Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

The Final Confrontation

Soarin and Indominus collided against each other with brutal force. The hybrids dug their claws into each other with incredible speed, slashing away at their bodies with pure strength and ferocity. With his strength as strong as it was, Indominus was able to damage Soarin's body as the Immortal WorldBreaker, but couldn't slow him down due to the Immortal Phoenix's invulnerability. As for Soarin, while he was able to attack and harm Indominus, the hybrid's new form was healing his body at a rate far faster than before. Indominus clamped down on Soarin's shoulder in an attempt to change up tactics, and the Wonderbolt roared in pain from the force of the hybrid's bite. Indominus used his strength and grip on Soarin's shoulder to throw the Wonderbolt to the side, and as he got regained his balance, Soarin was met with a slash right to the face.

Soarin staggered away from Indominus, with traces of blood flowing out from the black flames. Indominus saw that his attack had actually managed to get through the flame, at least to a certain degree. He charged Soarin at top speed and the Wonderbolt met him head on. Their thick skulls smashed against each other with such force that it dazed them both temporarily. Indominus took the moment of opportunity to ram Soarin right in the chest, sending the Wonderbolt tumbling across the barren area until he stopped by digging his claws into the dirt.

The Wonderbolt got back to his feet and saw a fireball of red and gold energy heading for him. Soarin's only instinct was to hold his ground against the attack and try to stop it from blasting him. The fireball forced him back a couple feet before he managed to slow it down, only to be wide open to the attack speeding towards him. Indominus had used the attack as a distraction and barreled through it, causing the fireball to explode on him and Soarin. The explosion took away chunks of the Immortal Phoenix and showed Indominus some vulnerable spots he could attack. The hybrid took his chance and thrust his claws deep into Soarin's chest, who reacted by punching Indominus's head as the dinosaur raked his claws across the exposed flesh.

The hybrids staggered backwards, each one stunned or dealing with the damage caused by their attacks. Indominus had only been stunned at the moment, but Soarin was actually bleeding from Indominus's claws being inside him. The Wonderbolt put a hand over his wound as the black flames covered the exposed parts again.

"Well, that's a first," Soarin said as he looked at the blood on his hands. "You never could manage to draw blood before."

"That's what happens when you give up on rage, Soarin. In this state, I'm better than you in every way."

"In every way? You think that just because you're a little stronger, you have what it takes to beat me? I'll show you just how wrong you are!" The hybrids flew at each other and their colliding fists caused massive surges of energies to erupt between them. The force of the collision and the energy being produced by it was shredding apart the ground beneath them.

On a separate planet within the dimension, Rainbow Dash was engaged in a speed blitzing fight between herself and Spitfire. They were moving so fast that only a well trained eye could actually spot them fighting each other. Both pegasi were certainly pushing themselves, but Rainbow's new form gave her the advantage over Spitfire in terms of strength, speed and stamina. Her speed was beyond Spitfire's by such a vast extent, that she could close in on her almost faster than the Wonderbolt could counterattack. She was being matched move for move by Rainbow's new form, and their attacks were sending shock-waves across the entire planet. Rainbow's transformed body had so much stamina that she was able to maintain the extreme speeds far longer than before. When she dealt a punch right to Spitfire's gut, the Wonderbolt was frozen in place from the attack.

Despite the flames giving her near the same invulnerability as Soarin, that didn't matter since Spitfire didn't have the same endurance as the scaly Wonderbolt. The lead Wonderbolt wasn't used to going up against an opponent that was so much stronger than her and had the speed to back up her attacks. With the power Indominus had given her, Rainbow had become a far better pegasus than Spitfire. She slashed across Spitfire's face with her claws and punched the Wonderbolt into the dirt in time to see the energy bursting out from Indominus and Soarin's colliding fists. Her eyes went wide in amazement from seeing the power surging out from the planet.

"How about that? My stud is giving Soarin more trouble than he thought, and it looks like Indominus was right about his power. This is already more than what he showed before we were brought here. I just hope he can control it when the fight is over." Rainbow dove towards Spitfire, who blocked her claws, then bolted back into the air and went into another round of colliding blows with the transformed pegasus.

Back in Equestria, Discord had chained up all the remaining Wonderbolts and had everyone that could launch blasts lined up against each one. Even with Soarin and Indominus fighting each other in another dimension, the Wonderbolts were still under the influence of the flames Soarin had poured onto them. Celestia wanted to know if there was any way to change them back without having to resort to killing. Discord was confident that if the Wonderbolts were hit with a blast that contained enough power, the explosion would cancel out the Immortal Phoenix and change them all back to normal. Since the method had already worked against Indominus's former Immortal Phoenix form, there was no question it would work on the Wonderbolts too.

"Now Discord, are you positive that this will work," asked Twilight.

"I'm more positive than ever, Twilight. I hit Indominus with an incredible amount of power when I tested his form, and it changed him back to normal. It'll work just the same on them."

"We're not gonna kill the Wonderbolts, are we," asked Fluttershy.

"Oh no Fluttershy. Those flames will protect them from any serious damage. The attacks we use on them will take away the flames, but we won't hurt them. It's meant to change them back to normal."

"Ok. Since you've had experience handling this form Discord. we'll go with your method," said Celestia.

