta go. See ya in a few minutes!" Was all she said before rushing off the train. This did little to ease her friends worries. "I hope she'll be ok..." Fluttershy said. "Well, theres nothing we can do now, but wait." Twilight said as she looked out the window. The platform was crowded with people getting off and on the train. Rainbow tried to move as swiftly as she could to the station cafe. Suddenly, she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She turned and saw one of Dr. Caballeron's goons on the lookout! Rainbow moved quickly, hiding behind people and luggage until she finally entered the cafe. She gave a quick sigh of relief before looking around. There were only a handful of people in the Cafe besides her, the waitress and the chef. She quickly spotted that contact that Daring had described. He was sipping coffee and looked like he was reading a news paper, but every once in a while he would look up and do a quick scan of his surroundings. Bingo. Rainbow approached him casually, and when he raised his eyes to look at her she quickly showed him the initials on the briefcase. His eyes widened in surprise be he quickly collected himself. "So...do you have a message for me?" Rainbow smiled and looked at her arm. Written in marker was the line she was supposed to repeat, but it appeared to have gotten smudged on the way here. "Uh..."Bravely Boo has the money....but it has started attracting fries?"" The guy just blinked stared at her blankly while she squinted, trying to make out the smudged words. "No wait! "Bravely Blue has the honey, but it has started attracting flies!"" Rainbow grinned while the guy went into thought. After a moment, he finally said: "Tell her "They will have a jar for the honey ready for when she arrives."" Rainbow nodded and quickly wrote that down on her arm as well. "Thanks!" All she had to do was get back on the train and tell it to Daring and she was good! Meanwhile... "Ah didn't see her boss." Caballeron was sitting at a table on the train with his lackeys who were just finishing their report. Caballeron pounded his fist on the table when he heard this! "Curses! She must have hidden the jewel somewhere on this train!" "But we've searched everywhere, and we couldn't find it!" "Then we will just have to make her give it to us! Time for plan B!" Caballeron pulled out a walkie-talkie and began talking into it. "Withers, do you copy?" A crackle later and: "I copy. What do you want me to do?" "It appears we will have to...persuade Ms. Do to hand the jewel over. Time to switch to plan B!" "Really? You sure?" "Yes you idiot! Do it now!" and with that Caballeron hung and made another call. In the engine room, the engineer prepared to head out...whether the passengers themselves were ready or not. "Well if the boss says so..." The train let out a loud whistle and began to leave the station. The girls themselves heard the whistle and saw that the train was already leaving. "What's going on!? The train isn't scheduled to leave for another ten minutes!" Twilight exclaimed, checking her phone. "And Rainbow still isn't on board!" Fluttershy gasped. The others panicked upon realizing this too. They heard a shout and looked out the window to see Rainbow running out of the station, case still in hand, chasing after the train. "RAINBOW DASH!" Was all they could scream as the train left their dear friend behind. Rainbow was finishing up with the contact when she heard the train whistle. She looked out the window and saw that the train was leaving without her! "What the--!?" She quickly rushed outside amid the confused and panicking passengers, trying to chase down the train. She looked and saw her friends' worried faces in the window. "WAIT! STOP! HOLD ON A SEC!" When she reached the end of the platform, there was nothing she could od but stand and watch as the train become nothing more than a dot in the distance. All around her, people were wondering what was happening... "What in the world is going on!?" "But the train wasn't supposed to leave for at least ten more minutes!" "All my luggage was still on that train!" Rainbow clutched the suitcase and felt helpless. She was all alone in the middle of nowhere while her friends' and hero were on the same train as the bad guy! No! She couldn't end it like this! She suddenly felt something stir inside her and she knew what she had to do. She jumped off the platform onto the dirt and began to run. Meanwhile, in the Lair at Canterlot High, the Element of Loyalty began beeping...