Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


Rainbow Dash slammed her front door behind her and locked it. Slumping slowly to the floor, she landed on her knees—her widely stretched knees. It didn't hurt, but running had caused the plug inside her to shift with each step, and her body ached with the pressure it had caused. Falling forward to the floor, she lay still a few moments. The throbbing pressure between her legs kept her from actually sleeping, but she closed her eyes anyway.

When Thunderbolt licked Rainbow Dash's cheek, she groaned. "I forgot to lock you outside, didn't I?" She cracked an eye open to see her pet lapping away at the other side of her face. "Get off me. I need—I need to get this thing out."

Moving slowly, Rainbow Dash pushed one leg under her and pushed. "Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" She waddled towards the bathroom and slipped inside. The first order of business was getting the tub running. Her shorts and boxers hit the floor, and she kicked off her shoes and socks. Then Rainbow Dash froze. "Oh dammit!"

Her fingers teased at the edges of the rubber panties. They were tight as a drum, but working at the side she managed to get an edge and pulled them up. The smell that hit her nearly took her breath away. Feminine arousal assaulted her senses, but she pushed on and managed to drag the rubber undies down her legs.

Left with the anal plug still in her, Rainbow Dash touched the base tentatively, and whimpered. Her legs went weak, and she almost fell.

Straining as hard as she could, Rainbow Dash lifted her body again, and stepped into the huge tub with one leg. She got the other in as well, and—heedless of the remaining clothing—slumped into the water.

Groaning as she floated, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and started exploring her groin again. The plug's base was big, probably part of the reason Spicy had chosen it. Moving her fingers gingerly, she took a grip on the base of the plug with both hands.

"Fast. I gotta do this fast. No time to screw around, just one, two, and—" She didn't count further, just pulled. The plug stayed put, and Rainbow Dash was rendered to a whimpering mess in the tub. Reaching for her bag on the bathroom floor, she pulled her phone out of it.

Rarity's phone rang. It took a few seconds before someone answered. "Rainbow Dash?" It was Spicy's voice. "What's wrong?"

"I can't get this plug out!" Rainbow was not proud of her sobbing, but she was relieved to hear stomping feet over the phone.

"I'm on my way. Where are you?" Spicy's voice sounded plenty concerned.

Rainbow Dash gave her address, and told him to come around the back door, then dropped her phone and slumped back in the tub. Closing her eyes, Rainbow Dash tried not to sob anymore, and failed.

"R-Rainbow. Can you tell your dog I am a friend?" Spicy was at the bathroom window, calling in. It had taken him a few minutes to find where she was, but had no choice thanks to the eighty-pound dog guarding his master's home.

"Thunderbolt!" Rainbow Dash's yell could have woken the dead, but instead it summoned her pet to the bathroom. "Let him in." She didn't care that the dog couldn't understand her, but apparently it worked because Spicy's footsteps approached the bathroom. "In here."

"Are you hurt? Is there any blood?" Spicy made his way into the bathroom, and tried to ignore the fact that it was a girl there. It was easy to see in the water that there was no blood, and the plug was still firmly in place.

"Not really, and no. It's just really uncomfortable." Shifting her hips slightly, Rainbow Dash hissed sharply. Her eyes flew open at the soft rubbing that started on her lower belly. She looked down to see Spicy massaging her mons.

"I need you to relax a little. Your muscles will be holding it in. Lay back and let me do this." Spicy only massaged with one hand, the other waiting for Rainbow Dash to lean back before he took a firm grip on the toy and pulled.

"Ffffffuuu…" Rainbow arched her spine at the pressure of the toy coming out. She whined and slumped back when the stretching suddenly stopped.

"I got it. Are you okay?" Spicy put his hand flat on Rainbow Dash's rubber-clad belly, and inspected the plug. It was slick, which helped get it out, and there was no blood.

"Thank you." Weariness replaced the soreness, and Rainbow Dash slumped back in the tub.

"Next time we will use an inflatable toy. It might still be uncomfortable, but it shouldn't have this problem." Spicy set the toy on the floor beside him and reached into the tub. Muscles clenched, and he ignored how wet his shirt and jeans suddenly felt. "Shirt on or off?"

"Mmm? Oh…" Rainbow Dash struggled a little, then gave up. "Jus' get me into bed." She waved out the door as Spicy carried her through the house.

Rainbow Dash never even knew when the soft sheets slipped around her body, she was out of it before her head even passed the threshold to her bedroom.

"My mom would be so proud of me. Putting a satisfied and slightly sore girl to bed. Spicy, she would say, put a ring on her." Spicy made sure Rainbow Dash was tucked in, and he left the rubber shirt on for fear of waking Rainbow Dash back up.

Looking down at Rainbow Dash, Spicy saw the shape of the collar just poking up from the covers. "Well, I guess that is as close as I will ever get to putting a ring on a girl." He gave the covers a pat and walked from the room.

Thunderbolt stared up at the male who dared to enter his domain, but the treat he had locked between his forepaws was more than enough to keep him distracted, and he let the strange "dog" leave.

