I’m Not Your Waifu

by Tiny Branch

‘Roommates’ Hoodies + Anon = Sarcastic is the new Black

It had been a week since I entered Equestria and I had met all the princesses and everypony in Ponyville, yes I met Maud Pie, we actually got along strangely enough. I was walking home after me and Pinkie pranked Twilight for the fun of it. It had snowed and I was wearing the jackets I had left. I had gotten used to moat of the stranger meals here in Equestria. I was walking home and opened the door when...


I was more shocked than surprised that Fluttershy had done that,”Surprise? Huh?”

“Look what I had made for us! Too hoodies! They say ‘Roomates!’ Mine has a picture of you! Your’s had a picture of me! Cool huh?”

“They are soo amazing,” I said sarcastically.

“I know! Rarity made them!”

“I figured,” I said it that same tone.

Fluttershy smiled,”Wait there is more, I noticed you needed more clothes since every second day I had to wash clothes. I got this made for you!”

It was a jacket which had a hear and Fizzlepop Berrytwist in the middle and on top it said,’She says She isn’t my Waifu!’ and at the bottom it also had writting,’But she Is!’

“It is sooooo amazing! Thanks Flutters!” I said again in my sarcastic voice.

“You are welcome!” she said and passed me the last hoodie,”This is the last one! I have one too!”

It said ‘I am with Annoying!’ with a right arrow and hers said ‘I am with Stupid!’ with a left arrow.

“I looovvve! It!” I said. Still sarcastically.

“I am soo happy you like them!!” she shouted completely unaware I was being sarcastic.

“Um... Shy, I was being sarcastic,” I told her.

“I know!” she said and gave me the stare.

“Fine fine! Stop it! I will learn to like them! Please it hurts!” I shouted. Now I know why the stare works so well.

“Great! I will make supper!”
