Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

The Immortal WorldBreaker's Might

Indominus made his way towards the army of Wonderbolts that were waiting for him. With his new and intimidating appearance, the Wonderbolts were in for a brutal fight. He singled out a single target in the group that he would attack first and then made his move. In the blink of an eye, Indominus moved faster than he'd ever gone before and was in Spitfire's face in a matter of seconds. Despite the rage fueled flames clouding her mind, Spitfire wasn't prepared for the hybrid to be upon her in such a short amount of time. None of the other Wonderbolts could react fast enough as he punched her across the face once and it was enough to daze her. The hybrid dinosaur then laid a world of hurt all along her backside by grabbing her by the back leg and slamming her whole body into the ground over and over and over again. He held her up and took one look at her stunned face within the black flames before slamming her into the ground one more time.

Spitfire's eyes were wide in shock, like somepony had flown Sonic Rainbooms around her and she couldn't do a thing to stop it. Indominus looked down on her from the tiny crater he had made from slamming her into the dirt so many times and said a killer phrase.

"Puny Wonderbolt."

Back across the battlefield, Discord burst into laughter from hearing Indominus's smack talk. Everyone else was in shock at how fast Indominus had just moved and how quickly he had beaten Spitfire to a pulp.

"I can't believe what just happened," said Twilight.

"After all the time we spent trying to beat those guys, he did it in a matter of seconds," said Spike.

"I think he was going about as fast as you Rainbow Dash," said Fluttershy.

"Not 'about as fast,' Fluttershy, he WAS going as fast as me. But how's that possible?"

"It has to be that new form. It's making him even better than he was before," Luna added.

"Let's hope our brother can stay in control of himself this time," said Blue.

After beating his first opponent with little effort, Indominus took on the entire swarm of Wonderbolts. They dove at him from every direction, trying to nail a powerful hit while influenced by Soarin's rage-fueled flames. But with every attack they made, it only played into Indominus's favor by presenting more open targets for him to attack. Whenever one Wonderbolt got close enough, Indominus nailed them with a punch to the chest that caused them to drop. He turned his head sharply enough to catch a Wonderbolt in his jaws before tossing it aside. He even threw their bodies against each other with amazing force, and even reared his head back to pierce threw a diving Wonderbolt with his golden horns.

Indominus was literally decimating the entire army of Wonderbolts by himself and each attack seemed to be taking so much out of any Wonderbolt that got hit by him. His attacks kept on producing shock-waves that sounded like his fists were digging deep into the Wonderbolts and getting close to their organs and bones. Soarin was especially shocked when Indominus reacted to two Wonderbolts coming at him from behind by slamming his tail against them with enough force to crack both of their rib cages. He thought for sure his army would've been enough, but the hybrid dinosaur was once again beating them every step of the way. When Soarin charged Indominus again, he was met with the same result as before.

Indominus effortlessly dodged his punch and nailed him in the chest again. The mutated Wonderbolt was sent skidding away and stopped himself by digging his claws into the dirt. Enraged, he barreled towards Indominus again, but was instead knocked aside by six sneak attack blasts that got him from the side. Indominus pulled his attention away from the brawls long enough to see who had attacked Soarin, and found Scootaloo, T-Rex and the raptor squad all charging for him. Scootaloo called out to her father.

"Don't worry about me dad. We're gonna keep him distracted until you finish fighting all those Wonderbolts!"

Indominus trusted Scootaloo and with his brother and sisters by her side, they would be more than able to take on Soarin together. But the exchange had distracted Indominus long enough for the twenty-seven remaining Wonderbolts to clamp down on him and hold his body in place. Though it wouldn't hold him for too long, as Indominus used his roar alone to create a circular shock-wave of pure energy, similar to a sonic boom. The attack blew away every Wonderbolt and left their bodies steaming from being so close to the attack. The earthquakes cause by the roar could be felt all the way to Griffonstone and back, showing that Indominus's new power was greater than all the others put together.

"Discord, how far did that roar of his go," asked Celestia.

"Apparently the earthquakes it caused went all the way to Griffonstone, and that's miles from here."

"I'm more surprised that he knocked all those Wonderbolts away with just a roar," said Pinkie.

"Just look at him, he's completely calm. It's like fighting those Wonderbolts isn't even a warm up for him," said the white dragon.

"His new form is definitely impressive, and he has far more control than he ever did with the Immortal Phoenix," said Smaug.

