Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

A Very Hot Hearth's Warming Eve

The month of time that went by until Hearth's Warming Eve was leading up to a new experience for the dinosaurs. It would be the first time they would get to experience the holiday with their family and friends, without anything getting in the way of it. It was also the day where Indominus would finally tell Rainbow Dash what he found most attractive on her. This Hearth's Warming Eve was going to be one that the ponies and dinosaurs would never forget.

During the time leading up to the holiday, plenty happened for all of them. Fluttershy asked Discord if he would spend the holiday with her, and although he didn't celebrate Hearth's Warming Eve, the chance to be close to her by a cozy fire in a warm home was too much to resist. He agreed to join in on the festivities and even promised to have a location where everypony could celebrate the holiday together. He was very sly about asking Indominus what he'd like on Hearth's Warming Eve to make his night with Rainbow perfect. The Lord of Chaos was able to get all he needed out of Indominus to know what kind of setting the hybrid would really enjoy.

Rainbow even asked Rarity for a personal favor so she could make the holiday special for Indominus. A couple of days after Indominus's visit to the compound, Rainbow had picked Scootaloo up and taken her to the boutique. Rarity was rather surprised that Rainbow would show up at her place out of the blue, but she had a good idea about what Rainbow wanted.

"So Rainbow, care to explain why you and Scootaloo came here?"

"The thing is Rarity, I would like you to make me a special kind of dress for Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Ooooh Rainbow Dash, I can't believe you're letting go of your pride for a chance to really stun your husband. It's so adorable that I love it. Tell me everything, what kind of dress did you have in mind?"

"I was thinking of a sort of phoenix dress."

"Would that be in memory of the Immortal Phoenix, Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo asked curiously.

"Yes it would Scootaloo," Rainbow replied.

"A phoenix dress! Oh it's a design I've never done before, but the possibilities for this dress are so endless that I can't ignore it. Come with me Rainbow Dash, we'll get started on it right away." Rainbow was pulled off her hooves as Rarity dragged her into the designing room, leaving Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle to chat.

"Do you think Indominus will love what Rainbow's doing for him?"

"Of course he will, Sweetie Belle. Rainbow's doing for Indominus what he did for her before the Gala. Remember how he planned everything out and surprised her with a proposal? She's doing the same thing for him, and it's so romantic."

"That it is Scootaloo, but it's still so....unusual for it to be Rainbow Dash who is being the romantic in this case."

"He changed her so much when they first met. She's more romantic now, and is willing to try different things with him. But either way, I wouldn't want anypony else in my life as my parents except those two."

After thirty five minutes passed, Rarity walked back into the main room.

"Girls, please walk this way. The masterpiece I've created is ready and it looks simply fabulous." Rarity led the fillies to the back of her boutique where she made all her dresses.

They could tell that Rainbow was waiting behind a stall so that they wouldn't see the dress she was wearing.

"Come on Rarity, let's see what kind of dress you made."

"Alright girls, say hello to my latest dress, Phoenix Rainbow Dash." Rainbow walked out of the stall and Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo gasped at the marvelous dress she was wearing.

Rainbow was wearing a dress that had a perfect blend of red, orange and yellow. It was designed around what Philomena looked like in her peak, with the head of a phoenix on her chest. Complete with yellow-orange leggings, Rainbow was a magnificent sight to behold.

Scootaloo was unable to find her voice for the dress had taken away the ability to speak for a minute.

"What do you girls think? Phoenix looks pretty good on me."

"I'll say it does, Rarity really outdid herself on this one."

"Why thank you Sweetie Belle," Rarity said as she saw that Scootaloo had been awestruck by her work.

"Scootaloo? Do you have anything to say about the dress? You've just been staring at me with your mouth open." Scootaloo shook her head to get herself to come back to reality.

"Sorry, it's just that you look so beautiful, mom."


"Yes you do Rainbow, I almost can't believe how great you look in this dress."

"You know, your opinions always make me feel even better about myself kiddo," Rainbow said as she pulled Scootaloo in for a hug.

"It's so new to see you in a dress this grand."

"Do you think Indominus will be wowed by this one?"

"Oh he definitely will, mom. You're gonna make his first Hearth's Warming Eve very special."

"This is just one of the many ways I'm gonna wow him, Scootaloo. But first, Rarity, make sure this dress is kept in a safe place and out of sight from everypony. We can't have anyone spilling the beans to Indominus and ruining the surprise."

"You can count on me, Rainbow Dash. That dress will not leave this room until Hearth's Warming Eve comes around."

Rarity didn't have just the new dress to think about. She was also busy planning out how she was going to spend her Hearth's Warming Eve with Spike. The grown dragon had been such a gentlecolt to her that Rarity decided she was going to make his night really magical. Spike had treated her so well and had been such a great 'stallion' to be around, that Rarity was going to give him the ultimate gift. The very same gift that Indominus had given Rainbow the week before their wedding. Rarity felt that Spike had proven his worth and done enough for him to deserve such a gift.

Spike had made himself quite busy with figuring out what kind of gift he was going to give Rarity. A few days after his day with the dinosaurs, Discord and his monsters, the dragon took their advice and went to Canterlot with Twilight. Spike chose the very same shop where Indominus had purchased the Arkenstone ring, and it was almost torture for him. Every shining jewel, necklace and gem in that shop made him want to just give in and eat them all. But his better judgement and yearn to find one that Rarity would love, won out in the end. After browsing through the many cases, Spike stumbled upon a necklace that had fire rubies all around it. He and Twilight left the shop with his gift, and she promised not to breathe a word of their time to anypony, especially Rarity.

In fact, the Mane Six themselves were doing plenty in preparing Indominus for his first Hearth's Warming Eve with Rainbow Dash, with some help from Discord. Rarity was keeping the dress in hiding from him, so as not to spoil Rainbow's surprise. Applejack spent a few days teaching Rainbow a special song that her mother sang to her father when they were deeply in love. Discord created a massive castle with Hearth's Warming Eve colors on the outskirts of Ponyville, where everypony would be spending the holiday. Twilight picked out a special bed for the master bedroom of the castle, because she was sure where things would go between Indominus and Rainbow. Pinkie and Fluttershy bought tons of decor to decorate the castle to Indominus's liking, and Discord even helped them transport a massive hot tub into the master bedroom.

When the Mane Six all got to see the castle for the first time, they found the inside to be big enough for dragons to walk around. Twilight was going to question Discord's method, until she walked in and grew to be near the size of the dinosaurs. Discord had put an enchantment on the door to where anypony that entered would grow to become almost as big as the scaly guardians. It was a way of giving everypony a chance to bond with the dinosaurs and be big enough to not worry about being crushed while going about the castle.

"This is quite the castle, Discord," said Fluttershy. "The dinosaurs are gonna feel at home in here."

"Oh just wait til you see the bedroom. It's gonna be perfect for you to spend the holiday with him, Rainbow."

Discord opened the red bedroom door that was for the master bedroom, and the ponies gasped in awe. The room was as big as the one Discord had prepared for the lovers on the cruise. The walls were a beautiful mix of red and black, with candles lit along them. The room had several bowls of fruit and fritters waiting beside the comforter that Twilight had picked out, after Discord had made some changes to it. It was now a comforter that was shaped out of what looked like a monster's jaws. There were stairs that led up to the changed comforter, and off to the left of the stairs, was the hot tub Discord had helped Fluttershy and Pinkie transport. Discord had created a bedroom that was more than worthy of the Immortal WorldBreaker and his future queen.

"What do you think Rainbow? Is this a good enough room for you and Indominus to spend your night together?"

"I think it looks so awesome! I can't wait to spend my holiday with Indominus in here. There is so much I can do to him in here."

"Save that for when yer alone Rainbow, none of us need ta hear yer inner thoughts about what ya want ta do to Indominus," said Applejack, trying not to think about a certain memory from their vacation.

"I have to agree with Applejack. Your talk about wanting to romance Indominus is sweet and all, but some of us don't want to have certain images in our heads," said Twilight.

