Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


Rainbow Dash's voice was almost hoarse. She had spent the day alternately screaming over the roar of engines, or staring lustfully at cars in the pits. She had watched all manner of cars racing, but though there was still more racing, she knew she had to get home and prepare for the evening.

She had, of course, taken some time off during lunch to work out some kinks, but now was almost champing at the bit to attend her new, special class. "Hey Derpy, I'm pretty much done for. I hate to cut it off early, but…"

In her element at the races, Derpy was wearing a pair of skinny jeans that looked painted on, and had a white shirt that was undone all the way down the front to reveal the dark, leather corset retaining her modesty (and chest). It was a far cry from Rainbow Dash's tight shorts and scoop-neck tee-shirt, but both of them were quite comfortable in their selected clothing.

"It's okay, Rainbow. Really." Derpy reached a hand out to pat Rainbow Dash on the shoulder. "It was fun, and can you believe we are going to get to ride in a fuel funny car next time?" She was referring to the two tickets tucked safely away in her handbag.

Rainbow barked a laugh. "I can't believe you won those. You should totally bring Flash next time, though." She got up and turned to the exit.

Lifting her chin, Derpy shook her head. "Only I get to drive Flash fast, and I don't think they would let me drive one of those." She got up, and started filing along behind Rainbow Dash, the pair making their way from the grandstand.

"You should go for your license. You drive better than anyone else at school." Acutely aware of all the looks they were getting—mostly from men—Rainbow found it a challenge to get out without having to get too close to any of them. Despite her recent affirmation that she was as straight as a die, that didn't mean she wanted to risk a random groping.

"Rainbow, look at me." Stopping, Derpy tilted her hips and tried to catch Rainbow Dash's attention with her eyes. "You know I can see fine, but do you think they will let me race with eyes like this?" She blinked a few times, making sure her point got through.

It hurt Rainbow Dash a little to see her friend so rational about her problem in such a negative way. "You could ask. What's the worst they could do?" She waited for Derpy to start walking again, and turned to walk too.

Derpy Hooves let out a deep sigh. "They could tell me I am stupid for even thinking I could drive straight. They could make fun of me for my eyes." Clamping down her jaw, Derpy followed Rainbow Dash. Whole years of her childhood had been devoted alternately to correcting the problem, and dealing with people bullying her for her eyes.

"What if I come up with a plan?" Rainbow Dash had to turn sideways to get past a drinks cooler someone had propped up on a chair. She looked at her friend and saw that there was confusion and hope mixed with a dash of sadness in her eyes. "For a start, if you are going for a license, I will get one too."

Derpy had to turn sideways too. "You don't even have a car!" When Rainbow Dash got enthusiastic it was impossible for anyone to fight it—Derpy was no exception. "Oh no!" She shook her head. "You are not driving my baby!"

"I won't. My baby will be done in another week, and then I need to get a chassis to put it in. That will take a few weeks of holidays. It might not be pretty, but I should have something that can drive by next month." On a roll, Rainbow Dash finally got to the end of the row and waited for Derpy. "And I will have a secret weapon."

"A secret weapon that will get their attention away from my eyes?" Sounding suspicious, Derpy Hooves fell in beside Rainbow Dash.

"It will take some testing, but I think if I can really rock out on my guitar, I can maybe get you to pony up too." Waving a hand at her friend, Rainbow Dash wasn't prepared for Derpy to stop, dead still. "Hey? You okay?"

"P-P-Pony up?" Derpy stared, but unlike most people she didn't stare straight ahead—her eyes wandered while shock held her brain. "M-M-Me?" When Rainbow Dash nodded to her, a big smile started to spread over her face. "That would be awesome!"

"Of course. And if I don't have enough oomph for it, I'll get the girls to come too. With all of us together it is a sure-thing!" Rainbow Dash thought she was prepared for being attacked bodily, but Derpy's hug was nothing you could plan for. "Hey!" Squeezed against her friend, Rainbow Dash put her arms around Derpy and hugged her back.

"You're the best!" Derpy let go of the hug before it got awkward, but kept one arm around Rainbow Dash's shoulders. "I can't believe it, we are going to try to get our drag racing licenses! Oh!" She giggled. "I'll get some fake glasses too, and if they keep being silly about it, I will put them on and say they are corrective!"

"See?" Rainbow walked with Derpy clinging to her side. "We have all kinds of ways to get around this. They probably won't even say anything."