Spicy shook his head. Seeing the big dog licking Rainbow Dash's plug clean had been a surprise, but if it kept the shepherd from chasing him from the house then so be it.

The parasite stirred. The male it had felt its host bond with over the course of the night had left, and its host's mate was near. Slipping an arm from the bed, Rainbow Dash slumped down to the floor in an almost boneless fashion.

Hearing his master moving in her bedroom, like she did every night when she let him be her dog, Thunderbolt walked carefully to the door and peeked inside. Rainbow Dash was on the floor and crawling slowly towards him.

She was acting right, again. She was acting needy, like a good bitch should. Thunderbolt pranced around behind Rainbow Dash and shoved his nose up and against her rump. She smelled hot, in season, and Thunderbolt didn't care suddenly how she had berated him earlier.

With a fresh dose of hormones pumped into his body from the parasite he was host to, Thunderbolt reared up and landed on Rainbow Dash's back. He was excited at her new, more needy scent, but still hit his mark perfectly (thanks to practice).

The parasite in Rainbow Dash's head had to stimulate a stronger dose of melatonin in the girl—she almost woke up. Realizing that her body was merely extremely sensitive, it found the right dose of the sleep-causing drug, and held her carefully in a balance. The pressure of the dog in her vagina seemed a lot more intense than usual, not that the parasite cared about that.

Thunderbolt worked himself into frenzy, and tied firmly into Rainbow Dash before firing his doomed seed deep into her. Grunting and howling, Thunderbolt experienced the moment of bliss that copulation brought, and subsided to the happy feeling of being tied.

The parasite held Rainbow Dash steady, knowing her mate would swing free. The tie lasted, as usual, just past the point when her knees got wobbly. The loud pop, and rush of wetness down her leg, was ignored by the parasite.

Crawling for the back door, Rainbow Dash was accompanied by an oddly docile Thunderbolt.

Asleep in the same manner as his master, Thunderbolt walked stiffly down the hall at her side, and followed her all the way out and to the creek.

The parasite in Thunderbolt's head had matured, and was finally at the stage where it could track its host and soon it would start to adjust them to best serve its needs.

Rainbow Dash was already several days into her own parasite's "study phase," and would soon start to feel its efforts at training.

Rarity got home and almost melted the moment she was in the door. Her lips tingled with the taste of Sonata's lipgloss, and better still she could remember what the inside of Sonata's mouth had tasted and felt like. A deep breath flowed in, and Rarity breathed it out with confidence and a giddy excitement.

"Welcome home, dear." Cookie Crumbles, Rarity's mother, walked over to her daughter. "Here I was, just about to turn in for the night, and I find my little angel coming home late." Stepping forward a little closer, she twitched her nose. "And smelling of something other than her usual perfume. I'll make some hot cocoa."

The suddenness of her mother's appearance, combined with the fact that Rarity had been caught in her excitement, sobered the teenager no end. The bag at her side was full of damp things from the morning's bathing, so before meeting her mother in the kitchen, Rarity took the bag to the laundry.

Promising herself to get the damp things washed first thing in the morning, Rarity dumped the bag in the laundry sink, and headed back to the kitchen. "It's not what you think."

"Of course not." Stirring cocoa into two cups, Cookie dropped a marshmallow into each. "What's his name?" The tone she used, combined with passing the cup to Rarity to distract her, was carefully calculated.

"Sonata." Rarity's mind pulled the word out and sent it to her lips before she could think straight. She froze, cup halfway to her lips. "Mom, it's—"

"Wonderful." Cookie Crumbles smiled brightly. "Oh, don't get me wrong, I expected it to be a boy. You have been filling out, and I was sure you were going to date that nice young man you met last— What was his name?"

"Bulk. And he was more a project than a boyfriend. The poor dear just had the worst sense of fashion." Coming out to her mother hadn't been high on the list of things Rarity had planned to do at the end of the day, but here she was. "I'm sorry."

"Whatever for, dear? This better not be something ridiculous to do with me wanting grandchildren; Sweetie Belle shows some hope, she was talking to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo about boys when I picked her up from the mall." Sipping her own cocoa, Cookie sighed. "Tell me about her."

"Mom!" Rarity tried to protest, using the drawn-out word to show her disdain. She looked at her mother for nearly five minutes, and realized she was going to lose this battle of wills. Finally, Rarity let out the most self-suffering sigh she had managed all day, and took a long sip of the hot, sweet drink. "Sonata Dusk is her name, and she is a little older than me. She smells like the ocean on a warm, summer's day. Her hair is straight and perfect, but I can fix that." A hint of Rarity's dominant side curled her lip at one side. "I could get lost in her eyes, but the cutest thing about her is her personality.

"When we first met, she was with her own little group, and they were a bad influence. Sonata finally saw that and is trying to put it all behind her." Rarity didn't embellish the truth much. Only the age thing was a slight exaggeration, she thought. "We were just hanging out at her place, her flatmate and his girlfriend was there." Rarity tried not to smile too much, it was the absolute truth, after all; Spicy had invited Rainbow Dash back for a second "date."

