Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


"Rainbow Dash. Strong, sure Rainbow Dash. Wake up for me, Rainbow Dash." Keeping up a soft litany in Rainbow's pointed ear, Spicy held her against him and stroked her back with slow circles. Spicy looked to Rarity. "Is there a song she knows well?"

"You are going to make me sing it, aren't you?" Rarity shifted a little, one of her legs starting to go to sleep with Sonata laying over it. Her fingers strummed Sonata's vulva, stroking her lips and rubbing the sheath around her clitoris. "Ahem." She cleared her throat.

"First you see me ridin' on a SonicBoom, got my guitar shreddin' up my latest tune. There is nothin' you can do to beat me, I'm so good that you can't defeat me."

The words tickled at Rainbow Dash's ears, and without thinking about it she adjusted them to point right at the source. Her lips curled up into a smile, and she began mouthing the words.

"Yeah, I'm awesome, take caution. Watch out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be." Rarity moved on. "Step aside now, you're just getting' in my way—"

"I got sick chops you could never hope to play." Rainbow Dash blinked, realizing she had been singing accompaniment to Rarity. "When it comes to makin' music, I'm the ruler. You wish you could be twenty percent cooler." She broke off the song, and kissed Spicy on the mouth while hugging him tightly.

"That was enough?" Rarity assumed so, since Rainbow Dash seemed much more animated and herself. Turning her attention back to Sonata, Rarity could see a somewhat vacant look on the girl's face. It wasn't the deep, submissive one that Rainbow had worn, but Sonata was definitely in a happy place. Rarity wanted to slip her fingers into Sonata, to push her into a deep orgasm, but rules were rules. "I'm not going to stop until I hear you whimpering."

Sonata was nowhere near delving so far into her submissive side as Rainbow Dash had been, but the confidence Rarity used when speaking with her, the girl's clever fingers, and unrelenting use of both sure put Sonata into a happy place that rivaled what tacos could deliver. She tried to whimper and whine for Rarity, but she was so worked up her throat had locked up on her.

Struggling against her own body, Sonata was finally freed from her silence when Rarity stroked a little harder and rather than stroke her clitoral hood, actually ran her finger along Sonata's most sensitive organ, Sonata opened her mouth and moaned. Pleasure rocketed through her, radiating out from that most intimate of contacts. Her mistress was playing her like an instrument, and Sonata was very okay with it.

"There's my little siren." Rarity's held her finger on Sonata's clitoris, keeping a little pressure there while she bucked and squirmed. "And… done." She drew her fingers back, pulling them out of Sonata's panties.

Spicy ignored the girls and clung to Rainbow Dash. "Not going to lie, that was more fun than I thought it would be." He ran a hand down Rainbow's back, and stopped when he felt the base of her wing. Strong, strange muscles flexed under his fingers, and he ran a finger around the latex covering Rainbow's flesh, tracing where the new appendages attached. "You can really fly?"

Rainbow Dash was cozy, snuggled against Spicy. Being this close, and having done the things they had just done, was literally a dream of hers. "Sometimes, when the magic is workin' right. I don't know if they are big enough to work when we are not using it. Magic, I mean."

"You haven't tried to fly with them?" Sliding his hand carefully up Rainbow's wing, Spicy Hot played with the feathers a little, tugging very gently on them, and stroking the vanes down, and feeling them spring back up. "Seems like a bit of a waste."

The sensations coming from her wing had Rainbow Dash's eyes closing in absolute bliss. "I just haven't had the time, not since camp anyway. Before then, it took all of us to pony up together." She squirmed a little.

"Are you okay? It doesn't hurt?" Spicy stopped stroking, and in that moment Rainbow Dash looked at him with big puppy eyes. "You were squirming, and it's your first time. I just want to make sure I don't have any wires crossed."

Remembering the lesson Spicy and Sonata had given, Rainbow Dash nodded. "It's good. Really good." Any further words died when his hand started stroking her soft feathers again.

