Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


Flirting had been fun, and massaging her friends even more so, but now Rarity was in a very different position. She looked at Sonata and felt afraid on an intrinsic level. She was distracted, and worried about what she could do, and hurting the other girl.

The couch was soft, and Sonata had been cuddled against Rarity for a few moments, but she wanted to do more, feel more. Her memory sparked with the image of Rarity acting so dominant it had given Sonata shivers, but that girl was missing. "What's wrong?"

"What? Oh!" Rarity almost recoiled from the question. "I just. What am I supposed to do?" Had it been fashion, Rarity would have had every answer, but this was something new. A sudden touch surprised her, and she looked down to see Sonata lean closer and nuzzle against Rarity's breasts. The movements, the soft sounds, all mimicked those of a cat.

Rarity was confused about what to do with a millennium-old siren, but a cat she could handle. Lowering her hand, she rubbed at Sonata's ear, while her other palm stroked down the long, blue hair. "Are you my little kitty cat?"

Firm hands toyed with her hair and ears, and Sonata practically melted into the caresses. She arched her back and pushed forward, pressing her breasts into Rarity's lap. "Yes, mistress."

The words pulled back on the fantasy, but what really brought Rarity to her senses was the breasts pressed to her soft thighs. She wondered what they felt like, how large they were, and what sound Sonata would make if she licked one.

When the hand rubbing her ear slid down her neck, past her shoulder, and under her chest, Sonata gave a happy mewl. She angled herself so Rarity could do anything she wanted. "Just tell me what you want, mistress. Your command is my wish."

"Wait, isn't that meant to be the other way around?" Rarity's confusion didn't stop her slowly groping hand from seeing to Sonata's breast.

"I prefer the implications this way. The desire still stands, mistress. I will do anything you ask." Sonata rolled slowly, turning her body so that she lay across Rarity's lap facing upwards. "Do you like my breasts, mistress?"

Rarity thought the little saying over again, and realized it implied that Sonata could only want what Rarity told her to. "From what I can feel, maybe. Remove your top, your bra too, I want to judge you properly."

While Rarity sat there, Sonata slipped free of her shirt, and while she looked up at Rarity, Sonata reached between her breasts to pop the clip. "Mistress? Will these do?" She pulled back each cup of her bra, and revealed her blue-white flesh. At the tip of each mound, a darker blue circled Sonata's nipples, and each was already hard with arousal.

"Those are,"—Rarity took a gasping breath as she reached down, her palms capturing a breast each—"wonderful." She spent a few moments just playing with Sonata's chest. Each breast was a marvel, and they were so soft, so tender, and each time Rarity gave them a little rub, a light squeeze, Sonata made more happy sounds. Then and there, Rarity decided she liked the happy sounds Sonata made. "Tell me about you, my kitty."

"Forgive your little kitty if she skips some bits, but most of my life has been—most of it was spent with my sisters." Sonata's ire rose for half a second, but a particularly firm squeeze of her left breast stole the anger from her. "When we arrived here, everything felt wrong. We were fully charged with magic, but it was draining fast. Every person we ran into, Adagio wanted to control. She spent her magic before me and Aria.

"For a long time I still followed Adagio around, drinking up every promise of, 'This is it, we will finally get back.' About two hundred years ago I realized it was a farce, but she always was a little too strong." Sonata turned her head to the side and nuzzled the underside of Rarity's arm.

"And then we beat you." Rarity squeezed a little more when she said the words. "We defeated you in a way that you couldn't be trapped by the need for more magic."

Sonata was almost in tears, but not of pain or sorrow. "Y-Yes, mistress. You defeated us. You freed me."

"And now I will take responsibility for that." Rarity keep her squeezing up of one breast, but ran her right hand down to Sonata's belly, spreading it flat there. "I-I'm supposed to ask you what your limits are, right?"

"You won't reach them." Sonata smiled and pushed her chest up a little, and felt the reward of another caress. "But why don't we go-slow today? No internal toys. Licking is okay, but no poking."

Rarity had expected a complicated list, things she would have to focus on. This was simple, it was easy, and she could think of plenty of things she wanted to do that didn't involve the restrictions. "Are you daring me to find your limits?" Rarity ran just the tip of her fingernail around Sonata's belly button, and felt the girl actually buck under her.

"Maybe one day. But tonight I am your kitty—your very affectionate and compliant kitty." It was a struggle not to moan, but Sonata was pushed on edge by the fingernail. The manicured perfection of Rarity's digit felt almost like a knife blade. Almost.

