Fallout Metro at Dark

by Given Chance


I walked through an empty corridor of emptiness with not a soul in sight. Redundant I know, but how else could I explain it with these tunnel systems looking all the same. The floor was littered with trash and broken glass. A light above would flicker constantly just near its end ready to burst. Yet I continued my walk with my Kalash 2012 (an assault rifle) held tightly in my hands with a grip so tight it tired my hands greatly, not giving myself a second to let my gurad down.

My eyes would scan the surroundings cautiously in quick succession along with a laser sight that would roam and creep across the hallway as I swept my rifle from side to side. I would almost hug every door I passed just to try the knob. Hoping the doorknob would twist and lead me somewhere else on my journey and not the begrudgingly fear of being trapped in a dead end. Forever trapped in the dark claustrophobic tunnels of the metro. I just wanted to see someone else... just a quick chat was all I was asking for… I was starting to get more, and more paranoid the longer I roamed. I felt I was losing myself the longer I went on with no contact with another human being.

Walking down the hallway I was met with the final door, and if it didn't open, I was going to be screwed. I needed to find food and water like any other living being. Currently, I was hungry with no food in sight. I crouched down low as I slowly approached the metal door that was for some reason oddly smaller than the rest. Carefully I pulled out my suppressor attaching it to my rifle (Kalash 2012). I screwed it on quietly. My eyes never left the door; staring longingly at the door. Hoping... that was all I could do in this situation… don’t let all that walking be for nothing.

I held my breath turning the knob gingerly all the way feeling no resistance. I took a deep breath before pushing the door in. Slowly aiming my rifle in the small crack of the open door. Before slowly creeping into the room. Eyes scanning the room for any danger around. I sighed quietly as I stood up with my rifle clutched in my tight grip once more, not wanting my weapon to ever leave my side. Continuing to look around I noticed skeletons just about everywhere, but not human skeletons... they were horse skeletons... but... no... smaller. Pony skeletons? I stared around in confusion. Wondering what kind of circus came in the metro system and thought it was a bright idea to bring ponies down here. Maybe they must have really liked horse meat?

"What the?" I poked a skeleton horse creature that was long gone by the looks of it. But why was a horse thing here, in a store? It was just now that I came to notice that I was indeed inside a store? I could only guess it was a store, a convenient one at that. Both literal and yeah… literal. I had never heard of a convenient store ‘in’ a metro?

Well I assumed it to be store products on the floor, in my sudden bewilderment I absentmindedly poked the skeleton with the suppressor on my rifle. Hoping it wasn’t just some monster that was just playing dead and was going to jump out at me once my back was turned. Nothing of intrest happened. I walked over to the shelves that hadn't been looted by the looks of it. All the cans were neatly standing in neat rows. I took a metal can in my hand looking over the product it advertised; Rice n' Beans I shrugged, getting on one knee pulling my backpack off storing all the cans I could fit in the bag. I quickly put on my backpack with my new arsenal of Rice n' Beans.

"New weapon unlocked... Stink Bomb." I joked to myself trying to lighten the mood for myself. Holding my arms outstretched looking around to see if anyone would humor me and let out a light chuckle at my dry humor. Though it barely did anything at all. Reminding me once more of how alone I was. “Right… that's right.” I sighed heavily as reality sunk in. Soon silence followed once more creeping into my mind. I flinched as if it was like pain shooting through my skull. The sound of my heart beating was the only thing alive to me. Silence was killing my sanity. I didn’t know why the thought of being alone frightened me so. I just wanted to give up… lay down and…


Shaking my head I tried to keep my mind busy. I started browsing the mini store with its very crowded structure making me uneasy between the three mini aisles at how cramped it all was. For one the ceiling was sunken in slightly and the shelves were shorter than me by a little bit... oh what am I kidding. These things are practically smaller than a human adult... was this a place for kids or something? No, that wouldn't make sense. The setting was grayed out and boring. No colorful colors and pastels.

My head would constantly bump against the ceiling. Since the roof of the store was so low. Good thing I was wearing a helmet. I saw some donuts but they were moldy in their boxes. Everything had gone bad except for the Rice n' Beans. To be honest, I didn't actually even know if they were still good to eat. Apparently canned foods lasted longer than boxed foods.