"Alright everypony. For this to work, you'll need to gather more power than you've ever used before. The attack has to be strong to overwhelm those flames or it won't work."

"Roger that Discord," said the CMC as they opened their mouths and started gathering energy.

The Mane Five followed suite along with Spike, Smaug and his fellow dragons, who were gathering huge amounts of fire in their mouths. Tyrannosaurus, Blue, Charlie, Delta and Echo already had massive orbs of red energy forming in their jaws. Celestia and Luna had bright red horns from the power they were gathering for their attacks. Discord, Red-Eyes and King of Yamimakai were also building up their blasts as well. To make up for the rest of his team being unable to use energy attacks, Discord had made three more copies of himself to take care of the last of the Wonderbolts.

"Ready everypony?"

"Ready Discord!"

"FIRE!" Everypony fired massive blasts towards their targets, and the enormous waves of energy engulfed the Wonderbolts.

A series of explosions rocked the area as each blast hit the Wonderbolts simultaneously. Their cries were deafened from the roars of the explosions and the mini earthquakes that occurred from each attack. Columns of smoke and billowing dust erupted into the sky, making it impossible to see what had happened to the Wonderbolts. Smaug and his dragons used their wings to blow away the smoke and spot the results faster. When all the smoke and dust had been cleared away, Twilight and the Princesses were incredibly thankful, for the results had turned out like they had hoped.

The Wonderbolts were all unconscious, but the black flames had been burned away. The attacks had indeed taken away the fire and the Wonderbolts' bodies were virtually unharmed.

"AHA! I knew it would work."

"Yeah Discord, you were right this time. At least now they can't fight anymore," said Applejack.

"But what are we going to do with them," asked Rarity.

"Their fate will be left in my brother's hands, right Princesses," asked T-Rex.

"That's right Tyrannosaurus, Indominus still gets to decide what happens to them, given what they tried to do to Rainbow Dash," said Luna.

"Speaking of Dashie, how are she and Indominus doing in their brawls," asked Pinkie.

"Let's just see how the lovebirds are faring," Discord conjured up two orbs, one for Indominus's fight with Soarin and the other for Rainbow's fight against Spitfire.

Everypony could see the ferocity in their faces as Rainbow and Indominus fought their hearts out against the last two Wonderbolts. Indominus and Soarin were tearing into each other with claws, teeth, punches, blasts and attacks that were tearing apart the ground around them as if the planet itself was unable to stand up to their might. Celestia could see that with every blow Indominus landed, his strength did seem to be growing because the energy from each attack was getting stronger.

"Tear him apart brother, you're better than him," Tyrannosaurus cheered on.

"Rip him to bloody shreds," said Blue.

"You got this dad! Show that weak poser why you're the Untamable King!" Scootaloo was cheering ecstatically for her father, just like how Rainbow's parents were doing the same.

"Go get em honey! You can beat her!"

"Go go Rainbow Dash! Beat that Wonderbolt's sorry butt into the ground and make her taste defeat!"

As for Rainbow Dash, her fight was so fast and intense that only Discord could keep track of her progress. He had to slow down the orb for her fight so the others could see her and Spitfire exchanging punches and colliding against each other. Her strength wasn't growing at the same incredible rate as Indominus's, but her hits to Spitfire's face were enough to get at the Wonderbolt. Spitfire managed to deal her a kick directly across the face, but it did nothing to slow down Rainbow, who returned the favor with a four clawed slash across the face.

"Indominus is definitely beyond anything in this world," said Luna. "He wasn't wrong to be unsure of what his power could do."

"He was right to have you send him there, Discord. Indominus does seem to be getting stronger."

"Not just that Celestia, I can't feel a limit to his strength."

"What!? But that's impossible Discord, everything has a limit," said Twilight.

"I'm afraid not Twilight, not in this case anyway. I'm measuring his strength right now and if he continues fighting like this, his strength will reach a point where it can't be surpassed."
"What will that point be, Discord?"

"Basically Twilight, if he fights for long enough, Indominus's strength will become...........infinite." A huge gasp was heard after Discord gave his answer. Never in the entire history of Equestria had there every been a pony or any creature that was able to achieve infinite anything.

"No, i-it's just not possible Discord. Nothing in Equestria could ever handle anything in the realm of infinite."

"There's a first time for everything Twilight. I saw the proof when he and Rainbow pulled Equestria back together. Granted, she doesn't have the potential for infinite strength, but her strength is growing at a steady pace. She'll be able to overpower Spitfire in due time, but Indominus will be an unstoppable force of nature when his strength becomes infinite."

"If that happens Discord, what will he be able to do with it," asked Luna.

"If he's not careful with it, he could destroy that entire dimension along with himself and Rainbow Dash. Infinite strength is not something that can be achieved so easily, but he might be the very first one to do it."

"Come on you two, you can't lose to them. Ra put his trust and faith in you Indominus, now it's time to show him that his faith is justified," Luna said under her breath as the fights raged on.

Indominus and Soarin nailed each other directly across the face and before either of them took a step back, both hybrids launched their blasts at close range. The explosion sent them in separate directions across the planet, both hybrids were steaming as they dug their claws into the ground to stop themselves. Indominus had to stop for a moment to catch his breath, despite all the attacks he had dealt, Soarin wasn't slowing down. The invulnerability of the Immortal Phoenix was certainly able to stand up to his might, but he could still feel his strength growing.