Spicy kept up a slow pace. "Your finals are on at the moment, right?" All Rainbow did was nod. "So, when those are done, I am going to have homework for you."

"W-What? You can't do tha—tha… Right there." It was impossible for Rainbow to fight the sensations Spicy's fingers instilled. After a few more moments of his fingers stroking down her feathers, she was almost asleep in his arms.

"Pony girls have off-switches. Neat." Spicy stroked one of the longer feathers of Rainbows wing, and to his surprise it curved in his grip. Not just a slight curling, but the feather actually curled enough to almost grab his hand. "Really neat."

Mumbling, Rainbow Dash shifted a little. "Mmm, gotta go home." Regret coated her words to the extent they almost sounded like a whine. "But I don't wanna." She squealed when a sharp smack, the flat of Spicy's hand, connected with her rear. "What was that for?!"

"To get you moving. You need to go home, so go." Spicy Hot raised his hand again, only for Rainbow Dash to practically leap from the couch. "There, see?"

"You're the worst, Spicy Hot!" Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue at Spicy. She looked across to see Rarity and Sonata cuddled and snuggled together, although it was clearly more Rarity doing the cuddling, and Sonata doing the snuggling.

Spicy jumped to his feet too, and reached up to Rainbow Dash's neck. "You want any of these cuffs off?" He had to work for a bit to remove the leash.

"Y-Yeah." Distinctly aware of how intimate Spicy not only had been, but still was, Rainbow blushed a little. "The ankle cuffs. W-Where did I leave my clothes?"

"In the bathroom, over in the store." Spicy took a deep breath, and argued with his inner self for a moment. "Same time next week?" Four little words, but Spicy had to say them. It wasn't just for Rainbow Dash's "education" that he was prepared to welcome her again. Spicy Hot couldn't deny he had actually enjoyed topping her.

The light blush in Rainbow Dash's cheeks turned much brighter. "Y-You mean it? I thought you said this would just be once, to show me what it's—" She stopped talking when Spicy laid a finger over her lips.

"Just shut up. This town is dead so far as young, hot guys go, let alone someone in the scene. But it isn't just that." Spicy bit his lower lip. "I think it was also taking your femininity away. There is something about dressing you up like a submissive little boy-toy that really hit me hard. So yeah: next week?"

Rainbow Dash looked at Spicy in the eyes and saw confusion there. "You don't like my breasts." He shook his head. "And you don't like my hips?"

"Those are a little masculine, but they are getting curvy." Spicy stuck his tongue out at Rainbow as he escorted her to the store's bathroom.

"And you definitely don't like my p—" Rainbow Dash was acutely aware she had never talked to a boy about her vulva before, "pussy." Spicy shook his head to her. "So what do you like about me?"

Spicy looked Rainbow Dash up and down, and shook his head. "All those things are part of you—part of who and what you are. What I enjoy about you, Rainbow Dash, is that you let me take them all away."

"Huh…" Acutely aware of the tight shirt and panties she still wore, Rainbow Dash mused on what Spicy said. "So another girl, like Sonata, wouldn't—"

"No. It wouldn't work." A slight shudder ran through Spicy at the thought of Sonata Dusk trying to sub to him. "And it probably shouldn't, but for you it does. At least for now. So if you want to come around next week, just say yes." Spicy was shocked at how needy he sounded. It has been far too long, he thought, she didn't even let me screw her. Suddenly, Spicy wanted to find out exactly what that was like.

"Yes." The words was firm, and Rainbow Dash was proud of how firm she could make it, standing in a sex-toy store, wearing ass-less panties, an ass-plug almost the size of her hand, and a rubber shirt. "Yes you idiot. This was the most awesome night of my life!" She wrapped her arms around Spicy and gave him a hug.

She said yes! Spicy thought. He reached around Rainbow and hugged her back, careful of the wings on her back. "Okay, and that will be after your finals, right? No more school stuff?"