I shrugged to myself, finding an ice chest cooler with not so cool water. But I took the bottled water anyway which had a good amount of water still inside. It was cool that the water looked clean instead of the so common dirty water. But a shame there were only 14 bottles. Was I hoping for 24 or at least 36... maybe something bigger? But I had to store all the individual bottles into my backpack minus one making it 13 as I drank the refreshing water greedily. Not having water for a full day would do that to a man. The water weighed me down greatly. Thank goodness the bottles were not normal sized or not. Only time would tell.

I crushed the plastic bottle before any air could rush in. I sealed it with its plastic bottle cap. Storing away the flattened bottle. Storing it in my backpack/rucksack just in case of an emergency. A container to store water if needed or any other liquids…

I took some weird money from the cash register because why not. And I found gold coins! It had a sun emblazoned on it and on the other side of the coin had a crescent moon. I pocketed the money because gold was just beautiful to me. And in an apocalypse this was supposed to be worth something for some odd reason. Honestly I don’t think anyone would care for gold unless it was nations trying to rebuild but for right now this was just an investment of art.

I'm never going back to this depressing shop building thing. I continued my journey out of the small building? No, structure. I exited through the front door by using my common sense of direction. I grumbled bitterly entering another tunnel. Continuing my walk that quickly became a march as I held my gun in front once more in a never ending cycle, similar to a commando but I was no one. I just wanted to feel badass... just to make my depressing walk... How can I say this? Uh.... less shit? I don't know. I stomped on a puddle looking down in confusion unsure where the water actually came from. I turned on my helmet's light to see my own reflection of myself. 

I had a heavy sherpa lined jacket,  combat trousers and boots, a heavy chest armor, spaulders and the iconic Ranger helmet. The uniform was dotted with ammunition pouches, med-kits, and knives. I also had a sidearm, it being a Revolver with an extended barrel, a rifle stock that makes it a small carbine. I sighed as I stared at the reflection silently as I pulled down face plate to close of my helmet and seal my gas mask. As my helmet was pretty much a part of the gas mask itself. The filter was still good I believe.

Why did I stop walking just to gaze at my figure? I did not know perhaps it was just that I wanted someone to talk too and maybe seeing myself I could almost convince myself of seeing another human.

“Hey.” whispered to my reflection hoping to hear a response that never came. Or maybe I just wanted a ‘real purpose’ in my life. Like an action hero in those American action films.

Sighing, “Don’t go crazy now cowboy,” I crouched trying to lower the noise of my movement gently placing my head against a steel metal pipe that was up against the tunnel wall. I could actually hear voices by the vibrations. I couldn’t make out what was being said but it was a start, I smiled hearing voices talk. When suddenly a somber expression crossed my features, if I couldn't tell what they were saying they could very well be my enemy. But deep down I wished to see another friendly face. Now after my sudden revelation I had a bad feeling about whoever was talking. I could feel it in my gut. A "Hunter" always uses their gut feeling.

But as always I brushed my doubt aside. I just wanted to see a friendly face and find out why I saw and found a horse skeleton… ‘thing’ in this tunnel and why was there a store or whatever that place was? I continued cautiously even if I brushed away my doubt. I had to find out if they were hostile or friendly and maybe they could help me cook some of these "Pork n' Beans". I pulled out my knife killing some spiders on the way as they had spider webs nearly everywhere. Damn things were fast at work spinning webs. They were about the size of my hand, maybe slightly larger even. I wonder what a female spider of that size would look like… supposedly those were as we’d say… the “Big Ones” as spider females tended to be bigger in stature.

I reached the end of the tunnel following the vibrations from the long exposed pipe on the wall. Gently brushing my hand along the pipe. So that a creature smart enough would know where I am. Similar to a spider in that perspective only I was using myself as bait. I saw a fire up ahead in the darkness of this tunnel seeing figures but not human figures. But figures that were on all four. I sucked in a breath quietly aiming at them logically thinking of them as hostile. I was going to get a closer look for inspection and accuracy.

I wanted to know what I was looking at. I was hoping for it not to be a Nosalis. A mutated mole creature. I crouched slowly towards the barrel that was burning contents inside of it. Making me assume someone started the small fire and was probably dead if creatures were around the barrel of fire. Or perhaps these were his or her cattle? The thing that caught me completely off guard was the voices. These creatures were talking! They had to be unless they were very coordinated with having the animals move their jaws. I halted, lowering my weapon slowly. Trying to eavesdrop on them. I could see only four figures. 