"I'm curious to see how fast he is in the air," said Luna.

After the Wonderbolts recovered from the seething roar, they tried to get some distance between themselves and the super charged hybrid dinosaur. Indominus glanced up at the Wonderbolts hovering in the air above him, like a bunch of vultures waiting for the chance to strike.

"Alright, now this is gonna be a real test of my speed. Time to see how fast I am like this."

Indominus flared his wings and prepared to take flight. When he took off, everypony heard a loud thunder clap that echoed from his wings flapping one time. They saw Indominus zooming into the sky like a hyper speed jet, and as he went past the Wonderbolts, he seemed to disappear into the sky. The Wonderbolts were just as dumbfounded as everyone else, they knew Indominus could camouflage his skin, but he vanished faster than he had ever hidden his skin before.

"Where did he-" Surprise stopped herself when she caught the incoming threat, only a second before Indominus grabbed her and High Winds by the face.

Twilight had bug eyes as she barely managed to spot Indominus grab the Wonderbolts and then slam both of them into the ground. Somehow, Indominus had managed to fly at speeds faster than the eye could see, performed an impossibly sharp reversal, and attacked the Wonderbolts at the same speed. It was a feat that should've put an enormous strain on Indominus's body and make it difficult for him to move afterwards. Yet after he had slammed Surprise and High Winds into the ground, Indominus took back into the air with another thunderclap from his wings and went into a speed blitz against the remaining Wonderbolts. The only pony that was able to keep track of Indominus's movements at the insane speed he was going, was Rainbow Dash.

Her keen eyesight was able to track Indominus whenever he made an attack on each Wonderbolt. He was visible when he landed an attack, and only disappeared when his wings were flapped to help him move on to the next opponent. It was simply incredible how Indominus could attack the Wonderbolts with such a combination of speed and strength. Rainbow couldn't believe how easily he was outpacing them all in his Immortal WorldBreaker form.

"You're able to track him as well, aren't you Rainbow Dash," Ra asked.

"Yes Ra, I can. He's moving so fast that the only speed I can compare it to, is being four times as fast as me after I've performed the Sonic Rainboom."

"Are you serious Dashie," Pinkie asked in shock. "You're saying that your scaly stud is even faster than you?"

"Yes Pinkie, Indominus is definitely faster than me on my best day. I can't move fast enough to disappear in flight or attack and move in between opponents like he can."

"Wow honey, I never thought we'd ever hear you admit that somepony is better than you in speed," said Windy.

"Neither did I, but Indominus is the only exception since he did train under my tutelage."

As Indominus punched Lightning Dust out of the sky and touched down with his back to his family and friends, Ra gave Rainbow a choice she didn't expect to hear.

"So, would you like to join him in this fight, Rainbow Dash?"

"Uh, not to be rude Ra, but Rainbow ain't in any kind of condition to fight alongside Indominus," said Applejack.

"That's the same thing she said when they fought Black Death together. But I think you'll find that you are more capable now than you believe yourself to be. Remember how Indominus gave you part of his life energy to bring you back, I believe that the power he gave you is ready to use."

Rainbow was about to respond when she felt a warm feeling building inside her. Her parents noticed that her body was giving off a golden glow exactly like the gold color on Indominus.

"Oooh, I don't know what this is, but it feels so warm and good."

Rainbow could feel her body getting bigger and her parents backed up as her size began to near the same one as Indominus. Her fur was beginning to change color and they could see claws forming on her hooves.

"Oh Indominus, you've just lit my fire," was what Rainbow said before her body was enveloped in a bright shining light. When this light faded, everypony's jaws hit the floor at the sight of Rainbow's new form.

She was the almost the same size as Indominus, and had similar gold markings on her body. Her wings had become golden and were rather sharp at the points, her fur had also changed from light blue to pure white. Her mane and tail were flowing as if they were made of fire and she even had elongated teeth. The final piece was that her eyes were a shade of red similar to Indominus and were even giving off the same red steam as him. Rainbow had been transformed into what was essentially the pony version of his Immortal WorldBreaker form.

"Check you out Dashie. You look really cool and look like a really deadly pony."

"I sure feel like one, Pinkie. Indominus has done it again, first that Guardian power a year ago and now this. He's making it harder for me to pay him back."

"You can repay him in more ways than you think Rainbow, but that can wait for later," said Ra. "Right now, are you ready to fight alongside your husband again?"

