The Tale Of A Lost Wolf

by Solaris Night

Chapter 42: Canterlot War Part 3: Cry of Rage! Ascend Beyond The Limits!!

"I am Daybreaker."

Everyone stood silent as they watched the mare who looked like Celestia, but was also vastly different from her. While they were cowering before her, Daybreaker took her time to look over herself.

"Interesting." she said, making a light spin. "It would seem the Nightmare Moon fragment could be used on anypony."

"Princess?" Rose spoke up. Daybreaker looked at her, seeing her eyes full of terror. "Princess, a-are you fine?"

"I am more than fine, my little pony." she said, laughing lightly. "I feel wonderful, much more than I've ever felt in the past thousand years. No longer being restrained by the morals and beliefs of my foolish counterpart, Celestia. For the first I truly feel alive."

Her statement made Rose and Frost shiver, they knew very well that things just went from bad to worse. Comet Trail on the other hand, looked like he just received the best gift in the world. He began to laugh manically gathering other's attention.

"This is even better than I imagined." he said in between laughter. "At first I wanted Luna to destroy you and everything you hold dear, but now I'll have you destroy it yourself." He continued to laugh, but his amusement was overtaken by another, louder and more menacing, laugh.

"You have become far more foolish over these past seven hundred years, Comet." Daybreaker cackled. "What makes you believe that I will do whatever you wish?"

"A little something I put onto the fragment while it was restoring itself." the stallion grinned and snapped his fingers. All of a sudden glowing marks appeared all over Daybreaker's body and her movements were stopped. "With this you'll ahve no choice but to do my bidding. And as my first decree, I command you to dispose of those two." he said and pointed toward Rose and Frost.

Daybreaker however remained still. "Like I said." she spoke softly. "A fool." The marks on her body shattered and Comet's eyes shrunk when he saw that happen and he stumbled away from the mare.

"H-how?" he stuttered.

"That kind of thing may have worked on the other me, but I am so much more than Celestia. It would seem ponies and other creatures of Equestria have forgotten how powerful I truly am." A ball of magic formed in her hand and she observed it gleefully. "Maybe it's time they are reminded."

She tossed the orb at Comet, almost like she was passing a ball over to a child. The stallion immediatelly conjured a small barrier and as soon as it made contact it pushed him back.

"Such power!" he thought, as he continued to be pushed backwards. "Can't block! I'll have to redirect it!" he mustered his strength and with all of his might he altered it's trajectory. The ball continued to fly until it reached the barrier. As soon as it touched it, the dome shattered and the pieces rained over them.

Everyone watched in shock and fear, while Daybreaker smiled. "Quite beautiful." she said joyfully, before returning her attention back to Comet. "Your skills have certainly improved over these past centuries." she commended, as she formed another orb. "But I doubt even you can stop another, especially with how much magic you've already used."

Comets's eyes widened and his pupils shrank as he watched her attack again. He knew she was right, so all he could possibly do was dodge it. Right as it was about to strike him, he jumped out of the way, using his magic to speed himself up. The orb flew past him and he grinned at his small victory.

Daybreaker however, smiled, before she extended her arm. The orb stopped it's flight and floated in place. She then extended her index finger and waved it around. The orb followed her movements and it's changed it's course, heading straight for Comet once again.

Comet's grin turned into a scowl, as he teleported out of it's way just in the nick of time. He now stood behind Daybreaker and he charged his own attack.

"Starfall!" he shouted as the ground beneath Daybreaker and sky above her began to glow. Suddenly a burst of magic shot from both sides shot forth engulfing the mare in blinding light. Comet breathed heavily as he watched the place where she stood, seeing nothing but smoke and a large crater. He put his arm down and sighed in relief.

"Gotcha." He quickly turned his head, but it was too late. His side was hit with tremendous force and all air left his lungs, as he flew across the ground, eventually hitting a nearby building. The debris fell on top of him, but he managed not to get crushed, by creating a barrier. He pushed off the rocks and looked at his impending doom.

Daybreaker stood several feet from him her hand extended, overflowing with magic. "It's about time I finished this little game." she said cackling. She released her magic from her palm and shot a small beam straight at Comet.

Already low on magic and severely hurt, Comet could only watch as his demise approached. All of a sudden a figure descended from the sky and blocked the blast with magic. Daybreaker's eyes narrowed in annoyance and anger as she stared at her former pupil.

"Sunset." she spat out. "How nice of you to join us. I was planning on finishing you off after I took care of this sorry excuse of a stallion, but now I'll have the pleasure of killing two birds with one stone."

Sunset paid her no mind as she turned her head to Comet. "Master are you alright?" she asked with worry.

Comet slowly picked himself up, with the help of the mare. "I'll live. I have to." he said, shooting a glare at Daybreaker. "But this has gone too far out of control. We need to leave now, while we still have a chance."

Sunset nodded in affirmation and began to channel her magic. While she was doing that, Daybreaker watched the two mirthfully. "Planning on running away cowards?" she taunted. "Do you think I'll allow for that to happen?"

