Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Indominus's Double Victory

When the group arrived in the royal Canterlot throne room, Discord immediately shrunk Spike down to a more decent size. He did have to take the form away from him now that the fighting was over, but when he did, Spike didn't go back to being a baby dragon. Being in the giant state for so long had affected him to a certain extent, and now he was about the same height as the Mane Six. Spike didn't mind and neither did Rarity, for it meant that she could be around him more often and thank him for defending her in the fight.

"You know Spike, what you did for me back there, was really sweet."

"It was nothing Rarity."

"Nothing? You stood up to a mutated Wonderbolt, managed to beat him down and defended me all at once. I'd say that's more than 'nothing.' Plus I was touched you said, "keep your filthy hands off my Rarity."" Spike blushed at how she had heard him say that, and blushed even more red when she took his hand and held it in her hoof. "You touched me so much during that battle Spike, that I'm going to give you a chance."

"A-a chance at what?"

"A chance at being my boyfriend, my dragon hero."

Spike was praying he hadn't misheard her and all the doubt in his head vanished when Rarity pulled him in and kissed him on the cheek. It wasn't just a quick kiss, but a long one that seemed to last forever. Twilight could see hearts in Spike's eyes as Rarity pulled away from his cheek.

"He's in such a blissful paradise," said Twilight. "Even as a slightly bigger dragon, he's still got the same bubbly personality as before."

"To think, all it took for him to win her heart was become a giant dragon and defend her against a mutated Wonderbolt." Applejack said as she joined Twilight in seeing Spike rejoicing on the greatest day in his life. "Ah just hope she doesn't lead him on with this."

"I doubt that Applejack, just look at them." Rarity was giving Spike the same bedroom eye look that Rainbow gave Indominus, and nuzzling him affectionately. "Does that look like she's leading him on? He really left a huge impression on her Applejack, he saved her life and stood up to defend her against Soarin. That kind of bravery and dedication stood out more to her than all the stallions she's met. That's why Rarity is seeing Spike in a different light and willing to give him a chance as he boyfriend."

"Well, he does look happier than Ah've ever seen him. If he really does love her, then Ah can see it turning into the same great relationship that Rainbow and Indominus have."

"I'm sure it will, and I can't wait to hear how Spike spends his time with her from now on," Twilight said before seeing that the dinosaurs were being congratulated by the Princesses.

"Congratulations on a job well done Guardians, especially you Indominus," Celestia said to the dinosaurs. "You all made a noble decision in choosing to spare the Wonderbolts rather than kill them. I was touched when you gave your reason for letting them live."

"I can imagine, Celestia," said Indominus. "But everything I said was true, killing them wouldn't have solved anything, it would only make us look like savage animals that don't deserve to be in this world. I just used the lesson my daughter taught me when me and T-Rex first came here." Scootaloo blushed from the compliment her dad had given her.

"Oh come on dad, I didn't give you and T-Rex that big of a lesson."

"It's more than that Scootaloo," Tyrannosaurus said as he scooped Scootaloo onto his nose. She returned to her normal size so she could just sit on T-Rex's nose. "You taught us that even though we're predators, we can't kill everything in sight anymore. We live in a different world now where we are welcomed and not feared, neither Indominus nor I want to lose that."

"Your lesson helped me see past what Soarin was trying to do, and gave me a reason to let them live." Indominus nuzzled Scootaloo who was now blushing bright red in the face.

"Because of that selfless act you showed them Indominus, all of Equestria now sees you and your family as even more important Guardians than ever," said Luna.

"Nopony will ever forget the incredible and generous act of letting the Wonderbolts live and being the better Guardian."

"Now if you'll pardon us for a minute, Luna and I need to decide on what your reward will be for stopping the Wonderbolts and saving Equestria again."

"First, let's get you two back to normal," Tyrannosaurus said as Scootaloo got down from his nose while he and Indominus opened their mouths. They took away the power they had given to the princesses and the alicorns returned to normal.

"It was nice getting to use your powers for a change," Luna said before she and Celestia went towards a corner to discuss the dinosaurs' rewards.

While Celestia and Luna were discussing the rewards, the dinosaurs went back towards their friends. Discord and the monsters couldn't stop marveling at how strong Indominus looked in his WorldBreaker form. Rainbow couldn't resist running her hoof along the dinosaur's newly acquired muscle. The raptors took back their power from Sweetie Belle and Applebloom, but the Crusaders were fine with it this time. After getting to fight alongside Scootaloo using the same power as her, it was an experience that had been worth it.

"Oh sweet mother of mercy, you can grind meat on this pack of carved brawn."

"You mean like you're going to do right now?" Her friends laughed at the remark that caused Rainbow to blush.

"Oh trust me big boy, I'll do more than that tonight." Rainbow's mom saw a moment to give her daughter some much needed advice on pleasing her lover.

