Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Getaway Vacation

The morning after the dinosaurs' victory against the Wonderbolts came rather slowly, which gave the sleeping couple more time to rest. Whereas Indominus had gone out of his WorldBreaker state during the night, Rainbow had gone back to normal long after she and her stud had had their time together. His head was still in the comfort of her hooves and his tongue started to roll out in his sleep. Indominus slowly started licking Rainbow's chest, even while he was still passed out.

"Heh that for the bedroom," Rainbow said sleepily while lost in her own slumber.

Her sleepy talk stirred Indominus and got him to open an eye. He found himself in her embrace and right in the middle of a lick on her light blue fur. Rainbow fluttered her eyes open to see what Indominus had been doing in his sleep and gave him a sheepish grin.

"So, you just couldn't resist, could ya?" Indominus pulled his tongue back into his mouth.

"I didn't mean to do that, really. I was having such an amazing dream that I must've-" Rainbow put her hoof to his mouth to shut him up.

"After all that I did to you last night, there's no shame in enjoying yourself some more."

"Ok. By the way, thank you for the amazing night Rainbow."

"It was my pleasure Indominus. I enjoyed it so much, though from the look on your face at the time, it seemed you were in more bliss than I was."

Indominus got a good look at his wife in the rising sunlight and noticed that she was back to normal.

"Those WorldBreaker forms were fun while they lasted huh."

"Yeah, but we can't use them all the time or else we might break Equestria in the process."

"Then we'll only use them for extreme situations."

"Or when we REALLY want to get into a fun night."

"I get where you're going with that Rainbow, and it does sound like fun. After the kind of pleasure you gave me last night, I wouldn't mind more of it."

Rainbow released her hold on Indominus's head so he could rest on the pillows. The pegasus and dinosaur held each other while Indominus used his tail to play with Rainbow's and coil around it. With all the drama over and no longer having to worry about his family being attacked, there was one thing that still bothered Indominus. What would Rainbow do now that she had essentially turned her back on the Wonderbolts?

"Rainbow, sorry about bringing this up but, are you going to be ok without being a Wonderbolt?" Her expression saddened from remembering that she couldn't go back to them now.

They were suspended until they all gave a true apology to them for all they had done. It sounded like it was simple enough, but in all the time Rainbow had known the Wonderbolts, she had never heard any of them ever give an apology to anypony. Not even to Soarin when Fleetfoot and Spitfire had lied to his face during the Friendship Games training session at Rainbow Falls. If they didn't apologize then, how could they possibly make an apology to a family of dinosaurs that had been fooled into trying to kill?

"I won't lie to you Indominus, but even after everything that's happened, I still miss getting to fly with them. My whole life I had wanted to fly alongside them and to be one of the best flyers in all of Equestria. They were my sole inspiration since I was a filly. There's no way I can just forget about them, but it won't be the same since I can't go back there."

"I'm sorry Rainbow, I hoped that you could the love you never had and your dream. But I just couldn't make it happen."

"Don't beat yourself up Indominus," Rainbow said before kissing him on the cheek. "I've already had times where I didn't get everything that I wanted. I didn't get to be a lead pony when I first tried out for the Wonderbolts. I failed so many times before I performed the Sonic Rainboom, and I couldn't keep Soarin from attacking you. The worst was when I thought me and Scootaloo had lost you and T-Rex to Black Death."

"But you two saved us and gave us our second chance."

"What I'm trying to say Indominus, is that there are some fights where you just can't win all the time. While I have lost my chance to be a Wonderbolt, I didn't lose you with it."

"Thanks Rainbow, and I'm incredibly grateful that I was able to repay you for saving my life. I really felt like I had lost you when you died in my arms."

"I would have if you and Ra hadn't worked together to bring me back. Now, can we talk about something that doesn't involve fighting and death? We've been dealing with too much of that."

"I think you're right." Indominus stopped when an amazing smell caught his attention. "Mmmm, Rainbow do you smell that?" Rainbow caught the scent too, and followed it to a table just in front of the bed.

"Oh, my. It's a sweet meaty buffet."

In front of them was a table packed to the brim with all kinds of meats, fritters, pancakes and apple treats that Rainbow and Indominus loved to chow down on. They were drooling and growling from looking at all the food laid out before them. Rainbow and Indominus were off the bed, at the table and devouring everything in sight within seconds. Indominus was chomping down mouthfuls of meat and fritters while Rainbow was going through a stack of pancakes. After a few minutes of stuffing their faces and filling their stomachs with delicious food, Indominus walked over to his girl with bits of meat in his jaws.

"I'm starting to think that Discord has gone a bit too far just for our sake."

"Nah," Rainbow said as she swallowed a mouthful of pancakes. "He's just trying to give us a good time. Speaking of time, you should know that the time between now and Hearth's Warming Eve is still winding down. Which means that I still have plenty of time to get you to spill your little secret."

"I'll never tell you Rainbow, you will never find out until that day comes around."

"We'll see about that." She place a small amount of whipped cream on her hoof and chucked it at Indominus's face, landing all over his nose. Rainbow chuckled as she walked over and licked it away, teasing the hybrid dinosaur. "I have ways that you know nothing about, and I intend to use them during the cruise if I have to. One way or another Indominus, I'll get you to tell me what you find most attractive."

"You don't know how much endurance I've built up over this time. I can resist as much as you can dish out and more. But we can talk about how long we'll last in bed later, for now how's about we get back to our family? We'll have plenty of time together when we're on the cruise."

"Fair enough, alright big boy, let's see how quick you are now. Last one home pays for lunch."

"Oh I don't think so," Indominus said as he chased Rainbow out the door and took off into the sky.

As they disappeared in the distance, Discord appeared beside the little house.

"I knew they would love it, and it would appear that they also enjoyed the meal I had prepared for them," he said as he examined the remains of their breakfast. "I'll have to use this design again for the cruise, since Indominus seemed to like it. Oh I can't wait to see the look on his face when I surprise him with his deluxe room." Discord snapped his fingers and took the little house away from the lake. He then disappeared as well as he got to work on creating the special request Rainbow had asked of him.

The time that passed until the cruise was spent rather well. The dinosaurs got to enjoy the longest moment of peace in their lives since Black Death's defeat. Aside from hunting in the forest and looking after Scootaloo, there wasn't much they had to attend to. The entire family did get to attend family appreciation day at the schoolhouse and the Crusaders had put together a massive collaboration collage for the dinosaurs and Rainbow. It had hoof-held drawings of some of the dinosaurs greatest moments, like their gauntlet with Smaug and their first Grand Galloping Gala. T-Rex and Indominus were touched to be looking after such a caring filly, and all the families present got to see how much Scootaloo loved having them in her life.

The dinosaurs even got a rare chance to participate in the Sisterhooves Social, even though they weren't really prepared for it. Applejack showed them all the ropes so they had a basic understanding of what they had to do. Scootaloo naturally had Rainbow Dash as her sister, while T-Rex chose Blue and Indominus had Delta by his side. Charlie and Echo were the last pair in the family and they had a stellar race against the CMC and their sisters. There was a little bit of destruction since neither Indominus nor T-Rex could jump that well. Even when they did, their massive feet just crushed the boxes with one step. That gave Charlie and Echo a lead on them, but only briefly. The rexes powered through the pies faster than any pony, and their brute strength surpassed anything Applejack could muster on pushing the hay bails.