"I don't know how, but I'm still getting stronger. Some of those attacks had to have gotten through to Soarin, but it's still not slowing him down. If I'm going to stop Soarin, I need to get rid of the Immortal Phoenix, otherwise I can't get at his body. Wait a minute...." Indominus thought back to his last round with Soarin, when they had both used the Immortal Phoenix against each other. When they had attacked each other at full force, the explosion from the collision had forced them both out of their forms.

"That's it, all I need is a force stronger than the Immortal Phoenix to cancel it out. If what Ra told me is true, then this form will be able to do that on its own. But for now, I need to trigger a new kind of explosion, and I'm standing on the perfect source. With my strength at this level, I've got enough power to destroy the planet." Indominus clenched his right fist and focused his strength and power into it for one explosive attack.

Soarin could see energy starting to surge out of the hybrid's hand, unaware of the devastation Indominus was about to cause with it. So the Wonderbolt did the same and focused on his own strength, ready to meet the hybrid with another collision.

"Alright monster, let's end this!"

"You're gonna regret those words, Soarin!" "Time to see what I can take as the WorldBreaker," Indominus thought to himself before he and Soarin unfurled their wings and exploded off the ground toward each other,

When their fists collided, the results were far more destructive than anything ever seen before. The explosion was so powerful it disintegrated the ground they were fighting over. The destructive force worked its way throughout the entire world until the planet was obliterated in a massive explosion of raw power. Rainbow and Spitfire actually stopped fighting as the planet blew up, unable to look away from the spectacle.

"No. INDOMINUS!!" Rainbow couldn't make out anything as the light from the explosion lit up the dimension.

When all was said and done. the planet had been turned into nothing but a series of floating islands.

"No! That can't be it. He couldn't have just ended his own life like that," Luna said, refusing to believe that Indominus had killed himself to beat Soarin.

"I don't think so Luna," said Scootaloo. "Take a closer look and see for yourself."

There was still a massive glow coming from where the planet had been. As it began to die out, everypony could make out a giant figure on one of the many floating islands. It was Soarin, on his side and clutching his chest from the extreme force of the blast he had withstood. Only a few trace flames of the Immortal Phoenix had been left over, most of the form had been burned away from Soarin during the explosion.

"Ha.....that idiotic monster.....he killed himself in a......pathetic beat me."

"Don't think you've won this fight just yet, Soarin." The Wonderbolt's eyes went wide when he heard the voice and got a closer look at the glow in front of him.

On another floating island in the distance, Soarin could see the outline of Indominus's body coated in golden fire. The glow that was lighting up the dimension had been coming from him. The golden fire parted away from the hybrid's body and Rainbow was stunned to see that there wasn't a single mark on Indominus's body. His Immortal WorldBreaker form had not only allowed him to tank a planet exploding, but healed him from it as well. The Immortal Phoenix wouldn't have been able to withstand such an explosion, and Indominus could see how Soarin was paying for it.

The Wonderbolt had lost most of his Immortal Phoenix form and his body had remains of burns caused by the explosion. Indominus even noticed that Soarin's body was healing at a slower rate and the Wonderbolt seemed shaky as he stood back on his feet. The hybrid already knew the cause for Soarin's weakened state, the Immortal Phoenix was finally taking its toll on him. He was losing strength and energy, as well as his body taking on so much damage from the fight and his own power. But while the Wonderbolt was weakened, his mutated body was able to handle the damage at a better degree.

"You can't be standing after an explosion like that! You're just a stupid animal!"

"Oh I'm more than just an animal Soarin. I told you I was better and now I'll tell you what the difference is between you and me."

"What are you talking about?"

"The thing is, you might be able to break bodies and spirits, Soarin. But I....BREAK WORLDS!!!"

Indominus roared across the dimension, causing his body to emit stronger flames as his power continued to grow. Undeterred by the hybrid's show of strength, Soarin struggled back to his feet and brought back the black flames. Indominus then charged Soarin at top speed, and carried his body until they both crashed head-first into another planet. A mountain of dust erupted as Soarin was thrown away from the impact like a rag doll in a tsunami. The red eyed dinosaur was out of the mountain of dust in a minute and was upon Soarin with another round of slashes and bites.

Soarin was knocked back by a punch right underneath his jaws and when he came barreling back at Indominus, he charged Indominus with his jaws wide open and aiming for the hybrid's throat. Indominus held Soarin by the mouth as he was pushed back with the Wonderbolt trying to crush his throat. The dinosaur knew he could take punishment, but if Soarin got his jaws on Indominus's neck, the dinosaur would be killed from the bite force in an instant. Soarin couldn't force Indominus back any further as the hybrid's strength had now grown to where he could hold off Soarin's jaws. But Indominus wasn't prepared for the surprise attack that was building up in the back of Soarin's mouth.