Windy pulled Rainbow aside for a moment to talk with her about what she had heard between her daughter and Smaug. Indominus and his family went about turning the Mane Five back to normal while Rainbow was chatting with her mom. They expressed joy to the dinosaurs for giving them the chance to be like them during the fight, especially Pinkie. She had enjoyed getting to make the Wonderbolts pay and smack her opponent all over the area without restraint. Fluttershy enjoyed how it made her more bold and fearless during the fight, even able to keep up with her opponent in her fight. It had made Discord's heart go wild from seeing Fluttershy owning a Wonderbolt and being a fierce new pegasus, though he preferred her the way she was.

"So Rainbow, I hear that you're planning on making Indominus feel really special tonight."

"Mom, not here. Somepony might hear us."

"Hey, I'm merely giving you some pointers for tonight on how to really light Indominus's fire."

"What?" Rainbow had never heard her mother speak in such a manner before.

"Tell me, is there any part where he really likes to be kissed?" Rainbow thought back to when she and Indominus had shared a bath on their honeymoon.

"Well, he does like to be kissed around the neck."

"Good, then kiss him where it feels the most amazing. It'll make him feel more alive and make you feel more confident in yourself when you're giving him all the pleasure. As a bonus, talk real hot and seductive to make his heart race so he'll never want you to stop."

"Mom, there are a few things I have to ask. One, how do you know these kind of things, and two, why are you helping me like this? I've never seen this side of you before."

"Us moms have experience with this sort of thing honey. How do you think I managed to charm your father over the years? Besides, it's important to have these mother and daughter moments so we can pass on our knowledge to our kids so they can have the same kind of luck."

"Wow, I never thought that this kind of conversation would be helpful, or even existed for that matter."

"Don't worry about it Rainbow, just focus on making sure Indominus gets a truly amazing night."

"Oh I will, but it'll pale in comparison to Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Why? What do you have planned for then?"

"For starters, he's going to tell me what he finds most attractive about me, then I'll give him the ultimate fire."

"So that's what you were talking about when we gave him that bath." Windy and Rainbow giggled at the thought.

"Uh huh."

"Have you gotten him to spill his secret yet?"

"Nope, he's a tough one to get through, and it's making me more excited as the day gets closer. I'm really eager to find out what he likes most."

"Worry about that day when it comes honey, just focus on tonight."

"I will and it'll be warm and very hot."

When Windy and Rainbow returned to the group, the Princesses had finished their discussion and were on their way over. Everypony had heard Ra tell Celestia that she should give Indominus a reward worthy of his new title, so they were all equally anxious to see what they hybrid dinosaur would be getting. Discord was chomping at a piece of chocolate licorice in eagerness as well.

"Indominus Rex, will you please step forward?" The hybrid dinosaur walked ahead of his friends and stood in front of the Princesses. His WorldBreaker form seemed to make him on the same regal level as the alicorns. "My sister and I thought about this for a while Indominus, and we've decided on what your reward will be. Ra's suggestion made me think about everything you've done, and the way I see it, there is only one reward good enough to match your new look."

"What is this reward you have in mind Celestia?"

"First, we would like to give you and your friends a little token of our appreciation, a getaway karaoke cruise for a week. It will take place after Nightmare Night on board the best luxury ship Canterlot can provide."

"A cruise!?" Rarity was simply ecstatic at what they were being given. "We're talking sunbathing, pools, fancy food, dancing and slow music?"

"All of the above, Rarity," said Luna. The unicorn was jumping for joy at what they were getting.

"But Celestia, doesn't it seem a little selfish to give us a cruise after everything the Wonderbolts did? Shouldn't we be doing something about them?"

"Twilight, they're going to be at their compound for a while, they won't perform until they've given Indominus and Rainbow a truthful apology. Besides, even Guardians and Princesses deserve some time to themselves. After everything Indominus had to put up with, I'm sure he could use some time away from his troubles."

"Then I hope you'll have fun with your friends, Fluttershy," Discord said rather depressed. "I'll see you when you get back."

"What are you talking about Discord? You get to be part of the cruise as well, along with all your friends." The Lord of Chaos's eyes were bulging out at what he had heard. Discord conjured up a bowl of water and dabbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things or mishearing them.

"Y-you mean that Celestia?" Discord teleported alongside Indominus in front of the Princesses.

"From what Twilight has told us Discord, you did so much more than just fight the Wonderbolts," said Luna. "You saved Indominus from dying at Soarin's hands, you even kept his own inner demon at bay when he couldn't fight it himself. Even during the fights, you protected Indominus from the Wonderbolts and gave him the motivation to beat the Devil. All while fighting your own opponent, and defending Spike and Rarity from that Wonderbolt's claws. Discord, you have more than earned your place in this reward. By the time you return, all of Equestria will know of how you saved one of the Guardians and helped him win the final confrontation."

"W-wow. I-I-I don't know what to say."

"You're welcome Discord," Celestia said for him.

"I promise you'll enjoy your time on this cruise Discord. Plus it'll give you a chance to be closer to Fluttershy."

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that," Discord said as he backed up while looking at Fluttershy, who was blushing at the idea of being close to him for a week.