"Oh alright Twilight, and sorry about saying so much about it, but I can't help myself. This is the first time they get to celebrate the holiday with us, since last year he had the showdown with Smaug to deal with. None of them got to spend Hearth's Warming Eve with us because they had to train Indominus for the showdown."

"That's true Twilight, the dinosaurs didn't get to enjoy all the love, cider, wonderful joy, amazing food and presents last year," said Pinkie. "This is their first time spending it with us, so Rainbow has every right to be excited."

"Point well made Pinkie, ok Rainbow it's ok to talk about what you're looking forward to, but maybe tone down on some of your more 'private' thoughts."

"Alright Princess of Censorship, I'll keep it down on the details."

"Good, and I don't censor everything."

"Or I could just talk about what I really want to do to Indominus, and how I plan to give him the best fire that'll light his core."


"Gotcha! I'd never say anything as personal as that to you girls. I'm not that horrible, and I wouldn't put something like that in Fluttershy's head. Gosh Twilight, what kind of friend do you think I am?" Discord was covering his mouth to keep his laughs from bursting out across the room.

"In hindsight, I'm really glad that I get to be part of this group of friends. It's never a dull moment with them," he thought to himself.

"Oh Rainbow Dash, what are we going to do with you?"

"See my crazy antics every day and just go with the flow?"

"Cute, very cute," said Twilight.

It didn't take the dinosaurs long to notice the huge castle on the outskirts of Ponyville. After Rainbow told them they would be spending Hearth's Warming Eve inside it, Indominus had flown off to inform the Wonderbolts. He guided them towards Ponyville and they perched on some clouds that were far out of reach. They were all speechless at seeing the huge castle being worked on and decorated by the monsters and Mane Six.

"That's quite a castle," said Spitfire.

"Uh huh, and that's where all of you will get to give Rainbow her gifts."

"I'm still not sure about this Indominus," said Fleetfoot. "All of Equestria still despises us for what we tried to do to her. How do we know that the ponies in that castle won't try to throw us out?"

"I'll just tell them that I invited you Wonderbolts to the party, and that's what I've already done. Don't worry about that, just focus on making amends with Rainbow Dash."

"We plan to, and thanks for staying true to your word, Indominus," said Surprise.

"I never go back on my word, especially when you ponies are trying so hard to make peace with her. I'm sure that Rainbow will forgive you when she sees these great gifts."

"I hope so Indominus," said Spitfire, not telling Indominus about the surprise she was keeping for him as well.

As for the surprise Indominus had yet to tell Rainbow Dash, he did not have it easy. Every chance that Rainbow got to try and make him spill what he liked most, she took the opportunity. Blue would hear her seductively toying with Indominus every single night, tempting him with all that she could make him if he would just tell her. When it wouldn't work, the raptor would hear Indominus moan and try to resist the pleasure Rainbow was giving him. But the hybrid remained strong and would not concede to his girl, which was close to paying off as the day drew closer.

When the first round of snow came in weeks later, winter was in full swing. Ponies were getting their homes decorated in lights, and the holiday spirit was strong. Indominus didn't have to worry about the cold too much since he could control his body temperature, and if things ever got really cold, Rainbow had her ways of warming him up. Rarity had insisted that the dinosaurs have some warmth during the cold month, so as to avoid them getting too cold and frozen. She made giant scarfs for them to wear, and wrapped their feet in thick, warm fabrics so none of them would get frostbite from the cold.

Thanks to the snowfall, the dinosaurs got to experience their first snowball fight. The school fillies held snowball fights with school being on winter break, and the competition got rather fierce. Indominus was the only one who could make his own snowball and throw it with great force. Though he did have to watch how much power he put into each throw, because he didn't want to hurt any fillies. T-Rex would chuck piles of snow which turned some poor fillies into snow ponies before they shook off the extra coats. The raptor squad threw premade snowballs with their mouths and most of their hits were dead on. It was a fun experience for the carnivores, and thankfully none of them got angry whenever they were hit in the face with a snowball. The Crusaders made sure to warm the dinosaurs up by a cozy fire when the fights were over, and treat them to hot cider to speed up the heating process.

Even though she was nervous about letting Indominus spend a day with them, true to her word, Rainbow brought the hybrid over to her parents' house a few times before the holiday. Their eager behavior about spending time with Indominus made Rainbow so heavily embarrassed, and worried they would tell him something really mortifying. Luckily they just wanted to know how she and Indominus had been spending their time together since the drama ended and how the cruise went. Windy was awestruck at hearing Rainbow talk about how much fun she and Indominus had fighting alongside each other, and how he had held her close each night.

"Sounds like you two have had a great time together. Any luck on getting Indominus to tell his secret Rainbow?"

"I've had no luck at all mom. I tried everything you told me, and he still wouldn't cave, even when I changed forms."

"She can try all she wants, but I won't tell until Hearth's Warming Eve comes around."

"I don't know Indominus, the more you resist, the more she'll keep trying," said Bow. "If there's one thing our Rainbow Dash does best, it's that she never gives up."

"Though if you manage to hold out, the reward will be much more satisfying," said Windy.

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Since we're talking about the holiday and surprises, mom and dad, would you two like to spend Hearth's Warming Eve with us?"

"Really Rainbow Dash? You want us to spend it with you?"

"Well mom, I wanted to spend the holiday with my family, and that includes you guys as well. It would be a complete family portrait to have my sister, her guardians, my hybrid husband and my parents there."

"Oh honey we'd be glad to join you."

"Thanks mom, just promise me you two will keep your energetic selves to a minimum. Promise?" Her parents looked at each other for a moment and said.

"Alright Rainbow Dash, we promise." Rainbow went in to hug them, but stopped when she realized someone wasn't in the hug yet.

"Get in here Indominus, you're not getting left out of this." Indominus joined in by wrapping his arms around them and buried his face in the group hug.

The rest of the visit went by smoothly, though Indominus did end up seeing the room composed of the many accomplishments Windy and Bow had recorded over the years. It was the mortifying part Rainbow had been worried about, until Indominus told them what he thought of all the trophies.

"So what do you think, Indominus? Are these great accomplishments that our daughter has done or what?"

"I've seen better, Bow."

"What?" Rainbow hid a smile forming on her face as she was dying to see what Indominus would say next.

"These may be fancy trophies to you, but they pale in comparison to Rainbow's accomplishment of taking Scootaloo into her home. Plus there's also how she helped me fight Sheer Cold and Spoiled Rotten, and helped kill Black Death. Those are true accomplishments, and you're telling me that you don't have those in here? Shame on you, shame on you, shame on you both for not having such important highlights." Rainbow was giggling her head off at how Indominus had effectively shut down the entire room of trophies with just a few sentences. Windy and Bow had even laughed at the joking sarcasm in the last one, and were glad that Rainbow had chosen such a kind, funny and devoted husband.

During the last week leading up to the holiday, the dinosaurs noticed that whenever they went through Ponyville, the ponies would look at Indominus like he was some vastly important figure. During the cruise, Celestia and Luna had spread the word of Indominus being crowned the future king of Equestria. Since all of Ponyville had watched the fight and how he had pulled Equestria back into place, the citizens were all looking forward to Indominus being crowned king. Some of the fillies even wished him luck with his new title when they passed. Fortunately Indominus was smart enough to figure out what the ponies were talking about, and because that day was drawing close as well.

Then the day finally arrived and Ponyville was filled with decorations, lights and ponies getting into the holiday spirit. In order to keep them preoccupied long enough for everything to be ready, Discord had the dinosaurs give out treats and meals to some of the poorer families. It was a rather generous act on Discord's part, but it allowed Rarity to move the dress out of her boutique and into the master bedroom for when Rainbow would be giving Indominus his magical night. It also gave Spike time to grab his gift and sneak it into the castle while Rarity was setting up the dress in the master bedroom. The families that the dinosaurs gave the meals to were incredibly grateful and wished them a happy Hearth's Warming Eve as they looked out at the shining castle in the distance. It was decorated with so many light and holiday cheer that it stood out like a beacon for everypony celebrating the holiday.

