Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

A Touching Night of Karaoke

Four days into the vacation and it was the middle of the afternoon. Rarity and Spike were sunbathing by the pool, side by side and he was holding her hoof in his claws. Applejack and the CMC were playing around in the outdoor pool with the raptor squad. Tyrannosaurus was taking it easy and sleeping beside the pool, waking up every so often when Scootaloo swam over and kissed him on the nose. Fluttershy was relaxing on Discord's chest as he floated across the indoor pool. Twilight and Pinkie were going up against Discord's monster pals in the many different games that Echo and Charlie had played against them. It was an afternoon of fun for all of them, except that two of their usual friends were tending to other things.

Spike was much more calm than he had been on their first day. The days he had spent with Rarity were the best he had ever spent with the pony of his dreams. After their night of being extremely close in the pool, the young dragon had become more confident and bold around Rarity. Twilight had seen how Spike had kept close to her, performed slow dances with her and even had dinners with her at night. She had to commend her number one assistant for how far he had come. and for how happy he was making Rarity during their time away from Ponyville. The vacation was giving him the chance to be with her without any distractions, and Spike was loving every second of it. He had even been bold enough to kiss her a few times, still unaware that she was saving a grand gift for him that he would die for.

Applejack was kicking back in the pool, Charlie was keeping her company while her sister, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were playing around with Blue and her girls. The raptors were also loving their time on the cruise and not having to go out and kill for food. Blue was growing more fond of the Crusaders with every day that went by, and was loving being with ponies that accepted her as she was. Her sisters were becoming more playful with the fillies as well, making sure not to let their claws slash at them. Giving little playful nips that didn't even draw blood or leave any mark on their bodies. It certainly gave Applejack peace of mind to know that the raptors were still gentle with her sister, even when she got pulled into a wrestling match with Charlie.

T-Rex took notice of how Applejack and Charlie were brawling with hoof and claw in the far end of the pool, away from bringing the fillies into the mix. The farm pony's hard earned brawn was a lot more than what the young raptor had thought during the tug-o-war. Charlie was struggling more than she thought she would have to, and having to really fight against Applejack. Her natural strength could only go so far, and the raptor was struggling to fight the urge to bite on her.

"Ha ha, yer not such a shabby fighter after all Charlie. Yer strength is all it's cracked up to be," said Applejack as they wrestled in the water.

"I've gotta admit, your strength isn't all bark and no bite Applejack," said Charlie. "You're definitely the strongest pony I've ever brawled with." They halted their wrestling match with Charlie leaned over and looking right at Applejack.

"Thank ya Charlie."

"You're welcome, and.....gotcha." Charlie seized the opportunity and caught Applejack off-guard by pulling her underwater and resuming their wrestling match.

While the dinosaurs were all chilling outside and soaking in the sun, Fluttershy and Discord were enjoying the peace and quiet at the indoor pool. He liked the excitement and being with his friends, but having some quiet time with Fluttershy, was just as good. They had the indoor pool all to themselves and Fluttershy was laying on her stomach and resting on his chest. Discord gently pushed himself through the water with his misshaped wings, and every so often, he would summon up water dragons to dance over their heads for amusement. While Fluttershy watched the water dragons dance over them, Discord would gently run his claws through her mane and soothe her into laying her head down on his chest again.

"Discord, this is really nice of you. A perfect blend of peace and a little chaos to complete the scenery."

"I do try, I'm not perfect at everything, but I'll do anything for you Fluttershy. Plus this is the most relaxed I've ever been."

"Oh don't say that just yet." Fluttershy carefully crawled up his chest and kissed him on the mouth. Discord felt his eyes getting sleepy, and the water dragons were twisting their bodies into the shape of hearts. Fluttershy giggled at how his chaos was reacting to the kiss. "I can make you even more relaxed with a simple kiss."

"I know Fluttershy," Discord said while trying to shake the sleep out of his eyes. "I also don't want you to do anything that might make you feel uncomfortable."

"I'm aware of that Discord, and I appreciate you being a gentlecolt about that particular matter."

"When you feel like you're ready to take that step, I'll be waiting for it."

"Thanks for being understanding," Fluttershy said as she snuggled against his chest and wrapped her hooves around him. Discord laid his lion paw down on her back as he changed the color of the water dragons and made them dance with his eagle claw.