"That is only part of your reward Indominus, this is the real reward. Luna and I would like to give you a title that only a truly selfless, concerned and noble soul could earn. We want to make you........the Future King of Equestria." A hush had fallen over the entire hall as everypony took in what Celestia had just told Indominus. Twilight was shocked beyond a shadow of a doubt, she had never heard of such a title before. There hadn't been a king in Equestria since Sombra tried to take over the Crystal Empire, but her mentor was talking about being king over all of Equestria.

"Princess Celestia, are you sure about this? Not that I'm doubting Indominus, but I've never heard of a king that rules over every inch of Equestria."

"I'm positive Twilight, Indominus deserves a title of this magnitude. He not only saved Equestria, but actually kept our world from falling apart. He and Rainbow literally pulled our world back together when Soarin tried to destroy it. Despite his immense power, he wasn't sure of his own abilities and didn't want to risk hurting anypony. He wanted to fight Soarin in another dimension so that he wouldn't have to worry about Equestria being harmed by him again. The final piece of proof is how he chose to look past his anger, and gave the Wonderbolts a second chance instead of killing them. Only a truly concerned and deeply devoted individual would have the heart to put an entire world before himself."

"Indominus has done plenty to earn this title, Princess Twilight," said Luna. "The Winged Dragon of Ra trusted he could accomplish all this, and he was right. That's why we're positive that Indominus can look out for all of Equestria. With his WorldBreaker state, he can take on any challenge that may come his way." Luna looked right into the dinosaur's eyes when she spoke again. "We wouldn't give you this title if we weren't sure you deserved it Indominus. You've proven yourself today and shown that only you have the strength and the willpower to keep our world together."

"Go on Indominus, you've earned this," said Pinkie Pie.

"Ya deserve a reward like this," said Applejack.

"You're already a king darling, an addition to your current title should be fine," said Rarity.

"I think you'll be a great king to Equestria," Fluttershy added.

"Take it Indominus," said Discord. "You can't get a better offer than this."

Indominus was silent for a long while as he pondered over what this could mean for him. It would most certainly mean that all of Equestria would look to him for guidance, something he wasn't positive that he was capable of handling. But Equestria had welcomed him and accepted him as a guardian and not a monster. If he were to be their king, then surely most of Equestria would welcome him as their ruler as well. So the hybrid dinosaur spoke slowly to the Princesses.

"So, I get to be Future king of Equestria. What do I get out of this title?" Twilight was surprised that Indominus sounded ok with what Celestia and Luna were giving him.

"As king you'll have the responsibility of looking after this world and the many creatures that live here, not just the ponies. But since everypony already saw your potential during the fight, there is no doubt that you already have their support. Isn't that right Discord?"

"Yes Celestia, several ponies were cheering him on while he was taking on Soarin in the dimension. I think they'd like to have a hybrid that can keep this world together watching over them."

"All of Equestria will also be your kingdom," Luna added. "Meaning that you can go anywhere you please, get to know the ponies better and explore this world at your own pace. You will even have the protection of the royal guards if you should ever run into any problems. Also, you can always talk with us if you need any guidance on certain situations you may not fully understand, like how my sister mentored Twilight."

"Would I get to bring my family along on my adventures, or would I have to leave them behind?"

"Oh no Indominus, you won't be going alone on this. Your family can join you anywhere you go. We would never make you leave the ones you love behind." Indominus breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn't have to give up his family in exchange for the title.

"So Indominus, will you accept the title of Future King of Equestria," Celestia asked him. Indominus thought about everything they had told him. There weren't any restrictions on anything he couldn't do, the ponies had already voiced their support of him in the fight. He wouldn't have to give up his family either, it sounded like a nice deal. Since it was one that Ra had recommended to Celestia, he couldn't possibly turn it down.

"I'll accept the title, on one condition."

"What is your condition, Indominus?"

"That I get to have, a queen at my side." When Indominus turned around and looked at the one he wanted at his side, all eyes fell on Rainbow Dash.

"Queen Rainbow Dash? Oh sweet Celestia, the world ain't ready for that, yet," said Applejack.

"Wha..? Me? Indominus I can't be a queen! I don't know the first thing about ruling a kingdom. Plus, do you think anypony will want some cocky, arrogant pegasus like me ruling over them?" Indominus simply motioned for her to come stand beside him. When she did, he spoke in a calm and gentle tone.

"Rainbow Dash, I wouldn't have any other pony in this world ruling beside me. You're a lot more wise than you think, and I will help you through this. I will take any burden that gets put on you and take it on myself. You forget, when I was struggling with my anger, you helped me get past that and even got me to forgive myself for the pain I had caused you. You and Scootaloo are the only ones that can keep me together, but you're the one that stuck by me through everything. If anyone in this world deserves to be my queen, it's you."

"Wow Indominus, that was both beautiful and sappy at the same time. Alright you big lug, I'll accept your offer and be your queen." Indominus took Rainbow's hoof and gently held it in his claws. Her parents were on the verge of shedding tears again.

