Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Kiss of Death

After Indominus and Rainbow had punched Soarin in the direction of his beaten teammates, they were surrounded by their friends and family. Her friends embraced her in a huge group hug with Scootaloo nuzzling against her chest. Her parents waited alongside Luna and Celestia to have their chance to thank and congratulate her on how well she had done in her fight. As for Indominus, he was being comforted by his brother and sisters, while Smaug, his dragons, Discord and the monsters all praised him for his performance in the fight and for beating Soarin at last.

"Indominus you dog, you've actually done it," said Smaug. "You actually beat your rage and conquered the Immortal Phoenix."

"Thanks Smaug, it's good to finally be free of that rage."

"You're beyond any dinosaur now, Indominus. In this state, you're closer to being a god," said Discord.

"We told you that you could do it , brother," said T-Rex.

"Now you are the strongest one there is," said Charlie.

"Only while I'm like this Charlie, otherwise I'm still a hybrid dinosaur, and that's fine with me. Power is only important when it comes to protecting Equestria and our family."

"Dashie you were simply marvelous in that fight," said Rarity.

"Ah've never seen ya with that kinda strength before," Applejack added.

"You really showed that nasty Wonderbutt who's boss around here," said Pinkie Pie.

"Heh heh, thanks Pinkie."

"Not just that, you even saved her life as well," said Fluttershy.

"Of course I did. I was never trying to kill Spitfire, I only wanted to free her from that psychotic grip Soarin had on her mind."

"You did very well Rainbow," Twilight added. "That was an incredible display of loyalty you showed out there. You proved your loyalty to the Wonderbolts and Indominus, just like how he proved his loyalty to you."

"If I recall, didn't you ask him to avoid killing the Wonderbolts," Spike said from amongst the dinosaurs, dragons and monsters that were smothering Indominus in attention.

"I did, and I'm so proud of him for staying true to his word. Even if Lightning Dust and Wind Rider refused to listen to us."

"Don't blame yourself for that, Rainbow Dash," said Celestia. "They made their own choices and had to deal with the consequences."

"If ah must say Rainbow Dash, ya look an awful lot like Indominus now," said Applebloom.

"I'll say," said Scootaloo. "Dad really made you even more awesome than our battle with Black Death."

"He sure did squirt," Rainbow said while gently ruffling Scootaloo's mane. "In fact, I've got a name that fits this new form perfectly."

"Oh boy," Applejack said with sarcasm.

"So, what's the name of your new form," asked Sweetie Belle.

"Mares and gentlecolts, you are looking at the new and powerful, Immortal Rainbow WorldBreaker Dash."

Rainbow was met with silence at first, until Indominus spoke up.

"It works for you dear, and it makes you sound more fierce. Since I'm the one who came up with the name, you deserve a piece of the WorldBreaker pie."

"He's right Rainbow, it's one of your better names," said Pinkie. "Since you're part of such a fierce family, it's fitting that you have the name to go with your devilish good looks."

"Thanks girls."

Rainbow's friends made way so that her parents could finally have their turn. Windy and Bow were shedding tears of joy and relief as they held their daughter, they had watched her pass away in front of them. Only to have the dinosaur they thought was nothing but an animal, bring her back to life.

"Honey I can't tell you how proud we are of you and your husband," said Windy.

"Normally I would be against all the praise and having you being so proud of everything I've done, but this is a rare exception. Indominus saved my life and it was all thanks to him that I managed to beat Spitfire."

"Not just that Rainbow, you spared her and freed her from that evil Wonderbolt's grip," said Bow. "This experience has even given us the chance to see your husband for who he truly is."

"Does this mean?"

"Yes honey," said Windy. "We were wrong to think he was just an animal. We also know for certain that Indominus is the only one good enough to be your husband." Rainbow happily hugged her parents glad that she had gained their complete approval of her and Indominus.

The family looked up from their hug to the beat of massive footsteps heading towards them. Even in his WorldBreaker form, Indominus still had a serene and heartfelt look in his red eyes.

"Get in here you big softy," Windy said, allowing Indominus into the group hug with her, Bow and Rainbow.

Indominus merely stuck his head into the group hug, since he was way too big for the ponies to hold him. Bow rubbed scratched the top of the hybrid's head while Windy and Rainbow gave him kisses on the side of his face. They were amazed at the gold streaks that ran along his face, like flowing energy. While Indominus was enjoying being welcomed into another family, he felt a pair of wings resting gently on his nose. He found Luna staring at him with proud eyes of her own.