In the gaming room of the ship, Twilight and Pinkie were having duels of wits, skill and determination with the monsters. Pinkie was going back and forth between ping pong matches with Barox, Dark Chimera, and King of Yamimakai. The three monsters were stunned to see that Pinkie's boundless amounts of energy were allowing her to move between all the games, and bounce the ping pong balls across each table to confuse them. Discord's pals might've been experts at fighting and killing enemies, but they weren't prepared for a game where the Pinkie was the expert. None of them could keep up with the pink pony and she owned them all as she smashed the ball across the tables. King of Yamimakai, Barox and Dark Chimera were blown away at how they could be beaten so easily by a pony of all things.

"Don't worry about it too much boys, it's not something you can learn and master in one game," Pinkie said while patting the monsters on the back.

Twilight was giving her shot at going up against Garoozis, Armored Lizard, Zoa and Red-Eyes. She taught them just like she taught Echo, and the lizards and dragon tried the best that they could. They were all fast learners and after fifteen minutes of playing, Twilight was beginning to wish that she hadn't taught the game to such smart animals. Garoozis beat her by only a couple of points, and Armored Lizard managed to tie her in points. Zoa also managed to beat her by a handful of points. But Red-Eyes seemed to have gained smarts from Discord and Indominus, he did better than the lizards and smoked Twilight by twenty points.

"I can't believe it, I keep on losing to the lizards," Twilight said after Red-Eyes beat her.

"It's ok Twilight, nothing to be beat up about," said Red-Eyes. "We're lucky enough to know how to play the game."

"We're just glad to have a teacher to help us learn these games," said Armored Lizard.

"Oh, well thanks guys."

"Ah see that ya'll are having a swell time playin' these games huh?" Everyone turned to see Applejack walk into the room with Charlie, her mane was still a little wet and there were barely visible bruises.

"So, how did your little wrestling match in the pool go," Pinkie asked.

"It was a lot harder than I thought, this girl has some serious muscles on her," said Charlie.

"After about ten minutes of rough housing, we called it a draw. It wasn't going anywhere fast and we were mainly just going back and forth. Ah couldn't beat Charlies's natural might, and she couldn't get past my strength. It was nice to wrestle with somepony that's already pretty darn strong."

"Thanks Applejack. I don't suppose you'd want to try your hoof at tug-o-war with the battleguards, would you?" Applejack glanced over at Swamp and Lava Battleguard, who were waiting by the ping pong table for a shot against Pinkie or Twilight. The sight of their muscles made her think about how strong they were.

"Alright, ya've got me interested Charlie. Ah think ah will take them on. Hey Battleguards, any of ya up for a game of tug-o-war?"

"Count us in Applejack," Swamp Battleguard replied.

Twilight levitated the rope over to them and Pinkie was the referee this time.

"Alright you two I want a good clean match. No biting, no pushing, no shoving and no dirty tricks. Got it?"

"Yes Pinkie we got it," Applejack said sarcastically.

"Alright. 3...2...1...GO!"

Both Applejack and Swamp Battleguard yanked on the rope and it held tight against their might. The beast-warrior was just as surprised by Applejack's strength as Charlie had been the first time she tried the game. She had to use more strength against Swamp Battleguard since he was naturally bigger and stronger than the raptor. Since he didn't have digging claws like Charlie, the monster felt his body being pulled across the floor.

"Oh it looks like Applejack has a lead on him. Swamp Battleguard better get his head in the game soon or he's gonna lose."

"Thanks for the heads up Pinkie, I'll remember that," Swamp Battleguard said as he tightened his muscles and halted Applejack dead in her tracks. She found that she couldn't pull him forward an inch, like his body had suddenly become a ton of metal.

"Way to go brother, now pull her in," said Lava Battleguard.

Swamp Battleguard pulled on the rope and Applejack found herself losing all the ground she had gained in the match. He was taking steady steps backwards and the difference in their strength was showing. The farm pony was sorely outmatched in pure brawn, Swamp Battleguard was dragging her along the floor and didn't have the strength to stop him. With one mighty tug, the beast-warrior yanked Applejack across the line and she landed in front of him.

"That's game, the winner of the tug-o-war is Swamp Battleguard," Pinkie exclaimed. He bent down and helped Applejack back onto her hooves.

"Wow, that's a lot of muscle yer packin'."

"Thanks Applejack, and don't think that you didn't have a chance from the start. I've never been dragged by a pony as strong as you."

"You keep doing what you've been doing to get that strong, and you'll get even stronger before you know it," lava Battleguard added.