Rainbow looked back at the battlefield to see her husband in a fighting frenzy with all the Wonderbolts again. She even took notice of how well Scootaloo and the other dinosaurs were doing a good job of keeping Soarin preoccupied. He couldn't get back to Indominus with Rainbow's entire family keeping him at bay. She knew that now was the perfect time to aid her stud in his fight.

"I'll be off everypony, and Ra, thank you for helping Indominus."

"It was my pleasure Rainbow Dash, and I must be going too. I'll see you two later after everything is done, and Celestia."

"Yes Ra?"

"If the outcome of this fight turns out better than you expected, you might want to give Indominus a reward worthy of his newfound title. He might just surprise you."

"I'll look into it when the fight is over Ra, I promise."

"Good. Now take care everyone, and good luck," Ra said before he took off into the clouds and vanished, and Rainbow speed blitzed her way over to join Indominus.

Indominus had just punched Fleetfoot away from him when they both heard a familiar voice call out that was closing at a rapid pace.


Rainbow Dash rammed the Wonderbolt head on and knocked her to the ground without even stopping. She then flew into a flurry of attacks as she speed blitzed every Wonderbolt that stood in her way. In her new form Rainbow was bigger and way more powerful than any of them. Her enhanced strength and claws tore apart the head portion of High Wind's uniform and left many more Wonderbolts with blood running down their faces. Indominus went back to fighting every Wonderbolt that tried to escape Rainbow and the two of them completely dominated the fight. After Rainbow finished slicing the tar out of Surprise, she turned her attention back to Fleetfoot, who caught the red glow in Rainbow's eyes.

"Oh no," was all Fleetfoot managed to say before Rainbow rammed into her, making them skid across the ground before stopping. Rainbow pinned her head down with one hoof, glaring at one of the many Wonderbolts that had mocked her. She was completely unfazed by the black flames in her new state, much like how Indominus's form was a counterbalance to it.

"You seemed to delight in mocking me before, but now that I'm stronger and better, you've lost all your cool and smug attitude. I want to hear you cry Flatfoot, and above all, I want you to say it."

"Say what Crash?" Rainbow flexed her claws against Fleetfoot's face in agitation, digging at her skin.

"Say my name you Wonderbolt bitch!" Fleetfoot struggled against Rainbow's new might in defiance. In her mind, she had never been talked down to before. But all of Rainbow's moments of talking down to her and her teammates came to the front.

"I'll never call you by your real name Crash! You are a screw-up and you'll stay a screw-up!" Fleetfoot reached out a hoof to punch Rainbow's face, but it was a fatal mistake.

Rainbow reacted instinctively by opening her jaws and chomping down on the hoof with tremendous strength. Fleetfoot screamed out in pain as blood spurted out of where Rainbow was biting down. The bite force Rainbow had made it feel like she was biting all the way to Fleetfoot's bones. Rainbow then released her grip on the hoof, and with Fleetfoot distracted, she laid the most painful world of hurt on the Wonderbolt. She ruthlessly punched the Wonderbolt in the face countless times, spilling blood and beating the absolute heck out of her as she yelled out.

"I TOLD YOU TO SAY MY FUCKING NAME! SAY IT! SAY IIIIIIITTTTT!!!!" Fleetfoot managed to give out an answer as Rainbow continued to beat her face in.

"RAINBOW........DAAASSSSHHHHH!!" Rainbow finished by raking her claws across Fleetfoot's face one last time. She then threw the Wonderbolt's body in the direction of her teammates, where she landed in a quivering heap. As Spitfire managed to get back up from the assault Indominus had given her, she caught sight of her beaten teammate and Rainbow's new look. The transformed pegasus then began walking toward Indominus while keeping her eyes on the other Wonderbolts.

"Now don't any of you pathetic rats ever fucking forget it." Rainbow walked over to her stud, ignoring the stunned Wonderbolts. "What did you think of that my stud?"

"I thought it was fucking beautiful Rainbow, just like how you are now." Rainbow blushed at his comment, but she couldn't get too caught up in the moment.

"Save that sexy talk for later Indominus, because when we're done here, I'll make sure to ignite your little junior with so much love that you and 'he' will be gushing like a fountain."

"Oh ho ho ho oooook, I've heard a lot of things come out of your mouth about me Rainbow Dash, but that? Oh ho ho ho, that is so freaking hot."