T-Rex could see ponies entering the castle to celebrate the holiday with them, and decided it was time for them to make their entrance.

"Alright my brother and sisters, are we ready to celebrate our first holiday with our family?"

"You know we are, T-Rex."

"Let's not keep them waiting," said Blue. The guardians took off and headed towards the glowing castle.

As the dinosaurs made their way away from Ponyville towards the castle Discord had set up for them, they saw how much everypony loved the holiday. Ponies all around were singing together in pure joy and honor of the holiday.

Ponies: Ponies' voices fill the night
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Happy hearts so full and bright
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again
Oh, what a sight
Look at the light
All for tonight
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again

Fluttershy: Clouds arranged so they're just so

Pegasi: Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again

Rainbow Dash: Gonna make some awesome snow

Pegasi: Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again

Fluttershy/Rainbow Dash: The chill wind blows
making a show
snowflakes aglow

Ponies: Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again

The dinosaurs found the inside of the castle full of decor and Hearth's Warming cheer.

Pinkie: A day that's filled with songs to sing

Ponies: Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding

Applejack: Cakes and pastries we shall bring

Ponies: Ding-dong, ding-dong-ding
We're so busy making merry
Windigos should all be wary

Stallions: As our mighty voices carry

Ponies: Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again

Rarity: Decorations we shall make

Ponies: Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again

Rarity: Perfection you just cannot fake

Ponies: Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again

Rarity: Not one mistake
Don't let that break
(Derpy drops ornament)
Oh, goodness' sake!

Ponies: Hearth's Warming Eve is here once a—
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Happy, happy Hearth's Warming Eve
Hearth's Warming Eve is here once again!

The dinosaurs couldn't believe how big the inside of the castle was, and how big the other ponies were.

"Welcome to the party, Guardians of Equestria," Discord said after the dinosaurs walked into the main foyer and were distracted by the numerous decorations and the enormous tree. Ponies all around were welcoming them and wishing them a happy Hearth's Warming Eve. They easily found Windy and Bow who were just as taken with the inside of the castle as the dinosaurs.

"Do you like it? Discord put a lot of effort into this castle for you guys," said Twilight.

"It's pretty impressive," said Blue.

"I can't believe it can hold us and so many ponies. How did you do it?"

"I've already told Indominus this, now it seems I must tell even his sisters. Don't question my logic Delta, you'll live longer."

"It's nice to spend this evening with you honey," said Windy.

"It's great to have you and dad here as well, mom," said Rainbow.

"Now I believe a few of you wanted to spend this holiday with your special someponies, right," said Pinkie as she walked over to the dinosaurs. "Fluttershy, you wanted to be with Discord right?"

"Yes Pinkie I do," Fluttershy said as the Lord of Chaos appeared beside her. Discord couldn't believe that he was getting to spend the holiday with Fluttershy after all.

"T-Rex, you and Scootaloo finally get your time on this lovely evening," Pinkie said as she nudged Scootaloo over to the king of the dinosaurs. T-Rex nuzzled her when Pinkie pushed the filly close to him.

"Rarity, you wanted to make Spike feel extra special today. Get on over here you lucky dragon." Spike was chowing down on the dessert table, but stopped and finished what was in his mouth before going over to Rarity.

"Alright Twilight, all the couples are present."

"Thank you Pinkie, now Windy and Bow, could you help me with these?" Twilight levitated over four plants and the pegasi almost went ecstatic.

"Are these what I think they are, Princess?"

"Indeed, and they're gonna help kick start the evening for these wonderful couples. So can you two help me out?"

"Sure thing," said Bow as he took one in his mouth and started hovering over Scootaloo and T-Rex. Twilight levitated one over Fluttershy and Discord, Windy did the same for Rainbow and Indominus, and Pinkie did the last one for Spike and Rarity.

"Um Twilight, is that mistletoe?"

"Yes it is Discord, and you know what happens when somepony catches you under one, right?" Discord felt an anvil drop in his stomach.

"That's right, it's tradition for ponies ta smooch under the mistletoe," said Applejack. "It brings good fortune to a party and everypony present."

"Plus we all know how long you've been dying to kiss Fluttershy, now here's your chance to make it happen," said Pinkie while holding the mistletoe over his head.

The couples stared into each other's eyes with the mistletoe hanging over each of them. They started leaning in towards one another and applause was met from many of the ponies present when they kissed. Discord was sending love fireworks out of his ears, and Spike's eyes and tail turned into hearts after his kiss with Rarity. Tyrannosaurus's eyes shot open when he and Scootaloo kissed, but he relaxed and they gently broke their kiss. Rainbow and Indominus were in a long kiss, neither of them taking a breath and seemingly lost in the comfort and embrace of their lips.

"Don't they ever take a breath when they kiss?"

"Nope, not when you're a pair of lovers like them, Applejack," said Pinkie. After what seemed like an hour, Indominus and Rainbow finally broke their kiss.

"You made that kiss last longer than it should have. Why is that Rainbow?"

"I just want to make you feel special tonight Indominus. You've done so much for me in these last few months, can I at least make it up to you by making Hearth's Warming Eve special for you?"

"Of course you can, I look forward to whatever surprises you have in store for me."

"As do I Indominus because remember," Rainbow pulled him in close and whispered to him, "you still have to tell me your secret tonight. I'm dying to light that fire in you."

Indominus's face turned slightly red as Rainbow flew over to her parents and they went over to one of the tables to get some grub.

"Everything ok Indominus? You look stunned," said Twilight. Indominus shook himself out of his blushed trance.

"Oh, sorry about that Twilight, but Rainbow's making my heart race."

"Don't tell me, it had to do with you telling her your big secret?"


"How long are you gonna keep her waiting brother," said T-Rex.

"I'll see what she has in mind for making the night special, then I'll tell her my secret. By the way, did you two enjoy your kiss?"

"It was really warm and nice," said Scootaloo. "You kiss rather well for being a dinosaur, T-Rex."

"Oh stop Scootaloo, I'm not that good."

"Yeah you're probably right. I'm the better one since your eyes went wide when I kissed you."

"I was surprised by how great it felt, that's all."

"You'll get more of that in the future when she's older T-Rex," said Rarity. "You're doing a good thing by waiting until she's older, then nopony will get suspicious or think badly of you."

"I'm just following my brother's example since he set such a good one. Did you enjoy your kiss with Spike?"

"I'd say he's gotten better since the cruise, and it felt warmer this time." Her comment caused Spike to blush.

"I'm just doing what I can to make you happy Rarity."

"You're doing a fabulous job of it," she said as she put her leg around Spike.

"By the way Rarity, I have a present waiting for you."

"You do? Where is it, I want to see what you got me."

"I'll show you after Indominus and Rainbow have their moment, trust me, you'll love it," Spike said as they walked over to get some food themselves.

"We'll join you, how about it Discord?"

"Sure thing Fluttershy. Wow, that kiss was so sweet." Fluttershy giggled at his dreamy responses as she pulled him over to join the others.

Later in the evening, everypony was chilling and doing their own thing. Indominus was hanging with Rainbow and her parents, T-Rex and the raptors were chilling by the fire and watching fillies open their presents. The dinosaurs didn't understand the meaning behind the gifts, but seeing that they made ponies happy was enough for them to know it was an important part of the holiday. Discord was enjoying the peace and warmth while gulping down cider and being around Fluttershy. Quite a few ponies were hanging around him too and treating him like he was a good friend. After what Discord had done to save Indominus's life, the ponies all saw him in a much better light and not a villain scheming to take over Equestria. Fluttershy was looking forward to spending the night with Discord and having him close to her again like they were on the cruise.

"By the way Discord, why aren't any of your monster friends here?"

"That's easy Fluttershy, none of them were really interested in the holiday. Presents, warmth and tons of joy aren't really for monsters that prefer to hunt, fight and cause destruction. Besides, they would have trouble fitting in because not every pony in Equestria is ok with having creatures like them roaming about. Also, if I brought them along, then I wouldn't get to spend the evening with you, now would I?"

