//------------------------------// // 11 - The Confrontation // Story: A Lunar Sunset // by ed-stoneman //------------------------------// As Luna drove away, Sunset Shimmer was still standing in the doorway, completely at a loss for words.  She hadn’t been expecting the kiss, and her senses were scrambled.  She put har hand up to her lips and grinned slowly to herself before a giggle rose from her chest.  Sunset closed the door to the house and started to turn off the lights.  As she came to the living room, she noticed the blanket that she and Luna had been wrapped in most of the day.  Without a second thought Sunset grabbed it and wrapped herself in the blanket before going to her bedroom. Looking at the bed, the redhead sighed.  The bed was really too big for just one person.  Pulling off her jeans and shirt, Sunset got into bed and wrapped the blanket around herself, the faint scent of Luna still lingering in the fibers.  It wasn’t as nice as being snuggled with Luna herself, but it was close enough for now. “Enough of that Sunset.  It was a day on the couch, and a kiss.  Nothing to get all lonely about.  But that was a nice kiss…” Sunset tossed and turned for nearly a half an hour before grabbing her phone.  With ease that belied her pony heritage, she opened the text message app and quickly tapped out a message to Luna before finally rolling over to sleep. ---------------------------- Luna’s phone beeped.  Pulling an oversized shirt on and crawling into bed, she saw the text from Sunset. “That was no fair.” Luna broke out laughing.  She knew that Sunset was unprepared for the kiss.  Truthfully so was she, but in the heat of the moment, she decided to just go for it.  In all reality, spending time with Sunset Shimmer was starting to bring out a playful nature in her.  Maybe not much of one just yet, but enough to know that she didn’t have to be uptight and stoic all the time. Luna snapped a photo of herself sticking her tongue out and sent it to Sunset. “I don’t have to play fair.  Now go to bed, you have school in the morning.” The reply from Sunset was almost immediate.  A photo of her sticking her tongue out in return. “You do too.  Goodnight Luna.” Luna felt her heart flutter a little bit.  The playful banter after a day that ended on a good note was appreciated, and significantly different from her previous relationships.  There was something different about this for sure.  While she didn’t know yet what that was, it seemed to be good, and she was going to roll with it. -------------------------------- Morning found Sunset Shimmer still wrapped in the blanket that she and Luna had shared the previous day.  Without bothering to unwrap herself, Sunset trudged to the kitchen for coffee before her shower.  Steaming mug in hand she found her way to the bathroom and turned the water as hot as it would go, drinking the caffeinated goodness while waiting for the bathroom to fill with hot mist. “Celestia bless human plumbing.” Dropping the blanket and her sleep shirt, Sunset stepped under the water and proceeded to steam herself like a lobster for longer than was strictly necessary. Once she was done, Sunset stepped out and dried off before wrapping herself in the blanket once more.  Wiping some of the steam off of the mirror she smiled to herself and grabbed her phone. “This will show her.” Sunset snapped a photo of herself in the mirror, wet hair and fully wrapped in the cozy confines of the blanket.  Nothing bad enough that anyone could misconstrue it, but enough to let Luna know that two could play at this game.  Hitting the button to send the message, Sunset proceeded back to the bedroom to get dressed and ready for school. Glancing at the clock, Sunset saw that she had more than enough time to stop on the way in for breakfast.  Smiling to herself, she thought of the promise that Luna had made to Mrs. Cake last night, and opted for a side-trip to Sugarcube Corner for coffee and a muffin. The parking lot for the bakery was blessedly empty as Sunset pulled in and walked up to the store. “Good morning Sunset dear! I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.  What can I get for you?” “Hi Mrs. Cake.  May I please have a strawberry muffin, hot, with extra butter and the largest coffee you can possibly give me?” “Of course.  You still take your coffee black?” “Yes ma’am I do.” “I’ll bring them right out to you, just have a seat wherever.” Sunset thanked the older woman and left cash on the counter for her breakfast and a tip, and made her way to one of the cushioned chairs by the windows.  Pulling out her phone, Sunset started glancing through her social media accounts, seeing if there was anything of interest.  