Indominus and Rexy filled their jars with just a single step each, but Blue and Delta had some trouble carrying the jars in their teeth. Blue and Delta held the buckets on their backs while Rexy and Indominus tried to avoid using too much force for chucking the apples. When it came to the chicken coops, the rexes had to wait on the outside because they were far too big even with the shrinking spell to fit inside. They had to wait on their raptor partners to get the eggs and helped them balance each one when they came out. At the final stretch, the hurdles forced the dinosaurs to slow down as they had some trouble getting over each one without falling on their faces. It slowed them down enough for the sisters to catch up and it ended up being a massive race to the finish. At the home stretch, it seemed like Rarity and Sweetie Belle were going to win, but Rexy and Blue beat them by the tail end of their snouts. Rexy couldn't slow down after crossing the line and ended up falling on the track.

"Nice finish brother," Indominus said over the applause as he helped his brother back to his feet.

"Ya've got some pretty darn good talent for a dinosaur," said Applejack.

"It was just a race Applejack, sure it felt nice to win but I'm just glad all of us got to be in it."

"Now that is some real sportsponyship," said one of the judge ponies as she came over to the family.

"Yeah, sorry about the little bit of havoc we caused during the race," Blue said as they noticed the footprints on the destroyed boxes.

"Oh don't worry about it, you dinosaurs were very respectful of the race track. You didn't take out any of the competitors and even were kind enough to wait outside the chicken coops. If you dinosaurs ever want to participate in the Social again, you're more than welcome."

The spectators all cheered in congrats and the dinosaurs couldn't hold back the urge to roar into the sky for the win.

"That's our family," said Scootaloo.

"Now your future stud is a winner, just like mine," Rainbow said after pulling her sister into a wing hug. The dinosaurs joined in and nuzzled their pegasi.

"That's one tight family bond, don't you think Rarity," asked Sweetie Belle.

"They sure do Sweetie Belle, and we'll get to see more of that on the cruise. Speaking of which, are you going to be ok with me and Spike sharing a room?"

"Actually sis, I was hoping I could share a room with the Crusaders and the raptors." Blue heard Sweetie Belle and walked over to her.

"You'd really want to share a room with us?"

"Uh huh, see I want to give my big sister time to know Spike better. Plus we haven't spent as much time with you and your sisters as we did with Rexy and Indominus. I just want to get to know you better is all I'm saying, Blue." The beta raptor leaned down and gently licked Sweetie Belle's face.

"I'm touched that you want to know us better Sweetie Belle, I'll ask Discord and see if he can make that little arrangement happen."

The dinosaurs weren't the only ones who were bonding during the days leading up to the cruise. Spike was finally getting the time he had always wanted with Rarity, and it was better than he had expected. Rarity had become so taken with all that Spike had done during the fight and how gentle he was, that she treated him like a king. She split a fair portion of the gems she used for her designs with him, treated him to personal massages which put him in paradise and always kept the purple dragon by her side. In return, he helped her around the boutique with gathering fabrics, prepping meals, and treated her like a queen.

Spike took some grand advice from Indominus about how to treat his girl the right way, like where the best spots to scratch and sooth her were. Even kissing her on the neck, which Rarity enjoyed quite a lot and did the same with him. The first night he stayed at the boutique with her, she held him so close that he wanted to kiss her all night long. It truly was better than Spike had ever thought possible, and Twilight saw him with a blissful smile on his face every time he came home. He talked about his time with Rarity with such joy and love in his voice that Twilight knew Spike had finally gotten the happiness he had been hoping for. What he didn't know was that Rarity was planning on giving him the ultimate gift on Hearth's Warming Eve.

Spike wasn't the only one to receive relationship advice from Indominus, but Discord as well. He helped the Lord of Chaos keep his chaotic habits under control whenever he was over at Fluttershy's for her tea parties. On one occasion when Discord invited Fluttershy to his place, Indominus told him to ask her what she wanted ahead of time, so as to prevent any panicking on Discord's behalf. After finding out everything she expected to happen, Discord and his monster crew got to work on preparing the joint with all that Fluttershy wanted. Which apparently involved sneezing pinatas, singing tea and floating lava lamp bubbles made out of lemon lime jello. The tea party went so well that even the monsters were enjoying all the delicious chaos that Discord had prepared for his girl. Discord even got a few kisses from Fluttershy and even a promise that she would spend the cruise with him, which made his eyes turn into hearts and go jumping all over the house.

On Nightmare Night, Discord and his crew got to make the ultimate haunted house with the dinosaurs. It was so terrifying that no pony that went through it, came out without stiffened walking and a horrified expression on their faces. When the Mane Five took on the house, they found demonized versions of the monsters popping out from every corner and Red-Eyes being made into a zombie dragon with drooling blood and ooze from his body. The dinosaurs looked even more sickening and it made Pinkie's heart drop to see Tyrannosaurus with his eyeballs dangling out of his head, and Blue with her jaws split open. Rainbow had gone out of the haunt completely terrified after seeing Indominus with his face mangled worse than a devoured Manticore, and his tongue hanging out like a viper waiting to strike. When they were done, Discord had to dispel the magic he had put on the dinosaurs to show that nothing terrible had happened to them.

Before the night was over, Indominus had managed to scare Rainbow one more time with a classic prank. She had gotten hold of a storm cloud and was going about spooking groups of ponies. She was about to strike the cloud again when she felt a ton of sharp teeth on her flank. Rainbow had gone out of the area screaming for the hills while the ponies burst out laughing at Indominus's prank before he took off after her. He had caught up real quick and apologized to her for biting her like that.

"You couldn't have done something less painful for a prank?"

"It was the only idea I had at the time, plus I got a good reaction from it."

"Yeah you got me good alright. Though I bet the real reason you did that, was because you wanted to taste my ass so badly."

"W-what!? N-no I swear." He couldn't hide the blush forming on his scales.

"There's no point trying to get around it Indominus, you wanted a taste of the real good part," Rainbow said in an incredibly teasing tone. "Though I've gotta say, you did pull quite the prank for a beginner. I'll let it slide, but just remember, next year you'll be getting payback for this."

"Oh boy," Indominus said as they had gone back to her friends for the rest of the night.

Discord had done a kind favor that night by popping in to see how Fluttershy was doing. Though she was terrified at first, she relaxed upon seeing him at the door. After seeing how Fluttershy spent her night under the bed and the whole house on lock down, Discord made a generous decision. He had decided to stay by her side for the rest of the night so she wouldn't be alone and scared. He conjured up some soft interchanging lights that danced on the walls to make the atmosphere more pleasant and warming. Fluttershy enjoyed the beautiful light and felt completely safe when Discord coiled himself around her and stayed close to her. She fell asleep through the rest of Nightmare Night while Discord soon fell asleep to the soft sound of her gentle breathing.

The morning of the cruise came after their night of haunts, candy and pranks. After he got the location on where the ship was located from Celestia, Discord met everyone in front of Twilight's library. With everyone assembled, including all of Discord's monsters, there would be a total of twenty five passengers. Thankfully, Celestia and Luna had rented out the whole cruise for them alone, so no other ponies would be getting in on their fun. Everypony had packed their things for the week, while Rarity of course had at least six suitcases for everything she wanted for the cruise.

"Alright, aside from Rarity having more suitcases than one pony should possibly have for a getaway, is everypony ready?"

"We're ready to get this vacation started Discord," said Pinkie.

"Let's get this shindig going," said Applejack.