"Aw, that's kind of you Discord. I also would like to spend this evening with you."

"Aren't you already doing that Fluttershy?"

"I being alone and together. Just like all those nights we spent on the cruise."

"Oh. Well when you want to make that happen, just let me know and I'll make it happen, my dear Fluttershy."

Rarity and Spike were hanging out with Twilight by the massive decorated tree and chatting about how well the night was going. Applejack was tending to a table lined with dozens of apple treats with Applebloom and Granny Smith. Pinkie was getting in on every ounce of Hearth's Warming joy with candy, presents, cider and sharing it with the dinosaurs. She even pulled Indominus away from Rainbow Dash so he could share in on the giving as well. Normally Rainbow would've been ticked about having Indominus pulled away from her, but it was the perfect moment to get her surprise for him going.

"Mom, Dad, make sure Indominus doesn't notice me leaving for a bit. I'm going to get my surprise for him."

"Go on honey, make sure to knock him dead."

"Oh believe me, he won't be able to resist it," Rainbow said as she flew over to Rarity while Indominus's back was still turned.

"Rarity, Indominus is distracted. Now's the perfect chance to get the dress on me."

"Oh I've been waiting for this chance Rainbow. Let's go make you look wonderful for your husband." Rarity and Rainbow slipped away and up the grand staircase while Indominus was still distracted by Pinkie's hyperactive joy.

"Hey Twilight, while Rarity's busy, can you get my gift for her?"

"No problem Spike," Twilight said as she levitated the wrapped necklace from near the top of the tree down to him. "I'm sure she'll absolutely love it, Spike. You'll have an amazing night after you give it to her."

"You think so Twilight?"

"I know so Spike, she's going to make the rest of your evening simply wonderful."

"Thanks for helping me in this, Twilight," Spike said as he leaned down and hugged her.

"You're welcome Spike, I'm just doing what I can to help you in your relationship with Rarity. You've been wanting this for so long and it's so great to see you this happy."

Up in the master bedroom, Rarity was helping Rainbow into the phoenix dress. Discord had set up changing room mirrors so that they could see how Rainbow looked and if there were any adjustments that needed to be made. When they were all done, Rarity stepped back to see how amazing Rainbow Dash looked in her new dress. She was a little surprised to see herself in a dress that she wouldn't normally wear, even to the Gala.

"What's up Rainbow?"

"It's just strange Rarity, I look like such a beautiful pony and it doesn't seem like I'm the same daredevil pegasus anymore."

"Are you saying there's something wrong with the dress?"

"No not that at all. All I'm saying is, I don't look or feel like myself anymore. The pony I'm looking at in the mirror is more of a princess, and I'm not that at all. I'm a tough pegasus who makes stubborn decisions, charges into trouble and likes to do dangerous stunts. I just find it so strange that I'm wearing a dress this great on Hearth's Warming Eve and am going to sing to my hybrid husband in it. I don't know if I should be nervous or ashamed of myself for changing so much."

"That's what love does to ponies Rainbow, even tough daredevils like you. Indominus entered your heart and changed you on the inside. You won't admit it to yourself, but your heart wants to make Indominus happy, that's why you've gone to such lengths for him. There's nothing wrong with looking beautiful for the one you love most, if all you're trying to do is make them happy. You look like a princess, but when the new year begins, you'll be a queen. This is just a new side of you that was created when you and Indominus fell in love, and it's nothing to be nervous or ashamed of."

"Thanks for the support Rarity," Rainbow said as they hugged. "I'm glad I can talk to you about this sort of thing."

"I'm glad to help you in your love life darling, that's what friends do, they look out for each other. Now I'll go on ahead and you wait just out of sight of the guests. When I give the word, you come walking down that staircase and make Indominus feel amazing tonight."

"I will," Rainbow said as Rarity left the room. She looked at her reflection one more time, taking in how she looked. "Alright girl, you can do this. It's for him after all, and what he's done for you. Time to return the favor, I hope you're ready for this, Indominus." Rainbow left the room and made her way towards the staircase.

The party was still going on as Rarity went down the staircase. Indominus had finally noticed that Rainbow had been gone for awhile after Pinkie had gone off to do her own thing.

"Rarity, did you see where Rainbow went off to?"

"You're about to see in a minute Indominus. Twilight, can I get a microphone?"

"Sure," Twilight said as she pulled one over to her. Rarity walked over to the staircase and tapped the mic to get everypony's attention.

"Attention everypony. I know all of you are enjoying this fine evening, but there's somepony who is going to impress her husband in a moment." The ponies started murmuring amongst themselves, wondering who Rarity was talking about. "She has been through quite a lot in the last few months. Had to choose between her husband or the Wonderbolts, was forced to fight them when they went after her family, and had to leave them behind. This pony is going to do something special for the one who helped her the most, and stood by her through every moment of drama. Now mares and gentlecolts, please welcome the new and beautiful, Phoenix Rainbow Dash."

Rainbow slowly made her way down the staircase and the ponies gasped in awe at the sight of her in the phoenix dress. She stopped at the island that separated the staircase and split it off into another direction. The ponies were speechless at seeing Rainbow, except for her parents who were shedding tears.

"My little girl's all grown up," Bow sobbed upon seeing his daughter in such a beautiful dress.

"Indominus is so lucky to be her stallion right now," said Windy. "He's going to love this."

Indominus was already loving the surprise, he was staring at Rainbow with his mouth open and eyes wide. Applejack pulled out an acoustic guitar she had kept hidden under the cake table and walked over to the stunned hybrid.

"She's really something, isn't she Indominus," Rarity asked.

"I-I don't have the words to describe her."

"It's about ta get better in a sec Indominus," Applejack said as Rainbow walked down the staircase and made her way towards him.

Ponies parted away and made plenty of room for Rainbow and Indominus, who was still having trouble finding the right words as she stopped in front of him. She was giving him a soft bedroom eyes look as the hybrid dinosaur took in the full picture of his girl in a phoenix dress.

"What do you think Indominus?"

"I...I don't know what to say Rainbow. You look too beautiful for words."

"Thank you Indominus, and if you think this is beautiful, then you're about to feel your heart beat in joy. Hit the music AJ."

Applejack started playing a soft instrumental tune on her guitar. A hush fell over the castle as Rainbow looked into his eyes and began to sing and serenade the awestruck dinosaur.

Rainbow Dash: We're far apart,
In every way,
But you're the best part,
Of my day,

And sure as I,
Breath the air,
I know we are,
A perfect pear!

On a winding path that,
Goes on for miles,
But it's worth it just,
To see you smile!

And I cannot,
Be pulled apart,
(Rainbow placing Indominus's hand over her heart)
From the hold you,
Have my heart,

And even if,
The world tells us it's wrong,
You're in my head like a catchy song!

"Thank you Rainbow Dash."

"Tell me what you're thinking Indominus."

"That I'm proud to be yours for life."

The seasons change,
And leaves may fall,
But I'll be with you,
Through them all,
And rain or shine,
You'll always be mine!
On a winding path that,
Goes on for miles!
You're the only one who,
Makes it all worth while...

And you should not, blame me too,
If I can't help falling in love with you...

The entire room was in complete silence as the ponies had hooves over their mouths because they were too touched for words. Indominus's mouth was open again as he was beyond touched for words.

"So Indominus, what do you think?" The hybrid couldn't express himself in words, the only way he could express himself was to lean in and kiss Rainbow on the mouth.

Windy had to hold Bow to keep him from balling his eyes out, the amount of love and emotion was too much to handle. Pinkie was on the verge of losing her mind to the feels as well, even with Applejack and Rarity holding her. When the lovers broke their kiss, Indominus said something so beautiful that it broke Rainbow's parents.