"You've become so strong, Indominus. It's amazing to see you in this grand state."

"Well, I owe it to you as well Luna. You kept an eye on me during my hardest times, and looked out for me. Almost like the mother I never had growing up."

Luna was so touched that she gave Indominus a light kiss on the nose.

"You're too kind, Indominus," she said while wiping away a few stray tears.

"You've sure come a long way Indominus, and I know that this isn't the best time to mention this, but I'm letting you decide the Wonderbolts' fate," said Celestia.

"Oh right, I still need to deal with them. Rainbow, if it's all the same with you, I'd like to handle this myself. I don't want you to have to go through anymore bullshit from Soarin."

"Sure Indominus," Rainbow said before giving him one more kiss on the nose. "Thanks for that kiss from before, and for saving my life."

"You're welcome, Tyrannosaurus, Raptors, let's take care of this."

"You got it brother." The family of dinosaurs took off towards the wrecked bodies that used to be the most talented flyers in Equestria.

The dinosaurs touched down in front of the beaten pegasi, who were awake and trying to get back up. Their bodies had all suffered too much abuse from their confrontations, and not one Wonderbolt could get on their hooves, especially Soarin. His body was so shredded from the damage Indominus had brought upon him, that he was quivering from the pain. All his cocky attitude and talk had been taken away, for the Wonderbolt wasn't making any wise cracks now.

"It truly is a shame Soarin. You brought all this pain on yourself and your poor teammates, who were nothing but mere puppets in your scheme." Spitfire strained her body and managed to look up at the hybrid talking down to Soarin. "I tried to make it easy for you Soarin. All you had to do was not call Rainbow that nickname and this would've never happened. But because you were so obsessed with killing me, it all backfired in your face. Now you'll have to share the fate of your fallen teammates, which you yourself killed."

"So Indominus, can we start tearing into their hides already," asked Delta.

Indominus looked over all the other Wonderbolts and their beaten conditions. There was no way they could stand up to any attack thrown at them. With his strength being infinite, Indominus could wipe out all of them with one attack each. After all they had done to Rainbow, he had the chance to finally end their bullying and harassing over her. What Indominus did next, surprised his entire family, he looked at his brother and said.

"We're not going to kill them T-Rex, they aren't worth it."

"Not worth it? Did I hear that right," Discord said, pulling his ears off and checking them to see if they were full of gunk.

"What did he say Discord?"

"You're not going to believe this Celestia, he's not going to kill them. Indominus has decided that the Wonderbolts aren't worth killing."

"After what they did to Rainbow Dash, he's choosing to let them go," said Luna.

"Sounds like he's thinking with his heart and not his anger," said Twilight. "Without that rage to cloud his judgement, he's making the first clear choice in a long time."

"He's sticking to the promise he made me."

"What promise did he make you honey?"

"Before all this started mom, I asked him to avoid killing anymore of the Wonderbolts. He promised me that he would try his best to keep that promise, and he's living up to it."

"You're just going to walk away and let them live Indominus," asked Blue in confusion.

"Why are you making this kind of choice? After what they did to Rainbow, they deserve to die," said Delta.

"What good would that do girls? It would only make us into the monsters that Soarin has tried to paint us as."

"T-that doesn't make any sense Indominus. You've been through so much that you must not be thinking clearly," said Echo.

"No Echo, for the first time in a long while I am thinking clearly. As much as I despise the Wonderbolts for what they've done, killing them wouldn't make me feel any better. It would only make me look like a savage killing machine in Rainbow's eyes, and I would never be able to live with myself. She idolizes them so much, how do you think she would look at me if I kill them in cold blood?"

Spitfire couldn't believe what she was hearing. Indominus was putting Rainbow and her admiration for the Wonderbolts ahead of his own instincts to kill them. It was nothing like how Soarin had described him, a mindless monster wouldn't have a reason to not kill something he hates. She buried her face in the dirt, trying to hide her emotions.

"Indominus, did you learn this all on your own?"

"Yes and no brother. I did learn what it means to let go of your rage and hatred, or it will destroy you. I'm also using a lesson that Scootaloo taught you and me during our first few days in this world. Remember when we attacked Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon?"