"I'm eager to see what surprise Rainbow asked you to prepare for us," said Indominus.

"Ready for your first vacation boys," Discord said to his monster pals.

"Let's go." With a single snap of his fingers, Discord transported the whole group out of Ponyville and onto the cruise ship.

The ship Celestia and Luna had chosen for the dinosaurs' reward was a massive cruise liner that was built to handle entire crowds of ponies. The main deck had a huge stereo sound system for karaoke nights, which Discord could handle easily. There were several layers of rooms throughout the whole ship, but everyone had agreed to take the main level while Indominus and Rainbow got the luxury suite near the top for what they had done. When they arrived, the captain walked down to greet them with his crew. The crew were a mix between pegasi and unicorns while the captain was an old grey unicorn.

"Welcome aboard Guardians, Elements and uh, friends. It is my pleasure to welcome all of you to the SS Mirage. The crew has prepared a big breakfast for all of you, though I'm not sure it will be enough for all of you."

"Not to worry about that captain, I know what my boys and the dinosaurs all love," Discord said to the veteran unicorn. "Just leave the prepping of their food to me, like now." Discord snapped a pair of fingers on his tail. "There, now there should be enough food for all of them to chow down on."

"Well, thank you Discord. The Princesses told us about the special room you had prepared for Indominus Rex and Rainbow Dash. They even mentioned about letting you share a room with Miss Fluttershy." Discord nervously blushed as Fluttershy wrapped a leg around his neck. "First things first, we set sail and then my crew will take all your belongings to your rooms. Now come on boys, let's get this crate out to sea."

Being on a ship for the first time and watching it sail out to the ocean was a new experience for the dinosaurs and monsters. Thankfully none of them were seasick, or else there would've been a massive mess on the deck that would need explaining. One of the crewponies guided the group to the buffet section of the ship and the girls were in awe at the tables covered in food. Everything from fine meals to vegetables, fritters, cakes, prepped carrots mountains of fruit awaited them. There was even a special plate filled with different varieties of gems solely for Spike. Everypony got their plates and started gathering food while Discord directed his friends and the dinosaurs over to a special table he had promised them.

That table contained several varieties of meats, some dishes that Indominus had tried at the Golden Pony. Such as turkey and pot roast and the cinnamon coated dumplings. There was even a roasted boar similar to the one Goldenrod had prepared during his honey moon.

"So boys, what do you think of this?" Discord didn't get a response and soon realized why.

Every monster and dinosaur was staring at the table with their teeth bared and their eyes seemingly glowing from the amount of food that awaited them. Low savage growls could be heard escaping their bared teeth as they eyed each tasty morsel with drool running down their faces.

"Oh no, I'd better get ou-" Discord didn't get a chance to finish his sentence as the animals charged past him and dove into the mountains of food.

From there it was an all out feeding frenzy, dinosaur and monster grabbing any food that they could get their claws and teeth on. The Mane Six and CMC had to stop eating when they caught sight of the feasting madness. Seeing Discord's monster friends stuffing their faces full of meat was one thing, but how the dinosaurs were eating was way worse. They were savagely tearing apart every ounce of food that was in their teeth and bits were flying all over the other tables.

"Sweet mother of all things great and small in the world! Have they never heard of manners before," Rarity said, completely shocked at the gruesome devouring.

"That's how they do it Rarity," Scootaloo answered. "They've always been like this even when I was first getting to know them. Have you ever joined him in a feeding frenzy like this, Rainbow?"

"Well I did get to chow down on a tasty boar with him back in Applewood. Though now that you mention it, that food is looking....really....tasty."

"Dashie, what's going on with you? Your teeth are starting to get sharp," Pinkie said as she noticed that Rainbow was starting to drool from watching the feeding frenzy.

Then in the blink of an eye, Rainbow was out of her seat, flying through the room and landing in the frenzy while tearing away at a chunk of boar. Discord's jaw fell off his face and his eyes rolled in disbelief at seeing Rainbow eating just like the monsters and dinosaurs. He watched unable to comprehend what he was looking at as she and Indominus tore the whole roasted pig in half. They then flew out and chowed down on their food away from the group, who were starting to calm down and eating the last few meats. Tyrannosaurus swallowed one last turkey before he walked over to Scootaloo, Blue and her girls had cinnamon dumplings in their mouths as they walked away as well. They chomped down on the dumplings, savoring the sweet cinnamon taste as the dumplings went down their throats.

After over thirty minutes the feeding frenzy finally died out. All of the monsters were laying around the overturned table and the eaten remains of all the food that had once been on it. The velociraptors were laying by the tables, resting after all they had eaten. Scootaloo had finished her food and was relaxing with T-Rex, who was letting all the meat settle in his stomach. Indominus had Rainbow relaxing against his chest, both of them full with all the tasty eats they had managed to get.

"You are something else Indominus," Discord said to the full dinosaur.

"Uh huh, and Rainbow's really grown to like my kind of food."

"Yeah I have, that instinct I got from you never did go away. This time around that food tasted even better than I remembered."

"You mean you actually tried meat during your honeymoon Rainbow Dash," Twilight asked.

"Uh huh, I was a little sketchy at first but after a few bites I really loved the taste. Though that doesn't mean I like having it all the time like the dinosaurs. I prefer it in moderation, nothing personal Indominus."

"I'm not going to judge you Rainbow, to each their own."

"Good thing, or else Fluttershy might have a heart attack."

"Pinkie Pie!" Applejack nudged the party pony for opening her mouth.

"So did everyone enjoy their meals?"

"Yes, it was simply divine," said Rarity.

"I loved all of the many different gems," said Spike.

"I'll make sure to take care of their mess," Discord said after seeing the sight of the mess.

"No Discord, you're not here to be a servant and clean up everything," said Fluttershy.

"She's right, you're a guest here too and that means you get to relax and enjoy this cruise as much as every pony," said the captain as he came down to see how his guests were doing. "Now I believe you would all like to rest in your rooms before karaoke tonight, right?"

"That's right, you still need to show our brother the special request that Rainbow asked of you," said Delta.

"In that case, we'll tidy up here while you take everyone to their rooms and yours as well." So Discord woke up his sleeping pals and took everypony to their rooms while the captain and his crew tidied up the mess

Discord had taken the liberty to have each door specifically labeled so no one would get their room mixed up. For Applejack and Applebloom, he had their cutie marks put on the door and after what Blue had told him prior, Charlie's name got added as well. Tyrannosaurus and Scootaloo had their room expanded with extra beds for Echo, Delta, and Sweetie Belle, along with door having their cutie marks and pictures of the dinosaurs' teeth. Rarity and Spike's door had light blue and purple gems for their room and she was taken with the luxurious look on the inside and how neatly her bags had been arranged. Twilight's room had Blue's scales on it so she wouldn't be alone during the cruise, and Discord and Fluttershy's door had butterflies and chaotic looking bats on it. Each of the rooms were fabulously decked out with a luxury look that was similar to a royal bedroom. But the final bedroom that had yet to be seen, was the special suite at the top of the ship that had been prepared for Rainbow and Indominus.

The door to their room had pictures of the golden wings they had in their WorldBreaker forms.

"Alright, are you ready to see the special request that Rainbow asked me to prepare for you, Indominus?"

"Bring it on Discord." The Lord of Chaos opened the door to their room, and Indominus felt like he was walking into some kind of fantasy.