"I know you won't. But all we need is just a single opportunity." Comet shot back, the two now locked in an intense staring match.

Just as she was about to make her move, a sudden shout drew Daybreaker's attention away from the duo. "Celestia!!!" Looking up she saw her sister, Luna, approach them.

Immediately she realised that she took her eyes off of her real targets she turned her head back to Comet, only to see him and Sunset disappear in a flash. Right before they teleported Comet shot her a smug smile and Daybreaker gritted her teeth in rage. She continued to stare at the spot where they were before, unaware that Luna approached her from behind.

"Sister." the night princess gasped as she looked at her sister. "What happened to you? What is going on? Who was that? Where are Frost and Rose?"

Her questions went unanswered, as Daybreaker slowly turned around. "You let them get away." she said quietly.

Luna looked at her confused. "Wha-?" Suddenly Daybreaker lifted her leg and kicked her in her stomach. The impact sent her flying through the air, but before she could hit the ground or any other obstacle, she was enveloped in green and red aura.

"Are you alright Princess?" Rose asked, as she and Frost pur her down gently.

"I am fine." Luna grunted as her hooves touched the ground. "But was is going on? What has happened to my sister?"

"In short, that guy from before is someone Celestia faced while you were banished to the moon and he took over Charming's body in order to exact his revenge. His plan was to make you join his side, by exposing you to a resurrected fragment of Nightmare Moon, but it instead took over Celestia, turning her into Daybreaker." Frost quickly explained the situation.

For a few moment Luna remained silent, but eventually she sighed and turned towards where Daybreaker stood. "I see." she said coldly, slowly beginning to walk towards her.

"Princess what do you plan on doing?" Rose asked, her voice laced with worry.

"I shall confront this 'Daybreaker'." she said, her tone clearly displaying her determination. She approached Daybreaker, while she too closed the distance between them. Once they were close enough they stopped and stared at each other.

"So Luna, what are you going to do?" Daybreaker asked, eyeing her sister.

"Sister." Luna began, taking a deep breath before she continued. "Please stop this. I know better than anypony what it is like to have your mind and body twisted by the darkness that is Nightmare Moon." she said. "This is not you. You have to fight it, I know you can do it." Tears began to form around her eyes and she gave Daybreaker a sorrowful look. "Please. Do not do the same mistake I did."

Daybreaker said nothing, instead she slowly lifted her hands and she gently cupped Luna's face. "Oh sister." she said softly. Luna looked at her sister with hope, but it was quickly crushed when she saw the malice in the day princess's eyes. "How naive can you get?"

Immediately Luna tried to move away from the fire mare, but she was too late. Magic coursed through Daybreaker's arms, down to her hands and shocked Luna.

A malicious smile formed on Daybreaker's face as she watched her sister writhe in agony. "Did you really think that would work?" she cackled. "I don't give a damn about your sob story. We get it you are sad cause you hurt ponies long ago. Get over it." Luna continued to scream in pain, while Daybreaker reveled in it. "Thanks to this I've finally seen that, because I was afraid to go all out against my foes, Equestria's been in so much danger lately. But no more. From this day forward everyone will see the true might of the Princess of Equestria and they will know to fear me."

Luna could barely keep up with her boasting, as she tried to fight through the pain. Suddenly the pain stopped and she felt Daybreaker remove her hands from her face. She collapsed to the ground, but she quickly recovered her senses. She looked up and saw two figures standing above, both of them carrying a weapon in their hands.

"Frost, Rose. What are you-?"

Her question was cut short as she felt being lifted up by magic. "Princess." Rose spoke sternly. "I know how you feel about this whole situation, but this is no longer Celestia you knew. Right now the only thing that can help her are not heartfelt words, but the Elements."

"So until they get here we will have to stand our ground." Frost added, chaning her battleaxe for a halberd. "Can we count on you? Cause we have no chance by ourselves."

Luna closed her eyes and breathed in deepley. Magic began to course through her body and her clothes began to glow. Soon the glowing stopped and her previous regal clothes transformed into a black full body armor, while in her hands she held a purple sword and a round white shield.

"You are right. This is time for action." She looked at both of them, giving them an appreciative smile. "Let us stop my sister, before she causes any more grief." The two mares beside her nodded and they all preapred for the battle that awaited them.

Daybreaker meanwhile watched and listened to them, smiling to herself. "So you finally decided to get serious? Then I should do the same." Like with Luna her magic coursed through her body and she stood in a golden armor, wielding a long golden spear. "Come! Let's see who will be victorious."

"You two." Luna spoke shushledly. Frost and Rose turned to her listening intently. "Do not try to face her by yourselves. Let me handle her, while you two attack from a distance or try to take advantage of any openings she might present and then retreat."

"Got it." they both said simultaneously. Without another word both Luna and Daybreaker charged at each other, clashing with a lound boom.

Luna swung her sword downwards, but Daybreaker blocked it with her spear. The clash lasted for less than a second, before they both began to soar across the battlefield, the only times they could be seen was when they exchanged blows.