One looked asleep while the other three were talking to each other sitting on mats of cardboard as if it was a mattress of sorts.

"How much longer do we have to live down here?" A female voice said as all three of them had their backs turned to me. "I don't think I can live much longer down here," She continued. "It's just so depressing not to see the sun and all."

"What would you rather do than choke to death up there?" A male voice spoke next with a deep masculine voice. My mind stopped as they continued their conversation.

"No, but-" She was cut off before she could finish her sentence.

"The atmosphere up there is deadly, and we would die within seconds up there. There is no way we can live up there as we once did," The male voice finished sadly choking at the end of his words beginning to sob. "I want to go home too," He finished weakly. I saw the female voice speaker put a limb on the other figure, presumably the male voice. 

I sneakily walked up to them readying my hand near my knife and the other over my Revolver just in case they turned out to be hostile. 'If it's hostile, you kill it,' I said mentally.

"Move and you're dead," I spoke up suddenly in a dead serious tone pulling out my knife poking one of the creatures in the back softly to get my point across to the male voice. It was probably dumb getting this close but I was hoping for a quick fight so my body would pump me with adrenaline in safe doses.

I heard the familiar female voice scream in shock from the threat and a new female voice that jumped away falling face first to the floor knocking herself out. The male voiced creature just sat stiff as a board while the female that put a limb on his shoulder started to cry as she sat still looking back at me with a turned head.

Using the male as cover I was able stay hidden in the darkness masked by his shadow. As it was well known that the closer you are to a campfire the harder it is to see in the darkness around you.

The one that was supposedly sleeping turned its head to face me and I saw it. The fire from the barrel illuminated the creature. It was a pony wrapped in bandages that were soaked red. I only saw the sadness in those eyes as the fire cast light on the pony. Sadness was the dominant emotion in those colorful orbs that showed true.

"Now listen here little pony, horse things. I just want some answers and then I'll be on my way," I explained casually, cracking a smile brushing the knife against 'The male voiced one' I dubbed it. I stood up at my full height making the crying mare whimper in terror.

"Please don't hurt them." The injured pony/horse spoke.

It annoyed me when people said that. Because it was just so cliche and used so much that I just hated that line of dialogue. "I won't if you give me the answers I want. Now, where are we?" I asked a simple question. Trying not to sound too lost. My map wasn't of any help and I was currently lost but I wasn’t trying to appear weak in front of strangers.

They stayed silent before "The female-voiced one" spoke. "You're in a mountain s-s-sir." She stuttered quite scared of me their unexpected guest.

"What mountain?!" I almost shouted at her for being vague. I hated when people wouldn't give me a detailed answer. It angered me to no end as I pressed the knife roughly against the Male-voiced one. Making it whimper in pain quietly. In my opinion, my voice wasn't that scary and would sound deep if I'm scared and right now I'm scared. Being shy and alone doesn't help me. But fear makes me scary, so I bared my teeth to intimidate the mare into giving me a more accurate and detailed answer. A scared animal is the most dangerous of all.

"We're in a mount-t-tain inside U-u-unicorn Range!" She squeaked as she choked on her words in fear. "Or something like that!" She shied away from me in fear which I enjoyed. I had them not be very hostile and mutually afraid with me except that they were powerless against me. Well, that's probably just what my ego was telling me and it might bite me in the ass later if I'm not careful.

I stood there in silence for a moment then crouched hesitantly as I proceeded with the new information taking it all in. I lowered my voice suddenly, speaking in a more of a relaxed tone taking a different approach now that I had already shown them who was in charge, "I'm inside a mountain... I see... and what the hell are you, a pony? You know… you being small and all... what am I kidding... I'm standing next to an alien you might have named yourself something else that sounds all alien and shizz," I said jokingly trying to lighten my depressed mood letting out a quite forced and dry laugh.

"We are ponies." The male voice said, shaking lightly. I observed his body movement, seeing him straining to keep himself still.

"So we aren't that far off after all," I commented. "What are your names my little ponies," I said jokingly as I sheathed my knife, storing it away casually. Standing up again and walking in front of them sitting beside the bandaged pony. To show that I was nice… for the moment. A nice chill conversation would be nice… that's what I wanted after all… when it suddenly dawned on me that I must have just lost my shit. ‘I’m crazy’ I thought to myself, smiling sadly in defeat. How else could a little horsey speak?

