The Dishonored

by Deathwatch 456

The End...For now.

One week...Hollow told me I had one week till we leave to Void so I can train. He told me not to expect to be back for a few years. I told the others and they were surprised to say the least.

“Years!? Bullshit! You can't leave for years! What about us? What about Everfree Village?” Gilda shouted. She really didn't want me to leave. None of them did really, but I have no choice.

“I'm sorry Gilda, but it's not my decision. Hollow told me I have a week to rest and prepare before I leave. I don't want to be gone so long either, but I have to.” I told her. I was wearing my old gear. It's been a day since the...event happened. So much destruction.

The moon was now a permanent crescent moon. Luna is holding up but she lost a lot of power. She'll recover. She is strong like that. A lot of damage was done to Equestria as well. The mountain nearby is gone and there is a massive crater nearby. Turns out the battle between berzerker me and Core damaged the dragon lands as well. Then the battle between Zeke and the others put a little more hurt on the land. Especially when Zeke split into two and his light half became a Psychopath. After everything. It's going to take a while for things to start getting back to normal. We had a funeral for those that were lost. Despite everyone's efforts. We lost over a hundred lives. From either the Heartless or the battle is still unclear. We are now in the war room going over everything.

We brought in more citizens to recover. Some griffons, dragons, minotaurs, and other species. Turns out Pinkie's family survived as well. They even had Trixie with them. After talking to her with Twilight and Celestia she gave us the Alicorn amulet she had. She used it to protect the Pie family from the Heartless. I decided to do the Keyblade ceremony for her and Maud. The others didn't want a Keyblade. Preferring to mourn over their daughter for now. I respected their wishes.

It's the third day now. Princess Cadance sent over some Crystal ponies to help with aid and construction. Thankfully the Crystal Empire was ok from the event. Things have been going ok so far. I was currently in my room going over my notebook. Recording what happened in it when I heard the door open.

I turn around to see Gilda and Roseluck here. ‘Why are they here?’ I thought. “Hey girls. Is there a problem?”

Gilda sat down on my bed and looked at me with a serious look. “John. We need to talk.”

Rose trotted next to her. “Ya. There is something we need to tell you.” She said nervously. What's going on?

“Sure. What's wrong?” I said.

“Remember our time in the human Equestria and how I feel about you?” Rose asked. Looking nervous.

I nodded my head. “Ya. Sorry we haven't been able to hangout or date lately. Things have been hectic lately.” I told her.

“It's cool. I know things have been nuts because of Core, but that's not what we have to talk about. What if...I told you I wasn't the only one that well liked you?”

“Well. That wouldn't be a big surprise really. No offense but from what I've heard the other guys like me have massive harems or ‘herds’ as it's called here.” I told them. Although it doesn't explain why they are here. They saw my confusion since my mask is off and sighed.

“John. Me and Roseluck Love you as well.” Gilda said. Well at least she was blunt and straight to the point. Although it kinda felt like I was smacked by a Darkside Heartless.

“Rose I get, she told me while we were on a date in the human Equestria, but what about you Gilda? Why do you have feelings for me?” I asked.

“Well. It started when you saved me all that time ago. When I was captured by bandits. I then followed you around and saw what you were doing. Trying to protect Equestria even though you were wanted for a crime you didn't commit. I kept track of you heroics, both good and bad, and I guess it grew little by little.” She said smiling a little. “Then came the fight between Core and, what's his name, oh ya Hollow. After that when I saved you and joined your group did really begin to see who you are. Then I saw you become a demon to fight Blueblood.” She shivered a bit. “I was...scared. For you. You turned into a demon in order to stop somepony who did unspeakable deeds. I saw you risk your life and time again and again to protect everyone. I guess I grew to love you.” She was blushing a little at the end. She the. Looked at me with a smirk. “Just don't think I'll go soft on you for a minute.”

After hearing all that I...was happy. Like Rose, Gilda truly did like me. “You're the toughest girl I know Gilda. Don't worry.” I told her.

I signed. “So what does this mean exactly?” I asked. Wanting to make sure what was happening. They both looked at each other and smiled.

“Well. I-I was wondering. Why not a herd? I mean you said it yourself your friends like you have herds of their own. Why not you?” Rose said.

“Because I'm about to leave for a few years. I don't want to force you two to wait for me for so long.” I told them.

“That's the thing John. After all you did. Your worth waiting for. Except for one thing.” Gilda said with a smile I didn't recognize. Give me a break I didn't have much experience in relationships back on earth!

“Yep. In fact it's going to take all night.” Now Roseluck is giving me that look.

“And what is that?” I asked a little nervous of the looks they're giving me.

Gilda then grabbed me and threw me on my bed. “Don't worry. We can tell you don't really have much experience with girls. Roseluck's date proves it. Just let us do the work.” She said as Rose locked the door.

As for what happened...let's say I had a great time and leave it at that.

I spent the fourth day with both Roseluck and Gilda. Celebrating our new relationship. I wanted this day for them since I'll be leaving for a while in a few days. We had a good time with them locking us in my room again that night. Not that I'm complaining.

