Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

"The Talk"

Broken from the wolfish mindset, Fluttershy shook her head. She turned to look at Bridget in surprise. "W-W-What was that?" She looked at the wolfess, but Bridget just looked back, keeping her counsel. "Bridget? What did we just do?"

Fluttershy looked at her companion for nearly five minutes. She ignored time skipping by, and focused on what had passed between them. "I was feeling really down, and the animals in the shelter had been…" Her voice trailed off for a moment. "Then you told me to hunt."

The two sat still, facing each other, in perfect silence. Finally, Fluttershy took a deep breath and her magic faded. Her wings slid into her back, her ears drooped down to the sides of her head, and her hair shortened. Leaning forward, Fluttershy kissed Bridget on the top of her nose. "Thank you, but if you hadn't gone inside I wouldn't have needed that."

Standing back up, Fluttershy walked up to her camper and unlocked it. Her shower was short, but got rid of all the animal scents from the shelter. Picking out a fresh dress and shirt, Fluttershy left her stinky hoodie behind.

Lacking useful pockets, Fluttershy grabbed her little backpack and scooted out of her camper. "It's already lunchtime. I guess Zephyr's clothing can just wait." Remnants of the lupine mindset gave Fluttershy the full confidence she needed to ignore her brother's request for a whole ten seconds. "I really should go do that first I—"

Bridget stood up and moved between Fluttershy and her family's house. Looking up into Fluttershy's eyes, Bridget let out a low growl.

Fluttershy blinked at the rebuke. "But I—" Another growl cut her off. "But he asked really nicely…"

Like a flash, Bridget lunged forward and grabbed Fluttershy's wrist in her mouth. Aiming herself in the direction of Sugarcube Corner, Bridget began to walk off.

"Hey!" Fluttershy's protest went unheeded, and the only option left to her was to follow along. "Bridget, I get it. He is just treating me like a doormat. But Zeph is going to be really put out when he gets home and his laundry isn't done."

"Bridget!" Despite her cries, Fluttershy enjoyed what Bridget was doing. It was nice to just be taken away from her responsibilities. They had gotten a block before Bridget finally let her go. Fluttershy stopped for a moment and looked at Bridget before letting out a sigh. "You're right, but you still can't eat him."

Walking at Fluttershy's side, Bridget let out a little grumbling sound.

"No. Not even his feet. Honestly, is that your solution for everything when it comes to Zephyr?" Despite her exasperation at Bridget's earlier tactics, Fluttershy reached across and set her hand on the wolf's back.

"What does Bridget want to do to Zephyr?" Rainbow Dash, having seen her friend half a block from Sugarcube Corner, slowed down from her sprint to walk with her. "Please tell me it involves teeth."

Fluttershy turned, a smile on her face, to greet her friend. "Hi Rainbow Dash. Bridget's just being a bit wolfish today."

"A bit wolfish is an understatement. Bridget is a big wolfish, and I still think her giving Zephyr a bite or two would go a long way towards improving his looks. Might even straighten out his personality too."

Bridget turned her head to look at Rainbow Dash, and let out a low grumble. Moving to the side a little, she made room for Rainbow Dash to walk on the other side from Fluttershy.

"What'd she say?" Happy to be distracted from the purpose of their meeting, Rainbow Dash lamented that she couldn't understand animals.

"She said…" Fluttershy trailed off, blushing. "Let's not talk about my brother—"

Rainbow Dash cut in. "Stupid brother." At the same moment, Bridget grumbled something too.

Giving a little huff of her own, Fluttershy bit back the words she would have yelled at Bridget and Rainbow, had she still had all that self-assured, lupine aplomb. Thankfully, they had just reached the corner shop and Fluttershy opened the door.

"Alright, alright." Rainbow Dash made a placating gesture to Fluttershy, but winked at Bridget.

Cup Cake saw the two girls and the "dog" coming in. She knew Fluttershy well enough that any animal that was with her had a free pass. Waving to the girls, she was surprised when Rainbow Dash led the way to a booth in the back corner of the store.

Leaving Rainbow Dash to find their seats, Fluttershy walked up to the main counter—Bridget at her side. "Hello Mrs. Cake."

"Well hello there, Fluttershy. What can I getcha?" Reaching for her pad, Cup Cake made ready to take the girls' order.

"The usual shakes, and I think I will go with a Cesar salad, and Rainbow will have her usual too." Fluttershy looked at the menu, her eyes drawn to the desserts. "A-And two sundaes to finish. Thank you."

Her hands working like lightning, Cup Cake had the order written down, with the translations made for her regular customers' "regulars." "Okie dokie then."

