The Wander Through Lands Unknown

by Tomas Lutwig

Chapter 58; The Other Side

Colors swirled around in front of my face. A silent gasp made it's way out of my mouth as I tried to take a breath but the speed I was going through this strange between space sucked the air from my lungs. Bile slowly crept it's way up my throat as I quickly approached a blindingly bright white light that seemed to be the epicenter of the swirling mass of color. I closed my eyes, tensing my body as I awaited what was to come, thoughts forming but the colors and light even behind my shut eyelids blew the ideas from my mind.

The rush and feeling of momentum finally came to an abrupt stop all of a sudden rocking me forwards to land on my face on a hard substance. Letting out a groan as I reached up to hold the now sore spot on my forehead I opened my eyes.

Everything looked all too similar to the other side of the portal, colors seemed to pop more, plants more vibrant, even the early morning sky seemed to shine just the little bit brighter than it did in my memories of home. Though that seemed to be the end of the resemblance, as I looked up to see a large building of brick, what looked to be marble or some other white stone, and glass. Sitting up on the concrete that had become my seat, I lowered my hand only to see a light gray hand fall into my vision. My eyes bulged as I looked over myself to find that not only my skin had changed, but as did my clothes.

A pair of normal blue jeans sat on my legs above steel toed brown boots. Draping over the jeans was an unzipped dark brown hoodie revealing what looked to be a plain white t-shirt. Small items poked at my legs from inside the pockets of the jeans as did a my strangely shaped knife dangle from the belt looped around my waist to hold the jeans up.

'Why would the mirror...' I wondered, slowly getting back up after turning around to look at the portal to see a large stone stand displaying a massive horse rearing back. Taken aback slightly at the size of the stone tail pointed right at me I stood up and brushed myself off. Still giving an odd look to my newly gray hands. As I brushed myself off though I noticed the fact that the 'baby fat' as my mother had once called it had returned, making my stomach stick out if only slightly from the top of my jeans.

A mental groan sounded as I realized what had happened. I had been reverted back to the age I had been in high school.

'Fuckin' funny joke...' I found myself thinking shooting the marble base an ugly look.

After a moment I started taking inventory of the things I had on me. 'Ring of fog, my knife...' I felt a few jingling bits I had missed in the small bag on my belt back in Equestria. Rolling my eyes at my mistake I opted to ignore them, 'Didn't really bring much did I?' I thought, looking at the ring in my hand. The inset pearl thankfully still held the strange white mist that spun within it.

My brows furrowed as I thought of another magical source. Reaching within myself, I search for the cool flame that had been present ever since my time in Celestia's jail. A slight frown appeared after a few moments of searching, unable to find the magical energy whatsoever. Feelings of comfortable nostalgia were felt for a moment at the thought of once again being a normal human being. The feelings were short lived however as I felt instead a hunger, one that I couldn't explain. The dull ache of an unfilled stomach echoed out from where my magic had once resided causing a shiver of discomfort.

Trying to shrug off the feeling I looked around, expecting to find a number of other 'humans'. The significant lack of them however made me look back up at the sky, wondering slightly what exactly time it was, and when the students of this damned high school would appear.

Letting out a sigh, I rubbed a hand down my face only to find a patchy beard in it's early stages forming on my face causing me to pull on one of the strands to see a very familiar coppery colored hair poking out between my gray fingertips.

'At least some things stay the same.' I thought with a small amount of comfort at the thought.

Shaking my head, I started for the front doors of the school, the thought that when I had gone during winter I remembered going into school while it was still dark out.

As I reached the steps however I stumbled, nearly slamming my face into the cement steps leading to the pair of glass doors, my only saving grace being the rail to either side of the steps. A grumble sounded from within me as I looked down at my shoes and got back up. 'Change in center of gravity...' went through my head before I went up the short stairs to the door and pulled.

The door stopped short of coming open, a click sounding as it stopped. A frown formed on my face as I looked down at the handle and pulled again much to the same effect. 'Damn it' I thought rolling my eyes.

Sunset Shimmer locked her apartment's door, turning and acknowledging the dead aloe vera plant for a moment. The thought of throwing the plant away occurred to her, as it had on multiple other days, shaking her head she turned heading for the stairs.