Meanwhile Frost and Rose waited and watched, for any chance they might get for a good attack. But it was difficult as they could just barely keep up with the princesses ridiculous speed. Their chance came up when Luna crashed into the ground, creating a small creater upon impact, and Daybreaker shot from the sky towards her. Right before she could reach her, Frost thrusted her halberd forward the pole of the weapon extending with lightning speed. In the last moment Daybreaker went from a nosedive into an upright position, as she gracefully landed on the pole, without even bending it. She glanced at the guardmare, shooting her a condescending smirk, but she immediatelly realised that Rose was missing.

"Sakura Sword Style." Rose chanted, standing just a few feet away from Daybreaker.

"Yeah right." the flaming mare scoffed as she prepared to lunge at her. But Frost saw her intent and she retracted her weapon, making Daybreaker lose her balance.

"Slicing Typhoon." Rose finished, swinging her blade and the princess was suddenly caught in a violent tornado. The force of the wind lifted her up, as countless cuts tried to damage her body, but her aura alone protected her from the damdage. Once she reached tornado's apex the magic stopped and she levitated mid-air, her senses still jumbled from being tossed around in the winds. Because of that she failed to notice Frost jumping up and lifting a giant club directly at her. With all of her might she swung her weapon and struck Daybreaker down, sending her through a wall of a nearby building.

"Think that did it?" Frost asked optimistically.

The building's debris was blown away, as Daybreaker walked out, with not even a dent in her armor or a scratch on her body. "That answers your question?" Rose sarcastically retorted.

"You two are like annoying flies." Daybreaker said and her horn began to glow. She swung her spear in an arc above herself and about a dozen bright orbs appeared. "So I'll just have to get rid of you." She thrusted her spear forward and the orbs all shot towards the two mares.

Frost jumped towards Rose and created a powerful barrier, by thrusting her sword into the ground, in hopes it would be enough to protect them.

But before they could even reach them, Luna jumped in front of them and swung her sword, making all of the orbs explode. Without any further word she again blitzed her sister and their fight continued. Frost dropped her shield and she faced Rose.

"You really think we can win this way? Cause that was way too close for my taste." she complained.

Rose nodded in agreement, as she watched the two alicorons go at each other. "I agree." she said. "It's clear that neither of us can deal a finishing blow. Only Luna has enough magic and types of spells that can to that."

"So we just let her defeat Daybreaker by herself?"

"No." Rose quickly retorted. "We know that we can't fight straight on, so instead we'll assist Luna by attacking her from afar and hope we can at least distract her enough for Luna to take the decisive blow."

Frost liked her plan and she immediatelly summoned a long bow into her arms. "I wish Ace was here. He is much better than me at archery." she said, readying an arrow.

While she was preparing, Rose cast her spell and her sword glowed red as it split into five parts, as they floated around her. "We'll make due." she encouraged her friend. They exchanged one last glance before they looked back toward the fight.

Luna and Daybreaker continued to exchange blows high above the city, neither one showing any signs of stopping any time soon. Luna swung her sword and shot a blade of magical energy at Daybreaker and she blocked it with her spear. The night princess tried to push onwards with her attack by firing several bolts of magic at her sister, but the flaming mare expertly defended herself, by spinning her weapon in front of her, successfully blocking all the shots.

"What's wrong sister? Don't tell me this is all you have." Daybreaker taunted. Suddenly she disappeared in a flash of light and Luna immediatelly stopped her attack and focused on sensing where she would appear. She felt a pressure rise behind her and she quickly swung her sword at the location where she knew Daybreaker would appear.

As soon as she turned around she saw Daybreaker and she was certain her strike would hit. But her hope for turning the tables was quickly bashed when she saw her sinister smile, right before she once again disappeared in a flash. The next thing Luna knew she tried to hit air. She sensed her sister materialize behind her again, but this time she couldn't do anything, except brace for the inevitable attack.

Daybreaker raised her spear to deal a devastating blow, but she saw something in her peripheral vision that made her jump away. Several blots of red magic and arrows zoomed past her and Luna took the given chance to regain her standing. Both she and Daybreaker looked downwards and saw Rose and Frost, both prepared to help Luna at any given time.

"It would seem I have the advantage here sister." Luna stated, pointing her sword at the flaming mare.

Daybreaker scoffed, before she replied. "Those annyoing pests?" she spat. "Do you really think they will be able to do anything? They are just a nuisance, nothing more."

"On a battlefield even the smallest distraction can dictate the victor." Luna argued.

"True." Daybreaker agreed with her. "But even with an entire army, you wouldn't stand a chance."

"It seems you have forgotten that I too am an alicorn like yourself." the night princess countered. "And last time I remember we were evenly matched."

"Indeed. In terms of raw power we are equal. But there is also the fact of experience." Daybreaker smiled. "But that too is rather miniscule between us, seeing as you were locked on the moon and I was just spending my day sitting on the throne listening to noble's whining. But there are two reasons why I'll be victorious in the end."

