Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Dawn of the WorldBreaker

Indominus angrily slammed his body against the Chaos Shield, trying to get at Soarin for what he had done to Rainbow Dash. The Wonderbolt only laughed at the hybrid's attempts at trying to break out while confined to the shield.

"Give it up monster, you failed. Now Rainbow Crash is dead, and you'll have to live with the guilt until I kill you too." As Soarin spoke his words, Indominus rammed his claws against the shield and the unthinkable started happening.

The dinosaur's claws had punctured through the Chaos Shield, and Discord had created it to be able to withstand the force of the Immortal Phoenix. But it was no longer the Immortal Phoenix that was present, Indominus was going through a radical change now that the Devil was gone. All of the fights stopped as everyone witnessed the Chaos Shield breaking up. The Wonderbolts all backed away from Indominus with true fear sinking into their hearts over what was going to happen. The golden fire pouring from Indominus's body was breaking apart the shield from the inside. His energy was threatening to destroy the shield and unleash a torrent of fire over Equestria.

"Discord. What's happening to him," Celestia called out over the noise of Indominus's roars and the sound of the shield cracking apart.

"He's beaten the Devil, Celestia. Now his body is overflowing with energy and fury over seeing what Soarin did to Rainbow Dash. That shield is going to be destroyed real soon, and I'll need to contain the energy so he doesn't annihilate all of Equestria!"

"Everypony get around us! Discord, get high above the area and make sure you create a barrier strong enough to hold off the energy until Indominus completes his change!"

"I'll do what I can!"

Discord teleported himself high above the battlefield, and transported Windy and Bow down to where everypony had gathered. Celestia, Luna and Twilight all conjured a giant shield to protect everyone, but the green dragon had left to go help Smaug and his brothers. Scootaloo refused to join them because she knew that Indominus was still going to need family help getting through the last part of conquering his rage. Discord conjured up an enormous barrier that covered the whole area, and trapped the Wonderbolts, preventing them from escaping.

Smaug and his teammates had finally managed to take flight after carrying the paralyzed dark dragon with them to safety. They flew up to where Discord was in the air and prepared themselves as he called out.

"Brace yourselves everypony! Here it comes!"

With a roar powerful enough to rock the entire area, Indominus bellowed to the sky and shattered the Chaos Shield. Immediately afterwards, it was like an ocean of golden fire had erupted from the dinosaur's body and began spreading outward in every direction. The Wonderbolts were instantly overtaken before they could escape and became grounded by the smothering ocean of fire. The shield that the Princesses conjured to protect everypony was battered by the incredible energy, and they strained to maintain it against the awesome force. Discord's barrier was battered and the fire was pressing against it, trying to break out and consume everything. Even he felt himself straining to keep the barrier intact, and this was all just from Indominus going through another transformation alone.

Smaug and his brothers were also being battered by the gale force winds that the outpouring golden flames were creating.

"What's going on Smaug," the dark dragon called out.

"If I had to guess, this is what happened after Indominus beat the Devil. After what he saw happen to Rainbow Dash, he's overwhelmed with energy and anger right now. I just hope he can control it before he wipes out Equestria."

But back on the ground, Soarin was taking the flames even worse than everypony else. Miraculously, the golden fire actually extinguished the black flames surrounding him and forced him out of the Immortal Phoenix. When he finally grounded himself against the force of the fire and got a good look at Indominus, all he could see was the dinosaur's outline and a pair of glowing red eyes glaring back at him. Pure, unrestrained anger was in those eyes as the dinosaur's wings spread out and he unleashed a new, more deadly roar at the Wonderbolt. Soarin prepared himself for another brawl, but as Indominus got closer, his body suddenly vanished from view.

"Where did he-" Soarin was silenced by a powerful surprise right hook to the face.

He was caught off guard entirely and was helpless as Indominus battered his head with several bone-breaking attacks. The dinosaur ended with another right punch that hit Soarin so hard that it drove him all the way to the end of the barrier. Soarin's body slammed against the barrier with tremendous force and caused several cracks to form along it. Scootaloo saw what was going on and knew she had to keep Indominus from fighting Soarin long enough for him to regain control of himself. So she made a very brave move by diving into the sea of gold fire and went after her father.