"Looks like we have an agreement, Princesses. I'll be the future king of Equestria and Rainbow will be my queen."

The hall erupted into applause once Indominus had made his decision. Tyrannosaurus and the raptor squad roared in delight at the grand title their brother would hold one day. Discord's monster group roared in glorious triumph for Indominus, this meant the hybrid could help them get more accepted by the ponies as well.

"Splendid choice Indominus," said Celestia. "I think that we'll give you some time before this title takes effect. We'll worry about getting the word out to Equestria later, but we'll definitely hold your coronation on the morning of the new year. It'll be the perfect way to commemorate you receiving this title. The dawn of the new year will be the dawn of your time as our new king."

"I like the sound of that and the announcement will make things even more fitting. Thank you for giving this chance to me Princesses, but if it's ok with you, I'd like to have some time with my girl."

"I understand Indominus, you've been through a lot and we all could use some time to relax."

The group made their farewells to the Princesses and made their way to the train station. When they arrived, Fluttershy gave Discord a goodbye kiss and promised him that she would spend more time with him on the cruise. He teleported his monster pals back to his dimension after they gave their farewells to the Mane Six and congratulated the dinosaurs on how well they had done in the fight. After they had a chat, Indominus suggested to Red-Eyes that he look into having Smaug be his new mentor. The dragon agreed to look into Indominus's advice before he got sent back home. As Discord was getting ready to leave himself, Rainbow and Scootaloo flew out of the train and hugged him by the neck.

"Thank you for helping my dad, Discord," said Scootaloo.

"How did you manage to become so good Discord? Everything that you did for us today, was very different from what you did in the past," said Rainbow Dash.

"It's all thanks to your husband Rainbow, I wouldn't be this dedicated if Fluttershy hadn't given me the chance to meet him. If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know."

"Actually, I was hoping you could do me a little favor when we're on the cruise."

"What's this favor of yours Rainbow?" She flew up and whispered her request into Discord's ear. "Uh huh. Yeah, yeah. Hmmm. Oh! Oh that's deliciously chaotic! Looks like there's a little chaotic side in you after all Rainbow Dash. When we get on the cruise, consider your request done."

"What are you up to Rainbow?"

"Can't tell you Indominus, you'll have to see for yourself on the cruise," Rainbow said before she and Scootaloo went inside the train. As the door closed behind them, Scootaloo had to ask.

"Just what you ask him?"

"Oh, just a little something that'll give Indominus some more fun and a chance to practice his WorldBreaker form."

"But isn't the whole point of a cruise to relax and not fight?"

"Trust me squirt, he'll get so many chances to relax beside me. You'll get to do the same with T-Rex right? Don't tell me that doesn't make you excited?" Rainbow ruffled Scootaloo's mane before pulling her into a hug. "All teasing aside Scootaloo, you did really good out there today."

"You should've seen it Rainbow, she helped Indominus get through his transformation and become the WorldBreaker," said Twilight as the train pulled away from the station with the dinosaurs and Discord staying behind.

"She was saying things like "you're everything to me, and Ah can't bear the thought of losing you again,"" said Applebloom.

"Even stuff like "you can do this dad, I believe in you,"" Sweetie Belle added.

"Oh stop it girls, you're embarrassing me."

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about helping yer father accomplish the most important moment in his life," said Applejack.

"We might've helped him beat the Devil, but you helped him get through the pain he felt from losing his girl," said Pinkie.

"You're extremely important to him Scootaloo," Rarity added. "He wouldn't have calmed down that much for anypony other than you or Rainbow Dash. You mean so much to him now that you're his daughter."

"Without you, he'd still be living his horrible old life and being made into a weapon," said Fluttershy.

Scootaloo couldn't keep a big smile from forming on her face from the compliments. Windy and Bow joined in on the hug Rainbow was giving her.

"Sounds like you've been an extremely important pony to Indominus," said Bow.

"Not just him dad, she's been important to him and Rexy. Those dinosaurs have been with her for quite a while, without them, she would still be living with her wretched parents."

"Were they really that bad to you," asked Windy.

"Unfortunately yes, but when those dinosaurs came along they made everything better. Rexy and Indominus are my guardians in scaly armor. The velociraptors may not have been around as long, but they've been like four scaly sisters to me these past months. I wouldn't trade my new family for anything."

"Now you're part of two families, Scootaloo. If you ever need somepony to talk to, or just want to spend time with us, you're welcome to hang with us," said Windy.

"Don't forget about me," Rainbow said as she and Scootaloo hugged her parents.

"Of course not honey, and we'd like it if you brought Indominus with you sometimes too. After all that we've seen him do for you, we'd like to spend some time with your husband and get to know him better as well."

"I'll see if I can get him to go come over for lunch sometime before he becomes King of Equestria."

"Then you will get to be his queen," said Bow.

"That'll certainly be a new experience for me."