"And what are they?" Luna asked, with slight curiosity.

"One," Daybreaker raised a finger. "While we both do have the same amount of power, you however are holding back, trying to refrain from harming me or the city. I don't have such a problem." She cackled, sending chills down Luna's back. "But don't worry. I won't kill you, you are my sister after all. But you don't need your limbs or your horn to live now do you?"

The truth, that the one who stood in front of her was no longer the sister she once knew and loved, once again dawned on Luna and a single tear escaped her eyes. "And the second reason?"

This time Daybreaker didn't answer, instead she used her magic to create a bright light that engulfed most of the sky, blinding Luna and the two mares on the ground. Luna focused on trying to sense where Daybreaker was, expecting her to attack. But she was farther away then she was before. After a couple more seconds her vision returned and she immediatelly looked towards her sister's location.

"Second reason." Daybreaker said triumphantly holding her spear up above her head. Luna's pupils shrunk when she saw the massive ball of golden energy standing on the tip of Daybreaker's weapon. "Your concern for others."

At first Luna didn't know what she meant, but when Daybreaker launched the giant orb past her and towards the ground, she realized what she was talking about. Without a second thought she shot past the sphere and jumped in front of it.

"If this thing hits the ground, both Rose and Frost, nay, most of Canterlot will be destroyed." she thought as she began to focus her magic. "I call upon thee the darkness of the universe, to descend onto my foes to swallow and destroy them. Born of light, now here to bring forth the end to the stars." she chanted, as a large pitch black darkness began to concentrate in front of her and slowly shaped itself into a ball. "Ereignishorizont!" With the chant finished the spell began to suck everything in it's surrouding into itself.

Rose and Frost could feel the pulling force even from where they were standing and they watched as part of buildings and the debris began to float into the spell, disappearing from existance. Daybreaker's attack too was slowly swallowed, but it wasn't fast enough. Soon the two spells clashed and the resulting explosion leveled a couple of the buildings. Frost switched to a longsword and dug it deep into the ground, holding herself in place with all of her might. Rose wasn't so lucky however and she was swept away by the blast wave.

Once the explosion subsided, Frost looked up to see what had happened to the princesses. No matter how hard she looked she couldn't find any traces of them. A loud pained scream averted attention from the skies to the ground. The sight before her shocked her. Daybreaker was standing over Luna, whose body was badly wounded and her armor was mostly destroyed. The flame mare was pressing her hoof onto her sister's back, while the wounded princess was ensnared by several golden rings.

"Didn't I tell you that I'll be the winner?" she mocked her sister as she put more pressure onto her back. "You are just like how I was before. So benevolent that it makes me sick." She bent down and grabbed Luna's mane, lifting her up to eye level. "You don't have to worry though. Like I said I won't kill you. But I can't say the same for others. Anypony who'll be stupid enough to defy me, will meet a harsh end." She glanced towards Frost, her gaze lingering on her long enough for Luna to understand what she was planning.

"No!" she shouted. "Please Celestia, please don't do this." she begged her, but the only answer she received was a punch to her gut.

"I thought I told you, Celestia is no more. Only Daybreaker remains." She dropped her sister back onto the ground and began to advance towards Frost.

"R-run." Luna said weakly as she tried to get herself up. "RUN!!!"

Frost didn't have to be told twice. She quickly turned around and tried to escape, but she was stopped by Daybreaker who was now standing in front of her. "Hello there." Without thinking Frost jumped back to distance herself from the mare. "You have nowhere to run my little pony, all you can do now is beg for my forgiveness and I might just spare your life."

Frost's body was shaking and she couldn't move, her body frozen from Daybreaker's sheer presence. She didn't know what to do as she frantically looked around to see if anyone would come to her aid. Seeing that she was alone she faced the flaming mare again and she closed her eyes. She took a long and deep breath before she reopened her eyes.

"Don't look down on me." she growled, her shaking completely stopped. Her eyes were filled with determination and she summoned two katanas. "The only time I'll bow down to the likes of you is when you'll be kissing my ass!"

With a powerful shout she jumped at Daybreaker unleashing everything she had at her. But no matter how hard she tried, Daybreaker easily dogdged and avoided every one of her attacks.

"You have spirit." Daybreaker praised, before she grabbed the blades of her swords. "But that alone won't save you." She snapped the blades in half with little to no force.

Frost immediately released her weapons and summoned a warhammer. She assaulted Daybreaker again, with even more vigor. And again the flaming princess effortlessly danced around her, playing with her. Eventually however she had enough and she smashed the hammer with a single swing of her arm.

Before Frost had the time to summon another weapon, Daybreaker grabbed her by her throat and lifted her off the ground. "I see that you are fully prepared to die." she said to the mare who was struggling in her hand. She pondered for a little while, before a wicked smile stretched across her face. "You have piqued my interest. I think I'll let you live." Frost gave her a confused gaze, unsure what she was plotting. "Killing you right here and now will leave a bad taste in my mouth. So instead I'll let you live and have you become my personal slave." Her smile widened as she slightly released her grip on Frost's neck and she placed her other hand onto her horn. "But first we have to make sure you'll have no way to retaliate."

