An Heir to Legends

by mattchilly

Chapter 8: Release the Kraken! or Spending Time with Friends at Harthswarming.

Twilight turned to Willie. “How far is the closest beach?”

“Well there are a few small ones nearby but the closest one large enough for what you want is a five minute walk.” Willie said.

“Thanks!” Twilight said before galloping away.

“I wish you luck… you’ll need it.” Willie said as his eyes glowed with a subtle red light left his eyes as subtle wisps of red smoke before dispersing in the wind.


I quickly swam through the cold waters, but to me it felt more like the water was only lukewarm. (Thank you Nami and your cold resistance!) His eyes darting back and forth looking for his target, until he noticed a large shadow out of the corner of his eye. (There you are! Now how to…WOH!) Thrin’s thoughts were interrupted when two large red tentacles shot towards me dodging I thought. (NOPE! NOPE! NOPE! NOPE!) As the shadow moved closer I saw a large red and purple form that just a fusion of octopus and squid just like what was in the letter.

“Khalamari. I was right, now why are you doing this!” I shouted by Khalamari didn’t reply but instead tried to grab me again as fifteen smaller form shot towards me. Each fish his light green and grey and their faces resembled pigs. “Wild boarfish… gotta be honest I didn’t see you coming.”

As I dodged the pig like puffer fish and Khalamari’s tentacles two blue, and very pissed Lake Ness monster clones with large green horns show at me from below. “Seasaur’s too?! You know what? Screw this!”

Raising my staff the water began to turn and froth around me until I was in the middle of a large whirlpool. “GO BACK TO THE DEPTHS AND LET ME DEAL WITH KHALAMARI IN PEACE YOU GLORFIED ANNOYANCES!” With that yell I launched the whirlpool down with every Wild boarfish and Seasaur trapped in it. Unfortunately for me Khalamari took this opportunity to grab me with his arm like tentacles. Remembering what Goku did to Frieza I bit down on the tentacle has hard as I could. Khalamari writhed in pain but never let out a sound. Once he let me go I swam towards the surface as quickly as I could. “Come on Khalamari! Catch me if you can, or are you just going to embarrass every squid and octopi ever?”

Glancing over my shoulder I saw Khalamari racing after me with is my ablaze in a bright red glow. When I broke the surface I scanned the beaches and skies looking for Twilight’s signal. (Come on Twilight! Where are….THERE!) Rushing towards the correct beach Khalamari exploded out of the water and gave chase. My thoughts were flying a mile a minute as I began to regret not figuring out an entire plan with Twilight. (Part ones done but what do I do for part 2? Esuna might be able to free him from whatever that red light is but considering he’s almost as fast as me we might need to hold him down! The show said that Twilight can hold up an Ursa Minor but she had calm it down first and with Khalamari like this there’s no way that’ll work. So which Champion will be the best choice? Blitzcrank? That just screams bad idea considering he’s a robot and not waterproof. Ivren? Possible but I don’t know how effective he is on a beach… I don’t want to use Malphite or Nautilus considering their size and I don’t want to scare anyone or accidently kill Khalamari.)

Khalamari broke my train of thoughts as he used one of his arms to uppercut me out of the water and flung me onto the beach where I changed back to normal and landed on my back. “Okay, he’s here now what?!” Twilight yelled as she teleported out of the way as Khalamari brought down both of this arms in an attempt to squash her.

"I’m working on it and I’m really starting to regret not finishing this plan!” I replied scrambling to my feet and cast Libra. [Khalamari. HP. ??/?? MP. ??/?? No Weaknesses. Resistant to Poison, Gravity, Slow, Sleep, Silence, Stop, Paralysis, Confusion, Charm.]

“Can’t you just slow him down or freeze him in time?!” Twilight yelled.

“No good he’s resistant to those kinds of spells!” I replied. “Can’t even hold him down with Gravity! But I did see his eyes glowing red so I can say with one hundred percent certainty that he’s not in control of his actions!” While this was going on Khalamari was darting around in the water to attack me and Twilight from different angles while dodging most of the spell we shot at him. This went on for five more minutes, once in a while I cast a healing spell on Twilight or myself if we got hit while I franticly went through the list of Champions (Morgana… possible but I don’t know how Twilight will react to her dark magic., Fizz’s shark friend might be able to distract Khalamari but considering Khalamari’s size I doubt it would keep him in place. Gnar might be able to pull him onto the beach but…. OF COURSE! I’m an idiot! Why didn’t I think of her sooner?)

“Twilight I’ve got an idea!”

“ABOUT BUCKING TIME!” Twilight yelled as Khalamari crashed his arms down right in front of me and the force sent me flying.