On the fifth day I sent word to bring both the princesses, Twilight, and Vanitas to the war room. I was going to instruct them to lead in my place while I'm gone. I waited for about ten minutes before they all arrived.

“Greetings everyone. I'll cut to the point. Celestia and Luna. I want you two to lead the citizens while I'm gone. Keep them fed, safe, and happy. How you do it is up to you. Just remember that we don't just have ponies living here now. We have griffons, dragons, and minotaurs here as well.” I told them.

“Don't worry Blade. We will do our best. It'll be like before the battle with Core. Just that we won't be as soft as we were.” Celestia told me. Blade? Ha. I wish. Although that's probably just a short version of ‘Blade of Equestria’.

“I won't let my new limbs and weakened moon slow me down. I'll do my best to protect our kingdom.” Luna said.

“Glad to hear that from you two. Now Twilight. I want you to manage our archives. Keep it organized as well as up to date. I also want you to manage our income. I trust you can do it?” I didn't really need to ask or order her to do this. Because she already was. Just wanted to make it official to her.

She smiled and saluted with one of her hooves. “You can count to on me Blade. I won't let you down.”

“You never do Twilight. I'll see to Trixie becoming your apprentice. To help you with the archives as well as for you to help her grow with her Keyblade and Magic while I'm gone.” I told her. She nodded with a sad smile. Must be remembering spike. I had got some residents to help build a statue in honor of the elements and spike. As well as another for those that were lost. Sadly...there are a lot of names on it.

I turned to Vanitas to give his orders. “Vanitas. I need you to manage to Keyblade cadets as well as the guards. Out of everyone here besides me your our best. I trust you completely to be able to train them while keeping up with your own training as well correct?” I asked him.

“Don't worry John.” Van said. He is one of the few beings that call me by my name. “ I won't let any of them slack in their training. I won't let you leave me in the dust either. I might even be stronger than you when you get back. Even with your training.” He told me with a smirk.

I smirked back at him. “Don't worry I'll still kick you but any day of the week. Well. That's all I needed to say. I'll be leaving in two days. I'll be preparing by replacing any of my gear that I lost. Now. Return to what you were doing. Dismissed.”

With that everyone left. Two more days. Better get back to it. Since I'm leaving on the seventh day.

It's the sixth day now. I was heading to the workshop area of the castle to replace my gear. I need to resupply so I can be as prepared as I can get. Although something tells me except for Void Slayer, Azul Tonitrua, my Keyblade, and my void powers will be useful. I really need an upgrade on my gear. Maybe while I'm gone I can get some new stuff to replace my current gear. Although I'll make sure to get replacements for my folding sword and assassin blade. They'll look the same mostly but will definitely be made of much stronger stuff.

I gathered what I could and headed out to watch the guards train. I saw Vanitas running thru their paces. After an hour I headed back inside and walked around a bit. As I was walking I heard voices. Which I decided to head to.

I came across a nursery with nurse Redheart, Gilda, Roseluck, and Survivor. Rose was holding Survivor as he slept while Gilda and Redheart talked about how he was doing. I looked at Survivor and smiled sadly. I adopted him as my own, and now I have to leave for a few years. ‘Don't worry S. I'll be back before you know it.’ I thought before heading to my room.

It's the final day, and Hollow was waiting in front of the castle with a portal near him. I was in front of the door with the others nearby. Hollow was patiently waiting for me to be ready.

I turned towards the others. “Well. I guess this is it for now. Keep everyone safe for me will you guys?” I said.

Gilda looked at me with tears in her eyes while holding Survivor who was sleeping. “Don't worry John. Ain't nothin going to happen with us here. Just make sure you come back alive.” She said while kissing my left cheek. How does it work with a beak is a mystery.

Rose came up to me and kissed my other cheek. “ Make sure you stay safe dear. No one here wants to lose you.” I wiped the tear that was falling down her cheek away and nodded. I turned towards those I left in charge and nodded which they returned.

I turned towards Hollow and made my way. He walked into the portal as I followed. Before I entered I turned around at the others and waved goodbye one last time. I then entered the portal...the portal to Void.

I followed Hollow through the Void. We have been traveling for an hour now I believe. This area of Void felt...different. Older to be precise. I don't know how I know that. Nor how do I know that this area is nowhere near the oldest in Void. “So Hollow. Where are you taking me to train?”

He chuckled. “I'm taking you somewhere not even Core can enter. Because he would need a specific key to enter.” He told me. I was confused but followed anyway. As we walked on the broken land masses that littered the Void Hollow eventually brought me to what look like a place you could just jump if you felt like it. He stopped at the summit of the ledge and turned around. “Besides you should know this area. You did ask your Tenno friend to build one for you correct?” He told me looked over the ledge.

Confused I walked over and looked down. My eyes widened as I saw a massive space station floating below. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. “What is that?”

“That is a Dojo. The Tenno use them as bases for Alliances and guilds. This one is yours. Inside is everything we'll need for your training. Both yours and your team’s.” He told me.
“Wait team’s training?”

“Yes. What lies ahead of you can't be done alone. You'll need of group of five individuals who will help you. Now then.” He turned to me and his black eyes started to glow with Void. “It's time to begin.”