As she neared her neighbor's door she had to suppress a shiver as she noticed one of the slats in the blinds lifted up to reveal darkness beyond. Whatever being that was looking from the other side noticed her and the blinds quickly shut making Sunset's unease at her neighbors resurface. She had never seen them in person, but remembered hearing both a woman and man shouting at one another on multiple different occasions.

Going down the stairs a bit less calmly than she would have liked, she headed for her Trakehn. Pulling the keys out of her jacket pocket, she zipped her leather jacket up and plopped the helmet down on her head. Straddling the bike, she put the key in and turned, a bit of that unease flowing from her as the motorcycle purred to life underneath her.

Turning around to look behind her, she put the kickstand back up and slowly walked the bike out of her space before putting it into gear. Offering one last glance at her apartment she zipped down the apartment's parking lot heading for the exit to the complex. As she reached the stop sign she paused only for a moment before flying out into the early morning traffic.

The morning chill bit at her even through her jacket and gloves throwing her hair out behind her as she rode on towards the school.

'School...' She thought as she pulled up to a red light looking down at the different gauges that were mounted to the handle bars. 'I only have a month or two left before graduation, don't I?'

Sunset rubbed gloved hands together, trying to bring some of the chill from the leather and plastic fibers. 'Still leaves to question what I'll be doing afterwards.' She hadn't thought about the subject too much, most of her high school career having been used to gain the upper hand over the other student, through whatever means necessary.

'I had always assumed I would've headed back to Equestria by now, but...' The thought of her old home sparked the anger felt against her mentor. She'd dismissed her, after showing her the mirror she wouldn't even answer any of her questions. “You're not ready” She remembered the alicorn saying, on more than one occasion. Finally when she had went around her back to find out what it was about, even finding information on the ability to turn Sunset into an alicorn herself, Celestia had blown her off. It took Sunset finally threatening, screaming in her anger for her mentor to act. Instead of making her a princess however she was thrown out of her tutelage. 'Don't worry Princess Celestia I'll make good on my prom-'

A loud horn behind her startled her from her thoughts making her look up to see a green light. Turning back with a annoyed look on her face she offered the driver of the large truck her middle finger before flying off.

'I almost wish I could offer a couple of these plebeians some of that same revenge I've saved up for Celestia...' she thought as she turned into the school's parking lot. Slowly making her way through the maze of vehicles before she found her normal space. Lacking a vehicle on both sides, just as she liked it.

'That...' she started as she parked pulling her keys from the ignition and putting down the kickstand. 'Won't do. I believe my revenge on that solar bitch will need every ounce of hate I have.' She finished her thought with a evil smile before taking her helmet off.

Stepping off her bike, Sunset reached to put the helmet down on the seat before stopping. Shaking her head she simply threw the helmet under an arm and headed towards the school building.

Around her she immediately noticed something different, a handful of students approaching the school were looking at the statue of the school's mascot, the stallion. Following their eyes, she noticed a student sitting up on top of the pedestal, his legs dangling over the edge swinging back and forth slowly as he looked over the students.

Normally Sunset would think nothing of this as some students liked to 'fuck the rules' and ignore their principal's request to keep off of the mascot statue. An offense which normally was punished with a detention of cleaning off said statue. The reason that this male student stood out to her however was because she didn't recognize him and she knew, at least of, every student at Canterlot High.

He looked relatively boring, jeans, a dark brown hoodie with a plain white shirt underneath revealing a less than active physique, light gray skin with a shaggy looking head of coppery colored hair and a patchy copper beard. A curious fact about him was the lack of any kind of mark on his clothing.

She watched him for a moment as he looked at other students, his legs pausing as he noticed one that caught his eye, a curious look coming over his face at certain students. Big Macintosh and Applejack who walked towards the school talking between themselves, Sweetie Drops (or Bon Bon as she preferred) talking to Lyra who carried her lyre case over her back along with her purse, he watched Pinkie Pie hop through the crowd towards the school building with an amused expression, Rarity talked with some of the other people of the 'fashion' click as they all advanced towards the school. After a while, the strange male's eyes fell on her and his legs stopped swinging all together, focusing on her.

Thinking of a ploy to possibly make this new student one of her lackeys, or at least to keep him out of her way, she offered a friendly smile and waved to the young man. He showed little reaction besides blinking at her before looking over her and quickly hopping down from the stallion's pedestal.

She watched him make his way through the crowd of students, curiosity burning in her mind, before she heard the clomping of heavy footsteps behind her.