"So are you, looking like a freaking god in this world. At least I can give you this before we get back to fighting these trolls." Rainbow gave Indominus a full on hot kiss in the middle of the battlefield, and he couldn't help but close his eyes at the pleasure. Rainbow then pulled away from his mouth and gave him a lick on the side of the face. "I look forward to having my utmost way with you later tonight."

"Alright! I can't stand anymore of this disgusting crap!" Spitfire blindly charged at the couple, only for Indominus to immobilize her with a single punch to the gut.

"You'll learn your place soon enough Shitfire. But I'm not the one who gets to beat you. That pleasure, belongs to my girl.

"I'll be taking care of you after we deal with that psychotic teammate of yours, Soarin." Rainbow then punched Spitfire away from the others so she and Indominus could focus on bringing them all down. "Ready to wreck some shit, nice ass?"

"With pleasure, my sexy mare."

Both lovers flew into another speed blitz and were just wrecking havoc on the Wonderbolts. Indominus was able to attack three of them at the same time and rake his claws across all of their bodies at once in the process. Rainbow Dash attacked so quickly and with such strength that the sound of bones breaking could be heard all across the field. Most savagely was when Wind Rider tried to surprise attack Indominus, the hybrid dinosaur countered him with a swing of his head that not only blocked the attack, but caused the bone in Wind Rider's leg to snap and poke out the opposite end. He was on the ground howling in agony within seconds as Indominus sent all of the Wonderbolts skyward with another roar.

He and Rainbow went after them, attacking at blinding speeds to where they couldn't be seen. All that everyone else could see were the Wonderbolts being assaulted in the air as Rainbow and Indominus made crippling blows before disappearing again at the same seemingly invisible speed. After what was only a few minutes of intense beatings, the Wonderbolts were all suspended in the air, drained of strength and just marked all over. Their uniforms were stained with their blood and just about torn to pieces. The lovers brought an end to the assault as they fired a combined blast that drove nearly all the Wonderbolts into the ground.

Each Wonderbolt was battered, beaten and looked like they had gone through Hell and back, but remarkably, none of them were dead. Indominus turned his attention to the broken and wounded Wind Rider, who had almost been spared from the assault.

"So, you're Wind Rider huh? The one who tried to get my Rainbow Dash kicked out of the Wonderbolts for good?"

"Why do you care, monster? You're just a dumb animal, and you will pay for what you've done. You and your precious Rainbow."

Indominus was about to attack when he heard a Wonderbolt that had somehow managed to slip away from the attacks. Lightning Dust came screaming in towards him.

"Gotcha now animal!" But unfortunately for her, she wasn't fast enough to get to Indominus before Rainbow brushed her aside with a kick.

"Lightning Dust, you don't have to do this. You can make the smart decision and leave now before you get yourself hurt."

"Like I'd ever take advice from you, Rainbow Crash. I finally get a chance to get back at you for making me look like a reckless idiot in front of the Wonderbolts and I'm not about to waste it."

"Oh well, can't say I didn't warn you."

Lightning Dust charged Rainbow at the best speed she could muster, but Rainbow's new form stopped her at every turn. Indominus's wife was in a league far above Lightning Dust, and it was made very clear when Rainbow knocked her away in the middle of a speed blitz with just one swift kick. The cocky pegasus skidded to a stop in the dirt and Rainbow had only question for Indominus.

"Indominus, do you think these two are worth sparing?" The hybrid dinosaur looked down at the pathetic excuse of a pony, bristling with delusional fury.

"No Rainbow, they aren't worth sparing. You've told me plenty about these two, and from what I heard it seems like they only care about themselves. Let's put them out of their misery so we can move on to Soarin."

"Alright then. Goodbye Lightning Dust. I really wish you've could've been better back when we met, then maybe this wouldn't have happened."

Indominus started gathering energy within his mouth and it was more gold than red like with his guardian form. Rainbow had the same energy forming in her mouth and the two of them unleashed their blasts on the helpless Wonderbolts. Wind Rider and Lightning Dust couldn't stand up to the extreme power and were easily disintegrated by both blasts. With the Wonderbolts immobilized, Rainbow and Indominus could finally turn their attention to Soarin, who was having no luck against Scootaloo and the dinosaurs.