"Do ya really think so?"

"We know so, we've fought alongside Discord and Indominus enough times to see that for ourselves. Would you mind if we had a crack at this game Applejack?"

"Not at all Swamp Battleguard, besides Ah don't think my legs can handle another game like that. Ah'll hold off on challengin' ya'll again until Ah get stronger." Applejack walked over towards Twilight and sat down with her. "This is quite the getaway, huh Twilight."

"It sure is Applejack, it's the most fun I've had in a long time. Indominus was right to have Discord bring his friends along to liven up everything."

"Speakin' of Indominus, Ah haven't seen him since this morning when he brought his and Rainbow's breakfast upstairs to their room."

"If I had to guess, I'd say that he and Rainbow have been up there this whole time," Scootaloo said as she, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle walked into the room.

"Doing what exactly?"

"You really want to know, Applejack? They did it on their first night here, and most likely every night since," said Charlie.

"Again!? That's the fourth time this week that they've gone off and had their time together."

"Can you blame him Applejack," said Applebloom as she sat down by her sister. "He did save Equestria from splitting apart, brought her back to life and spared the Wonderbolts."

"That kind of thing can really touch somepony like Rainbow," said Scootaloo. "She's just giving Indominus what he's earned after dealing with so much drama."

"It's true AJ, I know it's been said so many times, but he saved her life, spared her idols and asked her to be his future queen. How else would she repay him for all that he's done?"

"Fair enough, but Ah just think they should come down here and spend time with the rest of us. Lately they've been showing up much later in the afternoon because of these moments. Ah'm gonna go up and get them."

"I'll go with you," Charlie said as she followed Applejack towards the staircase that led to the luxury suite.

It took longer to get to the suite without Discord teleporting them there, and when Applejack got to the door, she was about to knock when she heard noise coming from inside. She and Charlie pressed their heads to the door and tried to hear what was going on. They could hear Rainbow speaking like she was catching her breath and splashes.

"Oh yes, yes Indominus that's the spot right there."

"Just sit back and leave everything to me, darling."

"'re g-getting....A-hah...better than I....ahh...thought." Only the sound of Indominus panting followed, then Rainbow's delighted moans.

"Yes....that's it my love...keep going. O-oh yeah right there, right there Indominus. Here it comes!"

Indominus's roar erupted from behind the door, it was so loud that Applejack and Charlie were startled away from the door. Applejack's eyes were shrunken from what she had heard, and looked at Charlie for confirmation.

"Is it that loud every time they decide to do it?"

"Yes Applejack, granted he used some kind of noise canceling spell at home so it wouldn't wake us up. But even that's not enough to keep it out."

"Wow, glad they finished before we interrupted their little moment." Applejack walked back to the door, and gently knocked on the door waiting for a reply.

"Yes? Who is it?"

"It's me and Charlie, Indominus. We were coming to see what was keeping you and Rainbow so long." The farm pony was met by laughter from the inside. "What pray tell is so funny?"

"Sorry AJ....what you just so funny," Rainbow said sounding out of breath.

"Well, is it alright if we come inside?" Rainbow and Indominus burst out laughing before Indominus managed to give an answer.

"Sure Applejack, your step."

She tried the door and found it opened for her just like Discord had said. Applejack and Charlie entered the bedroom and found a lot of steam coming from one corner and going out through the curtains. The lit candles on the walls illuminated that portion of the room and Applejack saw two bodies in the steam. As more of the steam dissipated, she saw Indominus and Rainbow Dash, bathing together.

"So.....Indominus Rex and Rainbow Dash in a hot tub? There's something ya don't see every day."

"Discord put one in our room, we've just been making good use of it." Applejack took notice of a few things around the room.

The floor was splattered with water, meaning that Indominus and Rainbow must've been having a good time together. The farm pony was a little nervous about the way Rainbow and Indominus were positioned in the hot tub. He looked like he was hanging over her body and resting on her back.

"What's up AJ? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"No no, just heard something that startled me is all."

"Oh you were more than startled," Charlie said smugly. Applejack glared back at the raptor, hoping that she wouldn't tell that they had heard everything.

"Anyway, are you two gonna come downstairs and hang with the rest of us?" Indominus and Rainbow looked at each other, and once again burst into laughs. "Alright come on, what is so gosh darn funny?"

"Should we show her Indominus," Rainbow said while trying to contain her laughter.