Paying for the food, Fluttershy started to turn when she saw Bridget looking up at Cup Cake. "Oh, uh…" She wracked her brains for a second. "Two hot-dogs too, please?" She passed over the right amount of change, and lamented the loss of funds.

Rainbow Dash waited for her friend (and her friend's friend, Bridget) to return. "How much was it?"

"Uh, about thirty. I ordered us some desserts too, and something for Bridget." Fluttershy scooted along the big bench seat, taking refuge from the rest of the diner in the corner. Rainbow Dash, she noticed, had a perfect view of the front of Sugarcube Corner. "So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"

Rainbow Dash slid fifteen dollars across the table, her trepidation rising by the second. Her brain shot up the fact that with ordering a dessert, it meant she had more time to work up to asking the big questions. Staring at the table, Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "Fluttershy, you're good with animals, right?"

When a moment of silence passed, Rainbow Dash tilted her head up to look at Fluttershy. She had no idea when Fluttershy had become so good with deadpan stares, but the one she had going on was simply amazing. "Right, stupid question." That was one strike.

"Is something wrong with Thunderbolt?" Fluttershy decided to save her friend from whatever demon of a question seemed to be coming, and she tested the waters. When Rainbow Dash nodded—blushing—Fluttershy continued. "What is he doing? Is it the licking himself thing again? I told you, all dogs do that."

Of course now Rainbow Dash had an image of her dog's penis in her head, and despite wanting to be anywhere else, talking about any other topic, but she was here, imagining herself licking her dogs dong all while talking to her friend. "N-N-No. Well,"—Rainbow Dash clenched her teeth—"it's kinda related."

When Fluttershy didn't say anything, Rainbow Dash felt the need to fill in the silence. "He is getting really, well, randy. He tried to stand over me, and then peed all over the wall beside me." Rainbow looked down at the table again, trying to hide how embarrassed her pet marking her house made her feel.

Of all the things Fluttershy had been expecting from her friend, this wasn't it. "That is really dominant behavior. Is anything else happening that would encourage him to think the house is his?" The image of her friend, with Thunderbolt standing over her, filled Fluttershy's thoughts.

"Well…" Rainbow Dash wrestled with her embarrassment, but was saved when Cup Cake brought them over two drinks and their meals.

"Here you go, girls. The usual." Cup set the plates down, and the two fountain glasses filled with milkshake. "Just bring your plates up when you want your desserts."

"Thank you, Mrs. Cake." Rainbow and Fluttershy both spoke at the same time.

The two hot-dogs sat on their own plate, and Fluttershy reached out and passed one down to where Bridget sat, under the table. Once Cup Cake was gone, Fluttershy turned her attention to the salad.

The food distracted Rainbow Dash for a while. Her favorite was always a big, salad sandwich; nothing else could give her the same amount of energy in such a neat package. "So. I might have helped Thunderbolt get some relief." She quickly bit into her sandwich, intentionally taking a large bite to keep from saying more.

Things snapped into focus for Fluttershy. She could understand why Thunderbolt was acting dominant if Rainbow Dash had put herself in that kind of position. She should have explained this, and tried to tell her friend ways to back out of what might become a bigger problem, but instead she nodded a little. "Go on…" One of Fluttershy's hands held the fork, and fed more salad to her, the other was under the table. For some reason the idea of Rainbow Dash doing things with her big pet turned her on.

"Well I was just really horny one day, leakin' like whoa." Her mouth had become a tap, Rainbow Dash realized, a tap without a handle to turn it off. "And I had made a mess of my panties. Anyway, I find him with his snout in them and a 'red rocket.'

"I tried to ignore him, but it got really complicated when I was just overwhelmingly horny one night—you know, as you get—and I didn't realize what he was doing until he was licking me." Her heart was thudding. Rainbow Dash stared intently at her sandwich, not wanting to look at her friend.

"And?" Fluttershy hadn't realized what she was doing. Her fingers had a life of their own, and had pushed aside her panties to start stroking her slit.

"Well, he is really good at licking. I mean, really-really good. And then I wanted more of it, and propped my rear up." Taking a small bite, Rainbow Dash noticed movement at the front of the store, but it was just someone going to the front counter.

Fluttershy's folds were wet with arousal. She bit her bottom lip and tried to keep her voice even while her finger slid past her outer lips. Her spine tense, Fluttershy reined in her voice, not wanting to interrupt her friend.

"He jumped on me, pushed me to the ground." Closing her eyes for a moment, Rainbow Dash could imagine how she probably looked. "He didn't get into me, but it wasn't for a lack of trying. So when he got off, I figured he hadn't really been bad, or done anything wrong."