"I don't think I deserve a wife as wonderful as you Rainbow. You've stuck by me through all the Wonderbolt drama, stayed loyal to me and helped me beat all the years of anger I had to put up with. I can't thank you enough for choosing to be my wife, and I'll always love everything you do for me." It was Rainbow's turn to be touched as Indominus pulled her into a hug.

Hundreds of cries erupted across the room as the ponies were too touched to handle the emotion shown between the pegasus and dinosaur. Windy, Bow, Pinkie and Discord were all balling waterfalls as their hearts were too overwhelmed by the sweet moment. Applejack and her family were shedding tears too, for the emotional moment was too much for even Applejack's hard shell to take. Rarity was shedding happy tears and holding Sweetie Belle close, proud of Rainbow for being so bold and daring. Scootaloo had her face buried against Tyrannosaurus's face, too happy and proud of Rainbow for showing her love for Indominus in such a romantic way. Twilight and Spike were hugging each other so they could handle the beautiful confession Indominus made.

"It's sooo cute. Why does it have to be so cute," Pinkie, Windy and Bow said together. Fluttershy was stroking Discord's back to help get him to calm down, but she was also shedding tears from the singing.

"Our girl is so grown up, it's almost too much," said Windy.

"She's become such a romantic, even Cupid would be jealous of them," said Pinkie after managing to get her tears under control. In the middle of the sobbing ponies, Rainbow pulled Indominus close and whispered to him.

"Indominus, is there anything you'd like to tell me? Anything you've been keeping hidden from me for the last few months?"

"Alright Rainbow, after what you just sang to me, it's time you deserve to know my secret." Rainbow had a wide grin on her face as she held onto Indominus's words, waiting for him to spill his secret. "What I like most about you is-"

Indominus was cut off when a loud door knock echoed through the room. Everypony turned towards the castle door and Indominus could see the group of heat signatures outside. He was about to open the door when Twilight flew over and opened the door ahead of him. Rainbow was scowling under her breath for having their moment being interrupted, and right when she was about to learn Indominus's secret. Her attention was brought back when Twilight yelled angrily across the room.

"What in the world are you ponies doing here?" Rainbow caught sight of the group of ponies at the door, and was shocked to see the Wonderbolts standing at the entrance. The ponies heard Twilight and started gathering ammunition in their hooves to start firing, but Indominus stopped them.

"Don't any of you harm the Wonderbolts! I invited them here so they could join us! I don't want to see any of you attack them tonight."

"Are you serious? Have you forgotten what they've done Indominus," Twilight said while still looking down at the Wonderbolts.

"Let them in Twilight, I invited them along and they get to be here like everypony else." Twilight parted away from the door, allowing the Wonderbolts to enter so they could grow to the same size as everypony else. Discord could see that something important was about to go down, and ripped a gap in reality that led right to Canterlot.

Celestia and Luna were attending to their own Hearth's Warming Eve party when the tear in reality showed up next to them.

"Discord, what is the meaning of this?"

"You're gonna want to see this, Celestia. The Wonderbolts have just shown up and it looks like they have a gift with them."

"Ah, so Spitfire is finally going to make peace with her," said Luna. "Come see this everypony, this might be what will finally bury the hatchet between Rainbow and her idols."

"Luna, what did you do this time?"

"Just watch sister, this is going to be a moment you'll need to hear."

As the Wonderbolts walked through the castle, they felt several angry eyes baring down on them. The very ponies that had loved their shows, were now glaring at them with hate and disgust for all they had done to Indominus and Rainbow. Spitfire had the wrapped gift tucked under her left wing, trying hard to keep it from being seen. Rainbow was confused about why Indominus would give the Wonderbolts permission to show up.

"What's the big idea inviting them Indominus?"

"This is something you're gonna love Rainbow Dash. You need to make peace with them so there isn't anymore tension between you and your idols. Go on," Indominus said as he pushed Rainbow over to Spitfire.

"What did you do Indominus," said Twilight.

"Just watch Twilight, it's going to help patch up the rift that Soarin put between them." There was another dead silence as the ponies eyed Spitfire and her team walking up to Rainbow Dash.

"Hello Spitfire," Rainbow said in a stern voice at the pegasus she had used to adore.

"Hello Rainbow Dash, it's been a while since we saw each other."

"Wow, that's the first time you've called me by my real name. What happened to the nickname?"

"Please hear me out Rainbow, I'm not here to cause trouble. Me and the Wonderbolts are here to tell you something we should've said in the first place." The Wonderbolts all walked alongside Spitfire and stood in front of Rainbow.

"We're all sorry Rainbow Dash," said Fleetfoot.

"We never meant to hurt you," said Surprise.

"Soarin tricked all of us with his sick lies," said Misty Fly.

"We shouldn't have believed him, you were right all along," said High Winds.

"Yeah, he played all of you for fools," said Rainbow.

"We truly are sorry Rainbow Dash. I was such an idiot for listening to Soarin instead of believing you," said Spitfire. "I know I haven't been myself lately but well......when Princess Luna showed me what you went through as a filly, I was so ashamed of myself. You were telling the truth the whole time, and I pushed your words aside. I was so stupid for not trusting you, and for not listening to what you had to say about Indominus."

"Wait, you found out about him too?"

"Luna showed me his past as well, and I saw why he defended you so much. Your past and his had similar trauma, and I finally saw the reason for his aggressive behavior. It tore me apart to see what really happened to earn you that nickname, and that you were right from the beginning." Spitfire walked ahead of her teammates and got so close to Rainbow. "I am so sorry for hurting you Rainbow, I never wanted to drive you away and I never wanted to have you killed. I just can't believe it took watching you dying to see that you and Indominus had been right all along. Please believe me when I tell you that you were always meant to be a Wonderbolt."

For the first time in her life, Rainbow was seeing a side of Spitfire she had never seen before. The usual drill sergeant pony that led the Wonderbolts with true authority, was now before her, saying how sorry she was for not listening to her. There was genuine sincerity in her eyes, Spitfire was meaning every word she said: she was truly sorry for hurting Rainbow. If there was ever a time for Rainbow to see a caring side to the Wonderbolts, this was that time. Everypony watched as Rainbow put a hoof on Spitfire's chest and spoke to her.

"It's alright Spitfire, I don't hate you or the Wonderbolts for what you did. I was hoping that you would realize that Soarin was just tricking you, and messing with your heads."

"Yeah, we're not the brightest ponies in the world. It also took Indominus beating us into the ground to see that as well."

"He even took the time to help us out with a favor," said High Winds.

"Wait, Indominus actually helped you?"

"Not just helped, he forgave us and contributed to the gift we made for you," said Fleetfoot. Spitfire pulled out the gift she had kept hidden under her wing and gave it to Rainbow Dash.

"Wow Spitfire, what's this?"

"You gotta open it to find out, silly." Rainbow tore open the gift wrap and when she beheld the uniform, her eyes were instantly watering over.

Rainbow couldn't believe she was looking at the uniform that she had torn off, completely repaired and with red markings. She noticed that there were two platinum badges on top of the uniform and the set of red spikes running along the back. Rainbow was at a total loss for words as tears started rolling down her face and she stared back at Spitfire.

"We'd love to have you back on our team Rainbow Dash, as the best flyer we-" Spitfire was cut off as Rainbow embraced her in a hug. At that moment, Spitfire gave into her emotions and hugged Rainbow back as tears started to flow down her face as well.

"Thank you Spitfire," Rainbow said as she let her feelings get the better of her.

"I should be thanking you for not giving up on me Rainbow Dash." The other Wonderbolts joined in on the group hug and the ponies started applauding them.

"That's the best apology I think you'll ever get Celestia," Discord said after seeing how genuine Spitfire and the Wonderbolts were.

"Indeed Discord, I'd say that the tension is truly over. I'll be sure to schedule a performance for them before Indominus's coronation."

"Good, I'll let Rainbow know and let you get back to hosting your rather boring shindig," Discord said before patching up the tear in reality.

The Wonderbolts parted away from the hug as the applause continued throughout the room. T-Rex walked over to his brother as Indominus took in the joy on Rainbow's face.