Since the dinosaurs had forced Soarin out of the Immortal Phoenix, he hadn't been able to change back since. Blue and her girls had chosen to fight at their original sizes, but in their guardian forms. Which actually helped fighting Soarin, because with his immense size he couldn't hit opponents that were small and agile enough to avoid all his attacks and strike back with their own. Tyrannosaurus could beat Soarin all over with his attention preoccupied from trying to get the raptors, and left the Wonderbolt open for Scootaloo to make ramming attacks. Rainbow was very pleased to see that they were doing well in holding off Soarin, and saw that Scootaloo was going for a new kind of attack.

"Hope you're watching this Mom and Dad, this one's for you two," Scootaloo called out as she put a ton of distance between herself and Soarin.

She then surprisingly decreased her size and bolted towards Soarin at her normal size. Tyrannosaurus saw what Scootaloo was going for when she fired a blast in front of her and actually went into it, similar to what he did during the gauntlet. He roared to the raptors who flew off Soarin's body as he spotted the small pegasus heading right for him. But rather than trying to attack, Soarin merely opened his mouth and lunged at Scootaloo, who got trapped inside and was swallowed down his throat. Nopony could believe what had just happened, Scootaloo had willingly allowed herself to get swallowed by Soarin. Rainbow was ready to lose it and lash out in retaliation, but Indominus stopped her.

"Indominus, he just ate Scootaloo! Why aren't you doing anything to make him suffer for it?

"Because i can still see Scootaloo's thermal heat signature. She's not dead, she's got something planned for him, something that'll be really painful."

"I hope you're right."

"What's wrong monster? Afraid to face me now that I've gone a-" Soarin felt an agonizing pain burning in his chest that caused him to double over.

Everyone could see the green glow on Soarin's chest was changing to red. Scootaloo had set him up big time, now he was suffering for being overconfident and underestimating her.

"You forgot one thing Soarin: my daughter just played you for a fool!"

Soarin felt the pain in his chest getting worse and could only watch as Scootaloo burst her way out of his chest, leaving organs dangling and blood flowing out of the hole. Soarin collapsed on all fours and had no time to defend himself as Scootaloo slammed her hooves down upon his head. The Wonderbolt nearly gave out from the tremendous force as the dinosaurs all clamped down on him so he couldn't make a run for it.

"MOM! DAD! NOW!" Scootaloo immediately flew out of the way as Rainbow and Indominus were on Soarin in mere seconds. They nailed him with a combined punch that sent him crashing through mountain ranges until he was far off in the distance. It gave the family enough time to finally reunite after Soarin had tried to tear them apart. Indominus and Rainbow scooped Scootaloo up in their arms and held her close to them.

"That was insanely awesome Scootaloo. You did me proud today."

"I'm amazed that you managed to not only hold your own against Soarin, but also tore him apart from the inside. You're a very smart filly to think on your feet like that." Scootaloo giggled happily at the praise from her parents.

"Well, I learned a lot from you two."

"You even learned a bit from me as well," said Tyrannosaurus as he nuzzled her. "You remembered that trick from the one I used back at the gauntlet. You're growing up to be quite the fighter, Scootaloo."

Her parents set her back down and Scootaloo could finally see how they both looked in their new forms.

"I've gotta say, you two look even more amazing than before. Indominus, you look more like a god than a dinosaur, and Rainbow, you look supremely awesome."

Indominus had to admit that Rainbow looked even hotter with her glowing red eyes and snow white fur. In fact, all he could do at the moment was take in her a tight hug. Rainbow was surprised at first until she heard him speak with pure relief in his voice.

"Rainbow.....I thought I had lost you. I thought you had truly been killed." Rainbow Dash wrapped her hooves around Indominus and spoke in a comforting voice to sooth him.

"I would've been dead, but you were able to save my life. Just like how Ra helped me, he helped you bring me back from the dead. After all this time, you finally got to repay me for what I did for you."

"What are you talking about Rainbow?"

"I'm talking about when me and Scootaloo brought you and your siblings back from the dead against Black Death. You said that you would never be able to repay me for that, well I think you just did." Rainbow and Indominus pulled back a little, still holding each other. "No other stallion can do for me what you've done Indominus, I feel so lucky to have you."

"Rainbow, can you hold still for one moment?"


Rainbow didn't know what Indominus was doing as he rolled his tongue out of his mouth. Then in a truly adorable fashion, Indominus took his tongue and gently licked Rainbow's nose. All of the ponies in Equestria awwed at the incredible display of affection Indominus was giving Rainbow. Her mouth was open in a touched smile as Indominus then gave a gentle roar to her.

"What did that roar mean Indominus?"