Tyrannosaurus remembered that day all too well. He and Indominus had watched Scootaloo get beaten and bullied by those fillies, and they had taken matters into their own claws. Their minds had been filled with anger at what they had witnessed and they had wanted nothing more than to kill those bullies, but Scootaloo's words had stopped them. She had shown them that killing them wouldn't have made things better. In the end, both dinosaurs avoided taking two young lives and earned the approval and recognition of the school.

"I remember that day alright, Indominus," said Tyrannosaurus.

"Then do you remember the lesson she taught us?"

"That killing is not the answer, that there is a fine line between being protective and being reckless."

"Yes, that's why killing them isn't worth it when they weren't really at fault." Discord couldn't believe his ears, and conjured up another orb so everypony could hear what Indominus was saying. "They were all fooled and tricked by Soarin. If he hadn't messed with Rainbow on her first day, then none of this would've happened. These innocent pegasi were just pawns in his game, and too stubborn to realize the truth. We're not going to spill anymore pegasus blood, my torment and theirs has gone on for too long."

" us." The dinosaurs all turned their heads in the direction of Spitfire when they heard the weak voice. "I'm....sorry dinosaurs, please....forgive me."

The dinosaurs knew that Spitfire was genuinely saying she was sorry, for they had heard Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon give the same expressive regret after they learned from their mistakes. All six dinosaurs looked at each other, gave one nod and leaned forward towards the Wonderbolts. They opened their jaws and tangible red and gold energy came flowing out of their mouths. The energy spread out until it was over every Wonderbolt, then the dinosaurs closed their mouths and the energy stopped flowing. It hovered above the Wonderbolts before going down towards all of them and was absorbed into their bodies.

The Wonderbolts felt their strength returning and could move their legs again.

"W-what just happened," Misty Fly said after she managed to stand back up and caught sight of the dinosaurs.

"We gave you some of our own energy. It should be enough for each of you to move and fly," said Indominus.

"I suggest that each of you not waste it, for our brother doesn't take kindly to those that take his kindness for granted," said T-Rex.

"Let this also be a reminder that we are not mindless killers, or animals that only strive to kill and harm others," said Blue.

The dinosaurs stayed to make sure that the Wonderbolts were able to stand again. Spitfire managed to get back to her hooves, and soon the other Wonderbolts managed to stand up as well. They were staring at the dinosaurs with looks of relief and shock. The creatures they had believed to be their enemies the whole time had just spared them and had even given them enough energy to stand again. All the Wonderbolts weren't sure what to think now, but they did know one thing, Soarin had lied about the dinosaurs being killers.

Fleetfoot and Spitfire walked ahead of the others, still keeping their distance from the dinosaurs.

"So dinosaurs, since you seem to have all the answers tell us this. What do you suppose we'll do with this energy," Fleetfoot asked.

"It should last you long enough to get each of you back to your homes or in your case the compound. It'll keep your bodies stable until that formula expires. Then you could all take a five month long sleep. That way each of you will have plenty of time to think about your choices," said Indominus.

"It'll also be long enough for Soarin to think about his defeat," Tyrannosaurus said looking down on the Wonderbolt, who was still struggling to get up.

"I promise we won't take advantage of this. I also hope that one day you can forgive me for what I've put her through," Spitfire said while looking into Indominus's eyes.

"I'll keep that in mind, Spitfire," Indominus responded, and used her real name for the first time. The dinosaurs turned to walk away from the Wonderbolts, but they didn't get more than a few steps before another voice spoke up.

"Where do you think you're going, monster?" Indominus stopped himself with a stomp and slowly turned around to face Soarin.

The other Wonderbolts backed away from Soarin, who still hadn't learned his lesson. After everything that had been brought on him and all the pain he had suffered, he still thought he was the hero and Indominus was the monster that needed to be stopped.

"I'm afraid that once word gets out about what happened here, you and your family will be hated by the whole world. You say that you're not going to spill pegasus blood, when Wind Rider and Lightning Dust's blood is already on your claws. This is one fate you can't escape, and you can fight it all you want, but some things can't be overcome with brute force alone. Face it monster, you've lost and I've won."

Indominus just stared back at Soarin, not uttering a single word in response to his chastising taunts.