"You really outdid yourself on this one, brother."

"I know I did Tyrannosaurus, but she's worth it. What I don't understand is why there are two platinum badges? I only helped them make one."

"Yeah Spitfire, what's up with these badges? They're not like the other ones."

"That's because they are proof that you are always a Wonderbolt, and will never get taken off our team again. That is, assuming we get to perform in Equestria again."

"Oh don't worry about that, Spitfire," Discord said as he materialized above them. "I showed Luna and Celestia the whole thing, they've heard your apology and are going to set up a performance. You'll know within the next few days." He then disappeared away from them.

"There you have it, now back to my last question. Why are there two of them? If I get one of these, who's the other Wonderbolt you have in mind?"

"Well, the day this Wonderbolt showcased his flying skills for us, he forgave us, and helped make those badges," said Misty Fly.

"He proved his prowess on our obstacle course, and although a bit rough, he definitely showed true talent in flight. He's also your husband," said Spitfire.

Rainbow turned around sharply to look at Indominus, both of them had wide eyes at what Spitfire was saying. She was saying that Indominus was a member of the Wonderbolts.

"Indominus? A Wonderbolt? How?"

"After Luna showed me your past, I wanted to make it up to you and Indominus. So we revamped the entire course to suit him, I asked him to help us make the gifts for you, and wanted to see him in flight. Seeing him go through the course was remarkable, he handled everything so well and pulled it off just as good as you. It was watching that performance that showed me how much potential he has, and that's when I decided to bring the badge to Princess Luna and have her duplicate it. So now you and Indominus have matching badges and can be partners for life."

Indominus walked forward, a little unsure if Spitfire meant what she was saying.

"Do you really mean that Spitfire?"

"You proved me wrong on so many things Indominus. You spared our lives, saved Rainbow and Equestria, and forgave us when nopony else would. It's the least I can do to make up for all that I've done to you and Rainbow Dash. I really do think that you'll make a fantastic Wonderbolt, especially with the pony who taught you everything you know by your side."

Spitfire took the second platinum badge and placed it in Indominus's hand. He held it in his claws and nuzzled Spitfire as his way of saying thanks.

"Alright Wonderbolts, now that everything's been cleared up, come join the party," said Twilight. The Wonderbolts flew into the festivities as everypony went back to their fun and joy. Rainbow stayed with Indominus and waited for everypony to be out of earshot before she brought up the topic again.

"Ok hot stuff, you've looked out for me, saved my tail on so many occasions, and just got me back into the Wonderbolts. Now you have to tell me your secret Indominus, you've done too much that I have to repay. So spill it, what do you like most about me?"

"What I love the most about you is........your wings." Rainbow struggled to contain herself from bursting into laughter.

"Seriously? You find them most attractive on a mare? All this time the answer was right in front of my face, and I didn't even consider it?"

"Yeah, every time I've been around you, your wings have always stood out to me. Don't ask me why I find them so attractive, but I just do."

"You are truly a unique stud, Indominus. I was expecting the usual answer that a dirty stallion would give, but I never imagined in answer like the one you just gave."

"Now that you know, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?" Rainbow took her right wing and slowly dragged it across Indominus's face. She could see the hybrid reacting with how his eyes became lidded and seemed to be feeling pleasure from the touch. "I'm going to live up to my promise and make that fire surge within your core. Now that I know what you like, I'm gonna have fun with you."

"I-I've never felt anything like that before."

"I already know what's waiting inside you, and how much your 'little junior' is going to be gushing out. I'll see just how much you can resist that I know what excites you the most."

"Don't you want to have anything before we do this?"

"Indominus......I don't give a shit about anything else......all I to have you."

"In that case, you can have your way with me."

"Good boy," Rainbow said before growing to Indominus's size, tackling him and forcing him onto his back. The ponies all turned around and were confused why Rainbow would tackle him. Rarity could see a fire glowing in Rainbow's eyes and drool was starting to run out of her mouth. "Hey Twilight, you might wanna get everypony out of here," Rainbow said with her voice shaking from excitement. "I'm having some real difficulty trying to control myself."

Twilight caught sight of the drool running onto Indominus's scales and immediately realized that Rainbow was going to carry out her sexual promise.

"Everypony get into the other room, now!" The Mane Five, Discord and the other dinosaurs wasted no time in evacuating the room and shutting the door behind them. Now it was just Indominus, trapped by his girl's grip and Rainbow Dash, who was about to give Indominus the best gift of his life.

"Are you ready for a fucking exciting gift my stud?"

"W-what are you talking about Rainbow?"

"Shut up and relax yourself."

Rainbow pressed into Indominus's mouth with full force, pressing his head into the ground. He could feel her mouth hanging onto, sucking and toying with his tongue. Drool was running down his face as she took her wings and ran them down Indominus's scales, making his body warmer with each stroke. The pleasure was so strong that Indominus instantly felt himself in a daze as Rainbow pulled away from his mouth and worked her way to the tail and legs. His eyes shot open when he felt her wings playing with his 'little junior.'

"I've been wanting to give this gift to you for so long, and now I have the perfect chance. I'm going to make this 'junior' of yours gush great amounts of pleasure."


"Happy Hearth's Warming Eve my love," Rainbow said before she bore down on Indominus's 'junior.'

An ear splitting roar screeched throughout the castle, startling everypony in the next room. Tyrannosaurus and the raptors took one sniff of the air and knew what was going on, only Rainbow was dominating Indominus this time.

"What are they doing in there," asked Spitfire,

"Hold on I'll find out in a moment," Discord said as he created a noise cancelling bubble on the door and poked his head through, a decision that would haunt him for centuries.

A moment later they all heard Discord screaming like a little girl and then pulled his head out of the bubble with shrunken eyes and a horrified expression on his face. Spitfire was stumped by what he could've seen and poked her head into the bubble as well, and covered her mouth in shock. Indominus was roaring in sheer pleasure and his body was twisting in delight from Rainbow sucking on his 'junior.' She was even swaying and shaking her flank every time she went up and down on him.

"R-R-Rainbow.......It's........s-s-so.....(roars loudly)"

"Thatsh it my love, keep on enjoying it," Rainbow said with her mouth full. Spitfire pulled her head back inside with the same expression as Discord.

"What did you see Spitfire?"

"S-she's doing unspeakable things to him," Spitfire said as she walked past the Wonderbolts and promptly collapsed on the ground. The others decided not to poke their heads into the bubble for the sake of their sanity and let their imagination take over with the sounds coming from the lovers.

Indominus could feel his body getting hotter and the pressure building in his down under. Rainbow's gift was invoking a volcano inside him and he was getting close to the eruption. Indominus clawed at the ground and flailed his legs as he felt the pressure reaching its climax. Rainbow continued to excite Indominus with her method, and was taken aback when the eruption happened. She felt the eruption inside her mouth and Indominus watched as she gulped down most of it before pulling her mouth away, with a satisfied expression on her face as she licked her lips.

"Nice, strong and tangy, just as I'd hoped. Now let's see what he thought." Rainbow slowly walked up to Indominus, running her wings along his stomach, feeling how hot he had become. She laid down on Indominus's chest and gently stroked the hybrid's face with her wings. He was already breathing heavily from the intense pleasure Rainbow had put into him. "I bet you loved that a lot Indominus," Rainbow said as she kissed him under the neck.

"I don't know what to tell you Rainbow, I'm blown away," Indominus said with his eyes still closed.

"I'd been wanting to give that to you for so long, and your reaction was just as I thought. I finally dominated you, Indominus Rex, and you're so warm now."

"You lit that fire in me alright, and I can't cool myself down."

"That's good because now there's something I want you to do to me."

"What would that be?" Rainbow leaned close to him and whispered.

"I want you to pick up where we left off on our first date." At those words Indominus's eyes shot open and he was staring intensely at Rainbow Dash.

"Are you serious?"