"Yeah we should, though it might scar her for life. Ok Applejack, you wanna know why what you're saying is so funny? This is why." Indominus and Rainbow started to get up and walk out of the hot tub. When they emerged from the water, Applejack had to shield her eyes in shock.

"Oh good lord! Rainbow Dash, why are you and Indominus still......'intertwined?'"

Rainbow and Indominus were still connected after their moment as they walked over to the bed to get some towels. Rainbow was walking a little slower than usual, and Indominus was walking carefully in place with her. If he made a wrong step, his little junior would move around inside Rainbow Dash and cause her to moan a little. He was laying his stomach on her back to stabilize himself and had his arms wrapped around her neck.

"Great. Now that' my brain now," Applejack said as she turned away with her eyes still shielded. Charlie didn't mind at all as the intertwined lovers reached the bed and Rainbow tossed a towel behind her to Indominus.

"You're the one in our bedroom and chose to walk in here. You have nopony to blame but yourself for scaring your brain AJ," said Rainbow as Indominus dried her off.

"We have the ultimate privacy. It's not our fault if somepony decides to walk in with our permission, unaware of what they might run into. Now hold still Rainbow, so this won't hurt a bit." Applejack heard Rainbow moan, grunt and exhale in relief as Indominus disengaged himself from her.

"It's alright Applejack, we're decent now so you can open your eyes."

The farm pony opened her eyes to find them no longer 'intertwined,' and Rainbow was rubbing Indominus's body with a towel. She looked like she was enjoying getting to dry Indominus off, like he was a massive scaly dog that had just finished his bath. He even shook himself dry like a dog after Rainbow had finished drying him off.

"Now you know why your choice of words was so funny Aj. Just try not to think about it too much when anypony happens to bring up that particular word," Indominus said as he laid an arm across Rainbow's back.

"Let me get this straight, ya'll are now at a point in yer relationship where yer comfortable enough ta be....'connected' in a bedroom?"

"You'd be surprised how much confidence he's given me Applejack, and vice versa. We're more than comfortable enough to be that close," Rainbow replied.

"Ok, if you two are done wrecking havoc on AJ's brain, can we head downstairs so the others know that you two haven't passed out from mating so much?"

"Ok Charlie, we can go."

The velociraptor guided Applejack out of the room, whose eyes were still a little shrunk from everything she had seen and heard. The lovebirds followed behind her and Indominus shut the door to their bedroom. When they arrived downstairs, everyone was in the arcade room watching the monsters go at it in tug-o-war like it was an insanely popular sport. Their friends all turned when the group walked into the room, and Twilight noticed Applejack's slightly shrunken eyes.

"Did you see something up there Applejack? You look a little frightened or something."

"Trust me Twilight, ya don't wanna know."

"Oh come on, how ba-" Pinkie's mouth was immediately covered by Applejack's hoof, again. Indominus and Rainbow had to cover their mouths to avoid bursting into laughter again. "You know, I'm getting really tired of you cutting me off in the middle of a sentence AJ."

"Sorry Pinkie, but Ah'd rather not hear that word for a while."

"What word?" Seeing the nervous look on Applejack's face, Twilight conjured up the same noise cancelling bubble she had given to Indominus.

The raptor squad noticed the three ponies talking to each other in the bubble, and Blue was curious from the look on Applejack's face.

"What went on up there Charlie? I haven't seen Applejack so nervous before." Indominus merely gave the beta raptor a smug look as he walked over towards the dueling monsters. Charlie whispered into her sister's ears all that she had heard and witnessed in their bedroom. Delta and Echo got in on the conversation and their jaws twisted into delightful smiles from what their young sister had said.

"So Applejack saw them still aligned with each other after their mating session, and it's wrecked her brain."

"Oh that poor pony, she's gonna be seeing that in her head for a long time." said Delta.

"I don't even need to hear what's going on inside that bubble to know what they're talking about," said Echo as she glanced over at the trio.

Inside the bubble, Pinkie was wigging out over what Applejack had told her, and Twilight had the same shocked look on her face.

"You saw them......'connected?' As in they were still tied to each other after their moment of love in a hot tub?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Wow, I can't believe Rainbow has become bold enough to not only do that so many times, but she wasn't even embarrassed about being seen."

"If it were any other ponies except us, she might've felt embarrassed. Luckily those two are careful about where they have their time together. Let's not let the others know about this, we don't need this kind of thing to get inside the minds of innocent ponies like Fluttershy and Scootaloo."