As Indominus got ready to fly after Soarin, he was suddenly stopped by Scootaloo putting herself between him and the Wonderbolt. Against the fire that was emitting from her father's body, she bravely walked towards him, hoping she could get through to his heart. The hybrid dinosaur didn't recognize her at first in the flames and gave off a warning growl at Scootaloo. Unfazed by the growl, Scootaloo tried talking to him.

"Indominus! Please, you have to listen to me. You have to stop fighting so that you can beat your anger. You promised me and Rainbow Dash that you'd do this for us." The sound of her voice seemed to get to Indominus and he lowered himself down on all fours to get a better look. "I know you're upset about what happened to her, but you can't let it destroy your good heart."

Scootaloo could see deep pain on Indominus's face as tears started to flow out of the glowing red eyes. He was truly hurt by what had happened to his wife, and the golden fire seemed to slow down as Indominus started to let go of his anger.

"Please, daddy. I'm upset too, but I don't want to lose you and Rainbow Dash. You're everything to me, and I can't bear the thought of losing you again." Scootaloo got so emotional that she started shedding tears herself.

Indominus gasped when he saw the tears flowing down her face. He hadn't seen Scootaloo cry in so long, and it caused the fire to slow down to a crawl. With his anger dropping away at the sight of his daughter's tears, Indominus leaned forward and rolled his tongue out as the tears rolled off her face. The hybrid caught them and then whispered very gently to her.

"Scootaloo, please help me. I'm so close to beating the anger. I need you to give me the support that will help me get rid of it for good. Please daughter." Scootaloo immediately knew what to do. Without a word, she walked close to her father and embraced him in a hug.

Indominus rose up on his legs as he held Scootaloo in a hug as well. The fire around them seemed to be floating slowly in place, no longer raging out of control. Everyone was stumped at what was happening, not even Smaug knew what to make of it. But they knew that whatever Scootaloo was doing, was certainly helping Indominus get back on track.

"You can do this dad, I believe in you." Those were the words Indominus needed to hear.

Scootaloo felt Indominus tense up and saw his body giving off a golden glow that she had never seen before. It was more calm than the raging fire of the Immortal Phoenix and with it, came many changes that were happening to Indominus. His muscles were becoming bigger and there were rows of gold spikes starting to form along his back. The transformation was taking place and the hybrid was getting so close to finally completing it.

"Do it dad!"

Indominus thrust his head into the sky, roared with tremendous force and all the golden fire surged upward as a blinding light surrounded him and Scootaloo. The energy output was so strong it once again shook the entire area, but destroyed the ceiling of Discord's barrier instantly. Pouring out of the barrier with so much energy that the erupting pillar of gold fire and energy could be seen all the way from orbit. For what seemed like an eternity, the energy continued to go skyward and shaking the battlefield with great intensity. Then finally, Indominus's roars dyed out and so did the golden fire.

Discord finally let down the barrier and collapsed from the exhausting effort. Smaug and his team touched down as well, anxious to see what Indominus had become. The Princesses deactivated their shield and everyone spread out to get some room. Windy and Bow wanted to make sure their daughter was ok, but Celestia told them to wait until they had seen what had become of Indominus.

"Do you think he made it Twilight," asked Fluttershy.

"I don't know. All I know is that Scootaloo helped him get through it. Now we just have to wait and see what's happened to him."

When the flames disappeared, Scootaloo could see what had happened to her father. Her eyes went bug-eyed from the moment she stepped back and took in the new Indominus Rex.

"Dad!? Is that really you!?"

He had become much bigger than before, his new size was about even with Soarin's mutated height. His muscles had become larger and more bulky, with golden streaks running along his body, legs, arms and mouth. His wings were no longer red, instead they had turned a blazing gold with a small outline of gold flame dancing on top. There were three rows of golden spikes along his back, two rows on his neck, and a pair above his eyes. As an additional bonus, his body was no longer covered in golden flame, but rather seemed to be emitting a constant stream from within himself. The final touch though, was that his eyes were still glowing red, with red steam trailing out of them. It was a transformation nopony would have ever guessed could happen from Indominus beating the Devil. He was now a hybrid dinosaur unlike any Equestria had ever seen.