"Well, aren't you going to give me some kind of clever comeback, dinosaur? You had so many of them during the fight, and now that it's over you're all out of them? After Equestria hears about what you've done to us, you and your kind will never be welcome in this world. You'll be hunted down like the animals you are. Rather ironic don't you think? After all the effort you put into trying to stop us, you still lost in the end. I'll be back with more Wonderbolts and one way or another, you will fall to me. So much for the great might of the legendary Immortal WorldBreaker, can't even beat the Wonderbolts."

"Oh I was more than enough, and I did far more than just beat you, Soarin. You didn't know it, but the entire fight that was held here has been broadcast to all of Equestria. Everypony has seen what you've done and they heard every single word that spilled out of that filthy mouth of yours. They even know how you've set up your own teammates, and worst of all, how you killed Rainbow Dash."

"No, no way. That's not possible."

"Then clearly, you don't know what I'm capable of, rat," Discord said as he appeared beside Indominus. "I felt it was time Equestria saw you for what you truly are. That's why while the dinosaurs led you to this location for the fight, I had a little spell set up to record and broadcast this entire fight to every corner of Equestria. What Indominus said is true, wondernothing, all the ponies have heard what you said, even in the dimension where Indominus slaughtered your sorry butt."

Discord conjured up the orb he had set up and showed it to all of the Wonderbolts. It replayed the fights they had been in, all the twisted things they had said, and every shocking word Soarin had spilled during his fights. Spitfire was flabbergasted, shocked and completely horrified with unbearable guilt when she heard Soarin talk about setting up his own teammates, with not a shred of regret in his voice.

"Sometimes monster, sacrifices have to be made. In order to have the Wonderbolts be completely on board with my plan, I needed to have some blood spilled. That's why I provoked you by attacking Crash, figuring you would lose control and go on a killing spree. Then there would be no shadow of a doubt that you are nothing but a monster, and Crash had the gall to side with you instead of us."

"That's right Wonderbolts, your little 'teammate' here deceived you, lied to your faces and even had a few of you killed just so he could paint Indominus as a monster," said Discord. "Indominus wasn't wrong in saying that you lot were too stubborn to figure it out, considering he managed to fool you for months."

Spitfire glared at Soarin in pure anger, and the rest of her team followed suite.

"You set us up from the start," Spitfire said angrily.

"You tricked us and had our teammates killed," Fleetfoot added.

"If it weren't for you, Blaze, Fire Streak and Wave Chill would still be alive," said Misty Fly.

"It's all your fault they're dead Soarin," Surprise yelled.

"It's not my fault, that hideous beast attacked us first."

"Au contraire mon frere, you attacked her first if I'm not mistaken. If you don't believe me, then here's the instant replay."

Discord conjured up an orb that replayed Rainbow's first day as an official Wonderbolt. All of them saw that Rainbow had indeed cleared the runway, and got more furious when they saw Soarin's kick knock her into the trashcan. Their faces were seething with anger at their former teammate now that the truth had been brought to light.

"Oh this just gets worse for you Clipper. Here's what a lot of ponies had to say about what you've done." He conjured up another orb, this one played all the responses several ponies had after witnessing the fights and hearing Soarin's filthy plan.

"You don't deserve those wings!"

"You're a complete failure to Equestria!"

"With protectors like you, who needs Chrysalis or Sombra?"

"They should tear off your wings and leave you to die!"

Soarin could feel his entire world crumbling underneath him as everything caught up with him at light speed. His plan for killing Indominus had failed, everypony in the entire world had heard his every word and now hated him. His own team had turned their backs on him and now he was a Wonderbolt, hated by all of Equestria.

"Come on guys, let's go. Soarin's too scared and ashamed of what he's done to be of any threat to you now."

"Agreed Discord, let's let him live with the shock. It'll haunt him until the end of time."

Discord teleported himself back to the others while the dinosaurs chose to walk back and revel in their moment of destroying every aspect of Soarin's life. It was a much more satisfying end than simply killing him, now Soarin was hated by all of Equestria and they would never see him as a Wonderbolt or even a worthwhile pegasus.

"Boss, you can't do this to me. We've been teammates for so-"

"You set up your own teammates. You even had the gall to set up the most promising Wonderbolt I've ever met, and attacked her in cold blood. You are no Wonderbolt Clipper, and you are a disgrace to the name pony. There will be no place in this world where you will ever be forgiven for the horrendous acts you've committed." Spitfire then punched Soarin right in the face and knocked him to the ground.

