Discovering Friendship Explained

by Saro0fdemonz

Comment Questions 6 - Rainbow/Twilight/Fluttershy

I refuse to let that military fuck in this room. So I'll be answering this question

What makes Gilda different than a Skyborn

Gilda is a Griffanion. Sort of an in-between of Beastkin and Human. Skyborn like me can fly, manipulate weather and even conduct electricity. The last one is a bit of a neat trick that not everyone can pull off, super important for Weather duty though.

But Griffanion's are different. They can transform like Beastkin, not entirely though. Spike can go full on giant fire breathing lizard mode, while G can only shift a pair of wings and claws. Griffanion's can walk on clouds like Skyborn, but they can't control weather like us.

Griffanion's are also gluttons for war and combat. Most of them dedicate their entire lives to fighting. Hell there are more Griffanion's in the Flight Academy than Skyborn, I dunno how many more, but at least double. Course, not every Skyborn goes into the Academy

Gilda isn't any different than the rest of them. Sure, she gave me the push I needed, but I can bet she was just trying to groom another perfect soldier.

Okay Rainbow, I think you have more than answered the question.

You don't know em like I do Twi.

Well I won't fault you that, but lets not badmouth an entire species to another dimension, please?

Fine, they have questions for you anyway. I'll catch ya later Twilight.

Sorry about that everyone, Rainbow is...very passionate. Anyway, lets move on!

Twilight, why does your world have more advanced technology than other worlds? Is Magic and Science the same thing?

Well, I can't speak for other worlds, I haven't had the chance to really explore any beyond what little I have learned from all of you and this device. And while Science and Magic are not exactly the same thing, we can't have either without the other.

Furthering our understanding of Science helps us to better understand the world around us, which helps us to better understand Magic. Advances in Magic also help boost advances in Science. Combining the two leads us to many wonderful things.

A good example would be Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. A combination of powerful magic and advanced science makes it possible for them to survive a life threatening disease. The two together are what have made this Beta Cure possible.

While I am here there's a few other questions I would like to take care of, namely

Twilight, how is the research into other dimensions coming along?

Sadly not so well. There are scientists already hard at work uncovering the secrets of other realities and their research is off limits to me. And before anyone asks, no, I will not pull the 'I am Celestia's Prized Pupil' card to obtain that research from them. It wouldn't be fair to all the work they have put in to it.

When they are ready to share their findings, they will, and I'll look into things on my end as well. And yes, I used that card to get Rainbows mothers notes, but that is research no one else is looking into, research of a woman who lost herself and research that was left to gather dust. It was not stolen from someone, but brought back to light in order to improve upon it.

There is also a question here for Fluttershy which...oddly enough she left me a note about moments before the question arrived.

I have a question for Fluttershy, sorry if this seems a bit out there. I asked in a previous question about different dimensions. Does being a Chaotician make it easier to look, or does it not matter?

Her note reads

"I apologize for not being there in person to answer your question, but thank you for asking! I try my best to avoid using Chaos, but with it being what it is, I can't exactly avoid it forever. There are times I catch glimpses of things I would rather not see.

And so, it isn't that it makes it easier, its that I have no choice. As for why I am not there in person, that machine makes it possible for anyone to peer into your dimension for however long they are around it. If I sit in front of it, it forces me to focus in on your dimension and gives me a terrible head ache. Sorry again"

I never realized how much she was struggling...I think I should go pay her a visit, after I finish here...

Actually, I think that's the last question for today. Thank you again everyone!