“CHAMPION TRANSFORMATION! LUX!”  Twisting to land on my feet I took a moment to breath. Now I was a few inches shorter, had long blond hair and was wearing what could only be described as a battle mage’s armor. In my left hand is an oak staff with golden pummels on both ends, and small delicate looking runes glowed softly along the gold.

“Took me a while to think of something to stop Khalamari but now it’s time to end this. Wouldn’t you agree Twilight?” I asked as I brought up the staff and placed my right hand on it. “SOLID LIGHT RESTRICTION!” Ten balls of light appeared around me and shot tendrils of light. Khalamari managed to dodge most of them but three grabbed him and while they slowed him they didn’t do much else until the others seven swerved back and grabbed his other tentacles which halted his movement. “I don’t know how long I can hold him Twilight so I hope you have an idea on how to free him!”

“I could try a calming spell or maybe a…” Twilight said as Khalamari his eyes now burning with that red glow pulled at his restraints with more strength then he used when he was attacking as sweat poured down my face from the strain of keeping him in place.

“I DON’T CARE JUST DO SOMETHING! SOMEHOW HE’S GOTTING STRONGER!” I yelled. Twilight nodded even though she knew that I was ignoring everything while I focused on keeping my spell going. Her horn lit up as she began her spell. Twilight’s spell hit Khalamari right between his eyes at the exact moment mine failed and I fell to my hands and knees panting.

Twilight watched Khalamari but he had completely stopped moving, it was almost as if she had hit him with a Stop spell and when she was sure Khalamari wasn’t going anywhere she rushed to my side. “Are you alright Thrin?”

“Ya...I’ll…be…fine...just…need…world…to…stop…spinning…from…headache…what…is…Khalamari…doing?” I panted.

Twilight glanced at Khalamari. “He’s not moving but I don’t understand why. The spell was just designed to calm him down.”

Twilight helped me to my feet and when he looked at Khalamari the glow around his eyes had become a small red cloud which dissipated. When it did Khalamari shook himself and looked around. “Wha? Why am I on the surface?”

I pulled out the basic Heal staff from Fire Emblem and used it as a walking stick as I approached Khalamari. “Hello Khalamari, I’m glad you’re back to your old self. I’m Thrin and this is my friend Twilight. Can you tell us the last thing you remember?”

Khalamari tuned to us. “It’s foggy but I faintly remember a jester walking across the water.”

Hearing that I grimaced and chuckled dryly. “So it was Dhoulmagus controlling you. I hoped I was wrong but it seems we have to evil spell casters running around Equestria.”

“It looks that way.” Twilight agreed before we looked back at Khalamari who was moving towards the ocean.

“Well thank you for saving me and I’m sorry if I’ve caused any of you surface dwellers to much trouble.”

“If’s it’s not too much trouble could you help protect any ships in the area from any underwater creature that might attack them?” I called just before Khalamari sank under the waves.

Khalamari stopped for a second then nodded to himself. “Sure it’s the least I could do.”

“Thank you!” Twilight called as Khalamari fully submerged under the waves and vanished as I changed back.


Dhoulmagus opened his eyes as he muttered to himself about what just happened while the Godbird Scepter ley across his lap. “He managed to pass my test or rather part of it. How interesting I’ll have to keep any eye on him and that Warlock.”


When Twilight and I made it back to the docks where we found the rest of our friends we found them talking to Willie. “I keep telling you that the last time I saw Twilight and Thrin was over an hour and a half ago, and no matter how my times you pester me that’s not going to change!”

“We’re right here so stop pestering the man.” I said and I moments the others were crowding around us asking what happened and if was ok, but it was Willie who was the bluntest about it.

“You look like shit son.”

“I’m just tired as for Khalamari. I was correct about him being under Dhoulmagan’s control, and he agreed to help protect ships from underwater dangers.” I said. “I ran into two more species from Dragon Quest. Twilight can you get out the bestiary and turn to the aquatic section?” Nodding Twilight brought out the book and quickly found the right section. I leaned over and fliped through the pages untill I found the Wild boarfish. “That’s one of the beasts that appeared when I found Khalamari but there was one more…ah here it is the Seasaur.”

Willie paled a little when he saw the Seasaur. “At least that kraken agreed to protect the ships, but I don’t know how much the other fishermen are going to like this. Do you have any copies of that book you could give me?”

“I’ve been working on making copies but considering how many monsters are in this book it’s been taking much longer then I hoped.” Twilight said. “But once I finish the copy I’m planning to send it to the Princesses to have it distributed all over Equestria.”