They walked together, side by side, until they reached Derpy's car. Rainbow had to hug Derpy Hooves goodbye, and turned to her SonicBoom. She smiled at her motorbike. "Come on, I am totally not going to sell you, even when I get my car."

Jumping on the bike, Rainbow shifted her hips a little, squirming on the seat. She lowered her voice to a whisper and leaned down, her upper body conforming to the curves of the bike. "You wanna go fast?"

"You should probably get off that before the owner gets back."

The voice broke Rainbow Dash's moment, and she sat up straight. "Huh? This is my bike?" The owner of the voice looked familiar. A young woman, looking to be in her early twenties, wearing a set of bike leathers. The golden skin of the woman, combined with flame-colored hair, made her look like a burning torch.

"You look like you are trying to have sex with it." Despite her harsh words, the woman grinned like a fiend. "You ride?"

"I just said it was mine." Rainbow pulled her keys out and stuck them in the ignition. Twist. Flick. Press. The bike roared to life between Rainbow Dash's legs, and she was reminded that she had gotten off just from the bike's vibrations before. "And for your information,"—feeling naughty suddenly, Rainbow Dash slid back down so she was pressed full length against the machine—"I have done both."

The woman barked a laugh. "A real rider then. M' name's Spitfire." Spitfire held out a hand to Rainbow.

"Rainbow Dash." Despite how much the vibration was turning her on, Rainbow kept her position a few more moments. Slowly, she slid back upright on the bike and reached out to shake Spitfire's hand. "And I'm gonna be late if I hang around much longer."

"You should meet up with us sometime, me and some friends like to go cruising on our bikes." Spitfire started to turn. "None of us ride rice-rockets like that, though."

Curious, Rainbow picked up her helmet and started lifting it towards her head. "How'll I find you?"

Spitfire turned all the way around to show Rainbow Dash her back. A stylized ocean, a fighter plane zooming over it, and a single word: Seafire. "Look us up. We have a club and everything." Spitfire shot Rainbow a grin over her shoulder, and walked off to find her own bike.

Sitting on her bike, feeling the rumble of the engine through her hips, Rainbow Dash pulled a pen out of her backpack and wrote, "Seafire," on the inside of her wrist. Just as she was putting the pen away again, a deep, bass note coughed to life a few rows away. Turning to look, she saw Spitfire on a big bike that had more chrome than a car show.

As Spitfire rode her bike past Rainbow Dash, Rainbow revved her engine in glee. She didn't take her eyes off Spitfire until the woman was leaving the parking lot. Then the beast Spitfire rode roared and Rainbow could feel the engine's beat in her gut. "Whoa…"

For the whole ride home, Rainbow Dash could barely think about anything but the big bike and its rider. She pulled into her garage and shut the bike down. Jumping off, she got to the door and realized she had ponied up on the ride. "Huh. I've been doing that a lot lately." She focused and tucked her wings in by straining the muscles. "Awesome."

Dinner was just a salad, and just as Rainbow Dash was making her way to the shower she heard Thunderbolt's doggy-door swing. "Hey boy!" She crouched down and held out her arms, catching the excited dog in a big hug. "Just having a shower and then I have to head out again."

Thunderbolt couldn't understand his bitch, but he was happy to see her. He had spent a few days now playing with her body, learning the places that made his bitch sing. Without giving her a warning, he ducked his snout down between her breasts and nuzzled until he found the front of one.

Rainbow Dash gave a happy gasp as Thunderbolt nuzzled and licked her nipple. He rubbed a cheek against her tender flesh, and she felt his teeth brush her breast. "What's gotten into you?" She struggled to pull his head back, but when she tried to get more forceful, Thunderbolt pushed her backwards and she plopped her rear on the floor.

He was a big dog, Rainbow Dash realized, and when he stood over her she felt tiny and—she took a deep, shuddering breath—his. She leaned up and pressed her face into Thunderbolt's fur and inhaled. The smell of his fur was so familiar, and so real. She tilted her head to look up at him, and was staring at the underside of his jaw.

Hard as a rock, Thunderbolt was both ready for sex, and not. He had mounted his bitch several times now, and felt that she accepted him, but he hadn't really pushed himself as her dog yet. Without warning, he turned sideways and peed on the wall beside Rainbow Dash.