Turning around she was met with what she remembered being referred to as a 'skinhead'. A very large man stood over her, his head shaved bald and shiny as the name implied, wearing a sleeveless leather jacket with a dark gray t-shirt beneath with what looked to be a sledge hammer pounding spikes into a railroad.“Well hello there little bitch. Seems appropriate you're in high school seeing how you can't seem to drive!” the skinhead said, his voice filled with anger.

What few students attention the skinhead hadn't caught, his words grabbed them making them stop in their normal walk towards the school building and watch the exchange.

“Excuse me?” Sunset asked in the most innocent voice she could muster. To herself she didn't know what exactly she had done to cause this large man's anger, but she figured there must be some way to defuse the situation, possibly even using it to her advantage in front of the student body. “I'm sorry sir but I don't know what you're talking about.”

Her words only seemed to make the man's anger grow as his face contorted. Stepping aside he pointed towards the large truck she had seen behind her at the light. “How about now you little cunt? Huh?!” 'Oh shit' she thought to herself as she watched the skinhead's face turned more red as he continued, spittle flying from his lips. “Yea probably didn't expect someone to stop you after you insult them like that did you?!”

Sunset tried to think of some way to salvage the exchange, to make it seem like the large man was the 'bad guy', but as she pressed herself she watched as the skinhead leaned down to grab her by the front of her jacket.

“Well I want an apology before I'm forced to punish the stupid little bitch!” He said, his beet red face now inches from her own. “WELL?! I'M WAITING!”

Sunset's things flew from her hands as the larger man shook her back and forth, the reality of the situation finally getting to her, and truly terrifying her.

One of the man's hands let go of her jacket balling up into a fist as it also neared her face. “Fine, the bitch wants to be punished? Who am I to-”

“Hey Jackass!” A new voice sounded behind her, taking the large man's attention off of her and to the speaker. “How 'bout we let the pretty young lady go, and talk about this like civilized human beings, eh?”

The new insult seemed to only make the large man's anger grow as his face contorted baring his teeth to the other male. “Fuck off you little shit, I'm going to teach this cunt a lesson about how to treat other people!”

A snort sounded behind her making her turn to see the same gray skinned boy standing there apart from the crowd of students that had formed. “Really? It looks more like a large man about to abuse a young lady for no good reason from my point of view.”

My fists clenched and unclenched as I watched the large man holding Sunset Shimmer. Deep down something within me knew what I was doing was stupid, however at the same time I didn't want to have to escort an injured Sunset home only for the ponies to immediately assume I had beaten her and drug her home.

“Wouldn't you all agree?” I asked back towards the large crowd of students behind me. “Big guy taking out his anger on the powerless young woman? Oh I guess we know the size of your testicles now, if the truck didn't give it away!”

A few snickers behind me were followed by a number of annoyed shouts agreeing with me. 'Damn mob mentality never worked for me in high school' I thought offering the obviously livid skinhead a smirk as the voices of the other students slowly grew in volume.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” the large man's voice boomed, cutting through the growing shouts of the crowd and silencing it. “Seems you want some too huh?” The man said standing back up to his full height.

I was maybe an inch or two taller than Sunset Shimmer when she was standing up, but this man was nearly a head taller than I was. He towered over the young woman who he gripped by her leather jacket. “Stay here.” he growled shoving her to the ground before turning back towards me and approaching.

Swallowing hard I started taking off my jacket. Gripping it in what I hoped look like a casual way as the man approached. 'Alright as soon as he gets close, what I'll do is I'll throw this over the guy's head and...' my thoughts trailed off as he grew closer. I had to suppress the instinct to grab my knife, having hidden it away in my pocket to keep it from causing problems with the other students. 'Damn it...' I finally thought, readying myself to strike.

“EXCUSE ME!” A booming feminine voice sounded out from the school's entrance. Catching everyone's attention. Taking a step back I glanced over to see Princess Luna's counterpart standing in the school's open doorway. Vice Principal Luna looked less than pleased as she looked at the large skinhead. Something was in her hand, though from where I was I couldn't quite make it out, though it was boxy and at least part of it was a pale blue.

The vice principal made her way down the school's steps, keeping the small boxy item well within reach. The students quickly parted as she approached stopping feet from the large skinhead. “Sir I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises.” Vice Principal Luna said calmly, though threat dripped from her voice. “I've called the police and the school will be pressing charges if any of our students are hurt.”