Her horn began to glow and it was soon surrounded by a black smoky aura, as her eyes turned green and purple smoke began to escape from her them. Luna watched in horror at what was happening before her eyes. "Sister don't tell me you are going to use that spell?!"

Meanwhile at one of the nearby buildings, two figures watched the unfolding battle. "Master what is Cele- Daybreaker doing?" Sunset asked as she appleid magic to Comet's severed arm.

"That my dear pupil." Comet said somberly. "Is the spell she used 700 years ago to take away my magic." Sunset looked at him with slight shock. But instead of a scowl she was expecting she saw how he was smiling. "Soon you'll have a taste of your medicine Princess." He then looked away from the battle and looked at Sunset. "Did you relay the message to everyone else?"

"Yes master." the mare replied.

"Good. Let's observe for a little longer, then we retreat." They said no further word as they returned their attention back onto the fight below them.

Frost's struggles stopped as soon as Daybreaker began to cast the spell. her body was limp, her mouth wide opened in a silent scream and her eyes were pure white. Black cracks began to spread through her body, from her neck and they showed no sign of stopping. Daybreaker in the meanwhile just smiled sadistically.

"You know on second thought." she said increasing the amount of magic. "Maybe I will kill you, by destroying all of your magic." She cackled as she continued her spell.

Suddenly she was hit in the back by a large red magic beam. She screamed in pain and she released Frost, letting her drop onto the ground. Daybreaker's back covered in black soot and smoke rose from it. She turned around to see who was responsible. Her eyes landed on Rose who was standing outside of a hol in a building. Four red blades slowly stopped spinning in front of her and she shot her a smirk.

"You! Dare!" Daybreaker shouted, her teeth gritted in anger.

"Struck a nerve did I?" she taunted, the baldes now floating beside her. "I'm surprised that did something, despite it only being 4/5 of my full power."

"4/5?" Daybreaker repeated. Before she had the chance to realize, she was tackled by Luna and she just barely dodged her sword that left a small gash on her face. Continuing her momentum, the night princess struck her sister's torso with her shield.

"Schwerkraftschub!" Her shield glowed and Daybreaker was sent skidding across the ground. Luna turned to Rose and shouted. "Get Frost and run away from here!"

"Got it!" Rose nodded and ran to Frost. She picked her up and began to carry her away.

"Wha-? What happened?" Frost asked, waking up from her daze.

"We're getting out of here that's what." Rose quickly explained. "How are you feeling?"

"Cold. Empty. I can't really explain." Frost tried to explain to the best of her abilities. "But I can still fight. We have to help Luna."

"No can do. You almost got killed back there and this is way out of our league." Rose tried to convince her friend, but to no avail.

"No way. I'm not about to run away with my tail between my legs." she said, breaking free from Rose. She extended her arm and focused her magic. But nothing happend. "M-my-"

"Frost what's the matter?" Rose asked concerned.

"M-my m-magic." she stuttered out her response. "My magic is gone!"

Rose didn't know how to respond to that, but it's not like she had the time to think about what to say. "All the more reason to get the fuck away from here." she shouted, grasping Frost's hand. "Let's go."

As the two continued to flee, Luna was once again in a heated battle with Daybreaker, this time however the mare was burning with rage, literally. "I've had enough of this!" she screamed, her voice as loud as thunder. "I don't care if you're my sister, all of you will die for opposing me." She unleashed her magic in a large explosion, pushing Luna away several feet.

The explosion dazed the night princess and Daybreaker decided to finish her. "Oh bringer of life, smite those that lurk in darkness. With your divine destruction cleanse this world of it's impurity." she chanted as she concentrated her magic in her hands. "Lux Exitium."

A wave of golden flames shot out from her hands towards Luna, who just at the last second formed a drak blue shield around her. The flames engulfed her and pushed against her shield with tremendous force. Luna fought against the attack with everything she had, but despite her struggle the shield broke and she screamed in agony. Soon the flames subsided and Daybreaker proudly looked upon the burned remains of the buildings that were before her.

Her eyes then fell onto Luna who was lying motionlessly on the floor, her entire body burned. "Still alive, huh?" Wouldn't expect anything less from my sister." she said. Luna weakly moaned, telling her she was still conscious. "Now for the other two." She turned around looking for the other two mares and soon she spotted them how they tried to run away. "I don't think so." she said, lifting her spear which she engulfed in the golden flames. "Two birds, one spear." she cackled.

As they were fleeing the scene Frost glanced back and saw Daybreaker readying to throw her spear at them. "Rose!" she shouted. The mare turned around, just in time to see Daybreaker throwing the spear. She released Frost and unseathed her sword, holding it in front of her, by the handle and it's blade. "Sakura Sword Style: Blossom Fort!" A thick wall of magic formed in front of her and she prepared for the impact.