"Agreed," said Twilight.

"Pinkie promise," said Pinkie.

After making their promise, Twilight took down the spell and went about the day with Rainbow finally joining in with her friends. Since she had been soaking in the hot tub with Indominus for so long, Rainbow didn't want to get in the pool just yet. She took Pinkie on in the board games along with the CMC and their sisters, winning a few rounds in some and losing in others. Unlike the lizard monsters, Rainbow didn't have the same skill and luck at shuffleboard, and Twilight owned her in it. After a few more rounds of trying the many games, and winning and losing some more times, Rainbow finally joined Scootaloo in the pool.

Rainbow was laying on her back and she had Scootaloo sitting on her chest in the water.

"So squirt, are you enjoying your time on the cruise?"

"Yes I am Rainbow, I haven't had this much fun in so long. Especially with everything that's happened."

"I can relate kiddo."

"What do you think the Wonderbolts have been up to?"

"I don't know Scootaloo, and I still think about them from time to time. I just can't believe that I spent my whole life trying to be one of them, and in the course of a few months, I've had to walk away from them and give up my dream." Scootaloo laid down on her stomach and faced Rainbow.

"I know that you didn't want to give up your dream, but they forced you to choose between them and your family. If it's any consolation to you, I think you made the right choice."

"Thanks Scootaloo," Rainbow said as she ruffled her sister's mane. "I would never turn my back on you of all ponies, no matter what kind of offer the Wonderbolts could possibly make me. Though part of me hopes that they are using this second chance well."

"Don't dwell on it too much Rainbow Dash, we're here to have fun, not worry about things that don't concern us."

"Speaking of which, have you been enjoying spending these days with Tyrannosaurus?"

"Without anymore problems to deal with, I've loved being so close to him. He's been so kind and gentle, I've even gotten to dance with him a few times."

"Nice to see that your love for your dinosaurs hasn't changed in all this time. I've noticed that he really wants to be with you, but he's waiting til you're much older."

"Yeah, the fact that he's respecting the difference in age between us and not trying to get right into it is wonderful too."

"Just so you know Scootaloo, when that day does come, you'll have my permission to be with him. I've already approved of him during the months we got to bond with them prior to the Gala. I know he'll take good care of you."

"You mean that Rainbow?"

"Yes I do mean it squirt, and he suites you very well." Scootaloo hugged Rainbow around the chest, and Rainbow stroked her back with a free hoof.

Much later in the evening, after everyone had chowed down on some good food, it was time once again for karaoke night. The Mane Six had all had chances to sing during the week, each with songs that fit them rather well. After Fluttershy and Discord's duet of "Hungry Like the Wolf," they got into the habit of performing in pairs. Tonight, Pinkie took the stage with a song in mind for all the couples on-board the cruise.

"Alright all you lovebirds, time to get up front and dance real close with your special somepony." All the couples followed Pinkie's instructions and stepped ahead of the others.

"Remember Discord, you don't have to be nervous around me. Just be yourself and enjoy dancing with me."

"Oh you know it Fluttershy. I'll show you how to cut a rug."

"Since this is your first slow dance Spike, are you ok if we take things nice and easy for this?"

"I'll follow your lead Rarity, I just hope I don't mess up."

"You won't Spike, you're much better at dancing with me than you think."

"I'm looking forward to dancing this close to you Scootaloo."

"Me too T-Rex. It's always nice to be close and dancing with one of the dinosaurs that cared about me all this time."

"You alright with being with me in a slow dance Rainbow?"

"Hey, it's no problem Indominus. I've said it plenty of times already, you are the only exception I'll ever make to this. Plus, it's another chance for me to be close to my hero."

"Now, let's slow down this party and let the lovebirds dance under the moon," said Pinkie.

"Pull your special somepony in close, and gaze into their eyes as Pinkie gives you a soft beat to sway to."

Indominus and Tyrannosaurus were already swaying to the soft music and looking into the eyes of their girls, losing themselves in the peaceful moment.

Pinkie: One day I looked up and there you were,
Like a simple question looking for an answer.
Now I am the whale listening to some inner call,
Swimming blindly to throw myself upon your shore.

What if I don't find you when I have landed?
Will you leave me here to die on your shore stranded?

I think I know why the dog howls at the moon.
I think I know why the dog howls at the moon.

I sing dela, dela ngyanya dela when I'm with you,
Dela, sondela mama sondela, I burn for you.