"Dead serious my stud, you've done plenty to earn the right to make me moan. Plus I know how much you've been wanting to do it, so let me have your best." Rainbow felt Indominus's claws grab onto her and the hybrid flipped her onto her back in an instant. Indominus slid down to her lower half and spread her legs, eyes glimmering with excitement.

"Here we go, my sexy pegasus," Indominus said before he bore down on her with his tongue out.

In the other room, the ponies were wondering why everything had become silent, until they heard Rainbow Dash screaming and moaning.

"Oh now what are they up to," Rarity said as her curiosity had finally been aroused enough to take a look. When she did, she had to cover her mouth to keep from screaming.

Indominus had Rainbow's legs spread apart with his claws and he was licking away at her 'forbidden zone.' The look in the dinosaur's eyes was one of pure delight as he took in every lick and the response he got from each one. Rainbow was holding herself, twisting and moaning from the feel of Indominus's tongue on her most vulnerable spot. Rarity wanted to pull away from the scene but her body wouldn't budge. She was rooted to the spot as Indominus gave his girl the most incredible feeling of her life.

"Oh.....oh sweet Celestia... A-aaahhh....Indominus.....i-it's too g-good....I-I can't stop myself." Indominus paused himself only for a moment so Dash could catch her breath to answer one simple question.

"Do you want it to be just like this Rainbow, or would you like me to make it even hotter?"

"HELL YES!" A minute later, Rainbow screamed in pure ecstasy as a more powerful, burning sensation coursed through her.

Indominus had coated his tongue in the flames of the Immortal Phoenix and was licking Rainbow's 'forbidden zone' even faster. Her breathing was becoming so erratic from the insane feeling that Rarity was worried she might pass out or suffer from a heart attack. But Rainbow didn't have to worry as Indominus was getting close to bringing out her eruption. She felt like her body was being set on fire and she couldn't do anything to cool it down.

"I-Indominus....I'm release on you!" Rarity finally managed to pull her head back into the other room before Rainbow released on Indominus. A fountain poured onto him as he ceased licking her and took in everything coming onto his face.

"Rarity what's going on in there," asked Twilight.

"Yeah, what in tarn nation are they doin' to each other," said Applejack.

"Rainbow's become so bold that it's scary. She let Indominus into the forbidden zone."


"Uh huh." Rarity pulled her friends close and whispered what she had just witnessed.

From the shocked looks on their faces, Tyrannosaurus could tell that his brother was having an amazing time. Windy and Bow were only thinking about how much their daughter had grown and how she had changed so drastically. Spitfire and the Wonderbolts were in shock that they had heard Rainbow and Indominus getting in on so hard and hot. Spike and Discord were all stunned that Rainbow had been bold enough to give Indominus such a gift.

"I can't believe what I just saw in there," said Spitfire.

"That's something you're gonna have to get used to, Spitfire," said Blue.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because they'll be doing that a lot more often than you think. Which means your compound might get a little noisy at times."

"Oh brother," said Misty Fly.

"Hey, you're the ones who wanted to have them in your team. There's always a catch when it comes to those two."

"Oh please don't say that word Delta, now's not the time for that."

"Sorry Applejack."

Back in the foyer, Indominus had worked his way back up to Rainbow's face, blue fluid was all over his nose and sliding down his scales. Now she was breathing heavily from the extreme pleasure and there was small traces of steam escaping her mouth.

"So Rainbow, did you enjoy that or what?"

"Fantastic, you are fantastic Indominus. I've never felt anything like that."

"Now we've both instilled a fire in each other, and we've taken so much pleasure." Indominus was leaning in to kiss her but Rainbow stopped him.

"Wait, how about we continue this upstairs? I'm sure nopony wants to stay in that other room all night." Indominus glanced over at the tons of heat signatures in the next room pacing about.

"Yeah you're probably right, and I'm sure they don't want to listen to us have fun all night. Discord, can you send us up to the master bedroom?"

"O-of course Indominus," Discord said, still mortified by what he had seen. He snapped his fingers one time and Rainbow and Indominus were out of the foyer. Everypony finally went out into the foyer again, and many of them were horrified by the mess the lovers had left behind.

"Oh good lord," Twilight said at the sight of the mixed fluids.

"They really went to town this time," said Applejack.

"Maid service is gonna be working overtime for this one," said Discord as he conjured up maid copies of himself that got to work on trying to clean up the messy area that the lovers had soiled.

"Well at least they were really happy with being so close to each other," said Rarity. "By the way Spike, didn't you have a gift you wanted to give me?"

"Yes I do Rarity," Spike said with the wrapped necklace still in his hands.

"I was thinking we should take this into a bedroom so that we have more time to ourselves."

"I'd love that very much."

"Have a fun evening you two," Twilight said as they headed off up the staircase and towards another bedroom.

"See you in the morning Twilight," Spike said as he disappeared from view.

"Hey Discord, how about we spend some time in a room ourselves? After what you witnessed, I think you could use some time with me to get it out of your head."

"That sounds like a great idea Fluttershy. Goodnight everypony, I'm getting my night with Fluttershy and I'm not about to waste it." Twilight and the others wished them a good night as they disappeared in a flash. After the mess had been cleaned up, the party went on as usual while the three pairs of lovers reveled in the quality time they now had with each other.

"Now that we're alone, can we pick up where we left off?"

"I have a better idea, why don't we continue this in the hot tub?"

"I love that idea, but won't your dress get wet?"

"That's alright Indominus," Rainbow said as she slid the dress off while he towered over her. "I'm not wearing anything now, so we can resume our night together."

Indominus picked Rainbow up and carried her towards the hot tub. She held onto his neck while he was holding onto her flank. Both exhaled in relief as they entered the hot tub and let the warm water wash over their excited bodies.

"Now where were we Rainbow Dash?"

"I was about to do this."

Rainbow reached up with her wings and began wiping away the blue liquid from Indominus's face. She then pulled him in and began wiping his face again with her wings still coated in the liquid. Indominus could feel his eyes closing from the pleasure and Rainbow used the moment to kiss him.

"Let's make this even more fun," Rainbow said as she changed into her guardian state.

"You read my mind." Indominus changed into his guardian state and reinserted himself inside her. He started thrusting inside her as Rainbow soothed him with her wings and kissing him on the neck.

In another bedroom, Discord and Fluttershy were relaxing on the bed and he was holding her hoof.

"This is much better than seeing those two make love to each other."

"It's not their fault Discord, Indominus just got Rainbow back together with the Wonderbolts and made her a permanent member. She'll never have to give up on her dream again."

"I get that, but did she have to be so extreme about it? I've never seen anypony express their gratitude to someone with that kind of intensity. One can only imagine what they're doing up there."

"I bet Rainbow is having all kinds of fun right now. As for Indominus, he's experiencing the greatest pleasure he's ever felt."

"Wow, I've never heard you talk like this, Fluttershy."

"I guess Indominus's time with Rainbow has had more influence on me than I thought. But we're not here to talk about that, we're here so that we can spend this lovely evening together."

"I couldn't agree more Fluttershy," Discord said before he waved his eagle claw and turned the ceiling into the night sky, with shooting stars going across it. He changed some of the stars into the shape of butterflies and made them fly across the scenery.

"Perfect," Fluttershy said before kissing Discord on the side of the face. His face turned red again and she pulled him in closer.

"Um Fluttershy, are you sure you're ok with this?"

"I'm perfectly happy with being this close to you Discord. I'm just waiting for you to take your chance," she said as she playfully tapped his nose with her wing. Discord knew what she meant and kissed her deeply as the star butterflies danced around them. His first Hearth's Warming Eve being spent with the pony he loved most, and it was absolutely perfect.

As for Spike and Rarity, they finally had their time alone and Spike was conjuring the courage to give Rarity her gift. When she tore off the wrapping and opened the box, she gasped at the fire ruby necklace in her hooves.

"You picked out this magnificent necklace for me, Spike?"