"Of course you are." Circling Sonata's belly a few more times with her fingernail, Rarity pressed her palm flat and slid down, under the waistband of Sonata's slacks. A hunger swelled in Rarity, and she pressed her hidden fingers down in a V shape, flanking Sonata's soft lips. "My kitty."

Sonata almost orgasmed on the spot. The possessive tone was back, strong as ever, and the way Rarity held her was causing her to squirm in need. She closed her eyes and gave herself to Rarity and Rarity's will.

Stroking at Sonata's soft folds, Rarity kept to the deal. "I will make you regret those limits, pet." Forming her fingers into a V shape, she kept the slow massage going while Sonata squirmed around on her lap.

The orgasm swelled up and over Sonata before she even realized it. One moment she was twitching and struggling to hold still for her mistress, and the next she was mewling in need with her eyes scrunched closed. Pleasure radiated from her groin, and to her absolute delight Rarity seemed unwilling to stop.

Sonata wasn't a multi-orgasmer, but Rarity's control was testing her. The wave of pleasure that broke over her peaked, and subsided. Rarity didn't seem inclined to stop, but Sonata was spent for a moment. She curled up across Rarity's lap, and just accepted the slow stroking for the pleasure it was.

Rarity lifted her head to see Spicy walking in with some items in his hand and a leash leading back to the door. Her eyes widened in hunger when she spotted Rainbow Dash, dressed like a boy, trotting along behind the man. "What have you done to Rainbow?" Her tone held no accusation, but a lot of interest.

"You know I don't like girls. I figured he would look better this way." Spicy led the way to the couch, sitting down as far from where Rarity played with Sonata as he could. He pulled on the leash, tugging Rainbow Dash down so that she sat down between his legs, her back pressed to his chest. "And he is so huggable like this!" He demonstrated, wrapping both arms around Rainbow Dash and pulling her back as he relaxed on the couch.

The manhandling was new for Rainbow, and she found herself enjoying being pushed, poked, and hugged without her say-so. When Spicy pulled her back against him, however, she felt something poking her in the small of her back. It didn't take a genius to figure out he was rock hard, but she held onto his promise, and the rules.

"And we're not really after guys, so I guess you are both off the menu." Rarity's lips curled into a smile, but her fingers kept exploring the dampness of Sonata's lower body. She could feel, with each stroke, that Sonata's clitoris was standing to attention, half-wrapped in its hood. Each stroke of her fingers hooked the hood in the V they formed, and rubbed it a little, causing the hood to stroke Sonata's clitoris.

Spicy reacted to Sonata's sudden mewls and squirming before Rarity did. "Whoa, you change things?" He kept Rainbow Dash pressed to his hard shaft, the denim of his pants protecting her from going past her requested limits. "I hope you don't mind, I always love to find out what a new pet tastes like."

Rainbow Dash's eyes flew open wide, but rather than shift her, Spicy gripped her jaw and turned her head to the side. Just like a dream, his tongue shoved into her mouth. She moaned softly, and without even thinking began to suck on it. It didn't hurt, of course, but his tongue poked around inside her mouth, testing everywhere before pulling free.

The kiss had been Rainbow Dash's first proper one with a guy. She felt a little giddy at the sensation, and smiled a little drunkenly.

"And that was just a kiss." When Spicy leaned back a little and clamped his teeth on Rainbow Dash's ear, he felt his jaw jerked upwards. Magic spilled around Rainbow Dash, and she grew wings, her hair grew longer, and her ears wound up atop her head. Spicy just stared at her, pondering. "I wonder if I could fit an ear-tag to your ears like this? Oh! We have got to get those pierced."

"Y-Yes, sir." Rainbow Dash blushed, but felt hornier than ever.

Watching and listening as she absently stroked Sonata, Rarity was already intrigued. "She calls you 'sir'?"

"He does." Spicy reinforced his game, but didn't spare a glare for Rarity. "And now I want to taste the other end."

Rainbow Dash stumbled as she was shoved forwards. She started to move her legs to catch her momentum, but Spicy hooked them with his own. She was falling, and if she didn't have wings and the reflexes of a cat, she would have fallen hard. Her brain fizzled a little, and she was about to call out Spicy for being too rough, when she realized she was head down and ass up, and Spicy's hands had a firm hold on her rubber-clad hips.