I've been waiting for you all my life hoping for a miracle,
I've been waiting day and night, day and night.
I've been waiting for you all my life waiting for redemption,
I've been waiting day and night, I burn for you.

A blind bird sings inside the cage that is my heart,
The image of your face comes to me when I am alone in the dark.
If I could give a shape to this ache that I have for you,
If I could find the voice that says the words to capture you.

I think I know, I think I know, I think I know,
I think I know why the dog howls at the moon.
I think I know why the dog howls at the moon.

I sing dela, dela ngyanya dela when I'm with you,
Dela, sondela mama sondela, I burn for you.

I've been waiting for you all my life hoping for a miracle,
I've been waiting day and night, day and night.
I've been waiting for you all my life waiting for redemption,
I've been wating day and night, I burn for you.

"You've become quite the dancer Spike."

"Indominus did give me some tips, I just got better on my own."

"You're being really gentle tonight T-Rex."

"I'm just so relaxed after being this close to you for so long. I love being part of your life Scootaloo," T-Rex said as he gently licked her face.

"I think Rainbow would agree with you," Scootaloo said as she glanced over at her sister and Indominus touching noses.

Sondela, sondela, mama sondela, I burn for you.

I've been waiting for you all my life hoping for a miracle,
I've been waiting day and night, day and night.
I've been waiting for you all my life waiting for redemption,
I've been waiting day and night, I burn for you.

Burn for you, I burn for you

"Way to go Pinkie that was a great song."

"You're welcome Twilight, now does anypony want to take a turn singing tonight?"

"I'd like to take a shot at it," said Indominus.

"Alright dad, way to get into the spirit of the cruise," Scootaloo said, cheering him on as Indominus walked in front of the group.

"Though I'd like to have my brother do this one alongside me. What do you say, Tyrannosaurus?"

"I'd be glad to, brother," Tyrannosaurus said as he walked up and stood next to his hybrid brother. The crew ponies pulled up a song that was perfect for the brothers, and described what they had gone through.

The Mane Six were eager to hear the dinosaurs sing again as the tune picked up. The song they had chosen was actually Indominus's way of describing all the pain, drama and torment he'd gone through. The choices he had made when his rage and the Devil had been in control of him and made the hybrid go on killing sprees. But also all the regret he felt from what he had done to the many ponies he had hurt in his quest to keep Rainbow safe from Soarin. It was like the hybrid dinosaur was baring his soul in a song, and his brother for life was getting to be part of the performance.

What seemed like an eternity of waiting for the lyrics to start, passed quickly when the brothers sang in sync with the tune of the song.

Tyrannosaurus: In this farewell
There's no blood, there's no alibi
Indominus: 'Cause I've drawn regret
From the truth of a thousand lies
So let mercy come and wash away

T-Rex/I-Rex: What I've done
I'll face myself to cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done

Indominus: Put to rest what you thought of me
Tyrannosaurus: While I clean this slate
With the hands of uncertainty
So let mercy come and wash away
T-Rex/I-Rex: What I've done

I'll face myself to cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done

"Yeehah! Awesome singing boys," Applejack cheered.

Indominus: For what I've done
I start again
And whatever pain may come
Today this ends
I'm forgiving what I've done

T-Rex/I-Rex: I'll face myself to cross out what I've become
Erase myself
And let go of what I've done

Indominus: What I've done
Forgiving what I've done

The monsters, Discord and ponies all applauded the rexes for their performance. Scootaloo and Rainbow could see their eyes shining under the moonlight, like Indominus had been speaking from his heart.

"Hey Twilight, me and Scootaloo would like to have our turn to sing."

"Sure thing Rainbow, there's enough left in us for another duet." Twilight levitated two mics over to the pegasi, who surprisingly tossed them aside.

Rainbow and Scootaloo increased their size so they wouldn't need the mics and looked right into the eyes of the rexes.

Rainbow: Staring out at the rain with a heavy heart
Its the end of the world in my mind
Then your voice pulls me back
Like a wake-up call

Scootaloo: I've been looking for the answer
I couldn't see that it was right there
But now I know, what I didn't know

Rd/Scoot: Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live boys
Our world
Has twice as many stars in the sky

Rainbow: It's all right.
I survived.
I'm alive again
Cause of you, made it through every storm
What is life? what's the use?
If you're killing time

Scootaloo: I'm so glad I found an angel
Who was there when all my hopes fell
I want to fly looking in your eyes

RD/Scoot: Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live boys
Our world
Has twice as many stars in the sky

Because you live, we live

Rainbow: Because you live, there's a reason why
I carry on when I lose the fight
I want to give what you've given me

RD/Scoot: Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live boys
Our world
Has twice as many stars in the sky

Because you live and breathe
Because you make me believe in myself
When nobody else can help
Because you live boys
Our world
Has everything we need to survive
Because you live, we live
We live

Tyrannosaurus and Indominus leaned forward and nuzzled their girls after the song ended. Spike and Discord were starting to tear up at the touching moment.

