//------------------------------// // 12 The Challenge // Story: A Lunar Sunset // by ed-stoneman //------------------------------// Sunset broke the kiss as she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. “Stupid interruptions.” Luna smiled softly and stood to gather her things while Sunset read the text. “It’s the girls.  They are wondering why I’m not in class.” “Perhaps we should tell them of this development.  I would rather you not keep secrets from your friends.” “I agree.  I’ll have them all meet me at my place after school and I can talk with them.” “May I be there as well?  It seems fitting that I get to know your friends as well.” Sunset didn’t even waste a thought for that. “Of course.  Maybe we can go get something more than a muffin and make a day of it?  I have been meaning to go to the bookstore and a few other things.” “A bookstore and breakfast?  Why Sunset Shimmer, I do believe you have found the key to my heart.” A wide smile crossed Sunsets face. “I’ll drive.  I don’t think that I am allowed to park in student parking anymore.” Both women were laughing as they walked out of the office and to the car. ----------------------- Not two hours later found both women walking out of a large bookstore with equally large bags on their arms.  Luna gestured to the overfilled bag that Sunset was carrying. “I’m glad to see that you are taking this business idea seriously Sunset.” “Well, it makes no sense to do things halfway.  If I want this to succeed, I need to know all I can.  Business plans, grant writing, financial planning - they are all important, and unless I figure out a way to hire someone to help with  that, it’s all going to be on me.  Besides, it never hurts to learn new skills.” “That is surprisingly practical.  I feel somewhat ashamed at my purchases now.” Sunset put her free arm around Lunas shoulders. “You bought books for fun reading.  There is nothing to be ashamed of in that.  Besides, if I weren’t buying these, I probably would have done the same thing.” Luna felt somewhat better about that as they put their bags in the trunk of the car. “While we are here, I do need to stop at the sporting goods store.” A nod from the older woman as they walked down the outdoor mall toward their destination. This store was a completely foreign experience to Luna.  While always being naturally trim, she had never been into a store that catered exclusively to sports paraphernalia.  The look of confusion on her face must have registered with her girlfriend.  Sunset grinned and grabbed a cart. “I need to pick up a couple of things.  I promise that it won’t be too painful for you.” “I’ve just never been in here.  I didn’t know that there were so many things one could buy in order to do sports.  Though I suppose that it makes some sense, where would a football player go in order to get their pads?” ‘I suppose that is one way of looking at it.  There is also the fact that in any given sport, one has different levels of equipment needed.  If you were to play hockey, for example, the goalie needs different equipment than any other player.  Also someone just starting in a sport and seeing if they like it may only get the most basic of equipment, while a professional may invest in higher end gear.” Luna nodded to all of this while they walked to the personal training section.  The area was littered with various weights, punching bags, and things she couldn’t even begin to guess.  Sunset walked with confidence and grabbed several boxes that Luna couldn’t identify before strolling off to another portion of the store. This act repeated itself a few times before they found themselves in, what Luna considered, slightly more familiar waters. “Clothing I understand.  What do we need here that you can’t get at a standard clothing store though?” “You’ve got a lot to learn, Lu.  Sports clothing is designed specifically for movement that is outside of the range of everyday activity.  If I were to stretch in my jeans my range of motion would be significantly less, and if I didn’t fully stretch, I might cause myself an injury.  Besides, these running shorts make my butt look fantastic.” Luna blushed and looked away.  She would never admit to it, but she had cast a glance or two at Sunsets backside.  When she looked back, the younger woman wore a grin that could only be described as predatory.  Sunset obviously know that Luna had checked her out, and was certainly okay with that fact. Grabbing several pairs of shorts off of the rack, Sunset tossed them in the cart before handing a couple of pairs to Luna. “What are you doing Sunset?” “I’m going to get you all sweaty and strong.  I thought that was obvious.  Now, what’s your bra size?  We need to get you a couple of sports bras while we are here.” Luna quirked an eyebrow and provided the information.  She noted that all of the gear that Sunset was buying was distinctly split between orange and dark blue. “Please tell me that you are not fully outfitting me as well as yourself.” “Of course I am.” “Sunset, I don’t know that I am comfortable with this…” “Would it help if I let you know why I want to do this?” “Possibly.” Sunset sat on one of the benches near the clothing racks and gestured Luna to sit next to her. “I want to do this because it excites me.  I want to share some of my passions with you and maybe we can grow together in them.  This is a part of who I am, and I want to show it to you.  I can’t really explain it any better than that, but it’s important to me that this part of my life is shared with you.” “I suppose that I can accept that.  It is hard for me to have someone who wants to be so open, and is just giving of herself to me.  I do not know how to deal with it very well.  But you must at least let me pay for my equipment.” “No deal.  This is a gift to you.  If you are really hung up on this though, perhaps you can buy dinner.” An aggravated grunt came from the older woman. “I suppose that must be the bargain.  But you can’t not let me pay for dinner.” “Of course.  I wouldn’t do that to you.” --------------- When the pair had returned to Sunsets house, they moved all of their purchases in to the kitchen before Sunset beckoned Luna to a closed door, leading down into the basement of the home.  Flipping the lights on, Luna saw a very well appointed gym.  