Rainbow Dash was halfway through nodding, when she remembered the gig she and her friends had. "Oh crap!"

"If you tell me you are backing out…" Spicy's tone was backed by a smile that took the heat out of the words.

"We have our first gig next weekend. At the college game." She reached the bathroom, and suddenly realized she had no idea how to take anything off.

"So maybe I should come and watch you girls? Maybe come back stage, dress you up between sets. I bet that would be quite the show." Spicy grabbed up Rainbow Dash's top. "Just take all the stuff home, you need to clean it for next week, anyway."

Holding up her arms, Rainbow Dash felt herself pony back down. Spicy pulled the shirt over her head, and Rainbow couldn't shake the awareness of the tight rubber under it. "Not back stage, but maybe I won't wear a push up. What if I wore this under a shirt?" She gestured to the rubber shirt.

"Wearing my naughty things in public? More than public… No, not yet." Spicy reached his finger up and booped Rainbow Dash on the nose. "Not until later, and this gig shouldn't be that special."

"But you'll come and listen to us play?" Rainbow Dash found her boxer shorts and pulled them up her legs. A glance in the mirror showed her standing there, in a shirt and her boxers, no hint that she was still wearing rubber fetish wear underneath—except for the collar and cuffs, of course.

"Well, since I don't have a cute boy-toy to eat out, I guess I have the night off. I might have to close the shop early… I had best put a sign up for that." Spicy walked out to leave Rainbow getting dressed. "Did you work out what you wanted off? You might be too busy at school this week to come and see me before the gig."

"Oh, right." Pulling her running shorts up, Rainbow Dash sat on the toilet to pull her socks on, and do up her shoes. "Uh, can I get the ankle cuffs and my left wrist cuff off?"

Walking back into the bathroom, Spicy reached for Rainbow Dash's left arm first. "I could just give you the key."

"N-No! I mean, this is good. If I had the key, I might take them off." A guilty smirk pulled at Rainbow Dash's cheek.

Spicy unlocked the wrist cuff, then reached for one of Rainbow Dash's legs. "I can understand that. Just don't put them back on before the show." He unlocked the cuff on the leg Rainbow offered him.

"Yes, sir." Rainbow leaned back on the toilet and lifted her other leg, making a show of it, or so she hoped. Her fabric shirt felt funny with no breasts at all—thanks to the latex shirt.

"Don't give me that unless you mean it." Spicy waggled a finger at Rainbow Dash, having to pull it back before she tried to bite it. "And next time you need to screw the D-rings onto your collar and cuffs."

"Oh right, you gave me those bits." Rainbow Dash blushed a little, and remembered how much Spicy had to fiddle with the leash. "What if I just bring them and let you fit them?"

"If you don't have the tools, I guess that works." With three cuffs removed, Spicy tucked the key back in his pocket. "I promise nothing untoward will happen to Rarity while she is here."

"Untowa—" Rainbow Dash shook her head at the word. "I don't think that will be a problem, sir. You have seen what Rarity can do with her magic, right?"

"The shield?" Spicy couldn't stop shivering whenever Rainbow Dash said, "sir" to him; it had been way too long since he held anyone's leash, or so he thought.

"More than that. I just hope you never have to see her going all out." Wearing a smirk, Rainbow Dash stood up, but didn't expect Spicy to kiss her cheek. A thrill of happiness rushed through her.

The parasite had mostly gone dormant. Its host had fed it, and it was merely biding its time until they slept again. More food and egg-laying was only some melatonin away.

Yawning, Rainbow Dash waited for Spicy to step back. She grabbed her little bag and made for the door. "I am going to sleep for days after that. Thank you, Spicy."

"You are most welcome, Rainbow." Spicy watched Rainbow Dash walk for the door, and wondered about her. There was more sway in her walk, and he didn't think what it would be until he heard the downstairs door open and close. "Oh shit, that plug!"