"After your finals are finished, you should invite her around for dinner one night. I promise Sweetie Belle will not be allowed anywhere near the oven." Cookie tilted her mug to the side a little, watching the marshmallow slowly grow soaked in chocolatey goodness. "There is a plus side, for both of us."

Rarity blinked and looked at her mother in confusion. "I am not sure I follow."

"Well at least one of my daughters is never going to call me in tears from the hospital, telling me she is pregnant." Reaching a hand out, Cookie booped Rarity on the nose. "I am certainly not going to ask what you two got up to. Was this a first date?"

The question surprised Rarity mostly because she hadn't thought about it. It did seem to be a date, but not at the same time. Rarity had never heard of anyone who would do those kinds of things on a first date. "It wasn't really a date, more just getting to know each other better, with friends around. More social than a date." Social with benefits, Rarity thought.

"So you have dated?" Cookie's question got a shake of her daughter's head. "First date soon, then?"

"I hadn't actually thought about it, what with us being friends, but I think that might be a wonderful idea." Rarity's mood brightened at the prospect; she could already visualize what dress she would make for the occasion.

Seeing her daughter smitten made Cookie's night. She sipped at the last of her cocoa, and tipped the mug up to send the marshmallow into her waiting maw. Chewing on it happily, Cookie studied her daughter. A little gulp, and the last of the drink was gone. "Do you want me to tell your father?"

A slight speed bump in Rarity's good feelings, she nodded a little meekly. "I still don't know how to approach all this, 'coming out' is what it's called?"

"I'll tell him you have invited your girlfriend around for dinner. He will take some time to figure out exactly what I said, then he will wonder if I just meant a girl who is your friend. It will eat at him for a few days, but eventually he will ask me flatly." Cookie Crumbles knew exactly how her husband would behave, and she was quite sure how he would react to the news that his eldest was gay.

"Because life needed to be more complicated than finals, our band's first big performance, and still needing to decide on a college to attend." Rarity mirrored her mother's action, swallowed her marshmallow with a similar ritual, and sighed.

"Plenty of time to worry in the morning. Sleep well, honey." Cookie leaned across and kissed her "little girl" on the forehead.

"Thanks, Mom." Rarity stood up and yawned. "I'll see you then."

Cookie Crumbles watched her daughter make her way out of the kitchen. "Love you, dear." Pride swelled at the thought of her little girl growing up and having an adult relationship.

"You too, Mom." Rarity yawned and made her way down the hall towards her bedroom. As she slipped inside, she heard her mother pass her room. Humming, feeling nothing but good at a day well-spent, Rarity undressed and then put on her oversize shirt she always wore to bed. A little more work and her makeup was gone.

Reaching out to the bottom of her bed, Rarity stroked Opalescence's soft, white fur. "Well of course you would already be asleep." Her cat stretched, leaned up briefly to press head to hand more firmly, then curled back up a little tighter into a ball.

Climbing under the covers, Rarity was already yawning as sleep slowly pulled at the edges of her consciousness. No sooner was her head on the pillow, and her bedside light extinguished, than she was asleep.

The house stilled further as each mammal present found the delicious touch of melatonin pull sleep tight around their minds. In the laundry, however, a particular group of invertebrates felt the last of the vibrations cease, and began their last journey.

Pulling themselves from the wet mud in Rarity's bag, the tiny parasites followed the fresh smell of carbon dioxide. The gas was heavier than regular air, but while air tended to not split into its component parts quite so easily, the spent human breath was evident even at ground level.

On the tiny worms "marched," some finding rooms that held no hosts, while others hit the proverbial jackpot. Crawling through the carpet, the parasites could see the warmth coming from atop the beds in several rooms.

Rarity lay still in her bed, the only guardian (Opalescence) that might have saved her already twitching with a parasite burrowing into the back of her neck, while a small group of parasites competed to reach the prize.

The winner, in Rarity's case, was a particularly energetic offspring of Rainbow Dash's parasite. The tiny creature reached the back of Rarity's neck and made the important first bite. Barely as painful as the pins Rarity worked with as part of her passion, the bite deepened as the parasite worked.

The scent in the air changed, the saliva of the other parasites' successful sibling turning them off from their target. The winners of the race, the parasites that slithered into Rarity and Opalescence's sub-arachnoid layer, while the losers squirmed around on the bed, unable to find a nearby source of warmth that didn't stink of their own saliva already.

Inside Rarity's head, the parasite worked deeper, and found its target. Latching on to a blood vessel, it began to feed, and grow. Likewise, Opalescence, Hondo Flanks, and Cookie Crumbles met the same fate, but in just one host things progressed differently.

Sweetie Belle, forced into a coma-like sleep similar to the others, wasn't producing the same levels of hormones as they were—she wasn't fully mature. Her parasite triggered a more slow, latent reaction. The tiny creature living in Sweetie Belle's head still grew, but parts of it would lie dormant for years to come.

Like Rainbow Dash and Thunderbolt before them, each member of the household would be unresponsive for several days.