The anger on the man's face faltered for a moment at the thought of the police before returning, if diminished. “That little bitch over there needs to be properly disciplined.” He said pointing over at Sunset who had since sat up from her position on the ground.

“Oh?” Luna's voice sounded, anger slowly forming in it at the threat to one of her students. “And what exactly has she done to earn this disciplinary action?”

The man faltered for a moment, seeming to realize his position was less than sound. A growl sounded from him as he glared at the vice principal, turned and shot the same glare at me, before stomping off making sure to kick Sunset Shimmer's bag as he passed it towards his truck.

I let out a breath that I didn't realize I had been holding as the man got into his truck and drove off. Looking up at the vice principal I gave her a thankful look, though she only returned a disapproving scowl. My head turned from her towards Sunset Shimmer who was only just trying to get herself up off the ground. Draping my jacket over my shoulder, I started towards the young woman, reaching her I offered a hand and a concerned look. “You alright?”

Sunset Shimmer looked up at me, worry and fear edging her eyes. She shakily nodded her head and took my hand and I helped her to her feet. Offering the young woman another concerned look I let go of her hand before turning and grabbing her bag and helmet. Dusting them off I handed them to her.

Fear and shock was still evident in the young woman's face though she looked as though she was thinking hard before she sniffed hard and wiped the tears that had formed in her eyes away.

“Sunset Shimmer, are you alright?” Vice Principal Luna's voice sounded behind us making us turn to look at the blue skinned woman.

Sunset seemed to take a deep breath before clearing her voice. “Yes, Vice Principal Luna.”

Worry edged the older woman's face as she looked at the younger woman. “Sunset, I understand that this is hard, however I'm going to need to see you in my office so we can discuss what's happened.”

The younger woman looked as though she might protest, but something seemed to suck the energy out of her as she nodded looking away from the vice principal. She simply nodded and started towards the school as students started talking between themselves about what had happened.
Vice Principal Luna watched on at the young woman before turning back towards me, “And I don't believe we've met, or that you're a student at this school in fact.” she said, giving me a scrutinizing look.

I blinked up at the woman before putting my hoodie back on. “Well that's because I'm not.” I started making her eyebrow rise in question. “Oh no, I was actually hoping to apply here.” I said holding my hands out before scratching at the back of my head.

The vice Principal's eyes narrowed as she looked me over before offering a quiet. “Hmm.”

'Admittedly I didn't expect to have to do this...' I thought as my mind raced, wondering exactly what I was going to have to do. Panic creeping just below my skin.

“Very well” The tall woman said nodding before turning towards the school. “Come, my sister normally handles enrollment, however she's unfortunately at a meeting. I'll see what I can do about setting you up, and of course you'll have to explain what happened with this little 'incident'”

“Yes m'am” I replied, trying to come up with someway to keep from arousing too much suspicion.

After a moment of the vice Principal addressing the students and telling them to 'please continue to their classes' she turned back to me as we entered the school. “You probably heard Sunset Shimmer say my name, but I am Vice Principal Luna. My sister is the Principal, her name is Celestia.”

I blinked at her expectant look for a moment before racking my brain. “Ah, yes. My name... is... Wandering Bindle.” I finally said offering an embarrassed smile.

The vice principle gave me an odd look before returning the smile. “It's a pleasure to meet you Wandering Bindle. I hope you can find CHS to your liking.”

I nodded as she looked away, my eyes quickly finding a very interesting pattern in the school's tiles. 'I sure as hell hope so too.'

Sitting patiently outside of the vice principal's office I twiddled my thumbs, blew air between my lips making a raspberry-like sound, and even whistled short little songs. My nerves were on end, nothing was familiar in this area besides the vague knowledge that I was in the Canterlot High School. Other students passed by on occasion, giving me curious looks, or in some cases amused ones.
'Probably thinking I'm in big trouble.' I thought rolling my eyes before stopping as a thought occurred to me. 'Or pissed that I saved one of the people making their lives a living hell...' I let out a little sigh and introduced my palm to my face.

Wondering how far rumors had spread was like wondering if you'd get an STD from a whore. In high school it didn't take a day for everyone to hear about something if they had any ability in the ways of social skills.

“Great way to make my mark on my first day of school.” I muttered to myself as I propped my head up on my hands.

