8-Bit Pony

by Dawn Flower


“Enough!” Nightmare Moon shouted out, releasing a wave of magical energy, knocking the others back.

“Okay,” Black Mage began, getting back to his feet. “Dumb and Dumber’s quote unquote plan failed horribly and our enemy hasn’t even a scratch on her. Anyone got any follow-up ideas?”

“…” Twilight wordlessly gurgled.

“Uhhmm, I think Twilight’s still out of it right now,” Pinkie Pie chimed in, waving her hoof in front of her friend’s face, trying to get a reply out of her.

“So Twilight’s no help – what else is new? – Does anyone else have any ideas they want to try before I inevitably try appeal to Demon Horse Lady and offer her my services in order to save my own skin and we both team up and destroy you in the name of evil?”

“Ooohh, ooohh, I have an idea!” Fighter spoke up enthusiastically, with his arms in the air.

“Fighter, I would say that my sanity is hanging from a thread right now if you hadn’t already obliterated what little of it I had left shortly after I met you all those years ago, but I’ll say it now anyway just to get the point across. Granted that even without your swords, you’re still quite durable, ipso facto my knife in your head right now, but without your swords, what can you possibly do right now that could be of help?”

“Simple, I’ll use these,” Fighter replied, pulling out a pair of long swords.

Looking at the swords that Fighter was holding, Black Mage suddenly thought that they looked familiar. “Wait a minute, those look like Drizz’l’s swords? Have you had those ever since you defeated him? Where have you been keeping them all this time?”

“You don’t want to know.” Fighter replied, looking down.

Black Mage just looked on in response.