Indominus was overwhelmed as Soarin covered his body with the green blast. The dinosaur felt every nerve in his body burning from the extreme heat that was coming from Soarin's blast. He could hear Soarin laughing as he started to go down on his knees, but the hybrid retaliated in a way that really drilled some sense into the Wonderbolt's head. Indominus released his grip on Soarin's upper jaw and then drove his claws into the top of the poor Wonderbolt's skull. The attack was so fast and intense that it interrupted Soarin's blast and he froze in place as he felt the hybrid's claws digging at the inside of his head. Then in one swift slash, Indominus raked his claws down the full length of Soarin's head, with four trails of blood flowing out of the flames.

Soarin was on his knees and holding his hand over the bleeding scratches as Indominus bore down on him with his red, glowing, steaming eyes.

"You.....can't do this. Why can't I kill you?"

"It's easy Soarin. You can't kill me because as my name suggests, I'm the Immortal WorldBreaker!!"

Rainbow was so distracted by seeing Indominus owning Soarin's hide that she failed to react fast enough when Spitfire punched her across the face. She soon found herself at the wrong end of several attacks from the Wonderbolt, who assaulted her with a barrage of punches aimed for her face.

"Come on Rainbow Dash, DODGE," Indominus called out from seeing his girl getting attacked.

As she heard Indominus's voice, Rainbow ducked underneath Spitfire's next punch, and followed up with a strong right hook to her face. Then she went for a new approach and unleashed a blast on Spitfire at close range. The blast forced Spitfire back and Rainbow could see that bits of the black flames were missing from her body as the Wonderbolt dug her hooves into the ground to stop herself. Now she knew how to beat Spitfire. and take away the black fire that was corrupting her mind.

"I've really enjoyed this brawl Spitfire, but I'm afraid I'll have to put this to an end."

"You think it's going to be that easy Crash? I'm the best Wonderbolt in all of Equestria, you don't have what it takes to beat me."

"Uh huh, sure. That's not you talking, that's just those little flames that Soarin poisoned you with. Once I free you from them, then you'll finally see that me and my husband weren't the ones at fault."

The two powerful pegasi dove back into their brawl and Rainbow met Spitfire head on by ramming their heads. Rainbow didn't let up as she struck Spitfire in the gut, then kicked her away and followed up with a blast as the Wonderbolt skidded across the area. In order to beat Spitfire, Rainbow had to be as ruthless as Indominus in her attacks in order to overtax the flames of the Immortal Phoenix. More flame had been pulled away as Spitfire came swinging back at Rainbow Dash and the two of them went into another speed blitz. Enormous shock-waves erupted all over the planet and made numerous craters in the ground as Spitfire and Rainbow punched away the last precious moments in their fight.

Indominus managed to catch a glimpse of Rainbow's fight after he struck Soarin hard enough to send him tumbling away. He saw that Rainbow was making the most of her new weapons, throwing slashing strikes at Spitfire at blinding speeds and nailing her with superior strength. He figured that Rainbow knew the Immortal Phoenix's weakness, and was trying to hurt Spitfire as much as possible to immobilize her for a finishing blow that would take out the form.

"That's my girl, using that brain of hers to win this fight."

In the middle of the speed blitzing, Spitfire's reflexes were slowing down from the intensity of the fight. Her body was using up too much energy from fighting Rainbow at the intense speeds they were going. Rainbow nailed her in the face with a roundhouse kick, then sped behind Spitfire and spiked her into the ground with both hooves. Spitfire managed to stop herself before she hit the ground, but Rainbow was already upon her and slashed her across the face. Then Rainbow actually bit down on Spitfire's neck, dragged her along the ground and then threw her like a chunk of meat across the planet. She was ahead of Spitfire in seconds and elbowed her square in the back before smashing the Wonderbolt's body into the ground.

Now Spitfire was finally immobilized and in the perfect spot for Rainbow to unleash her finishing blow. Rainbow sped high into the atmosphere of the planet they were on. She then yelled out to her idol, who could only turn herself onto her back to look at the attack that was going to happen.


Rainbow dove straight down towards Spitfire, building tremendous speed as she closed the distance between them in mere seconds. The last thing Spitfire heard before Rainbow hit her head on were two sincere words, "I'm sorry." Rainbow collided with Spitfire and from the collision came an enormous erupting pillar of rainbow colored clouds and energy.

The explosion tore away at the planet and got Indominus and Soarin's attention this time. The hybrids were awestruck by the display of power that Rainbow had shown. The attack continued until it had destroyed one fifth of the entire planet, then it was just a matter of waiting for the dust to settle to see who was still standing.

Scootaloo, Windy and Bow were all holding their breath after seeing Rainbow perform the attack. Waiting for the dust to settle was like waiting for the countdown til doomsday.

"Wait, I can see it clearing up," Scootaloo said as the dust finally began to settle.

Everyone could see the outline of a single pony towering over another that was unconscious on the ground. Nopony could tell who was the one on top, until she unfurled her sharp, golden wings and bellowed a victory roar that blew away the rest of the dust. Rainbow could be seen roaring across the planet signaling her victory, just like Indominus. The dinosaurs, monsters, Scootaloo and Rainbow's parents all roared in excitement at seeing Rainbow's win. Fluttershy was even more ecstatic than when Rainbow had first performed the Sonic Rainboom.


"She's done Indominus proud today," said Delta.

"I've never seen a pony attack like one of us before," said Blue.