The bell above the door rang as more customers started to filter in for their morning pick-me-up. Sunset looked up to thank Mrs. Cake as a plate was set on the table in front of her and was shocked to see Luna delivering her Muffin and coffee instead of the baker. “You seem to be quite the expert on not playing fair, Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset smiled. “The rules of fair play do not apply in love and war.” Lunas eyes went wide. “Well, color me surprised Sunset, you know the original quote rather than the adapted version that people today use.  Speaking as a former english teacher though, can you tell me who it was used by?” “Euphues.  Now are we going to have an english lesson, or are you joining me for breakfast?” “You raise a good point.  I wanted to speak to you this morning anyhow.” Luna set her own muffin and coffee down. “Should I be worried?” “Not in the way that you might think, no.  I spent most of the evening considering our situation, and I have come to some uncomfortable conclusions that you and I need to look at together.” “Luna, you’re worrying me here.” “Please be calm Sunset.  I assure you that you and I are not changing.  We do need to address the issue of my sister, and your being a student.  I spent a goodly amount of time last night trying to find solutions to these things, and I have a proposition for you.” Sunset relaxed visibly and took a gulp of her coffee. “I’m open to suggestions.” “Good.  It does not sit well with me that you and I would have to hide our relationship.  The fact of the matter is that I have spent the majority of my life trying to hide who I really am, most especially from my family.  I am not comfortable with that, and meeting you has put that stark realization into place.  Handling my sister will be a delicate matter, though I believe that I have the right amount of leverage with her to make that happen.  However that is also going to be contingent on our concern with you being a student. “What I propose is that we address my sister, and I force the issue with her.  It will not be a pretty sight, but I think that it will be the most effective route.  In forcing that issue, I am also going to have her make some… adjustments to your student records, effectively causing you to graduate.  My concern is that I would like to know what your prospects are following school.  I refuse to date a shiftless layabout.” At this, Luna grinned and passed a wink to Sunset who laughed. “Well, I’m not exactly a shiftless layabout.  Truth be told, I could live a very modest life on my savings and investments.  I can easily keep myself in the style to which I have become accustomed.” Luna shot a dry look over the top of her coffee cup.  Sunset laughed again. “Truth be told, I have been considering opening a small martial arts gym for women.  I train several evenings a week, but the overload of guys makes things tough when you are the only woman in the place.” “Why Sunset, are you so tired of me that you would surround yourself with women to oogle?” The playful tone was threaded through Lunas words, though she hid a small seed of doubt. “Not at all.  In fact, I wouldn't mind putting you through your paces on the mat.” Sunset gave the older woman a look that was part challenge, part teasing, and all desire.  Luna blushed and changed topic. “I did not know that you were a martial artist, have you been training for long?” “Quite a while yes.  When I was exiled in Equestria, sometimes magic was not enough to keep me safe.  There are many races that are immune to magic altogether.  I learned hand to hand combat from some of the zebra tribes, and when I came here I figured that it would be the best way to get more acquainted with this body.” “You will need to tell me more about about your travels, but it sounds like you have a good plan in place.  I think that we are quite close to being late though, and I would rather like to address my sister sooner rather than later.  Can you please meet me at my office when you get to school?” ------------------- The short drive from Sugarcube Corner was made in silence for Luna.  She was too busy being wrapped up in her own thoughts about the upcoming confrontation with Celestia.  There was no real way around it.  In order to live her life and find her happiness, Celestia had to know the truth. Parking her car, she made her way through the morning press of students, distractedly providing greetings where they were offered, but without real enthusiasm.  Shortly she came to her office door, and the blessed quiet.  Starting a pot of coffee, She waited on the couch for Sunset Shimmer. As the coffee pot finished its duties, there was a brief knock, and Sunset let herself into the office.  