"You sucked him off?" Fluttershy froze, not realizing she had spoken until the naughty words were out. Despite her lack of apparent movement, her fingers kept stroking, one pushing in and out of her sopping vulva.

"It wasn't fair to him. He did something awesome for me, so I— Yeah, I sucked him off." Memories of being stuck on her dog's shaft, the knot locking them together, filled Rainbow Dash's head. "He's really big, he got stuck."

"Tied." Fluttershy coughed and blushed. "When a dog's knot expands, and locks into a bitch, it is a tie."

The word bitch seemed to echo in Rainbow Dash's head. "Yeah, well, I made sure it didn't do that the next time."

Fluttershy almost jumped in her seat. "Next time?" A second finger joined the first, and she couldn't stop her hand from pushing them all the way to her knuckles.

"Well, that is what I want to talk about." Lifting her head, Rainbow Dash looked up at her friend's face. "I want to know if all this is—is safe."

"What else did you do?" With two fingers in herself, Fluttershy didn't notice Bridget's snout until the first lick rolled over one side of her vulva, around her hand, and up to her proud little clitoris. She almost jumped out of the seat.

"O-Okay. So I gave him more head-jobs; he usually licks me out while I do it. I also gave him a hand-job too, but I don't think he likes that as much." Rainbow couldn't bear to look at Fluttershy. She kept her eyes closed and tried to be as truthful as she could with the only friend she could ever bring this stuff to. "And that is when he did the whole 'marking my house' thing."

"Why are you asking me about this?" Fluttershy wanted to hear her friend go further. Bridget had fully replaced Fluttershy's hand now, pushing it aside to take center stage. Fluttershy didn't often touch Bridget's head, but now she stroked along the wolfess' cheek lovingly.

"Well, I was thinking about… I kinda thought I might…" There was no way Rainbow Dash could admit to wanting to have sex with Thunderbolt, but she couldn't deny she was getting horny just thinking about it. "Would it be wrong?"

Bridget's tongue pressed more firmly at Fluttershy's folds, and she struggled not to howl in bliss at the intrusion. Clamping both hands to the edge of the table, she struggled to fight off her growing arousal. "D-D-Does he p-p-pull away?" Rainbow Dash shook her head in reply. "W-W-Well I could ahhhh…" Fluttershy's voice trailed off, and her eyes rolled back in her head. Waves of pleasure-laced, lapping water flooded through her body, making Fluttershy unable to reply.

Rainbow Dash had been so distracted in her own problem that she had failed to notice her friend acting strange. "Uh. Fluttershy?"

Trying to squeeze her legs together, Fluttershy scrunched her face up, but Bridget held her ground, and kept lapping at her. Reaching under the table, she pushed at Bridget, and she finally moved her head from betwixt Fluttershy's thighs. Breathing out a long sigh of relief (of more than one kind), Fluttershy tried to rejoin the conversation. "I was saying I could ask him. He could tell me if he was okay with it."

The answer was so simple, so perfect, that it distracted Rainbow Dash from Fluttershy's strange behavior. "Oh. Well…" She sat back, reached for her half-eaten sandwich and took a small bite. "What about me? Can I get, like, pregnant or something?"

Fluttershy couldn't stop a little giggle from escaping. "No, Rainbow Dash, he can't get you pregnant. But you might be a little sore at first. Dogs are—dogs are big. At least Thunderbolt will be."

Memories of the hefty toy locked in her nethers sent a warning shiver down Rainbow Dash's spine. She had woken up feeling an odd mix of slightly sore and very satisfied. "So if I am careful, and he is okay with it, it is okay?"

"Can you stop him when he is—when he is on you?" Fluttershy hadn't realized why, but her fingers had migrated back down to her folds. One stroke. Two strokes. Three.

Rainbow Dash stared at her friend a moment, but didn't actually see her. In Rainbow's mind Thunderbolt was on her again. "I-I can't." She closed her eyes. "When he is on me he is in control, if he wants to, he will…" She trembled a little.

Fluttershy's eyes were wide, and she was three digits deep in herself again. "Are you okay with that? With him doing that?" Her body was at the edge all over again, but she wouldn't—couldn't—climax without hearing Rainbow Dash admit it. "R-Rainbow?"

"I loved it." Rainbow Dash's voice was soft. Rarity knew she liked being controlled, but this was Fluttershy—her best friend since they could both walk. "I love it so much, Fluttershy. I have a friend—a boyfriend I guess—who does things with me." A warning bell rang in Rainbow Dash's mind, telling her to stop talking.

