//------------------------------// // The Fastest Man Alive // Story: The Flash Season Friendship // by DoctorPony //------------------------------// "Barry there's a robbery going on," Cisco said on coms to Barry. "On it," Barry said. Barry gets to the bank and finds mirror master with some robbers. "Flash so kindly you could join us and by us, I mean these guys," Mirror master said. Flash took out every single one and went to mirror master. Mirror master when into the mirror right beside him and tried to attack Flash, But Barry had expected it and then grabbing him and doing what does. Cisco laughing in the coms saying "He just got rekt". Flash puts mirror master in cuffs and mirror master goes back to iron highs prison. Meanwhile in Equestria. Twilight and Starlight are playing chess and Starlight just won. "Checkmate," said Starlight. " Good game Starlight". Twilight said. " This game made me very hungry, let's go for lunch" starlight said So they leave to go have lunch. Back on Earth Barry, Cisco, Caitlin and Wells are talking about how to upgrade the suit and how the villains are escaping and why now. "How did Mirror Master escape he was in a room filled with mirrors that interlinked with each other" Barry said. "The only way the mirror is unlinked is by destroying the mirrors," Caitlin said. "We need to check the footage," Wells said. "I just hacked into the iron heights database," Cisco said. "what did you find" Barry asked. "There's nothing here all the files are gone but one, " Cisco said. The footage shows him there and then the screen glitches and he's gone. "Cisco we need to vibe that room the files maybe corrupted but," Barry said. Cisco smiles " We are going to vibe him out". "That will work," Caitlin said. Cisco got his goggles and then vibes what happened. He sees a man but his face is covered smashing the mirrors but one and mirror master escapes. "What you see " Dr wells asks. "I saw a man smashing the mirrors he covered his face, but then he left one and Mirror master escaped," Cisco said. "Wait then that means he tempered with the footage," Caitlin said. "See if you can restore the footage, I'll be back," Barry said running out taking the suit with him and during his run, he stopped purse snatchers and robbers taking money from innocent people. Then going to iron heights to have a talk with mirror master. In Equestria Twilight and Starlight had just reached their destination a little place where they could eat lunch. They sat down " It feels like yesterday when you were my student," Twilight said, "It's been 3 months" Starlight said. "I know time flies too fast," Twilight said. A waiter comes and takes their order and after he leaves they continue. " Ever since I have learned more and read half of all your books in the library, " Starlight said. Twilight laughs "I bet you have". The food arrives and they eat their lunch. On Earth The flash asked Mirror master who the man was and he didn't know. He said that "the man never said anything he just walked in and broke the mirrors, but the strange thing as it looked like he knew what he was doing". "Thank you," Flash said as he left. When he got back to Star Labs he told the others. "He doesn't know anything or who the person was," Barry said. "It had been planned and what we know is that the guy knew exactly what he was doing like it was a scale operation," Wells said. " I need to go for a run," Barry said and then leaves taking the suit with him. 3 minute earlier in Equestria . Starlight and Twilight had finished they're meal and was going back to the castle and Twilight had something to do so Starlight had the room to herself. She had found a transportation spell and wanted to try it out. Now on earth The flash was running around.Then all of a sudden a portal opened in front of him and he couldn't get out the way in time and when In. What saw was a blur but he started falling for 3 seconds then hit the floor. Woke his vision back he could hear a voice that was sorry and unknowing " I am so sorry I just trying to get the hang of that spell" Starlight said, Then going into a curious face. What flash saw was a pony with a little green in her hair and purplish kind of hair. "Come to think of it what are you," Starlight said curiously. Barry looked around to see a room that looked like a library (the castle has 2 libraries). "Where am I?" Barry said. "You are in Equestria" Starlight said. "Oh great, I am in a world with talking ponies what a lucky day I have," Barry said in his head sarcastically. "But still as far I know no earth in the multiverse has talking ponies or has the name Equestria unless I am in an alternative universe," Barry said to himself. "Equestria I have never heard of it," He said. "But you still haven't answered my question, what are you?" Starlight said. "I am a Human," Barry said. " A human I've never seen anything like you, I don't think anypony has," Starlight said. "Which means I send you here by accident" She looks down " I am so sorry". "It's ok it isn't your fault," Barry said making Starlight feel better. "My name is Starlight Glimmer," Starlight said. Starlight takes Barry's mask off and then Barry said the first line of the intro. "My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive," Barry said. "Nice to meet you, Barry," Starlight said. "What do mean the fastest man alive," She asked. "Well" Barry leaves then comes back with a cup of coffee that wasn't there shocking Starlight. "How did you do that, you became an orange streak of lighting and left the room and came back with coffee" Starlight said amazed. "Barry I have someone I want you to meet," Starlight said. "Ok," Barry said. "Follow me," Starlight said. Barry didn't need his powers to follow her but what he didn't know is how is he going to get out of this place.