Luna stood and immediately opened her arms, pulling sunset in close to her for a tight hug.  The older woman was shaking slightly as she whispered into the red hair that she had nestled her face into. “I’m a little frightened.” “Don’t you worry Lu.  I have you, and I’m not going anywhere.” “I know.  Let’s get some coffee, and then I will call my sister.  By the way, you called me ‘Lu’ - I think I like that.” Sunset blushed at the slip of the tongue.  Turning to hide it, she busied herself with pouring two cups of liquid-strength for them before proceeding to the sofa and sitting next to her girlfriend. “Are you ready Sunset?  There is no going back once this starts.” Luna sounded hesitant. “Luna, there was no going back for me once you got into my car on Saturday.” The only response from Luna was another hug, and a brief kiss on the cheek. “Let’s get this over with.” Luna walked over to her desk and pushed the intercom for Celestia. “Yes?” “Sister, I would like a word with you in my office please.” “Of course.  I’ll be over in a moment.” The line hung up and Luna let out a breath and seemed to sag in on herself.  Coming back to the sofa, she sat closer to Sunset and sipped her coffee, waiting. The wait didn’t take long, as Celestia let herself into the office without even a knock on the door, stopping dead in her tracks, seeing Luna and Sunset sitting on the couch, and in closer proximity than would be proper for a student and teacher.  Celestia shut the door, crossed her arms on her chest and stared, without saying a word. Luna smiled at her sister politely, weather Celestia knew it or not, Luna had the upper hand in this conversation.  Celestia broke the silence first. “Well, this is the last thing I expected to see.  Dare I ask why you chose to call me in here?  Would you like to flaunt your unnatural desires more, or perhaps you would like to discuss why you are so close to a teenager that you are practically wearing one another?” “Sister, do not be so melodramatic.  If you would kindly sit, we can all discuss this situation as reasonable adults.” “Miss Shimmer is hardly an adult, Luna.” Sunset decided to step in at this point. “Excuse me Principal, but technically speaking, I am an adult.  There are many things that you don’t know about my world that will help you understand the situation, if you would be willing to listen.” Celestia sat down with a huff, crossing her legs, and trying to look anywhere except at the couple sitting across from her. Luna looked to Sunset Shimmer allowing her to proceed first. “In my world, ponies mature much faster than humans.  By the time I had come through the portal into this world, I had been considered an adult for many years, doing work that was to be my place in life.  In all reality, I am in my mid-twenties rather than a teenager.  I opted to assume the role of a teenager because of the physical development of this body, and I figured that the education system here would provide me a good working knowledge of the world that I have found myself in.” “Fine.  That may be true, I really can’t say, but what about the rest of this.  You can’t expect me to accept something so… unnatural.  It goes against everything that humans have ever been taught.” “Celestia, I have done more than my fair share of reading on your human history.  I would have hoped that as an educator you would have a bit more of a broad view of things.  The fact is that throughout human history there have been cases of same-sex couples, even in the animal kingdoms in this world.  Where I come from, there is a significant disparity in the number of females and males.  I suppose that makes it more acceptable for two women to love one another in my eyes.” “Well, you aren’t human.  And the human way of doing things is different.” Luna couldn’t contain herself any longer. “Sister, I want you to listen to me very carefully.  There is a reason that I am the way I am.  You can call it whatever you may like, but if you believe that your god makes all creatures, then he must have also made me as I am.  That being said, you have no idea of the hell that I have gone through because of that belief.” “I’m sure it can’t be all that bad, you seem to be just fine to me.” Luna released a bitter laugh.  Ripping the illusions from her sister was going to be a painful process. “Do you remember when we were teenagers, and I went to the hospital?” The sudden change of topic caught Celestia off guard. “Yes, you were very ill.  I remember it clearly.” “You remember it wrong, sister.  I went because I was forced.  Those ‘Church Retreats’ that I was constantly going on were meant to re-educate me away from what they called a life of sin.  It was torture.  