"What the fuck?" Rainbow Dash's submissive mindset was shattered by her dog's action. "Thunderbolt!" She tried to get up, and had to shove at the dog hard. Her magic kicked in, and Rainbow Dash shoved Thunderbolt away and got to her feet. "Out!"

Thunderbolt was confused. His bitch had definitely not taken his actions well, and he felt that tentative title teeter a little. Tucking his tail between his legs, he decided that it was best to go and think about what had happened as best he could.

"And no head-jobs for a week!" Stomping into the kitchen, Rainbow Dash got out some paper towel, some sugar-soap, and an old bottle from when she had been housebreaking Thunderbolt. Cleaning up his mess took her a good ten minutes, and left a strong smell of citrus and vinegar.

Completely put off by her pet's little power game, Rainbow Dash took a much more boring shower than she intended to, and was out much faster than she had any right being. "Stupid dog. Why did he do that?" With a bit of time on her hands, and some curiosity, Rainbow headed to her study and sat down before the computer.

Waking the machine from its slumber, the first thing to come up was her history study—for the exam she had aced. A cocky grin replaced the annoyed frown, and Rainbow tapped on the search field. Some googling found the answer pretty quickly.

"Okay, so he could be feeling bad because I'm not around as much? Nah." Rainbow shook her head. Her time spent at/away from home hadn't changed recently. "He is feeling more possessive of me or the house." Memories of her dog mounting her, eating her out, and her giving him blow-jobs rushed her. "Well crap."

Her mind ran a little, and the mood from earlier returned as she shivered a little. The idea of being someone's property was a nice one, but not all the time, not if it meant she had to clean up her dog's pee. "I need to talk to Spicy about this."

She began to scribble down notes, but froze. "What am I saying? I can't ask him about letting my dog—my dog have sex with me!" She started to screw up the paper, but froze when her eye caught a picture on the wall. It was a multi-photo frame, and it showed a young yellow girl with pink hair growing up.

Rainbow Dash couldn't have asked a stranger about her situation, but she could maybe talk to Fluttershy about it. "I can't believe I am thinking of this. But who else can I talk to?"

Just then her phone beeped, and Rainbow groaned. "That's my cue." Turning the screen off, she stood up from the desk and caught sight of Fluttershy's pictures again. "You always said I could talk to you about anything. I guess this is anything." Turning, she rushed back to her bedroom.

On her bed, Rainbow Dash looked at the last two items of the bondage cuffs she had been talked into buying. Ankle cuffs were very different from wrist cuffs and a collar. The wrist cuffs could be written off as being "metal," and the collar as well, or the sign of a kinky boyfriend. Ankle cuffs were really only there for one reason.

Lifting her left leg up, Rainbow Dash curled the leather cuff around her ankle, and closed the ends until they gave a loud click. Repeating the action for the second one on her other leg, Rainbow felt a rush of feelings that didn't all make sense. She was aroused, that was plain. She was anxious; would Spicy take them off for her week of school? Last but not least, she was excited. The night promised to be interesting, if nothing else. Rainbow Dash stood straight and felt each of the loops. Throat, wrists, and ankles; all wrapped in soft leather, and only one person had the keys.

Giving an exultant whoop, Rainbow Dash ran back through her house, opened the doggy door again (but closed the laundry door), grabbed her things, and headed out the front door. Her wings were still out, and her ears sat proud atop her head. Loosening up her legs and arms, Rainbow Dash jogged in place for a moment.

She dropped into a crouch, and setting her feet under her Rainbow launched forwards. The run to Spicy's store was done before four normal heartbeats, approximately fifteen in Rainbow Dash's case. She stopped out front of the shop, and realized the bottom door was closed (the one guarding the stairs that led to the shop).

Emotions warred in Rainbow Dash. She felt fear that she would hate this and fear that she would enjoy it—in equal measure—as well as the normal social taboos associated with discussing anything that happened in a bedroom outside of one. Just as she ignored all her feelings and rang the buzzer, she heard a car pull up.

Practically glowing with the excess of pampering she had partaken of during the day, Rarity wore a simple dress and a v-necked shirt that displayed more than a little of her cleavage. She wore high pumps, and had accessorized with the aim of building confidence—and it worked. "Darling! Why are you down here?"

Rainbow Dash's jaw almost dropped at the self-possessed spirit that seemed to ooze from Rarity. Her trademark resolution returned, and she pointed at the buzzer. "I just got here. Hopefully, one of them will be down soon." She braced for the hug that was coming her way, but despite Rarity's brash certainty in the way she had dressed, she was the same old friend.