"It means "I love you" in dinosaur," the hybrid was met with a really happy response from his girl.

"Indominus, I LOVE YOU!" Rainbow kissed him with full force and Indominus accepted the warm love as he returned her affection.

"They make such a cute couple, don't they T-Rex."

"Yeah they do, my brother deserves this after what he's gone through. I hope one day, we can be like that, Scootaloo."

"We will Tyrannosaurus," Scootaloo said and gave T-Rex a kiss on the side of his face. "I promise you that one day we'll be just like my mom and dad."

Rainbow and Indominus separated from their long kiss and just stared into each other's eyes.

"I love you so much my unique and amazing stud."

"I love you too my hot and daring wife."

"That was so, adorable." The lovers heard Rarity's comment and turned to see everyone heading towards them.

"That was incredible Indominus, you really owned those Wonderbolts big time," said Smaug.

"Your daughter even showed that abomination who the real boss is around here," said the dark dragon.

"Yeah Scootaloo, that was a clever trick you used against Soarin," said Luna. Scootaloo couldn't but blush at the praise everyone was giving her.

Then they all heard a massive rumbling in the distance. Discord conjured up a pair of binoculars and saw the rubble where Soarin had landed was stirring and black flames were starting to shoot out.

"What's happening Discord?"

"It's Soarin, Celestia. It sounds like he's back and he is not a happy camper right now."

The debris exploded in the distance and Soarin's loud voice could be heard clear across the landscape.

"MONSTER!! CRASH!! I'M NOT GOING TO BE BEATEN BY A BUNCH OF SCOUNDRELS LIKE YOU!!" Discord saw Soarin's massive flame covered body burst out and was speeding towards them.

Before anyone could give any warning, Indominus was moving in front of his family and met Soarin head on. The two collided with their fists and the energies coming out from the collision were more powerful than when Indominus had first changed into the Immortal WorldBreaker. The collision ended with Soarin being forced back and Indominus holding his ground.

"How can this be possible? How are you able to keep pushing me away?"

"I beat my own rage, maybe you should try it some time."

"Yeah, it might actually improve your performance. Though I seriously doubt you could give anywhere near as much pleasure as Indominus," Rainbow added.

"Oh, you think you're being cute?"

"Bitch we're adorable," Rainbow and Indominus said together.

"Oh that does it, let's see how you two handle this," Soarin said angrily before exploding off the ground and going straight into the sky. He stopped when he was nothing more than a tiny dot in the sky and called out to everyone. "IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU CRASH AND YOU WON'T JOIN US, THEN YOU'LL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THE LOSS OF YOUR PRECIOUS WORLD! WHEN THIS ATTACK CONNECTS, YOU WILL LOSE EVERYTHING!" Soarin then dove for the ground at top speed.

"Everyone get away from here," Tyrannosaurus yelled out as Soarin got closer to the ground.

Everyone took flight to get away from the range of where Soarin's attack would hit. A moment later, he punched the ground at speeds well beyond anything he had done before and the force caused an enormous crack to start forming. The giant crack began splitting open and was continuing further into Equestria. Discord checked the orb he had created for the fight and could see the attack was affecting places all over.

"What have you done Soarin," said DIscord

"I've decided to end Rainbow Crash for good. Since she won't side with me and kill that monster, I've chosen to kill her whole world. Right now Equestria is splitting apart and soon this entire world will shatter. Then that beast will be dead at last!" Soarin just laughed maniacally at the damage he had caused, unaware that he was dooming himself as well.

"Sister we have to stop this."

"We can't Luna, our magic isn't strong enough to hold an entire planet together. Discord, can you stop this?"

"I don't have enough magic since I was the one who took a ton of abuse from that crazed Wonderbolt. I don't even have experience with holding a world together."

Indominus looked over at Soarin, who had gone insane from the power he possessed. His very home was being torn apart and the Wonderbolt didn't even care, all he wanted was to make Indominus and Rainbow suffer. The hybrid dinosaur looked down at the main split and knew there was only one way to save his home.

"Rainbow, we're going to stop this insanity."

"How can we Indominus?" The hybrid whispered in her ear and she looked at him like he was nuts.

"Are you crazy? We'll die if we go through with this."

"Would you rather our whole world be destroyed? Besides, we'll never know unless we try. So come on tough girl, show me why you're good enough to be called the best." Rainbow took Indominus's words as a challenge, and gave Scootaloo a heads up.