When he got up, he could see the dinosaurs walking away from him. In that moment, his anger reached a boiling point. Everything he had tried so hard to achieve, all the work he had put into trying to bring down Indominus and make Rainbow his own, was gone. Unable to accept defeat and the fact that his life had crushed,the mentally destroyed Wonderbolt focused his attention on what he deemed the source of his destroyed life.

"You poor, stupid animal. You honestly think you've won? Your puny mind never could understand. I am Soarin, one of the best flyers in all of Equestria, and you are nothing but a beast, a fragile animal! You can never win, because I am great and you are not."

The Wonderbolts backed up from the unstable anger coming from Soarin. Windy and Bow could see what was happening and realized that Soarin was going to snap. Before Rainbow knew what was happening, her parents bolted away from her and zoomed towards Indominus as Soarin exploded towards him in insane anger.

"Here me monster! You will learn what happens when you mess with the best in Equestria!" Indominus turned back to see Soarin heading for him, but another voice caught his attention.

"Indominus! DUCK!!" The hybrid ducked his head on sharp instinct as Windy and Bow flew over him and nailed Soarin in the face.

Rainbow and the others immediately went after her parents as they proceeded to pound Soarin. After he hit the ground, Soarin angrily tried to get at the hybrid, but Windy and Bow punched him back with every attempt he made. Bow slammed his hooves across Soarin's face while Windy struck him in the back.

"You will not harm Indominus Rex," Bow shouted at Soarin after punching him in the gut.

"If you thought that you would be good enough for our daughter, then you are dead wrong," Windy said as she restrained Soarin's front legs. "A weak and delusional pegasus like you, will never be good enough to be a husband to our Rainbow Dash."

"Represent, mom!" Rainbow and Scootaloo flew over and slammed their hooves down on Soarin's head, grinding from the double hits.

Rainbow grabbed Soarin by the neck in her claws and threw him aside, only for the former Wonderbolt to be held by the neck by a massive set of claws. Smaug had an iron grip on the pegasus's neck and wasn't going to let him escape.

"Now the dragons are gonna fight me?"

"Oh I'm not gonna fight you, my prodigy is going to slaughter you." Indominus had the same bright red glare in his eyes and they were once again, emitting red steam. But this time, there was red steam coming from his jaws too, he was giving Soarin the ultimate death stare.

"You damn fool. I took it easy on you, spared your life, even gave you one last chance to redeem yourself. After all of that, THIS is how you repay me!? That tears it Soarin! I'm going to fucking rip you in half!"

Smaug lifted Soarin's massive frame and threw him in Indominus's direction, who slammed the Wonderbolt back into the dirt at Mach 40 speeds. As Soarin's body bounced along the ground, Indominus slashed away at him with unrelenting force. His claws tore through Soarin's flesh like it was a sheet of paper, sending blood flying all over the area. The Wonderbolt was completely at the mercy of an enraged hybrid who had finally had enough of the pony's bullshit. As Indominus punched Soarin away, the pegasus was smashed by another fighter.

Rainbow entered the fray and used her own claws to rip through Soarin's body. She and Indominus tag-teamed him and Soarin was assaulted by a flurry of claws and teeth. There was not a shred of mercy left for the Wonderbolt, he had blown his final chance and now his life was slipping away at the claws of the lovers he had tried to destroy. After Rainbow and Indominus dealt a slash across his face, Soarin nearly collapsed from the blood loss and the crippling attacks. They walked over to him and everypony was hushed as Indominus placed his hands on Soarin's face and began to pry open his mouth.

With Indominus's strength being infinite, there was nothing Soarin could do to hold off the final blow. He tried in vain to free himself, but it was all for not. Rainbow placed her claws on Soarin's mouth too and decided to give him his last words.

"This is the end for you Soarin. You were a great Wonderbolt, but you made yourself into a monster. If you had just learned to accept that there are others who are better than you, then maybe this could've been avoided. Instead you chose to attack us, nearly killed me and my husband, now it's your turn. Though before you go, I think it's only fair that you get the only kiss of your life. The Kiss of Death."

"Let's do this Rainbow."