Back at the station, the dinosaurs finally getting the chance to thank Discord for being such a great deal of support to them.

"You were great in guarding our brother in that fight Discord," said Blue.

"Well I couldn't just let one of my closest friends be killed by those Wonderbolts."

"So, you have embraced friendship as part of your life after all," said Delta.

"Yeah, hanging out with your brother for so long has made me see that friendship is worth more than I thought. He even helped me get so close with Fluttershy, that now I get to spend the cruise with her."

"You earned that gift all on your own Discord," said Indominus as he placed a hand on Discord's shoulder. "I may have needed protection during the fight, but you made the shield that guarded me. You held off Soarin on your own for a good while and even protected the others too. You did so much on your own, just like Celestia said, you've earned your share of happiness."

"I think you've been hanging around Twilight and Rarity too much."

"Nah, this world's just grown on me that's all. But it's nice to have a place that accepts you as you are, and by the time the princesses are done, Equestria will know what you've done too. Then you'll be accepted just like us."

"You really think so friends?"

"We know so," said all of the dinosaurs together.

"You know Indominus, I know a great place where you and Rainbow can spend your 'quality time' together. I'll drop by later tonight to take you and your girl there for your night of fun loving."

"Alright Discord, I'll take you up on that offer."

"Splendid. Now you guys go and get some food and relax, I'll see ya later pals," Discord said before he teleported him back to his dimension.

"You're going to be living large tonight Indominus," said Echo.

"We can talk about that later Echo," Indominus said before his stomach started growling. "We're all in need of a good hunt, let's go get some Manticores."

"Spoken like a true dinosaur brother, let's go hunting," said Tyrannosaurus. The dinosaurs took flight and made their way towards the Everfree Forest.

After an afternoon of successful hunting and full stomachs, the dinosaurs were finally able to relax back at Rainbow's home. Though on the way back, they had been stopped by several ponies that wanted to also congratulate them on their fight, especially Indominus for his monumental feat of pulling Equestria together. The school fillies were overjoyed that Indominus had saved their homes and that he hadn't given in and killed the Wonderbolts. By sparing them, they saw that Indominus had shown that he was the bigger creature in heart and spirit. When they got through the numerous crowds of ponies praising and thanking them, the dinosaurs collapsed in the comfort of their home.

When everypony arrived back in Ponyville, they went their separate ways. Spike wanted to spend the rest of the day with Rarity, and Twilight didn't mind. She wanted to see her dragon getting to know the pony of his dreams, he promised to tell her all about it later. Applejack and Applebloom headed back to the farm, Fluttershy flew off to her cottage and Pinkie went to Sugarcube Corner. After all her friends had left, the only ones left were Scootaloo, Rainbow and her parents.

"You and Indominus have fun tonight Rainbow."

"Will do mom, and, thanks for approving of me and him."

"You're welcome kiddo," Windy said after she gave her daughter a hug and flew back with Bow to their home.

Rainbow and Scootaloo flew straight home after saying bye to her friends and parents. When they arrived, both pegasi just cuddled up in the arms of their dinosaurs and they slept for a few good hours. Surprisingly, Indominus and Rainbow were able to maintain their WorldBreaker states while they slept and way towards the night. He didn't dare touch anything when it came to dinner, because he didn't want to break anything in his new form. None of the dinosaurs gave her any hints or told Rainbow about what Discord had planned for that night. So when he came knocking at the door, she was a little curious as to what he had in mind.

"Back again so soon Discord? Is there anything that you forgot to plan with Indominus?"

"Nope, I'm here to escort you two to a more romantic location for tonight. You did say you wanted to make him feel special tonight, I'm merely providing the location."

Rainbow felt Indominus's hand on her shoulder and saw a sly grin on his face.

"You sneaky little devil."

"Save that talk for when we get to this place Discord's talking about."

"But are we really going to leave Scootaloo again?"

"Go on and enjoy yourself Rainbow," said Blue.

"We've taken care of her for weeks before. You just focus on making our brother feel really happy tonight," said T-Rex.

"You're allowed to have time to yourself Rainbow, don't ya know," Scootaloo said as she landed on Rainbow's back.

"Ok kiddo, and make sure you and the dinosaurs don't get into any mischief."

"You got it mom." Rainbow reached back and scratched her sister's mane gently.

"It's still new for me to be considered your mom, but it's a pretty nice feeling. Catch you later scoots." Rainbow and Indominus took flight out the door and followed Discord into the distance.

Flying through the night sky, neither Rainbow nor Indominus had any idea where Discord was taking them. He was being unusually quiet, which was rather out of character for him. One thing that Rainbow did notice was that they were moving further away from Ponyville. Whatever place Discord had in mind for them, was going to be where they wouldn't be disturbed. Which was ideal for what Rainbow intended to do to Indominus. After fifteen minutes of flight, the trio touched down at a serene and peaceful sight.

"Discord, what is this place," Rainbow said in awe at the sight of where they would be staying for the night.