The inside was vastly bigger than all the other rooms put together, there was a huge master bed at one end of the room complete with bright red sheets and pillows. Massive candles adorned the walls, replicating the same hot atmosphere Indominus and Rainbow had during her night of giving him his double victory. Over to the left of the bed was a huge hot tub that could fit both pegasus and dinosaur in it. But what caught Indominus's eyes were a pair of red curtains that seemed to be covering a massive balcony.

As he stepped into the room, Indominus felt himself returning to his normal size. When the others followed him, they too became bigger, and yet there was still enough room for all of them to fit inside.

"I don't understand Discord, what is all this," Twilight asked as she took in everything around her.

"This is what Rainbow asked me to prepare for her and mostly for Indominus. All of this is fancy and everything, but the real surprise is beyond those curtains." Discord didn't have to say anything as Indominus parted the curtains and gasped in shock.

"Discord! What is all this!?" When the other joined him on the massive balcony, they couldn't believe their eyes.

It was like they had ended up in another dimension, for there wasn't an ocean out in front of them, but a whole new terrain of rocky land, mountains and a bright red sky. When they looked down, they found that the room was connected to a humongous tower that overlooked the entire dimension. Rainbow could see that Indominus was at a loss for words, as were all of her friends. She gave Discord a wink to show that he had done a tremendous job in bringing everything together so nicely.

"What you're looking at is some of my best work, The Dark Dimension. Rainbow asked me to make this special addition to the room so she and Indominus could cut loose when they want. This room is connected to a tower that is beyond reach of anything that resides in this dimension."

"Exactly what does reside in this place," Applejack asked a little nervous.

"Oh nothing much, just a bunch of mindless beasts that deserve to be sent to the slaughter."

"WHAT!? You put a dimension this dangerous on a cruise?"

"Calm your horses Rarity, hey that's a good one. Ahem.....first of all, Rainbow was the one who requested this space, I merely complied and created the dimension that she wanted."

"It's true Rarity, I did ask him this favor before we left on the train."

"Now let me explain why this addition won't cause any problems for the whole week. For one thing, no beast in this dimension can even fly, so there's no need to worry about anything getting loose. I keep them behind a sealed barrier in the distance that either Rainbow or Indominus can turn on or off with a switch that's located by the curtains. Also my monster pals will be staying in this space since it's what they're used to and can go have fun if they wish. If there are any sort of problems, I will know. I've added a few precautions like the size increase, in case anyone wants to take a crack at them. The best one is that only Rainbow and Indominus can use this room, nopony else can even open the door from the outside unless they allow them permission."

"Really? Ah'd like to see that happen," said Applejack.

"Alright then, I'll show you."

Discord and Applejack left the room and after the door shut behind them, he tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge. Applejack still thought he was pulling her leg until she tried pulling on the door herself and found she couldn't get it to give an inch. It was bound tighter than a steel trap and from inside, the others could hear Applejack struggling with the door from the outside. Then Indominus decided to test Discord's other half of the theory.

"Ok Applejack, you can come back inside now." After he spoke those words, Applejack tried the door again and it opened like there had been nothing restraining it.

"Now do you believe me Applejack?"

"Alright, Ah believe ya Discord. Ya really made sure this room is foolproof."

"Of course I did, I never do anything halfway. Now onto the opinion of the one whom this room is for." He floated over to the hybrid dinosaur, who was so amazed by everything around him. "Tell me my hybrid friend, is this what you were expecting?"

"I'm blown away Discord, I just can't believe that this is all for us."

"Rainbow thought you might want a way to test yourself and have some fun while being on this cruise. Since you are still a dinosaur, this will be what you need to hunt and kill prey like you always do."

"You could even try out your WorldBreaker form some more in here too dad," Scootaloo added.

"Yeah, I'd like to see that form in action again too," said Spike.

"It's everything that a dinosaur could ever want," Fluttershy added. Indominus looked over at the pegasus responsible for all that was around him.

"You put all this on for me? Rainbow, how did I get lucky enough to have a girl like you?"

"Oh come on Indominus, you'll make me start blushing again," she said as she nervously rubbed her right leg against her left one. The blush came immensely when he licked behind her ear.

"Adorable," Rarity said.

"Too cute for words," said Pinkie.

"Aw, he's still as affectionate as ever," Twilight added.

"Come on everyone, let's give them some time to unwind," said Tyrannosaurus.

The ponies started piling out of the room, while the monsters all went into the dimension to explore. Once they were finally alone, Indominus and Rainbow coiled around each other and passed out. Everyone went back down to the lower deck and went about doing their own thing until it was time for karaoke night. Discord and Fluttershy chose to relax in their rooms as well, since it was the first time in a long while that he had the chance to put his feet up and relax with the pony he cared most about. The CMC were playing in the indoor pool with Tyrannosaurus and Blue, while her girls were taking turns going against Twilight, Applejack and Pinkie in the numerous games the cruise had to offer. Rarity was spending her quality time with Spike and just staying close to each other in the far end of the pool.

Now that they finally had some time to themselves, Discord had the chance to ask Fluttershy what she thought of all that he had done for the cruise. He had decorated the room half in half with one side resembling his chaotic nature, and the other half being her kind nature. Even the bed had been decorated both ways for both of them.

"So Fluttershy, is this what you were expecting?"

"It's more than that Discord," Fluttershy said as she pulled him into a hug. "It's better. You've become quite the hero lately with all that you've done for Indominus lately. Tell me something, did he really have such a massive impact on you when you first met him? The Discord I knew back then wouldn't have gone so far for anypony else." Discord took a deep breath before he spoke with utter honesty in his voice.

"Yes Fluttershy, Indominus changed me more than I ever thought possible. When you first introduced me to him, I thought that he was just some animal that was out of place in Equestria. But then after I took a look into his mind and saw everything he experienced from the day he was born, it touched me in a way I never imagined. Granted, I wasn't experimented on like he was, but I saw much of my loneliness in him and I was amazed by it."

"Do you think that one day you could tell me what your childhood was like?"

"Maybe Fluttershy. Anyway, once I bonded with him on that day it was like I had found a friend that I could truly relate to. Indominus was the kindred soul I truly never imagined could exist. Aside from you, he was the only other creature that gave me a chance and genuinely liked being around my chaos."

"He gave you a chance because Scootaloo changed his heart by showing him companionship and love. If it weren't for her, he would still be made into a weapon meant only for killing." It made Fluttershy shiver at the thought of Indominus killing everything in sight,

"But he's not like that anymore. He finally beat his anger, and even spared the Wonderbolts instead of killing them. I was right to trust him and protect him during that fight."

"Not just that, you even showed all of Equestria your good heart as well, and especially me." She gave Discord a light kiss and his face turned pink. Fluttershy giggled at his cute reaction. "By the way Discord, later after everypony's gone to bed, would to bathe in the pool with me?"

"Really?" Discord practically squealed at the idea of getting to bathe with Fluttershy. But he quickly collected himself and silenced his inner fan boy. "I-I mean yes, I'd love to Fluttershy."


"So, is there anything you want to do in the meantime?"

"Right now, I just want to be close to you for a while longer. Is that alright?"

"As long as I get to be close to you Fluttershy, I'm fine with anything you want to do." They wrapped their arms and legs around each other and relaxed in peaceful bliss.

