//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Shell Shocked // by Coolguy362 //------------------------------// Cold. That's how I felt. Cold. All I could see was red. I was in water. Salty, bloody water. A hand reaches out and grabs me. "Sarge?! You okay sir?", Said a young soldier from my platoon. Yes, a platoon! I was in the Marines. "Yes." I sputtered in between coughs. "I'm fine. But we have a job to do and you know it." "Yes sir!" The young private said.It was then I took in the horror before me. Bodies everywhere. Some had wounds from bullets and some from shrapnel. Blood everywhere, arms and legs scattered across the beach. Some men where screaming for there mother's and some were to shocked to do any thing. I wanted to be sick. "My God.", I muttered under my breath. "What do we do Sarge?!" The private asked, a look simular to mine on his face. "What? Oh well we have to punch a hole in that barbed wire up there." I pointed forward to where, about one hundred yards ahead, was a big line of barbed wire. "We'll use grenades to blow it to hell. Then, we proceed to the cliffs, which we will climb via rope. Once we're up, we'll take out the German artillery, and await further orders. Got that?" The young man nodded. "Good." I said with a smirk. "Now let's give these krauts a kick in the ass shall we?" "YEAH" The soldiers who heard me said loudly. "THEN LETS MOVE!" I shouted. We ran out of the crater we were hiding in and sprinted up the beach. A few of us were shot as soon as we got up, but for the most part we got to the wire safely. "Put get some grenades under that barbed wire NOW", I said. The soldiers didn't need to be told twice, so two of them pulled the pin on some frag grenades and set them down beneath the wire. "GET TO COVER!" One shouted and hid where the rest of us were, closely followed by the other. About a second later, the grenades exploded, leaving a hole in the wire. Me and the other soldiers advanced, about 5 of us being shredded by machine gun fire. The remaining 19 of us made it to the cliffs and waited for the promised grappling ropes from the ships behind us. About 2 minutes of prayers and small talk later, the hooks attached them selves to the tops of the cliff. "ALRIGHT, GET UP THERE BEFORE JERRY CUTS THE ROPE!" I said as I started climbing. We got up there in about 2 minutes and opened fire on the Germans. We where doing well, with only 2 of us being killed. Once we cleared the area, we advanced to the artillery area and started clearing out the area of German troops. It was going well until a stray bullet hit me in the arm. "AHH I'M HIT!", I said as I fell to the ground. My arm felt like it was an fire. It was like getting burned and stabbed at the same time. "I NEED A MEDIC!" I said with a tremor in my voice. Fortunately there was one near by, who injected me with morphine and went to work on my arm. Though the morphine helped, it still hurt a lot when he dug the bullet out of my arm. But my luck ran out when the medic was nailed in the face by a bullet. Drowsy from the morphine, I picked up my gun, a PPSh, and tried to defend myself from the Germans. It was then that I was hit in the chest by a German machine gun. I fell on my back, trying to get air into my punctured lung. I was choking on my own blood. My vision was getting dark and blurry. I tried to call for help, but blood was quickly going into my wind pipe. Then everything went dark. I woke up in a forest. I sat up, and all the sudden, everything came flooding back to me. I was supposed to be dead. I was contemplating my life choices when I heard a growl. I stood up and drew my weapon. Wherever I was, I needed to get out, and fast. I ran away into the trees and out of sight. When I thought I was far enough away, I slowed to a walk. "Where the hell am I?", I thought. "I'm supposed to be d-", I was interrupted by a pack of.... wolves made of wood jumping out of the bushes. "WHAT THE FUCK?!", I screamed out loud. Before I could draw my weapon, one of the 6 wolves that was there bit on to my leg, it's teeth sinking into my flesh. I let out a scream and drew my pistol. I shot the one on on my leg, only for another to jump on my chest. The wolf tore into my shirt and bit me in the chest. I beat him over the head with my pistol until it let go and shot him, causing the wolf to explode into a cluster of twigs and thorns. Before another could attack, I shot the remaining four, causing them to join there comrades. I ran until I thought I was safe and slowed to a limp. I knew that my wounds where serious and needed medical attention, but I didn't know where to get it. So I decided on on a direction, and limped until I could find civilization. Then I ran into something that made me want to faint. It was a lizard with 9 heads. It threw me into a tree, causing me to hit my head. I shot one of it's heads but two more sprouted in it's place. So I ran, and it gave chase. It tried to bite me several times, but I was to fast. I started to give out, when I guess it got bored and ran off. And so I continued walking until I finally reached the edge of the forest. It was there I saw a little cottage. I barely had the strength to knock on the door before I passed out....