Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


Rainbow Dash looked at the book on her lap, then sipped some more of her drink. Spicy had spent an hour talking to them, describing everything from what trust meant, to how it could be implemented in dominance games.

What had surprised Rainbow Dash was how friendly Sonata had become with Rarity. She looked askance to the two girls, and noted the way Sonata leaned against Rarity, while Rarity's hand gently stroked along Sonata's throat.

"They're cute, aren't they? Together I mean, neither of us are into that side of things, are we?" Spicy sat on the arm of his old couch, and reached out to Rainbow Dash. Her hair was shorter than most girls' would be, and her lanky frame combined with small breasts to make her almost boyish enough for Spicy's tastes. "If you had a penis I would be into you so hardcore, Rainbow."

Spicy's touch on her opposite shoulder surprised Rainbow Dash, but the way he pulled her against his hip was more forceful than what she had expected. It was a casual kind of control, but Rainbow felt her heart start to race. "Wait, what?"

"We could get you a strap-on, and a tight latex shirt to keep your breasts tucked down. How about it?" Rubbing Rainbow Dash's shoulder, Spicy felt her lean against him more. "Would you be my little boy-toy?"

Spicy fell off the couch in surprise when Rainbow Dash's wings shot out and spread as wide as they could. His eyes widened, and lips curved into a hungry smile. "My magic boy-toy."

Excited beyond rational thought, Rainbow just nodded to Spicy. She watched him stand up with grace, and suddenly realized how fit he was. "Y-Y-Yes!"

Crooking one finger, Spicy reached out and hooked it under the front of Rainbow Dash's collar. "Come on, we're going shopping." He stood up, and drew Rainbow up with him.

With barely a moment to react to Spicy walking away from her, Rainbow Dash moved to follow, keeping his finger from tugging too tightly on her collar. "This is nothin' like my dreams…"

Leading Rainbow Dash, Spicy looked back at her as he opened first his apartment's door, then led her into the shop. "You dreamed about me? About this?"

Rainbow Dash couldn't lie, not with Spicy in such control of her. She nodded. "Yeah…" He stopped and looked at her, eyes searching. Rainbow knew what he wanted, he wanted to know about the dream. "I only do it when I am horny. I dream of you chaining me up, making it so I can't get away."

"And then I fuck you?" Once more leading his trainee, Spicy knew his destinations well. The first stop was rubber clothing.

Rainbow Dash watched as Spicy looked at her chest, practically staring, then reached up to the wall and selected something black. "Well, yeah. I only dream that when I am really into the mood."

"If we do, and we both agree, there is one place I am not touching." Spicy pondered his choices, and grabbed a pair of ass-less rubber panties. "These are normally for guys who want to stop their subs from getting off. Various things could be clamped over the penis, then locked up inside. I think we will just plug you."

"Wait, a plug? Like an anal plug?"

"They can go in other places, too. It won't be comfortable, but I don't care." Tugging on Rainbow's collar, Spicy led the way to the anal toy section. "Tell me if it is too much, okay? This is part of that trust thing."

"That you trust me to tell you when I am not having fun." The memory of the teaching wasn't just clear, it was crystal clear—like what happened with her history final. "I promise to tell you if it—if it isn't working for me."

Rainbow Dash watched Spicy select a leash on the way past a rack, and when they reached the section with the anal plugs, he grabbed several. "W-Why so many?" As she asked, he started fitting the leash around her collar, tying it back on itself.

"So you can find one that is comfortable, filling, and secure. We have some things to discuss, before we get too in character." Grabbing a bottle of lube, Spicy reached up towards Rainbow's chest, and felt her breasts.

Far from pull back, like Rainbow Dash had always thought she would if groped, she felt a deep relaxation come over her. "Hrmm?"

"Where do we stop? What don't you want to do tonight?" With a few squeezes, Spicy hummed a bit. "They really aren't much, are they? Even in that bra—and don't think I can't feel all that support."

The words stung a little, until Rainbow's brain pushed past the hurt and realized he was actually complimenting her. "No real sex."

"Mouth? Hand? Ass?" Spicy got two nods and a shake of Rainbow Dash's head. "Have you ever given head before?" When she started to shake her head, then turned it into a nod, he was instantly curious, but let it lie for another time.

"Why are you asking me now? Why not—" A tug at the leash broke Rainbow's words off, and she gave a little gasp.