Down in the pool, the CMC were playing about and having a great time with Rexy and Blue. The beta raptor was living up to Sweetie Belle's request and spending more time with her and the Crusaders. She didn't have to worry about accidentally scratching them in the water, for the fillies were too out of reach of her claws. It was strange for the raptor to be splashing about in a pool, but for the first time in a long while, Blue was actually having fun. She felt like a little raptor again from being around the Crusaders and playing with them, she was beginning to understand why T-Rex loved being around them so much.

As for Tyrannosaurus, he didn't have to move much to splash the Crusaders. He mainly just had to slap his head down on the water to get Scootaloo soaked. His tail glided easily through the water and he was careful to avoid the walls when AppleBloom or Sweetie Belle decided to hang on and go sliding across the pool. He especially loved it when Scootaloo decided to climb on him and walk up to the top of his head, like the first time when they had met.

"You enjoying yourself T-Rex?"

"Oh yes Scootaloo, I haven't felt this at ease in months. After all the drama and putting up with those Wonderbolts, it's nice to not have anything to worry about."

"Not to mention you get to spend an entire week enjoying this peace and relaxation," Scootaloo said before giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

"Uh huh, and getting to be close to you is what makes it even better."

"Now don't start getting all sappy on us T-Rex, there are fillies present," Blue called out with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle on her back.

"Oh let him have his time with her, Blue. He deserves his time with Scootaloo just like Rainbow Dash deserves her time with Indominus," said Applebloom.

"Fair enough, and don't worry girls, Delta, Echo and Charlie will get to spend time with you throughout the whole week. That way you'll get to bond with us like you wanted, right Sweetie Belle?"

"Thank you for making it possible Blue," Sweetie Belle said before Blue turned around and started licking her face. Scootaloo slid down Rexy's neck and laid on one of his arms as he gently licked her face as well.

Rarity didn't mind her sister playing with the dinosaurs, for she was too busy spending time with her dragon. That wasn't to say she didn't care, for she knew that Rexy and Blue wouldn't put Sweetie Belle in any danger, she trusted them completely. Her attention was spent being so close to Spike in the water and just holding him close to her body. He was incredibly nervous about being so close to Rarity after admiring her for so long. The dragon was living his greatest dream and the warmth of the water and Rarity's hooves wrapped around him was sending his heart a blaze.

"Is there anything wrong Spike? You haven't said a word since we got in the pool."

"Oh, s-sorry Rarity, i-it's just that t-this is the first time, t-that I get to be so close to you."

"I'm only sorry that i hadn't noticed you sooner, instead of being distracted by all those other stallions. You put your life out there against Soarin and tried to defend me Spike. No stallion I've met before has ever been so bold as to protect me like you did, that's why I want to spend my time with you."


"Yes, and you've turned out to be quite the kind soul and caring dragon. You've treated me like a queen, made me so happy whenever I'm with you, and are quite the chef.

"Well I did pick up some skills from being Twilight's assistant for so long. She's told me how much she approves of my relationship with you. It's just so new for me to be this close and have you holding me after all we've been through."

"I understand Spike, that's why I'm taking the time to know you better. Plus I have a gift in mind that I want to give you on Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Really, what is it? Is it a new delicious kind of gem?"

"I can't tell you, that would spoil the surprise. I will say though, that it will be something warm, loving and it'll be a gift that'll leave you speechless." She held Spike's face and pulled him in for a kiss. He was already speechless before they parted lips. "But you don't have to be nervous around me Spike, just be yourself and enjoy the time we have together, ok."

"Ok Rarity, and thank you," Spike said as he pulled her into a hug and they held each other in the warm water.

As for the rest of the girls, they were testing themselves against each other in numerous games. Twilight and Echo were engaged in a shuffleboard match, one that was a test in brain and a little brawn. Echo was smart enough to get the most of the game, and before long, she had Twilight dumbfounded by her scores. The alicorn had to start taking the game more seriously when her scores started paling in comparison to Echo's, and by the time their match was over, she was stil behind.

"I can't believe it, I lost to a velociraptor."

"There's always a first time for everything Twilight, it was only my first time playing. You'll probably beat me if we, play again."

"I see there's a little bit of Rainbow's influence in you after all. In that case, bring it on girl."

Applejack and Charlie's game was much more simple: a classic game of tug o war. The farm pony and young raptor were giving it all they had with some of the staff keeping watch. Applejack's raw strength was moving Charlie towards the line, but only slightly. The raptor had plenty of her own brute strength, and it was enough to nearly outmatch Applejack's. Her size made up for the difference in strength and with it, Charlie was starting to gain momentum and pulling AJ towards the white line.

"Oh my, Charlie's pulling lead on Applejack. The farm pony is losing ground and her control in the struggle," said Pinkie from a distance away.

Applejack struggled to regain her momentum and pull Charlie back in, but the velociraptor already had too much on the farm pony. With one swift jerk of her head, Charlie pulled Applejack across the line and won the tug o war.

"The winner is Charlie," said one of the crew ponies.

The raptor walked over and gave Applejack a hand to help her up.

"That was some pretty nice brawn ya showed there, Charlie."

"Thanks Applejack, it's just natural strength that I was born with. You got yours from working hard and really pushing yourself. No ordinary pony would've done as well as you in this game."

"Aw shucks Charlie, that's mighty kind of ya to say. Come on, let's see how badly Twilight's doing against yer sister."

"I bet Echo's kicking her tail."

While Applejack and Charlie went over to watch Echo mop the floor with Twilight, Pinkie and Delta were playing board games. They had chosen a board game called Candy Land, which was easy enough for anypony to understand. Pinkie had to go slow and explain everything for the raptor and pick up the cards when it was Delta's turn. But she was a fast learner just like her sisters, and caught on to how to beat the game. She timed her rolling of the dice to land on all the secret paths and moved her piece carefully with her teeth. They were near the finish at the end of the game, but Pinkie ended up drawing the winning color first. She congratulated Delta on doing well and learning fast on her first game, which the raptor took. Much of the afternoon was spent bonding in such a great way as the time winded down for karaoke.

Later as the sun was starting to sink on the ocean, and their dinners had been brought to their rooms, everypony was gathered on the main deck where the DJ station was set up for karaoke. Well, everyone with the exception of two lovers that were developing a habit of being late to the party. Even Discord's monster gang had joined the ponies on the deck.

"Has anypony seen Indominus or Rainbow," asked Twilight.

"Ah haven't seen hide nor scale of him since he and Rainbow got settled in their room," said Applejack.

"Oh I believe that they're still in their room, and I can smell plenty coming from it."

"What exactly are you smelling, Blue," asked Fluttershy. Tyrannosaurus and Blue took a whiff of the air and the same scent hit their nostrils.

"Adrenaline, testosterone and plenty of sweat," said T-Rex.

"Are they doing what I think they're doing," said Rarity.

"Yup, making sweet and very hot love to each other like they always do," said Pinkie.

"That's a nice censored way of putting it Pinkie," said Discord. "Geez lousie, you'd think they'd take a break from being on each other for so long. Even my monsters took the time to leave that room, maybe I put too much work into it."

"Nah it's not all on you Discord, he's done a lot for Rainbow, things that no other stallion would've gone to such lengths for," said Twilight. "He's become so loyal and devoted to her that she's doing everything she can to return the favor."

"Well that's some pretty serious devotion right there. Welp, I'll go and get them." Discord disappeared in a flash from the deck and was outside their door in an instant. He pressed his ear against the door to see if he could hear anything, and was startled back when Indominus's roar scared him quite literally, out of his skin. "Wow, sounds like they just got finished. But damn, his voice is so loud, who is it possible that they don't wake anypony else up at night?" After getting back into his skin and checking his hearing for any damage, Discord knocked on the door to get their attention.