Rainbow and I chuckled. “But you wanted to keep the original for yourself, because it’s the ‘original’ am I right?” I teased making Twilight look away blushing causing Rainbow to burst out in laughter. “Just make sure I get a copy alright?”

Five minutes after they got back onto the carriage to Ponyville, Twilight asked what other kinds of magic I knew. Shaking my head I said. “Somehow I’m not surprised you’re asking that this early in the flight.”

“Well considering I waited until we were only a few minutes away from Manehattan last time this time we have more than enough time.” Twilight explained.

“True.” I agreed before a mischievous grin appeared on my face. “But I’m still going to stick to one universe.”

“WHAT?!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Sorry Twilight but I do want to translate all my Tomes as soon as possible.” I said. “This time I think I’ll talk about the magic that’s used in the same world Khalamari comes from which I call the Dragon Quest Universe.”

“Here we go.” Rainbow said rolling her eyes. “Apart from the Summons I found the last lesson rather boring.”

“Well this one will be shorter so you don’t have to worry Dash.” I said.

While I was talking no one noticed Pinkie looking at what seemed to be empty space “Sorry everyone but I’m hitting the fast forward button because the author doesn’t want to write more boring exposition so were going to skip talking about this so we can get back to the good stuff but if any of you want to check out what Thrin’s talking about then use this link. Oh and don’t expect me to talk to all of you like this very often. I’ll just do it when I need to.” *Make text pink so people can see immediately that Pinkie’s talking past the fourth wall*

“I’d prefer it if you didn’t do it at all Pinkie!” *Make this text…white with the spoiler bar to show it’s the Author.

“Hey I’m just fallowing the script YOU gave me for this scene now if you don’t mind we’re back at Ponyville so…” Pinkie then returned her attention to her friends who hadn’t even noticed she was talking to thin air. “Hearths Warming is coming up soon and the girls and I were asked to help with a play about the holiday in Canterlot, are you going to come watch Thrin?”

“It would be interesting to see some stories about the holidays. Sure I’ll come. When’s the play?”

“December 24. Hearths Warming Eve.” Twilight said.

“Ah, so Hearths Warming is Equestira’s version of Christmas, and no Twilight I’m not going into Earth Holidays right now.” I said with a look that told Twilight that nothing is going to change my mind. “I said it before. Now that we know that Dhoulmagus is out there and most likely planning something we’ve got two powerful and evil sorcerers to deal with and I’m going to need to master my powers.”

“You’re sounding like Twilight does before a test.” Rainbow smirked.

“HEY!” Twilight said glaring at Rainbow.

“Considering I needed help fighting Bolarc’s minnions and we barely managed to beat Khalamari I think it’s safe to say we all need to grow stronger. That means that the six of you need proper training.” I said.

“But fighting’s what the guards are for.” Rarity said. “Not delicate ladies like us.” Rainbow, Applejack, Twilight and I gave Rarity a blank look.

“Rarity you fought Nightmare Moon. You fought Discord. All of you have gotten into fights that would determine the state of the world as a whole and none of you have much experience in self-defense…even though he just got carried away with his job but the point still stands. ” Thrin deadpanned.

“Thrin I’m a black belt in karate, and Applejack can handle Timber Wolves without even trying. Doesn’t that count?” Rainbow asked.

“Thanks for reminding me about the Timber Wolves. I’ve been wanting to examine one ever since I made the paths but that’s a topic for another day. Timber Wolves are wild animals while some of the foe’s I’ve fought had some kind of training and know how to properly fight, and who did you learn Karate from?” I asked.

“My uncle Storm Wing who’s also a black belt.” Rainbow said.

“Does he teach at a dojo and have you taken any official tests to see if you deserve to become a black belt? For that matter did he take those tests?”

“Ummm he’s not a teacher and I don’t’ know if he’s taken any of those tests, heck I didn’t even know those tests were a thing.” Rainbow said.

“Then I’m afraid you’re not a real black belt Rainbow. It takes years of training and dedication to become a black belt and even then there are higher levels they can achieve by even more training. If you go agent any of the humanoid monsters from the Dragon’s Crown universe or if Grogar comes back with more skeletons then you won’t stand a chance.” I stated as Rainbows ears drooped. “Heck the main reason I took down Gorgar’s skeletons so easily was because one of my healing spells was created to be able to hurt undead and heal the living.”

“That sounds really useful.” Fluttershy said.

“Which is why I’m planning send copy of the spell nexus and send it to Celly and Lulu so they can teach it to the Royal Guard and a copy for the medical community. While it can’t heal everything it can help stabilize a pony during surgery. I’ve just been a bit swamped with my studies but now that we have a little time to relax I can drop by the post office.” I said.