The location Discord had brought them to was a truly peaceful sight. He had brought them to a clearing surrounded by acres of forest and a large lake in the middle. At the far end of the lake was a massive waterfall that flowed into the lake where the moonlight seemed to flow and dance across the water. It was a magnificent place for a pair of lovers to spend a night together, but there was something that just didn't seem to fit: a tiny house right by the lake. It was tall enough for either Rainbow or Indominus to walk through the door, but it didn't look like they could fit half of their bodies inside.

"That's where we're going to be staying tonight? Discord, I know you're good at creating things, but this? This seems so..."


"Took the words right out of my mouth Rainbow."

"Oh you won't be saying that after you step inside. Go on, take a look and see what you really think of my 'pathetic' creation."

"Alright Discord," Rainbow said as she opened the door. "What could be in here that'" Rainbow was at a loss for words as the full sight of the inside of the room sank in.

Rainbow found that the inside of the house was far bigger than it appeared on the outside. The interior was massive enough for both of them to fit inside. There were lit candles along the walls, which had red theater curtains strewn on them. There was a massive master bed at the end of the room, lined with red sheets and pillows. A massive couch and dining room table that could handle an all you can eat buffet completed the room, and it made their jaws hit the floor.

"SO, do you think this is so pathetic now?"

"There are no words, except maybe a little too much red."

"Well pardon me for trying to be romantic."

"I can think of a few. I. Love. Magic."

"That's all I needed to hear, hope you two have a lovely evening," Discord said before teleporting out of the house."

The hybrid and pegasus took a moment to admire the luxurious room where they would be making one another feel special.

"I believe that this will be the perfect place for me to make you feel extra happy tonight, my stud." Indominus was about to respond when he noticed a gold glow coming from outside through the windows. He and Rainbow headed outside to see what was going on, and their eyes lit up when they saw the dragon hovering over the area. Not only him, but his presence alone had made the sky a brilliant golden color, despite it being night.

"Congratulations, WorldBreakers."


"What are you doing out here?"

"I told you that I'd be back later to congratulate you on a job well done. You both fought admirably today, and saved Equestria from getting torn apart."

"It wouldn't have turned out like that if Indominus hadn't been smart enough to come up with the idea himself."

"Or you helping me with your own mighty strength."

"That's why you two work so well together, you play off each other's strengths and can do things that no one else in this world can accomplish. Also, your new forms suite you."

"Thanks Ra, it's definitely the coolest I've ever looked in my life."

"I look even more fierce than I did before all this happened."

"Indeed you do. Tell me Indominus, did Celestia give you a decent reward for all that you did today?"

"She and Luna have decided to make me the future King of Equestria."

"Good, it seems that she followed my advice and made the right decision."

"Wait a minute, you knew that she would give him a reward like that? How?"

"You forget Rainbow Dash, I've been keeping tabs on Indominus ever since he came into this world. From the moment he and T-Rex took on the task of looking after Scootaloo, I saw the future that awaited him. Granted, it wasn't going to be an easy path, there were going to be plenty of challenges that would test him in so many ways. But it was going to shape him into the hybrid he's become now." Ra shifted his attention to Indominus before he spoke again. "You've brought ponies and dragons together in cooperation during a brawl, two species that hated each other for the longest time. You befriended so many allies that all lent their might to help you today, conquered your rage as I knew you would, and proved that you could keep Equestria safe with your newfound power. But the best part I saw today, was how you saved your wife and your daughter from being killed."

"I didn't save Scootaloo, Ra. She saved me from losing myself to my own anger."

"Oh beg your pardon Indominus, but i wasn't talking about Scootaloo. I was talking about your daughter."

It took a second for either of them to realize what Ra was talking about, but when they did, their eyes went wide in shock and surprise.

"W-wait.....y-you mean t-that...."

"Yes. You may not feel it right now, but one day Rainbow, you and Indominus are going to have a healthy daughter of your own. Then you'll have your first true daughter, Scootaloo get the chance to be the big sister, and Indominus will get to be a true father."

"Thank you. Thank you Ra, for guiding me through all this." Indominus was so beyond touched that those were the only words he could find.

"You're quite welcome Indominus, now I'll leave you to your girl. I believe that she has plenty to give you tonight. Good luck in your new life, King of Equestria," Ra said as he took off into the sky and the golden glow disappeared with him, returning everything to normal.

"I can't believe it Rainbow, I'm going to be a real father one day."

"I can believe it, but let's not focus on that right now." Indominus turned to look at her and found his face being held by her hooves. "Right now let's focus on your double victory. I'm going to enjoy making you feel truly loved tonight Indominus." He didn't get a chance to respond as Rainbow pressed her lips against him and started forcing him backwards.

Indominus became so lost with Rainbow kissing him and feeling her tongue swirling about inside his mouth, that he once again lost track of his footing and ended up falling backwards into the lake. They sank deeper into the lake and Rainbow didn't let up on making out with Indominus until they needed to breathe. When they resurfaced and caught their breath, Indominus noticed that Rainbow's mane and tail never stopped flowing despite being in the water. He figured it must've been a little perk that came with her WorldBreaker form. She swam close to him, gently ran a wing across his cheek and spoke in a soft voice.