As I waited I wondered how I could've won that fight. The man had been larger, probably tougher, and possibly meaner if my Dad had been right about being older meant being meaner. I however was more than likely more experienced in fighting, less expected to fight dirty, and a lot nastier when I thought I needed to be. A chuckle sounded as I thought of throwing the jacket over the guy's head before kicking him in the balls. My toes ran up against the firm end of the boots making me shake my head with a smile. 'That probably would've worked' I thought. Most of my other plans were variations of the same, with the exception of if I had to bring my knife into the equation, in which case the dude would probably be dead. I grimace as the thought crossed my mind. 'Which would make this whole 'Getting Sunset and leaving' thing that much more difficult.' I thought shaking my head.

Letting out a sigh I looked over to the door to the vice principal's office, silently wishing they would hurry up.

“Excuse me?” The voice made me jump and turn towards the speaker. A pearly white skinned woman stood before me, clad in purple and off-white-blue with curled locks of violet hair. “Oh! My apologies, I didn't mean to surprise you.”

After a moment I recognized the young woman as this universe's version of Rarity, I let out a chuckle and rubbed at an arm. “N-no I need to worry less. Sorry about that reaction.”

Rarity blinked at me, “What could you be worried about here dear? CHS is a very safe school.”

I smiled forcing back a laugh, “Oh you know the usual. New place, new school, almost got in a fight with a skinhead twice my size defending a girl I don't even know and am going to have to explain that to the vice principal while she's trying to enroll me, don't have any friends here.”

The young woman gave me a pointed look, “There's no need to be like that.”

Nodding a held up a hand. “I know, I'm sorry. I tend to get sarcastic when I'm stressed.” I started before motioning towards her. “and here I am taking it out on you, the first person to talk to me here besides...” I trailed off pointing a thumb towards the vice principal's door.

Rarity's face softened. “It's alright dear. You've just need to look at the bright side of things. I mean now almost the entire school knows you're more than brave when standing up to a ruffian like him.”

I snorted shaking my head. “Suppose I shoulda seen that coming when I started, huh?” I said looking back up at her.

“Ah, well...” she trailed off motioning for 'just a little bit' with her fingers. “It's not that bad a thing though, it's not as though the school is saying you were too much of a coward to stand up for someone, or laughing at you for trying and failing.”

Shrugging I looked back over to the vice principal's door. “Just a shame I ended up defending someone no one likes, eh?” Silence ruled the hall for a moment before I turned back to Rarity and saw her lightly biting at one of her fingers, obviously trying to keep from saying something. “I'm right aren't I?”

Rarity moved her hands and licked her lips, “Well...” she started before looking away trying to think.

“That bad huh?” I asked, already knowing the answer.

She gave the sign for 'so so' with an unsure look on her face. “Sunset Shimmer is rather well known as a troublemaker and a less than honest person...” she said prompting a nod and an understanding look. “Don't misunderstand.” She said quickly making me look back up at her. “I don't think anyone deserves to be harassed or assaulted like that, but... you might not want to expect to gain any friends from helping her like that.”

I let out a laugh and put on my best bittersweet smile. “Ah well. Not like I expected that. Can't go helping people just to hope to get something back, right?”

Rarity offered a gentle smile, “You almost sound like an old... friend of mine” she said, pausing for a moment to think of the right words.

“Hope that's a good thing miss” I said with another chuckle.

Rarity let out a gasp putting a hand to her chest, “Oh were are my manners! I do apologize, my name is Rarity.” she said holding out a hand.

I smiled, standing up before taking her hand in both of mine and inclining my head. “It's a pleasure to meet you Miss Rarity, I'm Wandering Bindle. Hopefully we can talk more if my enrollment process goes smoothly.”

A slight blush played across the woman's face as I let go of her hand, she cleared her throat before nodding. “I think that would be splendid. You seem like quite the gentleman.” I smirked at her words but kept my mouth shut.

A loud ringing sounded through the building making Rarity's eyes go wide. “Oh my, I do apologize, but that was the bell. I should be getting to class, hopefully we'll have that chance to talk again. Au revoir!”

I nodded waving as the young woman made her way back down the hall before sitting back down and giving the vice principal's door an expectant look. When it didn't open I shrugged, silently wondering what the two women would be talking about for this long. After a few moments my eyes turned to where Rarity had gone. 'Hm, almost makes me wonder if I should try to get them back together...' I thought before chuckling to myself.