"I hope I'm not bothering you lovebirds."

", you're not bothering us Discord," Rainbow said from inside the room, sounding a little out of breath. "What's up?"

"I just came up here to let you two know that it's time for karaoke."

"Oh my, we...must've let the time get away from us."

"Heh heh, by getting lost in other things," Discord said under his breath. "Is it alright if I come in?"

"Sure." Once Rainbow gave the word, Discord easily opened the door.

He found Rainbow and Indominus on the bed together, and Indominus looked a little tired but relaxed.

"You enjoy your time in this amazing room, Indominus?"

"Oh yes Discord, I absolutely love all that you've done for us," Indominus said as he propped his head up on the pillows. "I didn't realize that it was so late already."

"I don't blame you, and I can see that you enjoyed your dinners nicely too," Discord said after noticing the dirty dishes on the bedside table. He snapped his fingers and transported the dishes down to the kitchen. "Now come on you two, there'll be more time to enjoy each other's company later."

"Agreed, come on Indominus, let's go and show everypony why we won that competition in Las Pegasus." Indominus got up slowly while shaking the sleep from his eyes, and followed Rainbow and Discord out of the room.

When they finally appeared at the main deck, the others could just tell by the sleepy look in his eyes that Indominus had just finished with her.

"You loving getting nice and cozy with your hybrid husband Dashie," said Pinkie.

"Oh come on Pinkie, you're gonna make me embarrassed," Rainbow said while trying not to let her time with Indominus get into her head too much.

"Alright save the talk for later, right now it's time for karaoke night," said Twilight. "So, does anypony want to go first?"

"I'll take first crack at the mic, Twilight," Discord said, taking a microphone from one of the crew ponies. He then whispered the song he had in mind to the pony, who went to the DJ station and put the record on the track.

When the music started up, Discord started swaying and moving to the pop beat coming from the track. He was moving about the deck and dancing around everypony while the music was playing. When the lyrics started, he hung around Fluttershy quite a bit, and stared into her eyes while he was singing, as if he was singing to her and her alone. The monsters all began slowly clapping for their friend after seeing the great performance Discord was putting on. Even the ponies and dinosaurs were starting to move to the beat and from seeing Discord dance and sing across the deck. Indominus could see the gleeful look in the Lord of Chaos's eyes when he sung around Fluttershy, the hybrid could only imagine how much Discord wanted to be around her. Their duet in Las Pegasus had certainly given the draconequess a major confidence boast for him to be so calm and collected while singing to her.

He was so preoccupied with his performance and putting on a show for Fluttershy, that Discord failed to notice a certain raptor snaking her way along the deck and making her way towards the DJ station. He didn't even notice her until the music was cut off and it interrupted his performance. Discord stared abruptly back at the DJ station when the song stopped suddenly. He found the culprit with the track on her claws.

"Delta, what'd you go and do that for?"

"Because you need to see how a song like that is really done. Indominus, T-Rex, Spike, this one's for you guys."

The three lizards moved ahead of Discord and waited for Delta to put in the track she wanted them to do.

"Now that's what I call a song, let's hear it boys," Twilight yelled out over the sound of the tune.

The rexes and dragon were confused at first, but couldn't turn down the chance to sing to the ponies they cared about. Spike took the mic from a disappointed and somewhat upset Discord as he took a backseat to the other reptiles. The three of them looked their girls in the eyes and started a rock version of the song Discord had just used.

Indominus/T-Rex/Spike: We're bringin' sexy back
Them other boys don't know how to act
We think it's special what's behind your back
So turn around and we'll pick up the slack
(Take 'em to the bridge!)Dirty babe
You see these shackles? Baby, I'm your slave
I'll let you whip me if I misbehave
It's just that no one makes me feel this way
(Take 'em to the chorus!)

Come here girl
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Come to the back
(Go 'head be gone with it)
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Drinks on me
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Let me see what ya twerkin' with
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Look at those hips
(Go 'head be gone with it)
You make me smile
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Come here child
(Go 'head be gone with it)

Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on

Rainbow, Rarity and Scootaloo were touched by the stellar singing and walked ahead of their friends to join T-Rex, Indominus and Spike. Rainbow and Scootaloo increased their size til they were roughly the same size as the dinosaurs and started dancing in a fashion similar to a mating dance. Rarity rested her head against Spike's and danced in tune with him as he and the rexes all sang to their girls together. Everyone was applauding the great performance put on by the reptiles, even Discord was pleased with how well they were doing. The trio continued their song as the sunset on the ocean turned the sky a beautiful shade of red that cast over the ship.

Indominus:Come here girl
Rainbow:(Go 'head be gone with it)
T-Rex:Come to the back
Scootaloo:(Go 'head be gone with it)
Rarity:(Go 'head be gone with it)
T-Rex:Drinks on me
Scootaloo:(Go 'head be gone with it)
Spike:Let me see what ya twerkin' with
Rarity:(Go 'head be gone with it)
Indominus:Look at those hips
Rainbow:(Go 'head be gone with it)
Spike:You make me smile
Rarity:(Go 'head be gone with it)
T-Rex:Come here child
Scootaloo:(Go 'head be gone with it)

Rexes/Spike:Get your sexy on
Ponies:(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)
Get your sexy on
(Go 'head be gone with it)

Rexes:We're bringing sexyback
Them other boys they watch when we attack
If that's your girl you'd better watch your back
She'll burn it up for us and that's a fact
Get your sexy on!

Massive applause greeted the rexes and Spike after the song was over. Pinkie was whistling like crazy, Twilight was clapping and cheering wildly at how great Spike sounded. The monsters were all in applause as well, the raptor squad was roaring as well for how their brothers had done.

"You sounded amazing Spike," said Rarity.

"Thanks Rarity, I'm glad you liked hearing me sing."

"That was some great singing Tyrannosaurus," said Scootaloo as she nuzzled against his face.

"Thanks Scootaloo, and I didn't mean any of that song in a bad or over the top way."

"Hey it's alright, it was just a song. Besides, I already know what you think about me. No song can tell me like you did at the Gala."

"Heh heh, thanks for reminding me."

"You were still as amazing as when you were during the competition Indominus."

"Glad you liked it Rainbow, now I believe that we owe a certain someone his chance to sing again. Delta, pick ot a song that both Discord and Fluttershy can sing together, to make up for you interrupting him."

"Yes of course brother." Delta went to the station and looked through the selection of discs that the ship had available. Her eyes fell upon one song that would be perfect for them. "Discord, come have a look at this song. I think it'll be one meant for you and Fluttershy." He teleported himself over to her and read the name of the song on the disc.

"Ooooh, this is perfect. Thanks for choosing this one Delta."

"You're welcome, and no hard feelings about interrupting your song?"

"No hard feelings. Fluttershy, would you like to sing this song with me?"

"I'd love to Discord," Fluttershy said as she flew over, grabbed a second mic and stood by him as they began their duet.