"I know Spike, it's so adorable," Rarity said as she wrapped a leg around his neck and pulled him close to her. Fluttershy did the same with Discord once she saw that he was starting to get emotional.

"It's ok Discord, this is one of those rare relationships that can make anyone weep."

"Darn these feels, I can't help it."

"Come on, let's go rest for the night. Goodnight everypony," Fluttershy said as she and Discord made their way to their room.

As everyone began to leave the dock, Rainbow and Scootaloo pulled the rexes into hugs. The dinosaurs looked at them with touched eyes.

"Thank you girls."

"For what? We should be thanking you, dinosaurs," said Rainbow.

"If we hadn't met you, neither of us would be here right now or living such great lives," said Scootaloo.

"We'll always be forever thankful to you both for this. Now, let's hit the hay," said Tyrannosaurus.

The pegasi and their dinosaurs went separate ways as they headed to their rooms. Scootaloo maintained her bigger size so Tyrannosaurus could wrap his small arms around her as they slept. When Indominus and Rainbow got into their room, Indominus spent some time thinking about their future on the balcony. Those songs had made him think about what the future was going to hold for them. He knew that in a matter of one more month he was going to be crowned the Future King of Equestria. Also that at some point in that future, he and Rainbow would have a daughter of their own. It felt like a lot for him to worry about, until he was pulled from his thoughts.

"Hey, you coming to bed Indominus?"

"Oh yeah, I'll be right there Rainbow." As he climbed into the bed, Rainbow noticed the wandering look in his eyes,

"Something up Indominus? You weren't brooding like this a minute ago."

"Sorry Rainbow, those songs got me thinking about our future, and everything that's going to be on my shoulders."

"You think that being king of Equestria and having a child is going to be too much for you to handle?" Rainbow scooted closer to him until she and Indominus were touching noses. "You can do this Indominus, being king here will be nothing compared to what you've done before. You've handled rouge dragons, mutated Wonderbolts, and pulled Equestria together, this is child's play. Speaking of which, I think you'll make a great father when that day comes."

"You really think so?"

"Just look at how you've been taking care of Scootaloo. You've been more of a father to her in these last few months, than her old family was for most of her life. You'll know what to do when you get to see your new daughter for the first time.

"Thank you Rainbow, and if it's not too much trouble, can I ask you to help me fall asleep?"

"I was hoping you'd say that."

Rainbow moved under the hybrid's head and gave soft kisses to his neck. Indominus felt heat coursing through his body from Rainbow's affection, and could feel himself falling into the comfort of slumber.

"I love....this much," Indominus said sleepily before he gave out and fell into a deep slumber.

Rainbow wrapped her hooves around his neck as she fell asleep too, with Indominus holding her close to him. Another day of the cruise had gone by, and the lovers were still ending their nights in each other's arms

Meanwhile, back at their compound, the Wonderbolts had finally finished restructuring their obstacle course. Over the last few days, ever since Spitfire had learned the truth about Indominus and his relationship with Rainbow Dash, she was determined to make things right with both of them. She and her teammates had been spending the last four days working on modifying their obstacle course for someone....bigger. Spitfire was hoping that her plan would work in making peace with Indominus, and that the hybrid dinosaur would be intrigued enough to try their new course out.

"Do you really think this will work Spitfire," Fleetfoot asked while she and Spitfire were admiring their work from the runway.

"I honestly hope so Fleetfoot, I honestly do. I had no idea he had put up with so much during his entire life. We only made things worse for him, and tried to have him killed. I want Indominus to see that we're aren't bad ponies, and that we're trying to make amends with him. If he agrees with what I have in mind, then it'll make him and Rainbow Dash very happy. But for now, let's get some sleep. We've earned it after all the effort we put into this."

"Agreed boss."

The Wonderbolts flew back to their sleeping quarters, wondering what Indominus would think when he would return, and if he was willing to forgive them.