"Yes Rarity, I wanted to get you something that I knew you would like. I dropped by the shop where Indominus got his ring for Rainbow Dash, and I found this one. It reminded me of the day when I gave you a fire ruby instead of eating it. So I thought it would be perfect with you."

"That's so thoughtful of you Spike." Rarity said as she kissed Spike on the mouth. "I also have a gift that I'm sure you're gonna love."

"Where is it?"

"Just climb into the bed and you'll what I mean."

Spike climbed into the bed like Rarity said and she followed after him. When he rolled onto his back, Spike found Rarity standing over him with a seductive bedroom look in her eyes. He wasn't sure what to make of the situation until Rarity started leaning in towards him.

"Rarity, what's going on?"

"Just relax Spike, you're gonna enjoy this gift."

Rarity kissed deeply into Spike's mouth and the dragon felt his eyes closing from the pleasure. It was the first time she had ever kissed him with so much passion. The dragon felt as if he was living a dream with Rarity kissing him and putting him in a state of peaceful bliss. Spike's blood was running hotter and adrenaline was beginning to course through him, just like how Indominus had felt during his first time with Rainbow Dash. His confidence was rising as well, and Spike felt bold enough to tell Rarity that she could do what she wanted. Rarity took it nice and slow with Spike since it was his first time, and they spent the night being one with each other and enjoying the bliss.

As for the changed lovers, they had gone back to normal after their moment in the hot tub. The blue liquid had evaporated off Indominus's face and his eyes were heavily lidded from all the pleasure that was coursing through him. He and Rainbow had gone a few rounds with each other, and the hybrid still had enough stamina for some longer, more intense ones. The hybrid was gently holding Rainbow close to him and she wrapped her wings around his body while they were catching their breath.

"You've become so hot and exhilarating lately Indominus. We haven't made love this hot before."

"Back then we didn't have this power or knew each other long enough to be this bold." Indominus gently stroked his hand down Rainbow's back and she did the same with her wings.

"I've never seen you react so intensely to having my wings around you. Your 'little junior' was like a volcano and a fountain."

"You were gushing like a fountain as well from having me work my magic on you. Tell me Rainbow, do you still have enough in you for a few more rounds?"

"After all the time we've spent building up our stamina for this moment, I can go on for hours."

"Splendid, because I have a gift to give you now."

He picked her up, crawled out of the hot tub and made his way towards the massive skull shaped comforter.
Indominus placed Rainbow on the bed and stepped back for a moment. Rainbow opened her eyes after the kissing in the hot tub and saw Indominus getting ready to do something.

"Are you ready for this, Rainbow Dash? I'm finally gonna give you what you've been wanting all this time."

Rainbow's eyes went wide as Indominus's body changed and got the golden markings again. She saw the golden spikes growing along his back and his wings change into their gold color too.

"Oh please tell me this is happening!"

"It's happening darling, you're getting what you've wanted your heart has been burning for: making love to a WorldBreaker."


Rainbow transformed into her WorldBreaker form as Indominus snaked his way onto the bed. He towered over her and held her head in one hand as he moved closer towards her mouth. The two lovers were ready to begin as their bodies radiated gold fire for the very hot time that awaited them.

"You know why I'm here and what I yearn for. Don't hide from me, your last chance is gone for!"

Rainbow and Indominus kissed into each other with full force, not holding anything back while Indominus inserted himself into her and began the ultimate pleasure. He broke away from Rainbow's mouth and went to licking her neck and body as she moaned from the incredible pleasure surging through her body. It was more hot than anything Rainbow had experienced during their past moments.

"Oh....Indominus,'s so hot! Y-you're.....l-like a....ahh...a god at thi- oh yes that feels....sooo good."

"I'm not like a god, baby," Indominus said as he kissed again and his eyes started emitting red steam again. "I am one." Rainbow eyes began emitting red steam as she and Indominus braced themselves.

"You know why I'm here and what I yearn for."

"Don't hide from me,"

"Your last chance is gone for."

The lovers pressed into each other again, gold fire emitting from their bodies as they kept wrapping their hooves and claws around each others bodies. In their WorldBreaker forms the pleasure that was passing between them was so intense that neither Rainbow or Indominus were able to keep their mouths shut. Every thrust from him made Rainbow moan so much, that she could only return the favor by rubbing her wings against him and licking his neck. Their moans and roars rumbled in the bedroom and the ponies down below could hear them going at it again.

"Sounds like they're really getting serious this time," said Applejack.

"I'll bet Rainbow is having the time of her life with Indominus being inside her."

"PINKIE!" Twilight was shocked at hearing the response.

"What? We all know she's been wanting this for ages. I'm just saying what I think is going on between them."

Windy and Bow's curiosity had been peaked enough to where they were pressed against the bedroom door, trying to listen in on the moment. Even Spitfire had followed them because her curiosity had been peaked too much. All they could hear at the moment were Rainbow's delighted moans from having Indominus thrusting inside her and his roars from her licking his neck.

"You're something else Indominus. I didn't think you could get anymore exciting than this."

"I knew you'd like the gift and all the pleasure I can give you. I love you so much my darling Dashie."

"Now I want you to give me everything you have, and I mean everything. I want to see how much you can give me in your WorldBreaker state."

"I love it when you decide to test my body. Alright, prepare to have your core lit ablaze."

Indominus started thrusting harder and faster inside Rainbow and the increased volume in her moans was almost more than Spitfire and her parents could bear to listen to. Rainbow added to the intensity by licking Indominus again and this time, sucking on his scales. The hybrid dinosaur could feel his eyes going completely red as the pleasure was boiling inside him. His 'little junior' was going to erupt like never before and as Rainbow kept sucking on his scales and rubbing her golden wings against him, Indominus felt an explosion like never before burst inside Rainbow Dash.

The explosion was so powerful that both of them roared to the heavens as a golden light enveloped them both and went outside the door. Everypony in the foyer saw the light coming from the ceiling as a giant pillar and it blinded them as the roars bellowed throughout the entire castle. The light even went skyward through the roof and surged into the sky. Indominus and Rainbow's united roars could be heard outside the castle for a short distance, and the hybrid was pouring all that he had into her. His 'junior' was pumping every ounce of liquid and pleasure that the dinosaur could summon and after ten long minutes of releasing, the light died down along with the roars.

Indominus disengaged from Rainbow and they collapsed onto the comforter, their bodies steaming hot and gasping for air.



"I've never felt anything that white hot and amazing."

"It was more amazing than any dream, and felt like the purest form of bliss."

"Come here Rainbow." Rainbow sleepily dragged her body closer to Indominus and laid her wings over him. Indominus did the same thing with his wings and arms to create a golden blanket for her. He licked her nose gently as sleep was winning over him. "Thank you for this wonderful night." Rainbow kissed him on the nose as he fell asleep.

"I should be thanking you for being such a loyal and truly amazing husband." She fell asleep with her nose touching his and the lovers passed out.

Windy, Bow and Spitfire were at a complete loss for words, they had heard a remarkable moment for the couple. They creaked the door open slightly to see the hybrid and his girl sleeping on the comforter.

"I can't believe it, they really did it," said Spitfire.

"Our daughter is truly an adult now," said Bow.

"More than that, she's just had an experience that nopony will ever have in their life," said Windy. She turned her head to look at Spitfire. "I should hope that you won't think badly of our daughter ever again."

"Oh no, I've learned that the hard way mam. I owe it to both of them, Indominus beat the literal sense into me and Rainbow never gave up on me. They forgave me and gave us a second chance to redeem ourselves. I don't want to lose her again."

"Good, Rainbow's a really good pegasus and definitely the best around."

"I know she is sir, and she has a really hard right hook."

"Now let's get back to the party, we don't want to disturb them," Windy said as she and Bow walked back towards the staircase.

Spitfire lingered behind for just a while longer to have one more look at the couple that would be flying with them very soon.

"Happy Hearth's Warming Eve Rainbow Dash, you've earned this. I look forward to seeing you and Indominus flying with us," she said quietly before closing the door and leaving the WorldBreakers to their blissful sleep.