"I-I-I-I" The female one that I knew was a mare confirming my suspicion that she was a pony and I already knew Mare was woman and Stallion was man. Filly was girl, and the colt was boy... well that's how I saw it and I'm pretty sure that's how everyone else saw it as such.

"I'm Hunter," I stated as calmly as I could trying to sound cool as a cucumber. I would never lie to a friend or a neighbor but these ponies were not human but it was always best to show respect.

They just stared at me quietly, clearly confused by my actions. Of what probably looked like me trusting them. I kept my guard up. You never know if they'll try to strike me while I'm weak or in this case vulnerable...

They seemed to be too scared to say anything, so I told them I would help their injured friend. I opened a squared orange box; pulling out a small syringe. Stabbing the injured pony with the syringe made him grunt as I later found out looking at his scrawny figure and eyes... that he was male. You could tell by the muzzle and by their eyes the gender... unless there were transponies here. I thought he was a girl at first because of his high pitched voice. But now looking him over he looked to be... well... a guy.

The syringe was nothing more than a specially crafted morphine from chemicals I had stashed in my bag, all it did was numb the pain but to them it was like magic. The bandaged stallion stood back up feeling good as new.

The knocked out mare I left alone, she deserved her pain for being an idiot. And knocking herself out.

"Well I healed your friend, and now I think I should be going." I said swallowing harshly to think I lost my mind and was now talking to ponies being trapped in this humbly disturbing place called "Unicorn Range" inside of a mountain. The mountain part was nothing new to me though. I walked away from the pony group, heading presumably where they came from.

"Wait!" The scared mare suddenly shouted.

Reluctantly I turned around cautiously, my instincts telling me something was going to jump out at me. We looked at each other. Staring for a few seconds before she broke the ice.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously with a hint of caution.

"Away from here," I said not wanting to believe what I was seeing and hearing. Must have been the lack of sleep. Maybe?

"But this mountain is the only place that is safe!" She said in shock. "When you break out of here and get to the surface you'll die!" She stated urgently.

I was actually confused by this mare caring for my wellbeing or maybe it was just the way I saw it. "Well, then I'll just die trying," I said defiantly. Her eyes widened in shock at my words. I took another step to just turning around to leave the mare, but just as I did something launched itself at me.

My back slammed into the ground as a Mole Rat jumped on top of me holding me down its jaw lunged towards my face. I quickly moved my head out of the way having the Mole Rat headbutt the Earth besides me. I smiled in my helmet rolling over so that the Mole Rat was under me I knee’d the damn abomination in the family jewels making the creature squeak in surprise before I pulled out my Knife stabbing it straight through the skull. The Mole Rat went limp as I got up and dusted myself off. As the ponies stared at me in disbelief. I was the Hunter around here not the prey.

"E.Z." I said giving them a thumbs up with both hands in return I got confused looks. I laughed, "I can take care of myself," leaving behind the stunned ponies.

This world... Was confusing. Which made me truly wonder what was going on here. I remember being on a mission to recon alone. As there was an attack on a fellow station I was protecting. Men all healthy just moments before were left in a hysteric mess.

Some out cold and others crying out about voices in their heads. The Dark Ones had struck again.

Determinating the mind of any who came into contact with them which made it my mission to hunt down and irradiate any Dark Ones I come across. They were tall slender beings that were once human yet were mutated by radiation as their bodies adapted while ours withered and died unable to cope with our cells breaking apart.

It was scary to think that our time on earth was gone and we were now being replaced by mutants.

Perhaps I encountered the Dark Ones and I was being mind attacked by some unseen force. Perhaps I was in the medical ward while my friend stood over me as I screamed out in hysterics. Screaming about taking horses and what not. Maybe I am crazy.


I carried on as if nothing was out of the ordinary. The best I could do was stay calm.

I don't know how long I've been walking for like about 10-15 minutes as I walked checking my watch constantly for time. I was used to being at places early or right on the dot. I hated being late. Even though I had nowhere to go I just had to make my own objective for now.

Objective 1: Survive

Objective 2: Uphold The Mission of recon.

Objective 3: Take Down The Dark Ones.

Continued down the narrow path. Marching in a straight line. Readying myself for the end.