Soarin and the Wonderbolts were finally able to breathe again, and once they caught sight of Indominus's new form, their confidence dropped like a two ton girder. The newly changed hybrid was more menacing than before, and after what Spitfire had helped Soarin do to Rainbow Dash, they were in for a world of hurt. Soarin was astounded that the beast before him had not only changed so much, but managed to snuff out the Immortal Phoenix as well. He couldn't understand how Indominus had managed to blow away the flame, but it didn't matter at the moment. Soarin had his chance and blindly charged at the father and daughter.

Scootaloo was ready to fight him, but Indominus put a hand out in front of her.

"Don't worry Scootaloo, I'll let you have your turn with him," Indominus said with an even deeper voice than before. "Let me get him out of the way first."

Indominus was patiently biding his time, letting Soarin come to him. When the deranged Wonderbolt got within striking distance, Indominus made his move. Soarin swung at him, but Indominus ducked the attack and nailed Soarin directly in the chest with a punch. The attack actually produced a shock-wave the moment Indominus's fist made contact against Soarin's skin. The force of the impact sent Soarin flying backwards and plowed him through a mountain in the distance, causing the entire structure to fall on him. Everyone had dropped jaws at the incredible amount of strength Indominus had displayed with a single attack. But the time for admiration could wait, for the hybrid had a serious matter to attend to.

"There, that should bide us enough time. Now, let's see if Rainbow's still alive," Indominus said with worry in his voice as he turned towards Rainbow's body.

As Indominus and Scootaloo approached Rainbow's body, Discord increased her parents to her size so they could finally see if their daughter was alright. It was hard for any of them to look at her, Rainbow had been punched clear through her chest by Soarin, and blood had pooled into the hole. Indominus gently picked her up, treating her frail body like a delicate feather and tried to see if he could get Rainbow to wake up. Windy, Bow and Scootaloo were waiting nervously with their hearts in their throats as Indominus tried to get Rainbow to stir. Tyrannosaurus, the raptors, monsters, Spike, the CMC, Princesses, Discord and the Mane Five all waited behind them with hope that Rainbow would pull through.

Rainbow weakly opened her eyes to see that she was surrounded by her family and held by her husband. It pained Indominus to see her in such a devastated condition, had he beaten the Devil sooner, none of this would've happened.

"Oh honey, we're so sorry," said Windy with tears building in her eyes.

"It's alright mom, I made this decision myself," Rainbow said in a weak voice.

"There has to be something we can do. You can't leave us like this."

"I know dad, but I don't have much time left. Just let me enjoy this moment with all of you." Scootaloo couldn't handle what she was hearing and buried her face in Rainbow's.

"No Rainbow Dash, you can't die. I need you." Rainbow managed to give her sister a hug around her head.

"You have to be strong for me, Scootaloo. I need you to be a good girl for your father, he'll need you for all the hard times."

"Ok Rainbow, I'll try," Scootaloo said sadly.

"That's my girl." Now came the most heart-wrenching part, Indominus getting a moment with his girl when she was nearing death's door. Despite his new appearance, Indominus was on the verge of letting his emotions get the better of him again. He was having trouble holding back his tears.

"Wow. It looks really good on you Indominus."

"Rainbow Dash please, isn't there something I can do for you? Anything? I can't lose you to him."

"You've already done so much for me Indominus. You and your brother brought me and Scootaloo together, you treated me and loved me like I was worth something. I couldn't have asked for a better stud to be my husband. But no matter what, I want you to remember this." Rainbow placed her hooves on Indominus's face and gently pulled him in close. Indominus hung onto her words as they came out. "Indominus Rex, you are the best husband I've ever had....and I'"

The hybrid dinosaur felt his heart stop as Rainbow's voice trailed off, her legs fell from his face and went limp in his arms.