"Follow me."

Indominus followed after Rainbow until she led him right to the waterfall. Rainbow simply spread her front legs and let Indominus hold her body as he gently pushed her against the wall and began caressing her body. He gave her deep kisses and would switch between them and fondling her with his tongue. Rainbow didn't even try to take control of the moment, she just let Indominus do what he wanted, while they let the flow of the waterfall rush over their steaming bodies. Rainbow laughed whenever Indominus ran his tongue across her neck, the soft touch going across her fur was enough to make her body warmer.

After a while, Indominus held Rainbow as he took her back onto the lake for another swim. He used his golden wings to push them through the water and just held her body out in front of him. With the moonlight bathing down on them, her white fur seemed to shine like the snow in winter. They both had soft bedroom eyes as they took in the peaceful time of bliss.

"Have I mentioned how much I love getting to hold you?"

"I believe you just did," Rainbow said before wrapping her hind legs around Indominus's flank. "Have I told you that you've got quite the firm ass?"

"That's a first, but it's rather reassuring. I just can't keep my hands off you Rainbow, you're so smooth."

"I know, and it still excites me to hear this from you. It may seem a bit odd Indominus, but whenever you tell me things like this, they make me feel like I'm worth so much to you."

"Because you are,"

"and that's why I find you so fascinating," she said before licking the front of his nose. "Now my hybrid, how's about we move this to someplace more comfy?"

"My thoughts exactly."

The lovebirds decided to move their love into the house Discord had prepared for them. They swam towards the edge of the lake and made sure to shake themselves dry before going inside. As Indominus entered the room and approached the bed, he felt the strength leaving his body. The gold horns on his head and back retracted into his body and his golden wings returned to normal. The markings across his body vanished as well and he returned to his regular size as well. Rainbow wasn't too surprised by the change, since Indominus had been pushing himself so hard in his fight against Soarin. It was surprising that he had managed to keep the form for the entire day and into part of the night.

"Sorry that I couldn't stay in that form all night Rainbow," Indominus said as he climbed onto the bed.

"It doesn't matter Indominus, WorldBreaker or not, I'm still gonna have my way with you tonight."

Rainbow flew onto the bed and pinned Indominus onto his back before he could respond. He couldn't do anything as her WorldBreaker strength far outmatched his normal might. He was stunned beyond thought as Rainbow then took his claws and placed them right on her flank. Indominus could feel his claws gently gripping on soft cutie mark flesh as Rainbow adjusted herself and got comfy on his chest. She placed her hooves down on the dinosaur and stared down at him.

"Rainbow, w-what are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious my stud? I'm going to be bad with you. This is your reward for all that you've done for me," she said in an extremely seductive voice. "I also hope that you have enough stamina, because I will have no mercy with you."
Indominus was simply wowed by how bold Rainbow was.

"I haven't seen you this bold before Rainbow."

"After everything that you did just for me, all the effort you put into keeping me safe, I'll do what I can to make you enjoy yourself. I just do 'it' with you in the best way. "

"Your eyes seem to be shining like red diamonds."

"They are eyes that are waiting to see you moan. They are also waiting for you to shut up and give yourself to me completely."

"Then take me."

Rainbow pressed her lips into Indominus and the dinosaur could feel her pulling at his tongue as she reeled her head back. He was at her total mercy as Rainbow then went back into his mouth with more hot kissing. Indominus closed his eyes from the sheer delight that was coursing through his body. Rainbow then pulled away from Indominus's mouth with drool running from her mouth. She then lowered herself and whispered seductively in Indominus's ear.

"Mom told me that you really love to be kissed on the neck. Well let's see how much you like this."

Rainbow went to Indominus's neck and began licking and sucking on his scales. Soft moans and sputtered gasps of air escaped his mouth as the hybrid found himself unable to resist the hot feeling of Rainbow's tongue on his scales.

"You like that, my stud?" Gasps of air and moaning was the only response Rainbow got, and it brought a smile to her face. "Good, then let's keep this going."

Rainbow began snaking her way down Indominus's chest, dragging her tongue along it as she did. He could feel her flank moving back and forth in his claws as Rainbow sucked on Indominus's chest and gave him tender kisses. His moans were becoming louder and Rainbow loved how Indominus sounded as she sent that amazing heat through his scales. Indominus was in true harmony and bliss as Rainbow continued to lick his chest and then go on to deep kisses. Then Indominus shot his eyes wide open as he felt Rainbow insert herself on his 'little junior.'

She worked her way up to his face, still locked into Indominus as she gave him the best bedroom eyes he had seen so far.

"You've always been the one on top big boy, now it's my turn. I'm going to dominate you Indominus Rex, and by the time I'm done, you'll be begging me for more."

"Then do your best to make me beg before you."