"Oh, then we are both perfectly on time." Giving Rainbow Dash a friendly squeeze, Rarity twisted to the side to look at the door. "I'm almost ready to just run away as fast as I can."

Relief flooded Rainbow Dash. "Me too, but I want this a lot more than I want to run away."

"Agreed." Looking to her friend, Rarity spotted the ankle cuffs—because noticing fashion was as natural to her as breathing. "I like the cuffs. What will you do if Spicy doesn't take them off at the end of the night?"

"Wear them, I gue—" Rainbow Dash cut her reply short as the door opened inwards. Spicy Hot looked up and down at the pair of them, and Rainbow could see him notice her ankle cuffs. "Are you going to let us in, or what?"

"Sure. Come on up." Spicy liked what he saw in both girls, but it was the little act of Rainbow's—putting on the rest of the cuffs—that made him smile a little wider than normal. "Close the door behind you, I don't want anyone thinking we are open and interrupting."

Rainbow followed after Spicy, and grinned as she got a great view of his ass as he climbed the stairs ahead of her. "You were pretty cagey about what would happen. Mind filling us in now that we're here?"

Spicy held his tongue until they reached the door into the shop, but he turned to a second door that led opposite the entrance to his store. Opening it up, he led the way inside. "Just like everything practical in life, bondage and dominance games really should have a theory class before you get into it, as it were."

Following, Rarity was last into the abode, and saw that it was a modest loft-apartment with a large blackboard dominating the middle of the room. "Are you telling me your flat is literally a side room from your store?"

"Sort of. But hey, cheap rent!" Walking over to his fridge, Spicy pulled out four bottles of soda. "I appreciate dressing up for this, quite a bit actually." His eyes trailed over the cuffs at wrists, ankles, and the collar on Rainbow Dash. "But there isn't going to be anything happen tonight."

Stepping quietly from the only room in the loft (the bathroom), Sonata gave a deep sigh. "You are the worst, Spicy. Look at them, they were so ready to let off some stream tonight." She almost froze at the hungry look Rarity gave her. It took significant willpower to have her voice work in anything approaching a normal tone. "N-Nothing that isn't an example, after all."

"Okay, turn the burners down a little you two." Spicy looked to Rarity first. "Tone down that attitude or you aren't going to learn anything from Sonata tonight."

Staring at Sonata, Rarity watched the girl's eyes turn down as they met her own—not away, but down. She felt more of that strong energy build inside, but turned when a touch on her shoulder broke her focus. "What?"

"Whoa. Calm down, Rarity." Rainbow Dash carefully removed her hand from Rarity's shoulder. "Spicy was just saying that we need to learn things before jumping in the deep end." When nobody spoke for thirty seconds, Rainbow Dash shook her head. "When did I become the voice of reason? Come on Rarity, just relax. We're in school!"

Closing her eyes, Rarity counted slowly to ten. When she got to five, things began to calm within her, and when she reached ten she was back in control of herself. "I'm sorry, but some friends decided some flirting was in order—when I told them I was gay. It was harmless, and in good fun, but until I get some relief I may be a little unbearable."

"You told them? Wait,"—Rainbow Dash blinked a few times, and jerked in surprise—"who flirted with you?"

Even just thinking back to her day tested Rarity's calm she had built up. "Lavender Lace and Trixie Lulamoon. Although Trixie left me alone, Lavender seemed to be enjoying it."

"Oh, those friends." Rainbow Dash walked over to the couch facing the blackboard and sat down on it with a flourish. "So why don't we get started?"

Spicy walked around, passing out the drinks. "A good question. Can you keep calm?" He looked directly at Rarity, and waited for her to reply; when Rarity nodded, Spicy continued. "Great. Sonata, let's get into this.

"You both know about being gay, being straight, bisexual, dominant, submissive, and even switch." Spicy walked up to the board and wrote one word: Trust. "But none of it matters a damn if this doesn't exist. Forget everything you have learned about kinky stuff from movies or books, if you don't trust your partner, and if they don't trust you, it is wrong."

In Rainbow Dash's mind, the parasite took notes itself—and in the light of how its host reacted to certain parts—and it made plans. Its host had a mate, which was exceedingly fortunate, but the parasite could feel the tenuous relationship between the two in the bonds Rainbow Dash's memories formed. It needed to strengthen those bonds.