"I love the smell of latex." Spicy actually didn't like it that much, but it masked Rainbow Dash's feminine scents. Part of him resolved to buy her some masculine body wash and cologne, while he leaned forward and licked up from her perineum, over her anus, and to the end of the crack at the base of her spine. The second lick followed the first, and the third continued the trend.

Staring in shock, Rainbow Dash held deathly still for nearly ten strokes of Spicy's tongue. She couldn't believe what he was doing, and opened her mouth to say something, but only a moan came out. Something popped—like an ear when driving through a big tunnel—and instead of odd sensations only pleasure flowed.

"I'll do that for you, mistress." Sonata's eyes were glued on Spicy and Rainbow, and she had felt Rarity's fingers stop stroking. It was quite the sight to see, but if a thousand years of free time had taught her anything, it was that anyone could be into anything. Spicy? He was into asses—in this case, Rainbow Dash's.

The soft musk that Spicy had been lapping from Rainbow's crack was different to his usual fare, but it was still quite good. He pressed his nose down to her tailbone and inhaled deeply. She was clean, and as he pressed his face more forcefully against her rear, he speared forwards with his tongue.

Rainbow's arms gave out under her, and her chest pressed to the floor at Spicy's feet. She spread her wings wide, and moaned as Spicy pressed his tongue into her asshole. All thoughts as to it being strange, or wrong, fled. It was a sensitive ring of flesh, and she discovered she really liked having it stimulated. Each stroke of his tongue drew a more needy sound from her throat, and he felt like he was almost trying to shove his whole head into her.

"You would really do that for me?" Rarity regained some of her senses, and started stroking Sonata again. "Er. I mean, you will be doing that for me, but next time. I am not quite sure I got my tan just right for that spot."

Sonata rolled to her back fully, and stared up at Rarity. "Mistress? Are you saying you don't want to, because you wouldn't look your best?" She tried to hold back a giggle, and failed utterly. "I am your pet, mistress. There is not a part of you I wouldn't adore and worship."

The words soothed Rarity's almost-annoyance. "Very good, but it is your mistress' will that she never look so out of place. I will sunbathe, and find a way to ensure I am properly groomed." Rarity started her fingers stroking, and leaned down to Sonata. "Speaking of which, grooming tomorrow. I will come fetch you."

With her shoulders braced to the floor, Rainbow Dash reached one hand to her chest, but could barely get any feeling through the rubber. Between the tension and compression, her breasts just weren't sensitive enough. Moaning as Spicy's tongue seemed to find a new depth within her, she reached both hands back to her crotch.

Spicy heard the needy groan Rainbow let out, and he could feel her squirming about with her hands. As he probed the full length of his tongue into her ass, rolling it around, he reached under her belly, shoved her hands away from the flatness of her groin, and clamped his hand over her sealed cavity.

The firm touch to the plug's base gave Rainbow some stimulation, but it wasn't enough to push her over. She whimpered in need, and tried to shove back against Spicy. As she did, his tongue seemed to curl and uncurl, and it was like opening a flood-valve.

As Rainbow Dash's tight sphincter clamped around his tongue, Spicy knew he had reached his goal. She screamed loudly, and though her voice was hard to mistake for a man's, Spicy could already think of a "punishment" suitable to her crime.

"Did she really just orgasm from her derriere being licked?" Rarity stared at Rainbow Dash, watching her friend slide from the precarious perch Spicy had kept her on.

"His ass is now properly prepared, and if he had been good enough I would plow it like a field." Spicy reached down to Rainbow Dash as she slid to the floor, and managed to poke his finger into her slick ass. He didn't crook his digit, however, and let her slide off it easily. "But instead, he will take care of me."

Rainbow Dash watched Spicy reach to his skinny jeans and slowly pull the fly down. Her eyes stared in shock as he carefully opened his boxers, and his shaft was finally free of its confines.

Within her head, the parasite was in heaven. It hadn't needed to poke its host for food, and considered her well trained in some respects. But it wanted more. More food meant more eggs. More eggs meant more parasites. It was programmed to want more, more, more.

A flood of heat hit Rainbow, and she turned herself until she was on her knees, and moved in while Spicy tugged at her leash. She didn't hesitate, she didn't pause, she wrapped her lips around the tip of Spicy's pale red shaft and practically sucked it into her mouth.

"Who—Who trained you?" Spicy stared at the vision of perfection between his legs. Rainbow Dash might look like a bit of a tom boy some of the time, but now she looked like a feminine guy, and behind her a pair of beautiful, blue wings spread, and flapped in time to her sucks. "Sh-Shit!"

