Danger on the Tracks

by Bookpony579

Chapter 4

"Yearling! We can explain!" Rainbow exclaimed.

Yearling ignored her and brushed past the girls to close her case. "I told you not to open this under any circumstances!" She picked it up and was about to leave when Aj stopped her.

"Now hang on a moment Ms. Yearling, just what the heck is in that case!?"

"Whatever it is, it doesn't concern the Elements of Harmony!" The girls were shocked ad this.

"Wait...you know us?" Twilight asked.

"Of course I do, who doesn't? " Yearling asked in annoyance. She looked around quickly. "I have to go." But she was stopped yet again.

"Now hang on, whatever is going on, we can help!" Rainbow begged.

"No, you can't! This doesn't concern any of you! Now just let me leave and..." Her eyes widened as she looked down to the door of the car. Through the window, the silhouettes of three men could just be made out. Yearling pushed the case into Rainbow's arms and began pushing the girls into a nearby supply closet.

"You girls just hide and do not make a sound!"


"Just do it!" Yearling commanded as she pushed them all in and closed the door behind them. The girls were crowded together in such a small closest but they managed to make it work. Rainbow, who was right next to the door, managed to open it just enough to make out what was going on.

"What's happening?" Sunset whispered.

"I don't know...wait look!"

The girls turned silent as the three men surrounded Yearling.

"Ah... Ms. 'Yearling', it is so good to see you again!" The leader said sinisterly. Yearling, unintimidated, glared at him.

"Drop the act Dr. Caballeron! We both know you aren't one for courtesy!"


"Dr. Caballeron!?" Rainbow whispered in shock.

"But...he's just a bad guy in the Daring Do series, this doesn't make any sense!" Twilight whispered in confusion.

Outside, Dr. Caballeron only smirked at Yearling's words. "Then in that case, we should both drop these pretenses 'Ms. Yearling'...or should I say....Daring Do!"


The girls all gasped at what they heard.

In that moment 'Yearling' removed her cloak, glasses and hat, revealing her outfit to be similar to a jungle explorer's with a green button up shirt decorated with a compass rose badge along with cargo pants and hiking boots. She pulled out her trademark hat and laid it atop her head.

She now looked exactly as she did on her book covers.

She looked just like Daring Do.

"No. Way." Rainbow whispered. She couldn't believe what she was seeing!

"A.K. Yearling and Daring DO are one in the same! My mind is officially blown!" Twilight whispered excitedly.

Back outside, the tension was increasing...

"Hand over the Jewel of Flora Daring Do, and nobody has to get hurt!"

"Fat chance! I've hidden it somewhere you'll never find it!"

Dr. Caballeron growled at this, "We'll see about that..." but before he or his goons could do anything, they noticed a train worker entering the car.

Dr. Caballeron scowled at this and whispered to Daring Do, "We'll meet again. And you will give us the Jewel of Flora!" He and his goons walked casually away as the worker made their way through. Daring Do put back on her disguise before they could notice anything.

Once the coast was clear, she opened the closet door, causing all the girls to come tumbling out at one. Daring could only sigh at this, "So...how much did you see?"

Rainbow grinned sheepishly, "...All of it?"

Daring could only sigh again as the girls got their barrings together.

"What in the hay is goin' on here!?" AJ asked.

"What did they mean by 'The Jewel of Flora'?" Rarity asked.

"Isn't 'Flora' the Goddess of Nature?" Fluttershy pointed put.

Daring put the case on a nearby table and, making sure the coast was clear once again, opened it with her key to reveal the crystal from before.

"This.." She said, gesturing to the crystal, "...is called the 'Jewel of Flora'. Long ago two tribes were in a vicious war. The leader of one of these tribes became so desperate that he begged the Goddess of Nature to help him. She agreed and gave him several enchanted objects, but warned him that the price for disrupting the balance of things would be high. He won the war, but lost his family, his wife, and many of his friends in the process."

"How sad..." Fluttershy said sympathetically.

"This crystal is one of these objects. It is know as 'The Jewel of Flora', and it supposedly has the power to absorb and contain large amounts of magical energy, and even magical beings themselves!"

"Woah..." Rainbow said in amazement.

"A few weeks ago it was uncovered at an archaeological dig, but Dr. Caballeron stole it before it could be secured. He was hired by Ahuizotl to get it for him. I managed to get it back, but he caught onto my trail. If I can get it to my contact in Manehattan, it'll be secured right in a museum. If Ahuizotl gets his paws on it...I don't even want to think about what he'll do with it!"

The girls were stunned by this revelation.

"So wait, this is all real? And all your books are real too!?" Twilight asked, eyes wide.


"This...is...AWESOME!" Rainbow shouted before being quickly hushed by Daring.

"Can you please try not to drawn any attention. I still have a few hours to keep it safe before we get there. I need to get an important message to my contact about Dr. Caballeron but he and his goons on the look out. If I try to get off the train at the next stop, they'll get me for sure!"

"How about I make the drop off for you?" Rainbow volunteered excitedly. She was going to be part of a real life Daring Do adventure! This was her dream come true!

But Daring shook her head at this. "Absolutely not. It's too dangerous. Besides, I work alone."

"Please!" Rainbow begged. "Like you said: It's too risky for you to go yourself! Besides, Dr. Caballeron will never guess your working with me! Plus we've faced danger before! I'll send the message real quick and be back before you know it!" Rainbow now resembled Spike when he wanted a treat or belly rub.

Daring thought on this for a moment. She was used to working alone and the though of sending a newbie in made her frown. But she had to admit she didn't have any other options at the moment and so she finally nodded her head.

"Alright. You can help. But you have to be very sneaky and do everything I say, got it?"

Rainbow nodded enthusiastically. This was going to be so awesome! What could go wrong?