A few minutes passed before another bell rung, this time twice in a row. 'Guess that marks the beginning of classes' I thought looking up at one of the speakers before the sound of the door next to me opening.

Turning I saw Sunset Shimmer, a bit more composed since I had last seen her, walk out of the vice principal's office before turning to me. “She said to go ahead inside.” she said simply before heading back where I had followed Luna.
Standing up, I turned away from her, before stopping. A mental sigh sounded before I turned back towards her as she walked away. “Are you alright?” I asked making her stop and turn to look back at me.

Sunset blew a wayward strand of her hair out of her face before giving me a curious look. “I'm fine, thanks for asking.” She said dismissively. I gave her a concerned look to which she rolled her eyes. “Look, Guy. I don't need some knight in shining armor, I could've taken care of myself back there.”

I gave the young woman a tired look. “Alright fair enough.” I said equally dismissive before shrugging. “I just don't like seeing young women attacked right in front of me without doing anything. It's just wrong.”

Sunset's eyes narrowed before she approached, poking a finger into my chest. “Look here bub. I'm not some defenseless girl for you to try and woo after 'saving her from some skinhead jackass'. I don't need your help.”

I blinked down at the sudden change of attitude before snickering, it quickly turned into laughter. After a moment or two, I wiped at my eyes only to see the face of a pissed off Sunset Shimmer staring back at me. “You're serious?” I said through chuckles. Her eyes narrowed more making the chuckles die and turn into a tired sigh. “I didn't come here to try and get into your pants.” I said making her blink in surprise before the anger returned. “Look, Sunset right?” I asked only to receive the same look. “I just saw something that didn't look right so I tried to stop it, you wanna be friends or something, cool, but I didn't do it for that. I don't even know you.”

Sunset Shimmer only seemed to get more annoyed at my words. “No, you don't know me. You don't know what I've been through, what I'm planning on. I don't want to be your friend I'd much rather you leave so I never have to see your face again. Just... Just stay out of my way.” she finally said before backing up out of my face.

I let out another sigh shaking my head. “Or what? You'll blackmail me? Oh oh! Spread rumors I tried to coerce you into performing sexual favors for me because I saved you? Go ahead and use that one!” I started, offering a fake smile before letting it drop back to the tired look I had been giving her. “I might not know your life, but you sure as hell don't know mine. If nothing else, think of me helping you as a favor, and leave me alone if you're going to do nothing but try to treat me like dog shit, capiche?”

Sunset's face twisted in anger and she opened her mouth to offer a retort, but looking behind me a smile appeared on her face.

Rolling my eyes I turned back around to give Vice Principal Luna the same tired look. “I take it you're ready for me now?” I asked.

Anger was obvious on the older woman's face as she looked between Sunset and myself. Taking a step back, she motioned forcefully for me to enter the dimly lit office. Rolling my eyes mentally I walked past her and sat down as she closed the door after telling Sunset to go home.

Vice Principal Luna sat down behind her desk, a deep frown on her face as she looked me over. The office was rather sparse. Few decorations beyond a pot of flowers and some dim pictures tacked onto the chalkboard with magnets. The definition of business, with a bookshelf with a number of different titles that were too dark to read, a golden nameplate which gave the woman's title and name, a phone, and what looked to be part of the intercom system.

'Hm, fairly spartan, but not unattractive for an office I guess.' I thought before turning my gaze to the vice principal.

“So, would you like to explain what exactly happened with the gentleman outside earlier?” Luna started making me mentally shrug.

'Guess she's starting at the top them' I thought before clearing my throat. “I don't know exactly what time it was when I got here, but it was too early for school to be in session, as the doors were locked when I tried to go inside. So while waiting I sat up on the pedestal for the statue outside.” I pointed with a thumb in the general direction of the entrance.

“Mmm, for future reference that is prohibited. If it happens again I'll be giving you detention and have you clean the statue.” She said simply before motioning for me to continue.