"My brother made the best choice in the world by falling for a hardcore badass like her," said Tyrannosaurus.

"I've never been happier to have an awesome pony like her as my sister/mom," said Scootaloo.

"Our daughter is without a doubt in a league of her own, dear," said Windy.

"To think that if it weren't for Indominus, she wouldn't have done all that," Bow added.

"Ah'd best not try to challenge her in any kind of strength contests with that kind of might," said Applejack.

"To top it off, she didn't kill Spitfire," said Twilight. "She actually took away the flames that made Spitfire fight in the first place, and saved her life in the process."

"I'll get that Wonderbolt out of the dimension before she gets caught up in the brawl Soarin and Indominus are locked in," Discord said before snapping his fingers and teleported Spitfire back into Equestria.

He put her with the rest of the Wonderbolts that had all been changed back to normal as well. Now there was just one Wonderbolt left, and Indominus was the only one that could beat him.

"Now all that's left is Indominus's fight with Soarin," said Celestia.

"He'll win sister, because Rainbow's there with him. She's his everything, and will give him even more of a reason to win," said Luna. The group focused on the last orb that showed the final fight.

"Worthless, she couldn't even beat Crash by herself."

"How can you call one of your own teammates worthless, Soarin. Don't you even care about them?"

"They were supposed to beat you and kill you, monster. If they couldn't even do that, then they're nothing to me!" Soarin flew back at Indominus, and the hybrid merely stood his ground as he blocked the attack.

"Liar! You're only saying that because you've let rage and power control you." Indominus viciously slashed Soarin across the face.

"I refuse to believe that you don't care about them as well, Clipper!" Soarin turned his head a moment too late before Rainbow nailed him with a high speed drop kick.

Soarin was sent skidding away as Rainbow touched down beside Indominus.

"That was some pretty awesome fighting you showed back there, Rainbow."

"Well thanks Indominus, I did learn from the best after all. So how's about we put an end to Soarin's delusional vendetta for good?"

"No Rainbow, it has to be me this time."

"What? Why Indominus? You've always had trouble fighting him in the past, why do you want to fight him alone this time?"

"Because Rainbow, it's my chance to prove that I can beat him with my own strength. Every time we've fought, I wasn't been able to fight him at my best because the Devil was always interfering or his teammates were helping him. I've never been able to face him in a fight without interruptions, this is my chance to prove it to myself that I am strong enough to beat him at last."

"Wow. That was deep and very inspirational Indominus. Alright, I'll let you have this fight with him, but do you think you can answer this little question first?"

"What's your question?"

"Just out of curiosity, how many Immortal WorldBreakers does it take to screw in a light bulb?"

"Heh heh, how many, Rainbow Dash?" Indominus loved how Rainbow still had her enthusiasm and witty remarks after her fight with Spitfire.

"There's no telling, but it only takes one to beat all of the Wonderbolts." Indominus chuckled at Rainbow's answer as he spotted Soarin getting back up. "Come out of this fight a champion, Indominus."

"Don't worry I intend to, thank you Rainbow Dash."

Indominus flew back into the fight and got into a speed blitzing aerial dogfight with Soarin. Both were flying at speeds well beyond mach five at least, and dealing out slashes and strikes with all the strength they had. Soarin powered through Indominus's attacks with nothing but his anger, and it allowed him to keep striking back at the Immortal WorldBreaker. He got lucky and landed a slashing uppercut that broke Indominus's focus and gave Soarin the chance to fly behind him and hammer the hybrid into the ground with his blast. Soarin dove after him in pursuit, and as Indominus got up amidst the green fire, the Wonderbolt clamped down on the back of his neck. He crushed the gold spikes that were on Indominus's neck and sank his jaws into the dinosaur's skin.

Indominus shook his body in an attempt to shake Soarin off of him, but the Wonderbolt dug his teeth in deep and drew blood. Rainbow could see that Soarin was at the perfect angle to where he was out of reach from any attack Indominus could throw at him. The hybrid felt sharp pain surging through him as he felt Soarin's teeth dig deeper towards his bones, and he dropped to all fours from the pain. But as he did so, Indominus saw a way for him to free himself from the Wonderbolt's grip. Indominus gritted his teeth and pulled away from Soarin, causing his jaws to slice at his neck.

Remarkably, the attack moved Soarin into range of Indominus's attacks, and the hybrid let loose a blast onto Soarin's chest. The blast tore Soarin away from his neck and before the Wonderbolt could attack again, Indominus struck him squarely in the chest. The mutated Wonderbolt's clawed feet dug at the ground as he was pushed back from the strength of Indominus's punch. He didn't get a chance to react as Indominus was upon him, driving punch after punch into the Wonderbolt's chest. Rainbow could see Soarin's eyes practically bulging out from every punch that Indominus landed, and how he was being forced back more and more with each attack.

"Get him Indominus, make him cry."

Indominus dealt one punch right to the head and knocked Soarin senseless as he slammed into the ground, writhing from the blows he had taken. Soarin's whole body was shaking as he struggled to get back on his feet. His eyes glowing a twisted shade of green as he glared at Indominus.

"You may be strong, but you're still just a stupid animal!" The black flames surged around Soarin as he angrily roared and punched Indominus across the face.