Sonata watched the show, more excited by the complex mix of dominance and play than the sex itself—not that the sex wasn't pretty amazing, but it was just another blowjob. She watched as Rainbow Dash didn't look up at all, her eyes focused on the shaft she was trying to impale herself on. The submission in the act was enough that she bucked her hips into Rarity's fingers, and let out a needy little mewl to her mistress.

"You like watching the boys play?" Rarity formed the V of her fingers with her index and ring finger now, and with each slide of her hand her middle finger rode the cleft of Sonata's body. "They seem to be quite involved, I think I will stick to my kitty cat."

That Rarity picked up on her need was enough to make Sonata respond to her touches with more fervent sounds. She began to moan and sing, her voice lifting higher and higher until the wave washed and burst, and lightning trailed all through her.

"Siren. Seems like they're named aptly." Spicy rubbed at one of Rainbow's pointed ears with one hand, the other holding the leash short. Though giving every indication he was perfectly relaxed, Spicy was rushing towards his end. Rainbow Dash seemed more than a little adept at giving a blowjob, and he figured either she had given her fair share, or she was just really into giving them.

Leaning forward, Spicy grabbed onto Rainbow Dash's head, holding her still by her hair. "Slow down, you naughty boy." He slowed her pace deliberately, easing her head back, then forward. "Gentle. Hungry, but not ravenous. I plan to have you doing this all night. There's no rush."

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes up at last, looking to see Spicy's arm, and then up further to his face. She moved with the slower pace his grip set, and saw a big smile on his face grow wider. His shaft was both like Thunderbolt's, and completely different at the same time. He had all the control, and she felt literally like he was using her just to get off.

Her mind spiraling, Rainbow Dash surrendered everything to the moment. She wasn't the strong, independent girl living on her own, she wasn't one of the seven defenders of Canterlot, and she didn't even feel like a girl. She relaxed into her role as Spicy's little play-thing.

Spicy, despite his best efforts, lost himself to Rainbow Dash's efforts. He loosened his grip on her hair and arched his back. Tension started in his balls, and swelled up to his prostate and shaft. "Fffffuuuu!" Clenching his teeth against the intensity of the release, he found the extra show of domination—his forcing Rainbow Dash to act like a male—tempered the climax into something that had him staring down at the angel between his legs.

The hot rush in the back of Rainbow Dash's throat didn't surprise her. She gulped and worked at getting as much of Spicy's issue down as she could, as was her duty. A sharp scent reached her nose, and his taste started to creep along her tongue. One hand was planted between her legs, stroking at the base of the plug there, while the other was behind her, rubbing her inflamed and clenching anus.

"Whoa, where are…" Spicy could see that Rainbow Dash, the girl, had left the building. He let her suckle on his deflating penis while she masturbated for all she was worth, knowing full well that this was going to take some time to pull her back from. "Enjoy this, but damn do I wish I were in your position."

"What's happened to her—him?" Rarity stared at her friend as Rainbow seemed to be completely out of her mind with need. The girl was masturbating while nuzzling Spicy's shaft, and when it was obvious the member was spent, she started nuzzling and sucking on his balls.

"Sub-space. Not as common as a bottom would wish, but seeing someone reach it is something special. Look at her, mistress, she gave herself to the play so much she can't think of anything but herself and Spicy." Sonata's hand tried to slide down her to her groin, but Rarity smacked it. Rather than complain, she looked up at Rarity with a pleading expression.

Rainbow Dash finally reached what she needed, what she ached for. Her body started to tremble around the plug, her depths clenching and releasing over and over. The huge shape moved as she moved, as Spicy moved her.

"There, you got it." Spicy pulled Rainbow Dash into a cuddle, and felt trembling arms and legs grip to him. "You're safe, Rainbow Dash."

Her name cracked the shell that held out reality. Rainbow looked into Spicy's eyes and kissed him without reservation. Where before he had been hard and demanding, now Spicy was soft and gentle. He held onto her, and whispered her name into one of her fuzzy ears—over and over again.

Rarity's fingers were stroking fast. She stared at how far her friend had gone with Spicy Hot, and it made her hot. "D-Do you think you could do that?" She turned her attention to Sonata—Rarity's own pet—and saw a slack-jawed, wide smile plastered to her submissive's face. She realized how furiously she was masturbating the girl, and part of her didn't want to slow down. Rarity listened to that part.