They began building energy in their jaws and after a few moments of gathering power, what happened next, would haunt the Wonderbolts for the rest of their lives. Rainbow and Indominus unleashed their attacks and poured them down Soarin's throat. The Wonderbolt screamed in terror as he felt his insides being cooked from the combined attacks. Every nerve in his body was on fire with pain, the very skin of his neck was being torn away by the blasts. The WorldBreakers continued to pour energy down the Wonderbolt's gullet, until the light faded from his eyes. Soarin's front legs fell limp at his side and Indominus tore the head off and chucked it at Spitfire as his lifeless body fell to the ground.

"Soarin is dead. The threat to our family, is gone." Spitfire couldn't look away from Soarin's decapitated head after seeing the terror in his eyes when they killed him. She only looked away when Celestia caught her attention.

"Well Spitfire, count yourself lucky that Indominus decided to spare you. Since all of you had been fooled by Soarin and weren't aware of his plan, I'm not going to have the Wonderbolts disbanded. Rather, I'm going to have all of you on suspended leave until you seven give a true and honest apology to Rainbow Dash and Indominus Rex. Until that time comes, none of you will ever perform in Equestria again." Spitfire had no response, only silence.

"Now go and get back to your compound," said Luna. The Wonderbolts all took off in separate directions. Spitfire and her crew went back towards the compound, while the other Wonderbolts headed back to their homes. Once they were all gone, it was time for the warriors to bid their farewells too.

"Thank you Dragon Lord Smaug, for helping us in this struggle."

"You're very welcome Princess Celestia. I'd do anything for Indominus, especially now that he's come this far. Oh, and you have taken what Ra said into consideration haven't you?"

"Yes I have, and I think I know the perfect reward for Indominus."

"That's good to hear, I look forward to hearing about it. Now it's time for me and my boys to get back to where we belong."

"Yes, and thank you again." Smaug nodded his head in respect as he walked towards his boys, who were chatting with the dinosaurs.

"You going to be ok, Indominus?"

"Yeah Smaug, I'll be fine," Indominus said as the red steam faded and his eyes returned to normal. "I've got more control in this state than I ever did with the Immortal Phoenix."

"Don't worry Smaug, we'll keep an eye on him," Rainbow said as she flew over to join the group.

"I'm sure you will Rainbow, and make sure to give Indominus plenty of affection for his effort tonight."

"Oh that won't be a problem, I'll make sure to rock his world."

"Excellent. Now come on boys, let's get back to where we belong."

"It was a pleasure helping you out Indominus," said the white dragon.

"You're in a whole new league of your own now," the green dragon added.

"Make sure to pay us a visit every once in a while," said the dark dragon.

"i'll still drop by guys, I won't forget what you've done for me," Indominus called out to them as the dragons took flight and headed for the dragon lands.

"Phew, that was one heck of a battle," said Applejack.

"I'm glad that it's finally over," said Twilight.

"Yes, but we still have some matters to discuss back in Canterlot. Discord, would you do the honors?"

"Gladly KK," Discord said before snapping his fingers and teleporting them all away from the battlefield.

As for the Wonderbolts, the formula finally wore off and they returned to their normal sizes as they landed at the compound. They had suffered quite a loss, not just of another teammate, but of their very reputation as well. Although they had found out the truth about Soarin's plan, that still didn't make up for the fact that they had willingly helped him through all of it. Spitfire was the most guilt-ridden because of how she had helped Soarin almost kill Rainbow Dash. She had helped nearly kill the one pony that had the greatest potential, and it made her realize just how stupid she had been to listen to Soarin. When they got inside, one of them had to break the silence since Spitfire hadn't said a single word the whole way back.

"So, Spitfire? What do we do now," asked Misty Fly.

"Nothing. There's nothing we can do now."

"What do you mean 'nothing,'" asked Surprise.

"I mean nothing because there's nothing left for us to do. She has beaten us completely, first by her own actions, and now through her husband's. We chose to hurt her, we destroyed our own reputation by believing in Soarin's twisted lies. The worst part is that I didn't listen to what she had to say. I'll never be able to make it up to her for all that I've put her through. Her husband was the innocent protector the whole time, and the real monster had been tricking us all along. We betrayed her trust and turned our backs on her, what does that make of pegasi like us?" Spitfire sulked into her office and shut the door saying "I am no Wonderbolt, and I can never show my face in Equestria again."

The remaining Wonderbolts sulked back to their beds to rest. With their reputation in shambles, and all of Equestria seeing their actions against Indominus and Rainbow, there truly was nothing more for them to do. Indominus had finally beaten the Wonderbolts and ended Soarin's quest for revenge against him.