Nothing terribly fancy, but all of the equipment was well maintained, and the majority of the space was dedicated to what appeared to be a fighting ring out on the floor. Without a shred of self-consciousness, Sunset began to peel her tee shirt off. “There is a bathroom and shower through there if you want some privacy to get changed.” Luna blushed furiously and made her way to the bathroom with her new clothes.  She glanced back to Sunset who was removing her jeans, just in time for the younger woman to see her, and shoot another evil grin toward the blushing woman.  Luna closed the door to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. QUickly changing out of her work clothes and into the new matching shorts and sports bra, Luna couldn’t help but turn her back to the mirror and see the damage there.  Extensive was not even close to the truth.  Looking at  the map of scars, Luna could remember each and every one of them.  She hadn’t taken the time to really look at them in recent memory, they were a part of her now, and she barely even noticed them.  But now, when someone was about to see just what was done to her, she was terrified. A soft knock at the door caused her to jump. “Lu, are you okay in there?” Sunsets voice was soft, muffled by the closed door, but the worried tone carried through.  Luna closed her eyes and took a deep breath before opening the door and walking out.  Right into Sunsets open arms. “Don’t think that I’m ugly.  Please Sunset.  Don’t judge me because of my scars.” “Shh. I won’t do that.  I want you to be in my life, scars and all.  I saw them this morning, and they are nothing to be ashamed of.” “Promise?” “Of course I do.  Now come on, dry your eyes.  It’s time to work.  I promise that by the time I’m done with you, you won’t even be thinking about them.” The flame-haired woman led them both to the matsand started to demonstrate some basic stretches, followed by more vigorous warm up work.  Soon, Luna had forgotten about her self consciousness and was powering through the exercises while trying not to show that she wasn’t used to the movements. “Okay, let’s take a break for a few minutes, then we can start to train.” “Oh thank the gods.” Luna flopped down on her back on the mat, the sweat from the warm up dripping off of her while she heaved for breath.  Sunset wasn’t even breathing heavily. “We have got to build up your endurance if you want to keep up with me.  Come on now, laying on the floor will cause you more problems, rest time means that you can walk a little.  Going fully prone like you are will cause cramping and make it hurt more.” There was much grumbling and foul language while Luna pulled herself up off the floor.  Upon standing, she was presented with a cup of cool water, which was promptly emptied. “Ready to get to the real work? ---------------- Half an hour later found Luna lying on the mat again, this time significantly more bruised.  Sunset was lying next to her, holding her ribs from a lucky shot that Luna had gotten in. “That was significantly more than I was prepared for today, Sunset.” Luna was still trying to catch her breath. “You still gave me a bit of a run for my money.  Are you sure you had never trained before?” “I am sure, but my fight or flight instinct is very well honed.” “I don’t think that I will be forgetting that in the future.  We have to get cleaned up though.  The girls will be here soon.” Sunset heaved herself up to her feet and pulled Luna up from the floor before leading her into the bathroom and opening a small closet. “There is a spare pair of sweatpants in there, and tee shirts.” Sunset was standing behind Luna, her chest pressed into the older woman's back, and her arms wrapped around her hips. “Get cleaned up love, I’ll start coffee before I take my shower.” With that Luna felt a kiss being pressed to the back of her neck before Sunset disengaged and closed the bathroom door behind her. Luna showered with somewhat less efficiency than she was used to, allowing the hot water to soak through the muscle soreness that she was starting to feel.  The training session with Sunet had been fun, and enlightening for certain.  The younger woman did have a knack for instruction that would lend itself well to her idea of opening the gym.  As an educator, Luna saw the qualities of a good teacher there, they just needed a bit of refinement. Drying herself off and pulling the the loaned clothes on, Luna felt a little different.  Looking at herself in the mirror again she saw why.  The shirt was a little short, obviously designed to bare a little stomach on the redhead, but the waistband of the pants was lower than she was used to.  Sunset obviously was a little more generous in the hips than Luna was, the effect was decidedly sexy.  Luna liked it. Opening the door she made her way upstairs with perhaps a little bit more swish in the hips than was necessary. The sound of the shower from down the hall indicated that Sunset was cleaning up.  Luna smiled as she made her way to the coffee maker, which thankfully had a fresh pot already in place.  Grabbing her phone off of the counter, she quickly looked up the number of her favorite restaurant and placed the call. “Good afternoon Saffron, It’s Luna.  Could I perhaps make a reservation this evening?  Actually, it will be myself and a guest.  Could we have one of the private rooms please?  Thank you Saffron, you are a wonderful friend.  Oh!  One more thing, whatever happens, I am the only one that pays that bill tonight.  Don’t worry, I will tell you everything.  See you tonight.” Luna hung up the phone just as Sunset came out of the bathroom.  She was smiling like the cat who ate the canary. “Who was that?” “Oh just making dinner reservations for us tonight.  I told you that I was paying, and I am going to make sure that it happens.” Luna stuck her tongue out at Sunset, who came up and leaned in for another kiss, her arms wrapping around the exposed hips of the older woman. “I don’t know why I let you talk me into that, but when you are standing in my kitchen and looking as wonderful as you do, I suppose that I have to give in.” “You have got that right.  And don’t ever forget it.” Luna handed Sunset a fresh cup of coffee as the doorbell rang. “Well, here we go.” Sunset went to answer the door.