Frost closed her eyes and raised her arms, trying to protect herself from the impact as well. She heard the shattering of glass and nothing else after that. She slowly opened her eyes, only to regret doing so.

She saw Rose's back and a blood covered golden spear that jutted out from it. Rose was still standing with her sword in her arms, almost as if nothing happened. The red wall began to fade away and the mare slowly looked down, just to see the spear embedded in her chest. A trace of blood escaped her mouth and she dropped to her knees, dropping her weapon. She raised her shaking hands and placed them onto the the pole. Before she could even grab it, it was pulled out of her by an invisible force and blood spattered all over the ground. Her body collapsed and Frost screamed.


She laid motionless on the ground, her body unwilling to listen to her commands. She felt the cold creeping all over her and her vision slowly became foggy. Frost crawled over to her and placed her head onto her lap.

"Stay with me Rose! Don't you dare die!" she said frantically, tears flowing down her face. Rose tried to speak, but she couldn't no matter how hard she tried.

"Well at least I got one of you." Daybreaker said as she loomed over the two mares. "Don't worry, you'll soon join her in the afterlife." She raised her spear and was about to bring it down onto Frost.

Suddenly something fell from the sky and struck Daybreaker, sending her flying away from the two mares. Once she stopped she growled. "Who now?" the flaming mare said in annoyance. She and Frost looked at the newcomer, both surprised.

"Trider!" Frost said in hope. The Kanisar said nothing as he turned to Frost and fell onto his knees. He grasped Rose and brought her closer to himself.

"Rose!" he shouted. The mare strained her eyes to see who was talking to her. When she saw the familiar outlines of her beloved husband she smiled.

"Trider." she said weakly.

"Don't speak, I'll get you to a hospital. So don't talk and save your energy." he said in desperate hope. He tried to lift her, but was stopped when she placed a hand onto his cheek. Trider grasped it with his own and he could feel how cold it was.

"I... Love you." she said, before she closed her eyes. Her hand went limp and it fell out of Trider's and onto the ground. Both Frost and Trider looked at her with shock, not believing that she was gone.

Frost couldn't hold back her tears and she began to sob uncontrolably. Trider on the other hand slowly placed Rose's body back onto the ground and said in a low tone. "Look after her." Frost lifted her gaze at Trider and saw something she never expected out of the Kanisar. He was crying.

Without another word he stood up and faced Daybreaker, who was watching them with a smile. "She finally bit the dust I see. Good riddance." she said in a taunting tone. Trider didn't react instead he kept his head low. "Awww, what's wrong little pup? I was expecting you to go crazy after witnessing your beloved dying. Or were you like that when your parents died as well?"

"Shut up."

"I'm sorry what was that? I couldn't hear over your pathetic-"

"I SAID SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!!!" A burst of energy exploded from his body and his hair turned snow white. Daybreaker was taken aback by the sudden outburst, but she quickly recollected herself.

"Oh you want to go at me?" she jabbed. "That's fine by me. I've been wanting to put you in your place ever since I've met-" She stopped her taunting when she saw his enraged look and his eyes, the iris now encircled by a red line. She has seen him angry before, but this time for some reason it made her shiver.

Trider clenched his fists so tightly that his arms were shaking and he gritted his teeth so hard it would seem like he was trying to break them by force. "You'll pay for what you did!" he said, his voice gravly and cold. The air began to feel tense and the stones around the area began to float off the ground. Trider's white aura started to grow in size and intensity and showed no sign of stopping. A loud bang drew Daybreaker's attention to the sky as she saw numerous dark clouds approach Canterlot.

She returned her gaze back to Trider and saw that the aura grew even more, so much so that it started creating a crater under his feet. She didn't know what to do, she tried to move but was so captivated by the sight before her that couldn't do anything. At this point even the ground began to shake, almost like a small earthquake hit Canterlot and the skies were completely dark from the thunder clouds, which were now releasing lightning all over the city, but especially around the Kanisar.

Then all of sudden Trider unleashed a loud, almost primal, cry that nearly deafened Frost and Daybreaker. He continued to scream, his voice growing louder by the second and he showed no sign of stopping. His hair and tail seemed like were caught in a violent wind and appeared to grow longer.

Suddenly the aura exploded in a blinding light and both mare shielded their eyes from it. Once it subsided they both looked towards where Trider stood and were greeted by an unexpected sight.

The Kanisar's transformation made him appear even more like a beast than before. His hair was now so long it reached the middle of his back, he also had a couple of sideburns adorning his face, The fur on his arms, which usually reach only to his elbows, was now extended all the way to his shoulder. His chest was also covered in the white fur, hiding his muscles. And even his tail grew in volume, now resembling that of a fox.

He slowly opened his closed eyes to reveal they were still neon blue, but this time the edge of iris was highlighted with red, making them appear like something out of this world.

"Another transformation?" Daybreaker said condescendingly, shrugging it off like it was nothing. "You really are full of surprises. What do you call this one? Super mongrel seems fit-" She didn't even get the chance to finish her sentence, as Trider seemingly teleported before her and delivered a powerful strike to her gut. She was thrown off her hooves and sent flying through numerous buildings, all the way to the other side of the city.