I offered a raised eyebrow, 'Assuming I'm getting into your school eh? Little strange seeing as what she walked in on but whatever.' “After a while students started coming in, heading to wait in little groups before someone unlocked the doors, then they started flooding inside. I started looking around to see if I recognized anyone, when I noticed the young lady, Sunset Shimmer?” I asked to which she nodded. “I noticed that the large 'Gentleman', as you referred to him as, following her. I figured something was up so I started trying to make my way over. That's when he started yelling at her. Something about her insulting him and her being a bad driver, I apologize I can't repeat them, there was a rather thick crowd of onlookers I was trying to get through. Regardless, the basics of it was he was obviously going to resort to violence, so I took his attention off of her and put it on me.”

A curious look was my reply, “And you thought this was a good idea why?”

I shrugged. “If the choices are seeing a young lady get the sh- er crap beat out of her, or the possibility of getting the crap beat out of me and having to resort to violence to defend myself. Well with all due respect Vice principal, I'd get in the fight. Someone's going to get beat, might be him, might be me, but he'll know he's been in a fight.”

A contemplative look fell over the woman's face for a moment as she made a bridge out of her fingers. “A noble cause I suppose, but did you ever think of trying to resolve things without violence?” she offered.

I let out a chuckle shaking my head. “Diplomacy is only a possibility, if the other individual has an ounce of respect for who he's talking to. Obviously, the man felt insulted and decided he needed to take it out on the ones who had insulted him. I sincerely doubt if I had asked him 'Do you really think that's a good idea? Look at how many people are around you, everything is videoed these days. Are you sure you won't end up on the internet assaulting a young woman?' that he would have stopped. When a man gets that angry...” I felt a shiver flow through me. “Honestly I'm surprised you managed to talk him down. I think it was the threat of the police which snapped him out of it.”

Vice Principal Luna blinked at me, surprise written on her features. “I can understand your sentiment, however I must warn you that fighting, whether for a good reason or not, is also prohibited on CHS property. If it happens both parties will be suspended.”

I gave the vice principal a weary look before shaking my head. “It's how it was at my last school. Though I do ask if you've called the police, why haven't they gotten here yet?”

The vice principal blinked at me before an embarrassed blush played across her face. “Admittedly I hadn't called the police, I actually had nine one one dialed but hadn't called yet, I was hoping the threat would be enough. The paperwork you have to deal with while dealing with the police...” she trailed off, shaking her head. “Regardless” she said making me smirk. “What was going on with that exchange I walked in on?”

I blinked at her before letting out a tired sigh and leaning back in the chair, throwing my head back over the edge. “I'm waiting” her voice echoed off the walls as blood started rushing to my head.

Throwing my head back forward to look at her I offered her a tired look. “I asked if she was alright, she said she was then she said she didn't need some 'knight in shining armor', I told her the same sentiment I told you about not liking to see women getting beat up on, she thought I was trying to get into her pants, I explained I wasn't, she didn't believe me and told me to leave her alone, I basically returned the request with some more colorful words. Is there anything else on the subject? I mean no offense, but that” I motioned again with my thumb, “Kinda pissed me off.”

Vice principal Luna blinked at me in surprise before a look of disapproval fell over her face. “I cannot say I agree with your use of the said 'colorful words' and would appreciate it if you wouldn't use them on school grounds either.”

I let out a sigh as I looked her. “I understand. My point being, Sunset seemed a bit defensive and thought I was trying to take advantage of her. Talking to her counselor might be a good idea.”

The look didn't fade, “I was already planning on it. The young woman seemed like she was in shock so I-”
“Excuse me?” I started, interrupting her making the look harden further. “I can't say I agree with you there. I've been through shock. That” I said pointing again with a thumb. “Was a pissed off and vulnerable young woman who thought I was trying to take advantage of her. Shock is when your body starts shutting down after a massive injury. Don't quote me on this, but I'm pretty sure it's from blood loss. Not a traumatic event that made someone feel bad. You won't die from being scared unless you have a weak heart.” I emphasized my point by pounding a fist against my chest.

The disapproving look had been replaced with surprise once again. This time concern faded in taking it's place. “What?” she finally managed.

I pinched the bridge of my nose as I realized I had said too much. After a moment I tried to think of some way to salvage the situation. “What happened...” I started a pit in my stomach opening as I knew how hard I'd be lying. “There was an accident.” I finished, looking back up at the woman. “My parents didn't make it out and I wasn't far off myself. They managed to get me into the ICU in time and saved me before I bled out.” I waved a hand trying to turn the conversation away from the lie. “My point being, there's a distinct difference between going through shock and being traumatized.”