They beat us, whipped us, doused us with freezing and boiling water, all to try to get us to accept what they called the ‘true path’.” “That is nonsense.  They wouldn-” Celestia was cut off by Luna standing up and taking off her jacket. “If you refuse to believe what I tell you, then I will show you.” Without another word, Luna took off her shirt and turned her back to Celestia, showing damage that hadn’t seen the light of day for years.  Luna looked to Sunset and nodded at the questioning look of permission. The younger woman got off the sofa and joined Celestia, looking at the scars on Luna's back.  Her skin was crisscrossed with fine traceries and curved lines that could only have been made by a whip, there were clear patches of round tissue that had to have been drops of boiling water.  Gently Sunset reached out and traced her finger along one particularly large ridge that ran down Luna's back from her shoulders to below the waistline of her jeans, the ridge only interrupted by the band of her bra. “Luna…” Sunset leaned forward and wrapped her arms around the older woman.  Celestia was dumbfounded. “How could we not have known.  Luna… Why did you never tell us?” Celestia had sat back down in shock, tears running down her face.  Luna turned and extricated herself from Sunsets embrace, and was buttoning her shirt. “Do you believe me now, sister?  What was done to my flesh is nothing compared to some of the other horrors that I have endured because of this.  I would spare you those details, but know that I have suffered for who I am and I refuse to deny that truth to myself any longer.” Luna resumed her place next to Sunset, who was silently crying just as much as Celestia. “I have no real understanding of what you have gone through Luna, but I can’t deny what I have seen.  And I know that my sister would never lie to me.  While I won’t say that your lifestyle makes me happy, it flaunts many of the things that I believe in my soul, I also know that I want my sister to be a happy person and live a fulfilling life.  What are you asking for?” Luna visibly sagged in on herself in relief. “For myself, I only ask that you remain my sister, whom I love.” Celestia smiled at that. “Of course.  You are still my Little Lulu.” Luna blushed, Sunset giggled, Celestia grinned even more. “However, I also need to ask about Sunset Shimmer.  It would be unseemly for me to be dating a student, and the truth of the matter is that Sunset has her life together in more ways than even most adults do.  I think that it would be best for Sunset to graduate from CHS as soon as possible.” “You want me to falsify a student graduating, just so that you can date with a clear conscience?  Luna, I don’t think that is wise.  Colleges look for that sort of thing these days.” “Principal Celestia, I’m not planning to go to college.  I have my investments and I intend to be opening a business  with what I have available.  Putting it bluntly, I’m financially taken care of.  As for the records, I don’t want to be seen as a valedictorian or anything like that, a neutral C-Average should not garner much attention considering that is exactly how I have maintained since coming to CHS.” The pink-haired administrator thought for a few moments. “I believe that I can work something out.  However if I do this, there must be some agreements made.” A glance was shared between the couple. “First, regarding the your graduation, Sunset.  You can never apply for financial aid, grants, or any kind of government subsidy relating to education.  They scrutinize those records very closely, and I will not be put under the microscope like that.  Second, I would ask that you not make your relationship public or be on display on the school property.  As you will be graduating immediately, Sunset, I don’t see that you will be here too often, but in order to cover myself I must ask this.” Both women nodded.  The requests were very straightforward, and offered a measure of protection for all involved.  If Celestia was found to have tampered with the educational records of a student, then it could destroy her career. “Well, it looks like that is settled.  Luna, I am thankful that you are finding happiness, though I’m hurt that you hadn’t shared this with me until now.  If you are comfortable, I’d like to know more after I have had some time to absorb this.  Miss Shimmer, consider yourself graduated as of this moment.  Now if you would both excuse me, I need to go rearrange my worldview.  Luna, please take the day off to celebrate. With that, Celestia walked out of the office.  Luna looked to Sunset Shimmer, both of them grinning a mile wide. “Well, that went better than exp-” Luna was silenced with a strong kiss from Sunset Shimmer.