"Because when I am in control, I won't be asking your permission for anything. But if you tell me to stop, I promise you I will." Spicy's eyes were caught by something, and he reached out to grab one of the simple, soft-play masks from the shelf. "Paddling? Striking? Biting—gently of course, but I will leave a mark?"

"A-Any of those. I just don't feel like sex would be a good idea." Rainbow Dash wasn't prepared for the hug Spicy suddenly gave her, and even when he let go with a laugh she was confused. "What?"

"That is the smartest thing I have ever heard you say, Rainbow Dash. So, you want to feel some things to work out how they feel, I can do that. Are you ready to put your regular self behind and be my plaything?"

Rainbow Dash tried to say yes, but her throat caught and she couldn't say anything for a moment. Instead, she nodded. There was a moment when she felt her nerves start to rattle. Panic started to set in, until Spicy reached his hand up and brushed her hair away from her face. It was a simple action, but one that showed more familiarity than he should have.

"Come on then. Let's get you dressed properly." It was odd for Spicy to slip into his dominant side with a girl on his leash, odd beyond believing, but with Rainbow Dash so willing to try things out, he was willing to see if he could look past what he plainly wasn't interested in. Walking towards the bathroom, Spicy tugged on the leash. "In there. Strip and sit on the throne."

With the leash released, Rainbow Dash felt like she had a measure of freedom. She stepped into the bathroom and turned around. She looked at Spicy Hot, and something about his gaze hit her hard: he was holding back distaste. Wracking her brain, Rainbow Dash tried to come up with something, and then it hit her.

Spicy watched Rainbow turn back around and face away from him. He blinked in surprise as the simple act relieved some of his misgivings. He watched as Rainbow Dash reached up under her shirt, then pulled it up and forward.

Porn would often show a heavily endowed girl bouncing free of her top, her breasts as plentiful as the day was long, but Spicy Hot didn't see that. "That bra really does some work for you, doesn't it?"

Rainbow turned her head and looked back over her shoulder, only one of her eyes making contact with Spicy. "Everyone tells me I am due for a growth spurt. Real shame that I haven't, right…"

"Master. You can call me master, or sir." Spicy took a step forward and brought his hand, flat, against Rainbow's ass. There was no wobble; her rear was as tight as a drum. "Get it all off. I need to see you so I have an idea what we can do about the situation."

The smack left some heat behind, but Rainbow Dash found herself enjoying it. Her breath came faster while she crouched down to get her shoes and socks off. Tucking her thumbs in at the sides of her leggings and underwear, she pushed down.

"It's a crime that a girl has an ass this good." Spicy's palm pressed to where it had smacked, a slight reddish tint to the blue skin. "Turn around and show me."

Spicy Hot watched as Rainbow Dash turned. Her body was boyish enough that he could almost hope that she would have a penis, maybe telling him that she was tucking it all along. He looked up, worried to see how big her breasts actually were, and again was surprised. "Well, not so terrible. You have a little wobble there, but the shirt will stop that. Down here we have a problem."

Sitting down on the throne, Rainbow parted her legs. The blush in her rear seemed to migrate to her face as she exposed herself before Spicy. "Sp—Sir." She watched as Spicy selected one of the black plugs, and started smearing some lube on it. The touch of the rubber should have been cold, but realization that Spicy had carried them against his body for a reason, dawned. Pressure grew, and grew, and the toy pushed into her with more ease than she would have thought.

"Too loose. Let's go bigger." Spicy held his frown back as best he could. "How many boys have you let screw you to get like this?" He rescued the first plug from the clutches of her body.

"N-No one, sir." Rainbow let out a groan as he roughly handled the plug, and pulled it from her. The next one that he lined up was larger.

"Well, maybe you have a secret admirer who comes and bangs you in your sleep, because you are the loosest virgin I know." Pushing a little more firmly than he realized, Spicy felt real resistance this time. When the thickest part of the plug passed the first ridge of muscles, however, the bulb seemed to pull at the toy as her muscles sucked it in.

Rainbow Dash looked down at her groin, and when she saw the wide, smooth black base of the toy covering her vulva, she blinked in surprise. "That's pretty big in there." Images flashed through her head, of Thunderbolt's knot swollen inside her.