“Well we can have Spike send to the Princesses.” Twilight offered.

“Thanks and once that’s done I’m going to get back to training, but once spring comes around I might be able to teach you Master Yi’s Wuju style.” I said. (First thing I’m doing when I get home is to add ‘figure out how to get the Final Fantasy Class System to work in Equestria’ to my ‘Needs to be done’ list. So that’s four big projects I’m going to need to figure out. At least I’ve made some head way with the Warp Gate but I’m most likely going to need find the right Displaced to talk to, to help me understand the Class System a little more. Ah well no one said that understanding the Arcane would be easy.)

“Do we know who that is?” Rainbow asked exited.

“I used his form when I saved Rumble but Wuju style is not limited to the sword and best of all. Apart from Master Yi only one other person uses it, and yes they are also a Champion. Wuju style is a dying art and who knows it might help you think before you act.” I said.

“I’m not that bad!” Rainbow argued.

“You did kick a dragon in the face Rainbow.” Twilight said.

“Yes she did.” I said much to everyone’s confusion at how I knew this. “Discord and I knew about Twilight when her magic made Spike hatch. We’ve been watching her from time to time to make sure nothing happened to her, and it’s thanks to when you used the Elements that I was able to finally memorized your magic signature so to teleport to you with Shen’s ability. Since then I’ve done the same for the rest of you, and the Princesses. Shen’s teleportation ability is one of my best ways to get to my friends quickly.”

“That’s amazing Thrin!” Pinkie exclaimed and with a quick glance we saw that Twilight was once again taking notes. “I didn’t know anyone could memorize that kind of thing!”

“I didn’t either but I’m not sure how comfortable I am knowing you and Discord were watching me for that long but then again if you weren’t then you wouldn’t have been able to save me from that orc.” Twilight said.

“At first I just memorized the feeling of her magic but now I’ve got a more permanent lock on her because Shen’s teleportation’s main purpose is getting to ‘allies’ quickly, and the six of you, Discord and the Princesses fall under that category thanks to you being my friends.” I said activated my ‘Ghost’ spell to avoid getting trapped under a Pony Pile but Pinkie grabbed hold nanoseconds before I activated the spell. When she saw the others covered by snow she giggled. “Guess I couldn’t avoid all the hugs, but seriously no Pony Piles for me. I can only take so many bone crushing hugs before something breaks.”

*A few days later, just after arriving Canterlot*

As the girls, Spike and I got out of the carriage we saw that Celestia, Luna, Blueblood, Spell Weaver and two other ponies were waiting for us. The first is a grey coated unicorn mare with white and purple main and tail, and her cutie mark is three purple stars. Next to her is a dark blue coated unicorn stallion with darker blue main and tail, his cutie marks is two crescent moons. Twilight ran forwards and nuzzled the two. “Mom, Dad, Aunt Weaver it’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you to Twilight. Now who’s your new friend?” Twilight’s mom asked

“That’s Thrin.” Weaver said. “He’s the one who not only figured out that project I told you about at a glance but he also got it shut down and considering what it really was I’m glad.”

“So this is the Half-Elf we’ve heard so much about. I’m Night Light and this is my wife Twilight Velvet.”

“It’s very nice to meet you.” I replied.

“We also hear you saved our daughter from a Necromancer.” Velvet said. “Thank you. I don’t know what we’d do without our littler star.”

“Moooom you’re embarrassing me!” Twilight whined as Rainbow chuckled.

“Just wait till we meet your folks Rainbow then we’ll see how you like it when the shoe’s on the other hoof.” Twilight barked which made Rainbow’s laughter stop immediately only to be replaced by an embarrassed blush.

“So how about we head to where the theater is going to be and I can tell your parents a little bit about myself.” I said. Since we arrived in Canterlot early we took our time on the way to the theater I told Twilight’s parents about where I lived, what I’ve been up to and how Twilight and I just help Khalamari. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that many of the Nobles were sending us the stink eye with it mostly aimed at Applejack and myself. Looking at Celestia I lowered my voice and said. “Don’t these so called ‘Nobles’ realize that you’re walking with national heroes and someone taking the Arch Mage test?”

“Not many Ponies know that you’re taking the test and unfortunately despite Luna and my best attempts most of the Nobles don’t believe that my student and her friends saved Equestria. We have a few other ideas but with Dhoulmagus, and Bolarc’s we’ve had to focus on the bigger picture.” Celestia whispered back before saying in a slighter louder than normal voice. “So Thrin how has your work on the Warp Gate been going?”