The snow white pegasus took the hybrid's words as a challenge and began thrusting on him. Indominus felt even more pleasure surging through him, but felt himself falling short of breath when Rainbow then upped the antie by kissing him on the underside of his neck while still thrusting. The moaning came back even stronger as Indominus was unable to help himself, Rainbow was indeed giving him more pleasure than he thought possible. Sweat was pouring out of them as Rainbow and Indominus reveled in the intensity of the moment. He could even feel his little junior getting close to releasing within his girl.

"R-rainbow....I'm so close..."

"Give it to me Indominus....release what you're dying to give me." As he felt himself ready to burst, Indominus gave out a tremendous roar, which Rainbow followed suite.

The explosion that burst within her was so intense it caused the entire room to be illuminated in a bright shade of red. Their roars could be heard outside the little house as the moment between them seemed to go on longer than it should have. In the night sky, there were only two souls that heard all the commotion. Their curiosity had gotten the better of them, and Discord and Luna both wanted to see how Rainbow would reward Indominus.

"I'd say that she definitely made him feel special tonight, wouldn't you say Luna?"

"Indeed Discord, I don't have many words to describe moments like this."

"He'll make a great king of Equestria when the new year comes. You and Celestia were right to give him such a title."

"It's not often you come across a creature that can pull our entire world together with his bare hands. Plus he was given wisdom by the god of the sun himself, who knew he could achieve that WorldBreaker form, beat the Wonderbolts and spare them in the end. This will give Indominus the peace of mind he's been wanting for so long."

"Yeah, we've both had to deal with that monster in his head, haven't we? Now that it's finally over, he won't have anymore problems."

"Agreed, and I hope you enjoy your time with Fluttershy on the cruise, Discord."

"I really can't thank you and Celestia enough for letting me be part of this reward. I didn't think I'd be good enough to be included." Luna rested a hoof on Discord's shoulder.

"Let me tell you something Discord, if there's anything Indominus has taught me, it's that every creature deserves a second chance. You've saved his life enough times to have earned your place in the reward too. Consider it a 'thank you' for being such a good friend to him."

"I truly appreciate it, and I'll catch you later on the flip-side. I've gotta start packing for the cruise, it's in just a few months," Discord said before teleporting back to his realm. Luna chuckled at his eagerness before she flew off into the sky.

"Same old Discord, being Indominus's friend has made him a lot more pleasant to talk to. I'm sure he can spice up that cruise more than we could."

Back in the house, the lovers were gasping for breath after their effort of mating with each other.

"Now that is what I call a very pleasurable experience."

"I hear ya Rainbow Dash. That was more hot that I thought it would be." She crawled up to his face and held the dinosaur's head in her hooves.

"Tell me, are you fully satiated?"

"I can handle more of what you can give me."

"Good, cause I'm just getting started," Rainbow said before giving Indominus a kiss on the nose and resuming the same pleasure all over again.

After over an hour of extreme white hot pleasure, Rainbow was catching her breath on Indominus's chest while he was out like a light. His neck and chest were covered in marks from the numerous times she had kissed him. She could hear the steady and strong beating of his heart as the dinosaur just breathed slowly. The experience had been even better than most of the times they had made love to each other on the mountain of gold. Rainbow slowly worked her way up to his face and gazed upon her relaxed stud.

"It really is surprising, considering how hard he pushed himself against Soarin. I'm really amazed that he managed to last for an entire hour of pleasure. Mom wasn't wrong when she told me that he liked being kissed on the neck so much, especially when I threw some tender licks into the mix. I only wish that I could've done it with him while he was in his WorldBreaker form, but I'll get my chance with that golden state one of these days."

Rainbow pulled the covers over Indominus and laid herself down beside him. She took a moment to admire how peaceful Indominus looked. After all the rage and pain he had endured, and having to fight the Wonderbolts so many times, he was finally at peace with himself. Now he would no longer have to worry about the Devil taking over, or his family being put in danger. He had truly gotten the peace he had wanted ever since Black Death was killed.

"I can't believe how far he's come since all this drama started. My parents approve of him, Equestria sees as him as a true Guardian, we're actually going to have a daughter and now he's on his way to becoming the future king. He even asked me to be his future queen, and promised he'd help me handle it more easily. For all this, I could keep exploring him while he's asleep to see what he finds most attractive about me, but where's the fun in that?" Rainbow leaned in and gave Indominus a light kiss on the side of the face. She then pulled his head in until he was resting against her chest and she was hugging his head. "It'll be far more rewarding when you tell me what you like most, willingly. Until then, goodnight my awesome hybrid stud."

Rainbow slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep while holding Indominus. The numerous candles that adorned the room dimmed until all went dark and the lovers were in peaceful slumber. For the time being, Indominus was living the best moments of his life, free from rage and sleeping in his girl's embrace. The hybrid was on the path to greatness, and there were plenty of experiences waiting for him along the way. In the end, he would become a king unlike any other and be the legend he was meant to be.