Fluttershy:Dark in the city night is a wire
Steam in the subway earth is a fire
Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo

Discord:Woman you want me give me a sign
And catch my breathing even closer behind
Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo

Fluttershy:Stalked in the forest too close to hide
I'll be upon you by the moonlight side
Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo

Discord:High blood Drumming on your skin it's so tight
You feel my heat I'm just a moment behind
Do do do do do do do dodo dododo dodo

Fluttershy:In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt down I'm after you
Scent and a sound. I'm lost and I'm found
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Discord:Strut on a line it's discord and rhyme
I howl and I whine I'm after you
Fluttershy/Discord:Mouth is alive all running inside
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Discord:Hungry like the wolf

Fluttershy:Burning the ground I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt down I'm after you
I smell like I sound. I'm lost and I'm found
And I'm hungry like the wolf

Discord:Strut on a line it's discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt down I'm after you
Fluttershy/Discord:Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf

The dinosaurs erupted in huge roars after Discord and Fluttershy had finished their song. Her friends were abuzz with excitement at seeing their shy friend sing her heart out.

"Yahoo! Way to go Fluttershy," Applejack shouted.

"Ya've got an amazin' voice," Applebloom added.

"Simply magnificent darling!"

"Great work on the duet you two," said Rainbow.

"That was a great performance," said Scootaloo.

"You've still got some talent at singing Discord," said Indominus.

Fluttershy blushed at the immense comments and praise for her singing. Discord was glad that he not only got to sing for Fluttershy again, but the fact that he actually got to have a duet with her.

"That was quite an impressive performance Discord," said Twilight.

"Why thank you Twilight. Are you going up next?"

"Actually, all of us are going up next. This last song will be done as a group, which means everyone is going to sing tonight. Are your friends up for joining us?"

"We're up for joining in on this," said Red-Eyes.

"We'll lend our voices to you," said Swamp Battleguard.

So it was decided. The crew went all over the ship to gather as many mics as they possibly could, and managed to find enough for everyone, with the exception of the dinosaurs. The massive group began their last karaoke song which was about one great thing the world can always love: dance magic.

Blue:I feel it stirrin' deep down inside my soul
The rhythm's takin' hold
And it's about to roll

Twilight:A million sparkles falling across the floor
So DJ give it more
It's what we're looking for

All: Dance the night away
All our friends right by our side
It doesn't matter what style you bring
We're about to go on that ride (Hey!)
It's dance magic
Once you have it
Let your body move
Step into the music
It's dance magic
And it's electric
Let your body move
To the music

Pinkie Pie: Doesn't matter what style you've got
Just keep dancin' on that spot
Friends like you for who you are
Discord, Dragon, Dinosaur!
Monsters, yeah you've got the moves
Guardians bringin' all the grooves
Put it together and make it fit
Chaotic Guardians, dance magic

All: Dance the night away
All our friends right by our side
It doesn't matter what style you bring
We're about to go on that ride (Hey!)
It's dance magic
Once you have it
Let your body move
Step into the music
It's dance magic
And it's electric
Let your body move
To the music

Chaotic Guardians got a style that's all our own
Dancin' nonstop, body movin' in the zone
Bring whatever style you got
Cause the party is goin' on
It's dance magic
And it's electric
Let your body move
To the music

After Discord and Fluttershy's performance, T-Rex noticed that the Crusaders were starting to get tired and sleepy. He nudged Rarity and she took notice of how Sweetie Belle's eyes were getting droopy and how she was struggling to stay awake.

"I see T-Rex, I believe our sisters are in need of some shuteye. Don't you think so too, Applejack?"

"Ah agree Rarity, come on sugarcube, let's get you and yer friends to yer rooms for some sleep," Applejack said, helping Applebloom onto Charlie's back.

The young raptor waited for Sweetie Belle to be on Echo's back and T-Rex was gentle with Scootaloo on his back as the dinosaurs made their way to the room they were given for the week. Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow Dash followed the dinosaurs to their room to make sure their sisters got to bed safely. There were enough beds in the room provided to them for each dinosaur and the crusaders. Charlie and Echo lowered their bodies so Applejack and Rarity could lift their sisters off the raptors and tuck them into bed. Rainbow lifted Scootaloo's body off T-Rex's back, tucked her little adoptive sister into bed and gave her a light kiss on the forehead. The CMC were out like lights before their bodies felt the comfort of the covers being pulled over them.

The raptors all crawled into their beds, except for Blue and Charlie. Blue had decided that with Spike spending the evening with Rarity, she wanted to make sure that Twilight wouldn't feel alone during the cruise. Charlie had decided to stay with Applejack since Applebloom was sharing a room with the Crusaders. It was a touching and sweet part on the dinosaurs' behalf, wanting to stick with the ponies so they wouldn't be left out on a vacation. Tyrannosaurus laid down and coiled his body around Scootaloo as the door was closed and the ponies went to their rooms, except for Fluttershy and Discord who were making their way to the pool.

The pegasus and draconequess jumped into the pool together and Discord felt his body heating up from the comfort and heat of the water.

"Wow, this feels a lot warmer than I thought. I haven't felt this relaxed in ages."

"All that chaotic magic and you couldn't conjure up your own relaxing pool."

"I've had a lot to deal with lately Fluttershy. Between testing Indominus's old Phoenix form and saving him from losing his mind to the Devil, I haven't had the time to care about myself."

"Well now you do, and I get the chance to be this close to you." Discord felt his body heating up even more than the water could when Fluttershy got close to him. "It's ok Discord, you don't have to be nervous around me. It's just the two of us in the pool right now, and I want to be this close to you." The Lord of Chaos felt his body turning red hot and it caused steam to start coming from the water.

"F-fluttershy.....I-I....thank you for staying with me all this time," Discord said as he wrapped his arms around her. In her embrace he felt more at peace than he'd ever been before. "Is this what it feels like for you to be so close to Rainbow Dash, Indominus? Because it feels so comforting," Discord thought to himself as he held Fluttershy close to him. In that moment, Discord mustered up the courage to do something that he'd never done before: he reached down and kissed her. Fluttershy was caught off guard as hearts started pouring out of Discord's ears and he pulled away with the biggest blush on his face.


"I'm sorry Fluttershy, I just couldn't help myself. You've been so kind to me lately and I haven't done anything to repay you for all tha-" he was cut off when Fluttershy kissed him back. In that instant, Discord found himself kissing her back as well and being lost in the warm feeling.

"You've become so sweet and kind Discord, and yet you're still the same draconequess I like. I never thought that you would be bold enough to kiss me like that."

"Thank you so much Fluttershy, you're the most loving pegasus I've ever met. I have to also thank Indominus for giving me the courage to do that." She kissed him on the neck and it sent a trail of shivers going up and down Discord's spine.

"I see that even you liked to be kissed on the neck huh."

"They tickle and cause my body to shudder from the feeling."

"Then that means you'll have a pretty good evening tonight with me," Fluttershy said before kissing him on the neck again.



"I love you," Discord said before he pulled her back into his arms.

"You finally said the words I've been wanting to hear for so long. I want you to know Discord, that no matter what anypony might say to you, you'll always be special to me." Discord gave into his heart and let the tears roll down his face. Fluttershy didn't need to hear him to know what he was feeling, and ran her hoof along his back as they relaxed in the pool holding each other.

Back in their room, Indominus was ready to turn in for the night. The monsters had all gone down to the dark dimension to have a little fun picking off any stray beasts that were roaming about. Rainbow had other ideas in mind before hitting the hay, she wanted to have some more fun with Indominus and see his WorldBreaker form in action again.

"So Rainbow, ready to test out our bed for real?"

"Not quite Indominus, first, there's something I want us to do with Discord's pals. We're gonna have a bloody good time before we hit the hay tonight," Indominus watched as Rainbow flipped the switch by the curtain.