He followed up with a fist right to the hybrid's neck, which forced him down on all fours. He then struck Indominus in the face again and dealt another into the hybrid's mouth. Soarin then struck Indominus in the chest and the force caused Indominus's body to hit the ground and bounce twice before landing face down in the dirt. Soarin just towered over his opponent, thinking he had gained an upper hand.

"See? Nothing but a beast."

"So I'm a beast huh?" Soarin's face grew more enraged as he saw Indominus stand up and his body heal all the damage he had received. "I'll tell you this, Soarin. I'd rather be a brainless beast, than a heartless monster, like you."


Soarin charged Indominus again and the hybrid followed suite. This time, they met each other head-on and punched one another through the chest with their fists. Blood spurted out of their mouths as both hybrids froze in place from the attacks. Rainbow tried not to panic from seeing Indominus being punched with Soarin's fist lodged into his chest. Her panic turned to surprise when she saw Indominus's free hand rise up and strike Soarin so hard that his scream was loud enough to be heard throughout the dimension. Indominus then raked the claws down the length of Soarin's neck and it forced their fists out of each other's chests.

Soarin was in serious pain from both attacks, and his body was healing slower than usual. In comparison, Indominus healed up the hole in his chest and stared at his claws in delight. He had finally achieved the level where his strength couldn't be surpassed. Indominus could see golden lightning starting to surge around his claws, and he knew that Ra hadn't been wrong about the form's great potential.

"You're finished, Soarin. I've won this fight."

"What are you talking about, behemoth? You're far from winning this fight."

"On the contrary Soarin, I have won. My strength has become, infinite!"

"The day you have infinite strength, is the day I'll be begging you for my life." Soarin struggled against the pain and ran towards Indominus, but the hybrid merely turned his body and slapped the Wonderbolt with his tail.

But this time, the attack was stronger than any of Indominus's previous blows. The slap from the dinosaur's tail felt greater than the force of a thousand steel anvils hitting Soarin in the face. He staggered backwards and collapsed on all fours from the attack.

"How did you do that Indominus," Rainbow asked after seeing how damaged Soarin was from just being hit by Indominus's tail.

"I told you Rainbow, my strength is infinite now. Ra said this form would be able to tear apart the Immortal Phoenix in due time, now is that time. I can beat Soarin now."

"You think one blow is enough to bring me down," Soarin said as he staggered back to his feet and tried to keep himself from collapsing again. "I'll show you how wrong you are."

Soarin wasn't prepared for the devastating attack that awaited him when he bolted towards Indominus again. They raised their fists at each other, but when they collided, Soarin was screaming in sheer agony and pulled back in shock. As Indominus's fist hit Soarin's, the infinite strength the hybrid had, overwhelmed the Wonderbolt's attack and practically destroyed his fist. Soarin's hand was split open in several places, his fingers were mangled in different directions and blood was pouring out of the mangled wreck that used to be his hand. The wounded Wonderbolt's invulnerability had done nothing to help against Indominus's infinite might.

The hybrid dinosaur rammed Soarin at top speed and his full force attack sent the damaged Wonderbolt tumbling across the land. As Soarin was skidding across the land, Indominus did something that caught Rainbow Dash off guard. He flapped his golden wings one time and it gave him a massive jump that closed the distance between him and his victim, and Indominus slammed both fists down on Soarin's hide. Indominus then proceeded to slam his fists into Soarin multiple times. The Wonderbolt felt his bones cracking under the massive strength Indominus was bringing down on him. Indominus looked down upon the black flame covered mess he had been smashing.

"You think that was tough Soarin? Now I'm gonna really embarrass you, by beating the living shit out of your scaly hide." Soarin tried to fly away, but was stopped when he felt his left leg being tugged on by Indominus. The hybrid dinosaur was holding him in mid-flight when Soarin was beating his wings as hard as he could to try and escape.

The hybrid brought Soarin down to the ground with just a pull of his arm. Then Indominus really brought a world of hurt to Soarin by doing the exact same thing that he did to Spitfire. He lifted Soarin off the ground and then slammed his massive body into the ground several times like he was a slab of quivering cold meat. Rainbow was on the ground, busting her gut and clutching her side in laughs from the pain Indominus was bringing to Soarin.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh stop it Indominus, that's too much! You're cracking me up, it's too hilarious!"

"W-what.....are you....doing to me?"

"I'm beating the living shit out of you, and that's what the honest truth feels like." Indominus slammed Soarin's body into the dirt one more time before he threw him across the planet.

Indominus flew up into the air and looked down upon the beaten wreck that used to be a Wonderbolt.

"Now do you believe me Soarin? You can't beat me, even your Immortal Phoenix form can't save you now. Give up so that I don't have to completely destroy your life." Despite the damaged and destroyed state of his body, Soarin still refused to believe that he could lose to Indominus. He had been able to dominate the hybrid dinosaur during their last fight, and it didn't make sense that he could lose to him in the final round of their fight.

"You're not going to beat me, monster. I'll destroy you if it's the last thing I do!"