Frost, Luna, who was able to at least watch what was happening, and the two villains all stared at what they had just witnessed with mouths wide open. "Frost!" Trider said without even looking at the mare. "Get Luna and take her to safety!" He didn't even wait for a response, before he jumped off the ground and flew to where he punched Daybreaker.

"M-master, did you see what happened?" Sunset asked, still in shock.

"I have." he replied with astonishment. "It would seem that I'll have to wary of that alien as well in the future. That is if he lives."

Sunset watched Comet's facial expression, seeing small hints of fear, but mostly intrigue. She's never seen him like that and it unnerved her. "M-maybe we should retreat as well?"

Comet slowly went to stand up and Sunset helped him. "Indeed. I'm sure Chrysalis was successful with her task." He took a dark purple crystal out of his jacket and spoke into it. "Rafel come and get us."

For a couple of seconds nothing happened, but then the air before them rippled and the space tore apart. The green head of the hideous creature popped through the portal and it smiled. "Master." it said somewhat enthusiastically. "You come back, yes?"

"Yes." he said monotonously."Have the others returned as well?"

"Yes. But not dragon. He insist to stay."

Comet sighed and rubbed the temple of his nose. "Then drag him here. We can't have him get side-tracked by his petty revenge. Not before my plans are finished."

Rafel bowed as the two of them entered the portal. "As you wish master." The gate closed and they were gone.


On the other side of the city Daybreaker picked herself up from the remains of the destroyed building she crashed into. When she stood up she felt a sharp pain in her stomach and she hissed. "That damned mutt." she said, applying a little healing magic to her wounded area. "I'll have his head on my wall."

She was caught up in her sulking that she didn't immediately noticed the changelings that were now surrouding her. "Surrender pony!" one of them shouted.

Daybreaker said nothing, instead she lifted her gaze to the sky, spotting a distant object that was quickly approcahing them. Seeing she was not responding the changelings decided to attack. Before they could even get close however, Daybreaker waved her hand and all of them were engulfed in golden flames. Nothing remained of them but ashes.

"Literal insetcs." she growled. She raised her arm and resummoned her spear to her side, waiting for her opponent to arrive.

Trider landed a few feet away from her, creating a large crater when he landed. "That hurt you mutt." she said, her tone devoid of any emotion. "I hope you are prepared for a slow and agonizing death."

"I said shut up. I don't have anything to talk to you about." he responded.

"Really? Usually you like to talk all big during a fight, to show off your power."

"Not this time." he shook his head. "I don't wanna waste any of my energy by talking to you. I'll use every drop of my being on beating the crap of you!"

"I see." Daybreaker chuckled and raised her spear. "Then let's not waste any more time."

They both stood still, staring into each other's eyes. Then without any warning they both charged at each other. Their clash was so powerful the ground beneath them shattered into million pieces. They both then followed up with their attacks, their battlefield expanding as they zoomed from one place to another.

"Piston Cannon Eicosiassault!" Trider thrusted his fist at Daybreaker, but she redirected his punch with her own hand and countered, by kicking him higher into the air. He quickly recovered and managed to dodge the spear just at the last moment. He locked his eyes with Daybreaker as she fired a barrage of golden magic shots at him.

Trider countered by firing his own Ki blasts at hers. The two were locked in the firing match for a bit before Daybreaker stopped and teleported behind the Kanisar. Her spear flew into her hand and she swung it at him.

Trider quickly turned around blocked the spear with his arms, the two now struggling to overpower each other. Daybreaker smiled wickedly and she pushed with all of her might, sending both of them to the ground. They crashed into the streets, raising a large cloud of smoke.

Still pushing, Daybreaker seemingly tried to make Trider part of the road, and he couldn't move. "Face it Trider! I am more powerful than you in every possible way!" she claimed her smile turning more and more scary.

"Roar Cannon!" A beam shot out of his mouth and she had to back off, so she didn't get blasted. Trider took the chance and knocked her spear out of her hands. He then pressed the assault and began to deliver blow after blow at her.

The princess however retaliated, successfully blocking and dodging all of his attacks. "I told you didn't I? I am the most powerful being in Equstria. There is no one that can even measure up to me." she bragged. Trider's response was to unleash a loud cry as he continued his attacks.

Daybreaker scoffed as she deiced she had enough. She went to grab his arm and then counter, but she missed as the fist seemed to accelerate all of a sudden. The attack hit her and broke her tempo, allowing Trider to unleash a barrage of punches and kicks onto her.

The mare was slowly being pushed back, but she did manage to recover her defenses, however it didn't help much. "Are- Are his attacks getting faster? And stronger?" she thought, as she took hit after hit from the Kanisar.

Trider decided to finish her, so reared his arm, ready to deliver a devastating blow. "Piston Cannon Eicosiassault!" The mare's eyes widened, realizing she had no way to avoid his attack. Instead she quickly summoned her spear and used it's pole to block his attack.