"Make sure everyone is ready to patch up the split Scootaloo," the filly was about to ask what Rainbow was talking about until she and Indominus went towards the ground and dove into the very heart of the split.

Smaug couldn't believe what Indominus was attempting to do, he and Rainbow were going to try and pull Equestria back together. Such a feat had never been done before, but for Indominus and Rainbow it was either make history or their world would perish. Inside the split, Rainbow and Indominus could feel the extreme heat against their skin as they grabbed onto the tectonic plates and tried to hold them in place. The force of a planet pulling itself apart was more intense than anything Indominus had ever experienced. He could feel his arms being pulled away as he strained to try and keep Equestria together. Rainbow could feel the lava burning away at her skin, but their new forms were able to heal them at a rate faster than the lava could hurt them.

"Rainbow, we can do this. I won't let that monster destroy everything we love!" As Indominus concentrated and focused, he felt his strength increasing. He could feel the plates slowing down as his strength started growing at an incredible rate.

Rainbow tried to see if she could do the same by focusing on what she loved in the world, and her thoughts went to Scootaloo and Indominus. As she focused, Rainbow also felt her strength growing and was shocked to see that she was also slowing down the plates. Above them, no one could believe that the split was slowing down, especially Soarin.

"This isn't possible. He's just an animal, he shouldn't be able to do this."

"Alright Rainbow Dash, TOGETHER!!" Both Rainbow and Indominus roared at the top of their lungs as they pulled with every ounce of strength they could summon.

Unbelievably, their combined might was pulling the tectonic plates back together and the split was closing. Celestia and Luna were in sheer disbelief at what they were witnessing, Equestria was being pulled back together. The lava burned away at their skin but their willpower and new forms allowed Rainbow and Indominus to take the pain as they collided the plates against each other. The couple flew out of the split and Discord used the magic he was able to summon to patch it up with a giant zipper. Indominus stared violently at Soarin and the Wonderbolt saw that the flames Indominus was emitting were becoming more intense.

"You're not gonna destroy our home Soarin. You hear me Wonderbolt? I'll be dead before that happens!"

Indominus flew at Soarin and dealt him a punch to the gut so fast, the Wonderbolt didn't have time to react. But the output was even stronger than before, as Indominus's attack caused the area to rumble like an earthquake had just occurred. When Indominus punched Soarin so hard that it drove the Wonderbolt into the dirt, he saw that his hand was shaking and glowing with more energy. He even noticed that his strength was still growing and it caused the hybrid dinosaur to think about what his new power might do to Equestria. If he continued to fight Soarin, then his new form could potentially destroy Equestria itself.

"Discord! Open a portal to a different dimension so that I can fight Soarin somewhere else!" The Lord of Chaos was caught by surprise at the request Indominus was asking of him. Even the Princesses were stumped.

"Indominus what are you talking about? You're doing just fine here, you can beat Soa-"

"Listen Celestia, my power is getting stronger with every minute. Being able to hold a planet together is one thing, but it feels like my strength isn't going to stop. If I keep fighting Soarin like this, then I might destroy Equestria in the process. I don't want to risk hurting anymore innocent ponies, so please, send us somewhere where I can fight him without worrying about my home."

"That, that's very noble of you Indominus," said Luna. "Discord, can you make it happen?"

"That's easy enough, partially because I have plenty of dimensions to choose from, and I know the perfect one to send them to."

Discord shot a bolt of lightning beside Indominus and it warped into a portal that revealed a dimension filled with empty planets. It was the perfect place for Indominus to fight at his full potential.

"Thank you guys. Oh and make sure to keep the rest of those Wonderbolts contained while I'm taking care of this."

"Will do brother," said Tyrannosaurus as Indominus turned his attention back to Soarin.

The Wonderbolt spotted the portal and refused to be taken anywhere. The Wonderbolt tried to hold Indominus off, but the dinosaur's growing strength was too much for his mutated state to handle. Then he heard Blue call out to him.

"Look out brother, Shitfire's on the move!" Indominus turned his head to see the Wonderbolt he thought he and put out of commission heading for them.

Luckily Indominus wasn't the only one who spotted her. Rainbow saw the rage consumed Wonderbolt too and charged her, slamming into her and the hybrids and sending them all through the portal. Discord closed the portal shut, leaving the four warriors in the dimension until the winner would be declared.

"Well, it's up to them now," said Discord.

"I hope they'll be alright," said Scootaloo.