Soarin stood up and held onto his bleeding hand as he opened his mouth and began gathering energy in his mouth. Indominus knew that this was Soarin's weapon of last resort: he was going to summon as much power as he could and try to finish the dinosaur off with one final blast. If the attack failed to kill Indominus, Soarin's hope would be crushed and he would lose the will to fight on. Indominus decided to give the Wonderbolt the time he needed for his final attack, and waited for Soarin to finish charging up energy.

Back in Equestria, everypony was on the edge of their seats as they watched Indominus just wait for Soarin to gather enough power.

"He'd better be strong enough to take on that attack," said Twilight.

"He's gonna be fine, Twilight. His strength could just rip that blast to pieces," said Applejack.

"That's not entirely true AJ," said Discord. "While Indominus does have infinite strength, he doesn't have an infinite healing factor or ultimate durability. That blast has brought him to his knees before, and if Soarin's charging it up to its greatest potential, then it's gonna be tough for Indominus to take."

"Though you have to admit, if Indominus manages to survive this attack, then he's won," Luna added.

"Yes. If Indominus makes it through this attack, Soarin's spirit will be broken," said Celestia. He may be in denial right now, but if his last ditch effort fails him, then there'll be nothing he can do against Indominus."

"You can do this dad," Scootaloo said as she saw Soarin's body glowing more brightly with the energy he was absorbing.

"Beat him, brother," said T-Rex.

The dimension was starting to shake from the concentrated amount of energy in Soarin's mouth. Rainbow could see streaks of dark lightning surging out of the Wonderbolt's jaws. He was getting close to completing his attack.

"Rainbow, get away from here now! Soarin's going to fire!"

Soarin was too focused on killing Indominus to aim his attack at Rainbow again. The green blast in his mouth glowed pure white as the energy he had gathered reached its peak.

"DIE MONSTER!" Soarin unleashed his blast and it was more massive than any other he had used.

Rainbow and everyone watched in disbelief as Indominus simply closed his eyes and took the blast head-on. It carried him through the dimension until it plowed him through a planet in the distance. Indominus could feel everything from the extreme heat and force of the blast, to being forced through the very planet itself. The hybrid could feel an even greater force closing in on him as the blast continued to push him through: the very core of the planet that he was approaching. Indominus was going to be hit by both Soarin's blast and the core of the planet, if the two of them collided, the explosion would be even more extreme than the one he had withstood before.

On the outside, Rainbow could see massive cracks forming along the surface of the planet Soarin had blasted Indominus through. His attack was getting closer to the core and as the cracks were spreading further along the surface, it was becoming painfully clear to her that Indominus was taking on an insane amount of abuse. Indominus's roars could now be heard from deep within the planet as the devastation continued to spread, but his roars were overtaken when the planet burst into a violent explosion of green and red energy.


"No Indominus! You can'r lose to him," Discord said once the planet exploded.

"Ya can't leave us again Indominus," Applejack called out.

"Beat him brother, don't let him destroy your family! DON'T LET HIM WIN," Tyrannosaurus roared out.

Within the explosion, Indominus's body was being bombarded with extreme heat and incredibly strong forces from all directions. He could feel his body struggling to match the intensity of the blast and his scales starting to melt from the heat. Even his Immortal WorldBreaker was having serious trouble matching such an attack. But as he continued to try and push through the pain, he could hear Soarin's taunts.


"No. You can't break me, I'm beyond anything you can do to me, Soarin. You've hurt my brother and sisters, tried to kill the pony I love most. Even let your own teammates be killed, all for your own selfish reasons. This ends now Soarin, I won't let you hurt my family." Indominus summoned his strength and tensed his body on top of a piece of land in the middle of the explosion. "I WON'T LET YOU HURT MY FAMILY!!"

The explosion suddenly stopped spreading outward as a massive roar was heard from within it. Rainbow and Soarin watched in shock as the explosion and all its energy were being pulled into a center point like a black hole. Neither of them could believe their eyes: Indominus was actually consuming all the energy from the explosion and sending it down his throat. He was eating the entire explosion in a similar manner to how he had eaten the fire cage Black Death had used to cage his friends. As Rainbow marveled at seeing her husband defeating a truly impossible odd, she could see the terror building in Soarin's eyes as his last attempt to kill Indominus was being swallowed up. After the last of the green and red energy had gone down his throat, Indominus snapped his jaws shut, and a golden aura with red and blue lightning surged around him with the gold flames.

"HE DID IT! HE DID IT! HE DID IT," Luna was beyond ecstatic at seeing Indominus overcome the force of both Soarin's blast and the planet exploding on top of it.

"He's no hybrid dinosaur, he's more like a true god now," said Celestia in stunned shock.

"That should've killed him, how did he manage to beat that," Twilight said in disbelief.

"We don't need to know, Twilight. My brother had the motivation in there with him the whole time. She's his reason for fighting and the source of his willpower," said Blue.

"Now it's over for Soarin," said Delta.

"That was his last chance, now Indominus is going to tear him apart," Charlie added.

"How's about I give him a little tune to beat Soarin's filthy butt to," said Discord.

"What kind of tune, Discord?"

"You know this one, Fluttershy. He and Rainbow sang it during their honeymoon in Las Pegasus, now all of Equestria will get to hear it." Discord snapped his fingers and told everyone to keep an eye on the orb.

(Spoiler: this is how Indominus will sound when the story becomes an audio drama.)