The impact created a deafening explosion that shattered the windows of nearby houses. Daybreaker felt immense pressure wash over her, as she felt herself fly through the air. She managed to recover herself and stop before she hit any obstacle.

Lifting her eyes she looked at where the Kanisar was, but she didn't see him. Suddenly she felt a powerful heat rise behind her and when she turned her head she saw Trider, crouching and preparing a Ki blast. With a shout he released the energy shooting it directly at her back, sending her high into the air.

The princess managed to separate herself from the blast and she was now high above the city. She quickly corrected herself and looked down, seeing Trider already flying right at her.

"I've had enough!" she screamed, her mane erupting in an even fiercer flames. "I'll just take you and this whole city with you if I have to!" She raised her spear and began to channel her magic, quickly creating a large golden sphere.

Seeing what she was doing, Trider too focused his Ki and created a large blue, red and purple orb, which was as big as half of his body. "Thundering Nova Sphere!" he shouted and shot it in mare's direction.

"Solis Malum!" Daybreaker unleashed her attack as well. The two blasts collided in the middle of the sky, resulting in a massive explosion, twice the size of Canterlot, that blew away all of the thunder clouds and shook the earth so hard it could be felt miles away.

Out of the blinding light, that was also the result of the explosion, two figures hurled towards the ground. They both crashed with a loud boom and remained lying in their craters for a couple of seconds. However once they caught their breath they both quickly stood up and were once again facing each other.

Daybreaker's armor was ruined in numerous places and she had several cuts and bruises all over her body. Trider didn't fare any better, he too had quite a lot of wounds and his shirt was completely destroyed.

They were heavily breathing and sweat ran down their faces. "Why won't you die?" the mare screamed. "I've had enough of you and your vain attempts to beat me." Her magic began to surge, as a golden aura covered her body. "I'll finish this right here and now!" Her magic began to take form, creating a giant knight like shape over herself. "Stella Laniatum Excubiarum. This is my most powerful defensive magic. And now for my most powerful offensive spell."

She outstretched her arms, while still holding her spear in them. "Oh bringer of life, smite those that lurk in darkness. With your divine destruction cleanse this world of it's impurity. Lux Exitium." Golden flames shot out of her hands and quickly engulfed all of the surrouding area.

Daybreaker watched and laughed as everything before her burned. But then she noticed something. Among her golden flames there were some that were red and blue, and they were approaching her. She quickly realized what that was and she incresed her power, but that didn't even slow down the Kanisar.

He soon reached the large barrier the princess erected and he hit it full force. He screamed as he pushed against the magic, shattering it after struggling against it for a bit. "Destructive!" His body covered in blue and red flames passed through the hole he created and Daybreaker's eyes widened in shock, as she used her spear to hopefully block his attack. "Finish!" His fist struck the golden pole and immediately broke it in two. "Breaker!" The attack connected and upon impact it completely destroyed the remains of Daybreaker's armor.

The knight barrier shattered completely and both, Trider and Daybreaker, rocketed across the city through all of the buildings and even the castle and it's defensive walls, until they crashed into the mountain itself. The resulting force created a giant crater into the rock.

Daybreaker was embedded into the wall, passed out. Trider on the other hand laid on the ground, about a hundred feet away from her. He returned back to his base form and was gasping for air.

Several minutes passed before he heard voices in the distance calling out to him. Slowly he stood up and turned his head a little to see the Mane 6 running towards him.

"Trider!" they shouted, Twilight and Applejack jumping at him, giving him a strong hug.

"Hey girls." he greeted back as he embraced the two mares in his arms. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to use the Elements on Princess Celestia." Twilight explained.

"Celly? But she isn't here." he asked confused as to waht she was talking about.

The mares looked at each other, exchaning worried glances. "Sugarcube." Applejack spoke, placing a hand onto his shoulder. "That there is the Princess." she said pointed toward Daybreaker.


"Luna told us what happened." Twilight quickly jumped in. "We know. About Rose." At the mention of her name everyone went silent and all of them were fighting back their tears. "You have to know this wasn't her fault."

"How?" he asked simply.

"From what Luna and Frost quickly told us, it seems she was possesed by the same thing that turned Luna into Nightmare Moon a thousand years ago." she clarified. Trider said nothing instead he dropped his head and began to slowly walk away.

"I see." he mumbled. "You should purify her while she's still down. Oh, where are Luna and Frost anyway?"

"They're near the place where the battle took place." Applejack answered and Trider nodded. As he was walking away he noticed a bright and colorful flash behind him, but didn't bother to look back. Instead he took to skies. As he flew over Canterlot, he saw the destruction that was left. He gritted his teeth and landed at some he saw was abandoned.

He walked over to one of the houses that were still standing and just stared at it. Tears began to fall down his face and he didn't even bother to hold them back. All of a sudden he screamed at the top of his lungs and punched the building, bringing it down.

"I swear, you'll pay for this!" he growled.