Screwing her eyes closed, Fluttershy imagined watching Rainbow Dash being taken by Thunderbolt. When her fingers sank into her once more, Fluttershy had to bite down on her lip not to cry out in release. She trembled, fighting to hear what Rainbow Dash would say next.

"But that is something else. He's nice, but it was Thunderbolt I wanted to talk to you about." Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and tilted her head up to look at Fluttershy. Her friend looked shocked, startled. "What's wrong?"

"N-Nothing…" Fighting with her urges and needs, Fluttershy considered standing up and going to the bathroom. "We could go to your house now, if you want? I could ask Thunderbolt."

The world was gaining momentum. It was only last night Rainbow Dash had considered actually going through with letting her pet mount her, and now Fluttershy was saying she could ask. Then there would be nothing standing in Rainbow Dash's way. "I'll get our desserts."

Fluttershy just nodded, watching her friend walk from the table. Pulling her fingers out, Fluttershy rubbed them on a napkin and rushed to the bathroom to clean up.

Returning to the booth with the two sundaes, Rainbow Dash looked around for Fluttershy. Without thinking twice, she grabbed the second hot-dog and held it down for Bridget. "She'll be back, I guess."

Clean and free of the mess between her legs, Fluttershy couldn't help but feel the slight breeze: she wasn't wearing her underwear anymore. Pushing open the door, she walked out to find Rainbow Dash feeding Bridget, the two looking at each other intently.

Bridget didn't let many humans be at all close or friendly with her, doubly so when Fluttershy wasn't around, but she liked Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash agreed that she should bite Fluttershy's runt of a brother. Rainbow Dash gave her something to eat, often from her own plate. Bridget turned at the sound of the bathroom door closing, and gave a little rumbling-yowl to Fluttershy.

"Hey. I gave her the other hot-dog, and she seemed to like the crusts from my sandwich." Rainbow Dash gave Bridget's shoulder a gentle thudding with the flat of her hand. "So, now that the heavy stuff is out of the way, what do you think about the gig next weekend?"

"She thinks you're in her pack." The words tumbled out, a little shock at the truth in the words causing Fluttershy to examine her friendship.

"Hey, cool. We are kinda like that; always looking out for each other and stuff." Deploying her spoon, Rainbow Dash took a big scoop of her dessert and stuck it in her mouth.

"I guess we are." The words seemed like a truth, a fact. "Who's your boyfriend?" The question came from left field. Fluttershy blushed and took her seat, silencing any further strange questions with a mouthful of ice cream.

"His name's Spicy. He, uh, works in a shop around here. They sell clothing!" Rainbow Dash congratulated herself on not having to explain how she had met the owner of a local sex toy store. "He likes to, well, be in control."

Fluttershy had been calm, and almost sedate again, but the way Rainbow Dash said the word control had a shiver run up her spine. "He—he like to play with animals too?"

"What? No. That, that's just a me-thing." The ice cream wasn't going to last long—it was three-quarters gone. "So, uh, you want to come around tonight to talk to Thunderbolt?" Every fiber of Rainbow Dash quivered, if Fluttershy spoke to Thunderbolt, and her pet said it was okay, she could even have sex with him tonight.

"Why not now— Oh." Fluttershy's mind caught up, fighting through the lust that was rising for a third time, and she realized why Rainbow Dash had said tonight. "Because Thunderbolt will be too worried about Bridget."

"Yeah." Rainbow Dash finished her last scoop of dessert, and slurped up the last of her 'shake. "So if you bed Bridget down, you can come around and talk to Thunderbolt tonight?"

"Right. Tonight then." Fluttershy fought against her desire to reach under the table and start rubbing herself again. The first time had been a mistake, and she couldn't believe she had done it, but something about the idea of Rainbow Dash with Thunderbolt just hit a switch in her.

Fluttershy was breathing fast, and doing a poor job of showing her excitement, but by the time she came from the stupor of her own fantasies Rainbow Dash was getting up. "Oh, uh. I'll see you then?"

"Sure thing, Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash strode from Sugarcube Corner, her worries replaced by a strange sense of inevitability. She only had to wait at home, now, and Fluttershy would come and decide things for her.

When Bridget poked her head out from under the table, Fluttershy reached a finger down and booped the wolfess on the nose. "Why'd you do that? I could have stopped if it wasn't for you and your…" Fluttershy trailed off as Bridget's tongue trailed up and along her finger. Memories of what that tongue could do melted her resolve. "Will you be okay in the camper on your own?"