“It’s been smooth progress so far. I’m mostly working on basic blueprints for the frame and working on the spell nexus. Now when I’m ready to make the prototypes it’s going to be an entirely different story.” I replied and used looking at the scenery as an excuse to see how the Nobles were dealing with the fact that I’m working on a project for the Princesses and to my satisfaction all of them looked surprised but a couple looked enraged.

When we arrived at the castle’s theater Twilight and the others headed back stage Luna lead Twilight’s parents and me up to a privet booth.  It didn’t take long for the play to start and while it was interesting the main thing that I was curious about were the Windigo’s and made a mental note to learn more about them once everything had calmed down, and as everyone were taking their bows the room went dark and a sinister chuckle filled the air. “Guess whose back?” When the lights came back everyone there was a tower of presents on the stage with tags signaling who they were fore. “And I brought Christmas gifts for EVERYONE!”

“Ranma! So Celestia and Luna finally let you out again, so you can do your job huh?” I called from my place next to Celestia.

“Oh contraire my friend, I planned ahead so not only would I have a way to get free from imprisonment but I could surprise everyone for Christmas! Now to everyone present I apologies for my last appearance but I have to do my part to keep the world balanced and that was the fastest way.” Discord said with a small bow as murmurs spread throughout the crowd as no one was sure what to do.

“Why did you call him Ranma, Thrin?” Celestia asked as she rubbed her temples.

“He wanted that to be his nickname after I told him about a manga called Ranma ½ and how much chaos the main character draws to him without even trying.” I explained.

“Yes after hearing about all the Chaos he attracts I felt like taking a nickname.” Discord said as he appeared next to us. “Now then I have a few more presents to pass around but these can wait for a bit. Now then how about we head somewhere more privet and have a little talk.”

“As if this pitiful performance wasn’t bad enough just look! The Monsters are in league! Who knows what their planning! I say we banish both of them!” Looking down into the crowd I saw that the same Noble who harassed me when I first came to Equestria. “Why do the Princesses even put up with them or the ‘Commoners’?” His voice screamed hatred with that last word just from a quick glance I could see that Celestia and Luna were pissed and Night Light doing his best to prevent Twilight Velvet from jumping off the balcony and killing the stallion. “The two Monsters should be banished to Tartarus and the Commoners should be thrown from Canterlot like the rubbish they are!”

Just then I felt three minds touch mine. [Oh pleeease tell me I can punish that fool!] Discord said. [No one insults my friend and gets away with it!]

[That would only prove them right.] Celestia replied. [Luna do you have any suggestions?]

[Launch him off Canterlot Mountain with a trebuchet?] Luna suggested.

[Well he did just insult national heroes and one of them is your personal student. So I suggest using this as a chance to investigate him. You can also start with him losing the majority of his wealth and nobility status him getting of easy. If the investigation finds anything illegal then he faces even harsher consequences.] I said not taking my eyes off him.

[I like it! Heck considering what I'd personality do to him, breaking the law is almost a grantee! He’s just radiating the wrong kind of Chaos!] Discord said.

[Do it Sister!] Luna agreed. [Show him that he's not above the law!]

This whole conversation took about thirty seconds and when we finished Celestia nodded as if she’d finish debating with herself. “Polished Bronze. You have just insulted not only my personal student Twilight Sparkle but she and her friends are also the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony. You have also insulted the man who has so far passed four of the Arch Mage tests. As punishment you and your business will be investigated. You will also lose your status as a Noble and half of your wealth will be taken and donated to various orphanages.  Until this investigation is complete you are not allowed outside of Canterlot, and if we discover that anyone has tampered with ANY form of evidence then you will immediately be brought before me and my Sister. Do you understand?”

 Polished Bronze looked horrified at this turn of events as he looked back and forth between the Bearers, Celestia and myself as the rest of the nobles murmured to each other about there being someone taking the Arch Mage tests. Looking at Celestia I said in a calm voice “I wasn’t aware I had past more than one Princess. What did I do to pass the other three tests?”

“Well as you know the first was assisting Professor White Gem with the puzzle that had been eluding him and his colleagues for fifty years. Second was discovering the Warlock and putting wrench in his plans. Third was stopping Grogar.” At this name more murmurs shot through the crowd. “And his undead from foalnapping or hurting the Bearers and finally is finding a peaceful solution to the Kraken attacks in Manehatton. After all not all problems need violence as its solution.” Celestia explained.

“To be fair Twilight and I did need to fight back until we could free his mind from the one controlling him.” I replied.

“A fair point but once he was free the fighting stopped and you used diplomacy to end the problems.” Luna said. “And I must say you have impressed us with how you’re handling all the problems that have appeared. You are showing yourself to be a very promising candidate.”

“My thanks Princess.” I said with a little bow.