In the dimension, all the monsters watched as the barrier disappeared and a horde of mindless beasts came coming out of it. Indominus saw the horde approaching and was already getting the picture of what Rainbow wanted to see from him.

"You really want to see my WorldBreaker form again this badly?"

"That's not really the reason. I also kinda want to fight alongside you in that form again. We made such a good team against the Wonderbolts, that it's a memory I want to see again," Rainbow said before her fur became pure white and her mane started dancing like fire. "After we're done fighting those beasts, you can have me all to yourself again. Come on big boy, show me that fighting spirit of yours."

Rainbow let her flaming tail glide under Indominus's jaw and he felt the soft touch pass by as she dove down into the dimension.

"I've been with her for over a year now, and she still continues to surprise me."

Rainbow squared off alongside each of the monsters, ready to have a unique night of bonding with them.

"Ready to do this boys?"

"Let's tear apart some ugly bodies," said Red-Eyes. They were about to charge the horde when they heard a loud roar come from the bedroom.

A moment later, Indominus flew out of the bedroom and a golden burst of energy exploded from him in the sky. When he touched down in front of his girl and friends, he had the golden wings, spikes, markings, increased muscle and the glowing red eyes again. The monsters all roared in excitement at getting to see the hybrid's new form up close for the first time. Rainbow walked up to him and was happy that he had agreed to partake in the fighting frenzy with her. Even after seeing it already, Indominus's newfound look was so mystifying to her.

"Thanks for agreeing to join in this with me." Indominus didn't respond, he only looked over at her. Rainbow didn't know what to make of him being silent with her. He instead reached over and gently held her chin in his hand and kissed her full on. Rainbow could feel his tongue playing around with hers during the make-out and it left her with a simple question as he pulled away.

"What was that for?"

"For being the best pegasus I've had the great honor of falling in love with and marrying."

Indominus motioned for the monsters to follow him as he walked towards the horde, leaving Rainbow with what he had told her, and the amazing taste in her mouth. She licked her lips and took in the after taste of Indominus putting his tongue in her mouth.

"Oh I'm gonna have so much fun with you Indominus. You're gonna be in for a week of great pleasure between now and Hearth's Warming Eve."

Indominus charged ahead of the monsters and was upon the horde, slashing through their bodies like butter and tearing them all apart like a monstrous meat carver. His massive fists crushed the mindless ones under his incredible strength and the force tore up the ground so much that it sent huge chunks of debris and more of the beasts flying in all directions. The beasts tried to attack him, but any that got within striking range were caught in the hybrid's massive jaws and turned into bloody pulps. Even the swings from his tail sent many of them flying, or hit them hard enough to tear their bodies in half. He had just finished crushing three skulls in his claws when he heard the agonizing cries of more of the mindless ones being killed, and found Rainbow and the monsters going on a killing spree of their own.

"Don't hog all the fun without me Indominus," Rainbow said as she barreled through so many beasts to catch up with him.

Once she had caught up to him, Rainbow and Indominus went on a combined killing spree. Their claws and speed went through so many of the beasts that there were bleeding stubs and body parts flying everywhere. Both pegasus and dinosaur were cutting loose with nothing getting in their way, but in all the gore and mayhem, Indominus found himself having a total blast. Rainbow roundhouse kicked a group of beasts in the face and caught sight of Indominus laughing and having what seemed to be the time of his life. He was killing so many creatures and enjoying every moment of it, but with none of them being innocent ponies, he had no worries about hurting anyone dear to him.

As for the monsters, they were laying waste to every mindless beast that came with striking range of their claws, teeth or blasts. Armored Lizard and Garoozis were slicing and dicing with their immense claws, spilling blood and having a roaring good time. Swamp and Lava Battlegaurd were bashing every beast with their clubs or crushing them with their sheer strength. Barox, Dark Chimera, Zoa and King of Yamimakai were ripping bodies in half, tearing heads off with their jaws, or devouring the mindless cretins as a midnight snack. King of Yamimakai was taking great delight in using his Electro Shock Attack to lay waste to so many beasts at once. Last but not least, Red-Eyes was burning hundreds of the beasts with his Inferno Fire Blast and then proceeding to slash through the devastated bodies with his claws and teeth.

After pounding and killing so many of the beasts, Rainbow, Indominus and all the monsters regrouped in a single line, standing alongside each other.

"Alright boys and Rainbow, let's blast and smash these idiotic animals to pieces."

"Spoken like a true fighter Indominus," said Swamp Battleguard.

They charged back into the depleted horde with blasts firing in all directions, and for the monsters that couldn't use any blasts, they referred to what Indominus did to Spitfire and used some of the beasts as bludgeoning weapons. Swamp and Lava Battleguard, Armored Lizard, Garoozis, Zoa and Barox all grabbed a body and swung them at the remaining beasts like a deformed ball and chain. King of Yamimakai and Dark Chimera used their Electro Shock Attack and Raging Flame Breath to torch and blow up and unfortunate victims that were caught in the blasts. Red-Eyes joined up with Rainbow and Indominus and added more explosive power to their blasts with his Inferno Fire Blast, igniting and disintegrating more beasts.

"Come on Red-Eyes, let's end this."

The dragon understood and summoned the most powerful blast he could create. Rainbow and Indominus did the same with their blasts and when they fired them all together, the attacks were so massive and bright that they lit up half the dimension. The last of the beasts screeched out in pain as the blasts engulfed their bodies and disintegrated all that remained of the horde. Discord's monsters finished up killing their own victims to see the blasts do their magnificent dirty work. After the light from the blasts faded, and all the mindless ones had been killed, the monsters, pegasus and hybrid dinosaur roared across the dimension in victory over their beaten victims.

"You've got a lot of stuff Rainbow," said Red-Eyes.

"All of that, is the making of a great warrior," said King of Yamimakai.

"Keep on fighting like that, and you'll make us feel jealous of you," said Swamp Battleguard.

"Gee, thanks guys," Rainbow said humbly to the beasts that had praised her for her brutal fighting methods.

With all the mindless creatures killed, the monsters went off into the dimension to find a place to sleep for the night, leaving Rainbow and Indominus by themselves.

"Now my scaly stud, with all those mindless beasts destroyed, how's about we get back to more important business?"

"Oh you know how much I want it my future queen, may I?" Indominus held out his arms for her and Rainbow climbed into them while holding onto his neck.

Before taking flight, Indominus changed from his WorldBreaker form to his Guardian state.

"Shoot, and here I was hoping to preoccupy you long enough to make love to you in that state," Rainbow said disappointingly as Indominus carried her back up to their room.

"Sorry Rainbow, but I'm making good on my word. You can try, but you won't get this form that easily." He then felt her licking his neck as they got closer to the curtains. "But I do want to see how long you'll last with my Guardian state. If you're going to be doing it with me in my WorldBreaker state, you have to outlast the Guardian form first."

"Fair enough, and I haven't tried it out myself either." Rainbow changed into her Guardian state as Indominus touched down in their room, flipped the switch that reactivated the barrier and laid his girl down on the bed.

"Every time we do this Rainbow, it feels just as amazing as the first time."

"I know Indominus, now shut up and let's do this."


The sound of the pegasus and hybrid dinosaur making love to each other and their roars echoed across the dimension. Their blissful time went on for at least an hour and forty-five minutes before both of them were out cold and sleeping in each other's embrace.