"Have a little faith Scootaloo," said Blue. "Your mom and dad can handle those Wonderbolts no problem."

Within the dimension, Soarin, Indominus, Rainbow and Spitfire all landed on one of the many planets that surrounded them.

"Where are we Indominus?"

"I asked Discord to send us here because I don't trust what my power can do. I didn't want to risk destroying our home so I asked him to send us here."

"Well I've got a score to settle with Spitfire as well, so I guess this'll do." Rainbow gave him a kiss for good luck. "Kick some serious ass for me, Indominus."

"Will do Rainbow," Indominus said before Rainbow charged Spitfire and dragged all the way to another planet in the distance. "Finally, alone at last. Now there's no more distractions Soarin. You won't be getting out of here unless you beat me."

"It doesn't matter where we are monster, all that matters is that I get to kill you at last."

"One thing I'd like to know is, why? Why are you doing all this to my family?"

"Why? Well since this'll be the last time we fight, I guess there's no harm in telling you. Especially since there's no one around to hear. It's rather simple actually, because you humiliated me in front of hundreds of ponies, attacked our compound and took the lives of three Wonderbolts! That's more than a good enough reason to want you dead."

"But you were the one who attacked Rainbow first, she didn't do anything wrong."

"Oh but she did. She was supposed to choose me, one of the best flyers in all of Equestria, not taken by some idiotic monster who gets to walk away with killing like it's no big deal."

"You aren't the only stallion in this world, Soarin. She could've chosen anyone, not just me."

"But I'm the only one that could match her. I could've been her amazing partner, I was going to have a family of amazing flyers that would be future Wonderbolts, until you came into the picture. After that humiliation at the Gala, I swore that she would regret choosing you. So I decided to make her time as a Wonderbolt as miserable as possible until she would beg me to end it."

"You set her up to make her miserable? A real lover would never do that. You only framed her because you didn't get what you wanted."

"It was my word against hers, there was only one hindrance that kept getting the way."

"Yeah, me."

"You certainly made things difficult for all the Wonderbolts with your constant interference. It pained me to see the best flyers in the world reduced to a bunch of cowards afraid of their own shadows. After you tore up the locker room, none of them could go flying without thinking they were going to be attacked. I knew that I wouldn't be able to bring you down without their support, so I provoked Rainbow and encouraged them to do the same until she snapped. Then they would have a reason to join my cause and want to see you brought down. I even swapped out the jackets in their lockers so you and Crash would believe that they were against her from the start. Plus I figured that if Spitfire and Fleetfoot could deceive me, then I could surely do the same to them."

"You set up your own teammates? Did you count on them being killed?"

"Sometimes monster, sacrifices have to be made. In order to have the Wonderbolts be completely on board with my plan, I needed to have some blood spilled. That's why I provoked you by attacking Crash, figuring you would lose control and go on a killing spree. Then there would be no shadow of a doubt that you are nothing but a monster, and Crash had the gall to side with you instead of us."

"I can't believe you'd stoop this low, Soarin. All of this just because you can't accept that Rainbow loves me and that you never had a chance? You hurt her, treated her like garbage, even tried to kill her, all because you refused to admit defeat and let somepony better be her stallion? You even allowed your own teammates to be killed and lied to them just to have them go along with your pathetic quest for vengeance? Wow, and here I thought you Wonderbolts were better than this."

"Enough stalling monster, time to end this!"

Soarin violently exploded off the ground and attacked Indominus with enough speed and strength to pierce through the dinosaur's chest. But incredibly, Indominus only took a single step back from the hit. He didn't seem too fazed by Soarin's attack.

"Fine Soarin, but before we begin, there's a few things you need to know." The hybrid's eyes started glowing bright red and the steam was emitting from them as well. Soarin looked up to see that gold fire was beginning to emit from the dinosaur's body as well. Indominus then took one hand and slashed Soarin across the face, causing the Wonderbolt to stumble back from the weight of the attack. Soarin watched as the wound over Indominus's chest patched itself up rather quickly. "Every fight I've been in against you and your teammates, even the last round, I was always holding back. Not. This. Time." As the flames began to become stronger, Indominus gave a deadly promise to the mutated Wonderbolt. "The other thing is, before this fight is over, I'm going to rip your throat out, with my teeth."

Both hybrids bellowed their roars across the dimension and charged each other, beginning the final confrontation that would determine who would win and who would lose.