"Seems to be just the right size. Maybe I should stuff one in your ass too, since you want to keep that virginal." Spicy reached and pulled the rubber panties over. "Put these on, make sure the hole in the back lines up with your ass."

"Yes, sir." Rainbow gulped, and started to stand up. The size of the toy suddenly felt like it grew tenfold. She groaned and wobbled on her legs, but there were two strong arms to support her. Slowly, she straightened her legs and looked to Spicy. "Thank you, m-master."

Carefully, Rainbow stepped into each leg hole of the rubber underwear, noticing they were a little smaller than should fit her. But of course, rubber stretches. Tugging and pulling, she worked the panties up her hips and into place. They pressed to her crotch, the front featureless thanks to the plug covering her. Before she could do anything, Spicy reached around behind her.

"Hey!" Rainbow almost jumped as one of Spicy's fingers pushed, with plenty of lube on it, into her rear. She wanted to get it out, to jump away, but the new feeling of submission had a hold of her. She stood on tip-toes, and felt him work the digit around in her butt.

Spicy waited, doing a simple bit of digital massage, but Rainbow Dash never told him to stop. "Good boy." The wrong gender pronoun slipped out easily. He smiled and ignored his mistake, deciding to just go with it. "You like having me check your ass like this?"

Despite her initial protest—which was more shock-based than anything else—Rainbow felt the attention start to tickle nerves she didn't normally associate with pleasure. Only now the stroking of his finger did feel good; she nodded. "It feels different, sir."

The finger was gone as quickly as it had entered, and Rainbow Dash felt a pang of loss at the lack of sensation from her rear. She took the offered latex shirt from Spicy, and slipped it over her arms and shoulders.

Strong hands took the sides of the shirt, and Rainbow Dash felt Spicy Hot pull the garment down over her body. It clung everywhere, and was tight as a drum. The sleeves stretched halfway to her elbows, and the hem of the shirt sat just above the rubber panties. She leaned forward, and felt Spicy tease her hair out of the tight grip, and felt it fall behind her.

"Wow." Spicy was lost for further words. He looked at the boyish figure of Rainbow Dash and considered his efforts a success. Her already fairly flat chest was held down completely, her hips—barely there to begin with—were mostly camouflaged by the black rubber. He reached forward and pressed the palm of his hand to her chest. Sliding it down, he traced her body from sternum to perineum.

With Spicy's hand pressed between her legs, Rainbow Dash should have been squirming in bliss—not that she didn't want to—but the scene Spicy had built was such that she stood firmly in place, waiting for more words. Waiting for a command.

"I won't lie, I could fuck you right here, right now. You look great like that." Surprised at how into Rainbow Dash he now felt, Spicy Hot felt a pang at the restrictions she had put on him. "Sit down on the throne gain, and hold on."

Rainbow Dash hadn't even seen the little control dial to the side of the toilet, but the moment she sat down Spicy reached down and turned it. She squealed in shock as a blast of water hit her rear. "What is this?!"

"Gets you nice and clean." Spicy adjusted the bidet controls a little, letting the jet do its work. "Shimmy around. I loosened you up a little already, let the water clean you." The moment she followed his command, Spicy knew.

Squealing again, Rainbow Dash felt a warm rush of water push past her pucker and flood her rear. It seemed strange at first, but when she relaxed her muscles, it did the trick. Shifting her position slightly, she felt the jet of water change its angle. "W-What is this for?"

"Normally I wouldn't explain to a sub, but this is your first time on my leash." Leaving Rainbow Dash to stew a little, Spicy continued to explain. "You said oral was fine, you just didn't say who was doing it."

Staring up at Spicy, Rainbow Dash watched him lick his lips. The meaning was quite apparent, and while the water continued to scour her hole clean, she put two and two together and realized he planned to eat out her ass.

"That will do now." Spicy turned the spray off. "Okay, come on, pretty boy, let's go see what those two girls got up to. I might not enjoy the sights of them, but Rarity's voice sent chills down my spine. I want to see what she came up with for her first time."

Tugging on the leash, Spicy watched Rainbow Dash get up onto wobbly feet. "Come along." He led the way, grabbing up the blindfold and one of the smallest plugs as well as the lube.

In her head, Rainbow Dash's parasite drank up arousal hormones and mental imagery both. It delighted in the girl's willingness to explore her deepest desires, and if it weren't for her already being considered mated, it would have set its sights on Spicy Hot as her partner.