As he prepared himself for the brutal smackdown he was going to give, Indominus heard a very familiar tune playing within the dimension, and it fit perfectly with what he was about to unleash on Soarin.

"Nice touch, Discord," Indominus thought to himself as he focused his attention on Soarin, who was dripping sweat in fear.

" did you do that!? That was enough power to annihilate you and destroy your body!"

"You can't kill someone who is far above your league, Soarin," Indominus said with massive amounts of golden energy surging around him.

"You should be dead......what are you?"

"I'm Indominus Rex, and I am your death wish. You had your chance to kill me and now guess just lost."

Indominus was off the floating island and in front of Soarin in mere seconds. With his body fully healed from the explosion and absorbing all the energy, he was ready to tear Soarin apart.

"You've had this coming to you for a long time Soarin, now's the time to face up to the consequences."

He charged Soarin and pierced the Wonderbolt's chest with his claws. Indominus ripped his claws out of Soarin's chest, then savagely bit, slashed and wreaked all kinds of havoc on the poor Wonderbolt. With all the power and strength he had, Indominus was able to slice right through the black flames and tear away at Soarin's body. He used his head to uppercut Soarin across the planet, then used another single flap of his wings to perform a jump and slammed down on his body. The attack sent hundreds of bits of dirt from the planet flying into the air as Indominus punched the beaten Wonderbolt into a crater.

The hybrid seized his victim in his jaws and threw him out of the crater like a chew toy, giving chase instantly afterwards. He moved around Soarin's frame with incredible speed, slashing all over the mutated body with his claws. He dug deep into Soarin's side and raked his claws along the entire length, his strength digging at Soarin's very bones. When he pulled them out, thick trails of blood were leaking out and the flames were dissipating even further. He moved up to the face and just slashed away at Soarin, marking up the face with hundreds of claw marks and more blood spilling out. Then true to his promise at the start of the fight, Indominus clamped down on the underside of Soarin's neck, sank his teeth in and tore the Wonderbolt's throat out.

The attack had Soarin on the ground, blood seeping out of the gaping wound and gasping for air. With Soarin completely dazed and unable to defend himself anymore, Indominus dealt a coup de grace to the defeated Wonderbolt. He attacked Soarin in the face with all the strength he could focus into his fist and the sound of bones breaking under the intense pressure was heard.

Soarin staggered drowsily from the bone breaking punch Indominus had unleashed on his skull. The black flames had all but been torn to pieces and his body was bleeding excessive amounts of blood. As the damage took its toll on him, Soarin fell to the side and collapsed. Indominus walked over, placed a foot on Soarin's side and bellowed a victorious roar throughout the dimension. Rainbow flew over to congratulate her husband on his well earned victory.

"That was unbearably awesome Indominus."

"Thanks Rainbow Dash."

Just then, a portal opened up beside them, which told Indominus that Discord was ready for them to come back to Equestria.

"Should we finish him off here first?"

"Nah. we'll finish him back at home." Rainbow nodded before she helped Indominus pick Soarin up by the neck in their mouths and toss him through the portal, which took him back to Equestria. "Let's go Rainbow." Rainbow took Indominus's hand as they flew back into the portal after Soarin.

Back in Equestria, Soarin came tumbling out of the portal and landed in a withering heap in the distance, his body so heavily damaged that he could only get to his knees.

"Everypony, get to safety," Discord said as he spotted the golden flames coming out of the portal.

Indominus and Rainbow walked out, only Rainbow had the same golden energy surging around her as they walked towards the beaten Wonderbolt. Their steaming red eyes locked on him, intent on finishing him off.

Indominus: Wings on my back
I got horns on my head
Rainbow: My fangs are sharp
And my eyes are red
Indominus: Not quite an angel
Or the one that fell
I/R: Now choose to join us or go straight to Hell!!!!!!

"Say goodbye to your power Soarin,"

"and to any hope you had of beating us. Immortal,




As Rainbow and Indominus roared out at Soarin, huge waves of gold energy surged out of their bodies. The golden waves continued to grow more massive, until two golden figures came bursting forth in the shape of a long, slender dragon and Ra's Immortal Phoenix form.

Soarin was helpless to defend himself as the golden giants plowed into his body, but when they burst through his back, Celestia and Luna witnessed something that was only capable within Discord's abilities. The phoenix and dragon shaped attacks had burst through the mutated body, and in their jaws was Soarin, back as a normal, still giant pony while his hybrid state was still immobilized. Both beasts wrapped themselves around Soarin and his mutated state before engulfing both in one enormous blast that blinded everyone. The hybrid half roared out in agony as it was disintegrated down to the last molecule.

When the light cleared, Soarin was still in the air while the golden giants had vanished. In their places were Rainbow and Indominus, with their claws clenched into fists.

"Hard Rock Hallelujah!" Those were the last words Rainbow and Indominus said before punching Soarin square in the face and sending him crashing in front of the Wonderbolts.

The dragons, monsters and dinosaurs all roared in triumph at Indominus's victory over the enemy that had caused him so much trouble. With that last attack, the fight was finally over. Indominus had finally beaten Soarin, and the Wonderbolt's delusional quest for vengeance, was ended for good. Victory had been claimed by the pair of Immortal WorldBreakers.