"Rainbow? Rainbow Dash? RAINBOW DASH??[" She was completely lifeless and her eyes had closed. Realizing that his wife had died in his arms, Indominus threw his head back and roared into the sky in sorrow. He was unable to hold back his emotions anymore, and let the tears pour out of his eyes.

Tyrannosaurus, Blue and her girls knew it was too late and joined their brother in a mournful chorus. His painful roar could be heard all throughout Equestria and several ponies were brought to tears from seeing him holding Rainbow in his arms. Windy, Bow and Scootaloo buried their faces in Rainbow's body as they cried over her death. The grave reality sank into Twilight's mind as she and her friends were overcome with sadness too. They ran over and laid their heads on Rainbow Dash as they all cried over losing one of their closest friends. Discord and the Princesses lowered their heads in sadness and his monsters and Spike joined in with the dinosaurs. Smaug and his brothers flew over and draped their wings over the heart-broken dinosaur.

"Why? What did Dashie ever do to deserve this," Pinkie cried.

"Rainbow might've been stubborn and brash, but not even she deserved this," said Applejack.

"Those Wonderbolts, they did this to her," Rarity said bitterly.

Twilight glanced over at the cowering Wonderbolts in the distance, who were more terrified than ashamed of what they had done. The moment she caught sight of their faces, something snapped inside her and Twilight used a spell to grip Spitfire by the neck from so far away, and pull her in. The alicorn walked away from the weeping group to give the head Wonderbolt a piece of her mind.

"Is this what you wanted? IS IT?"

"No I...I didn't mean for this to happen."


"Twilight," in all the years he had been her assistant, Spike had never heard Twilight speak so harshly about somepony before.

Then came the real shock when Twilight pulled Spitfire towards her and smacked the Wonderbolt in the face with a vengeful punch. She had never shown brute force before, or attacked somepony for that matter. Seeing Rainbow Dash being killed had struck a serious cord with the alicorn. Spitfire looked up from the punch to see Twilight seething with anger, and she would've attacked again had Princess Celestia and Princess Luna not pulled her away.

"Let me go Celestia, I have to make that rat pay for what they've done."

"No Twilight. Attacking them won't change anything, it will only make you feel worse."

"But, Rainbow Dash. Indominus. T-this isn't fair for either of them. They didn't do anything wrong to deserve all this pain!" Twilight's emotions were so wild that Celestia pulled her in close with her wing and let her student cry into her chest.

"I'm sorry Twilight, I know how much you cared about them."

Luna also draped a wing over Twilight to comfort her, and the Princesses glared daggers at Spitfire. They both knew that there was only one fate for any creature, that took the life of an Element of Harmony.

"What you and your precious teammates have done is unforgivable," Celestia said angrily.

"When this is all over, we will let Indominus tear you and all of the Wonderbolts to shreds," Luna added. "There will not be a soul in this world that will ever forgive you now."

Spitfire backed away from the Princesses, now knowing what her actions had led to. Now her whole team had a death sentence on their heads for helping kill Rainbow Dash. She flew back to her teammates, now burdened with the horrible fate that awaited them whether they won or not. She had sealed her own fate and would pay the price against an emotionally destroyed hybrid dinosaur.

Indominus hadn't torn his gaze away from Rainbow Dash since her life had slipped away in his claws. He just couldn't believe that after all the struggles he had gone through, all the pain he had endured, only to have the one he loved most taken away for good.

"I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss Indominus," said Smaug as he tried to give some comfort to his prodigy. Indominus had stopped roaring into the sky but was still distraught and upset about the loss of his wife. "There's no way to bring back the dead Indominus. I'm afraid that there isn't anything we can do to save her."

"I'm sorry too dad. If I had stayed with her then she wouldn't have gone up against all those Wonderbolts on her own."

"I don't blame you Scootaloo. Those cowards used their underhanded tactics to overwhelm Rainbow Dash."

"Believe me Indominus, if I knew a gem or power that could reawaken her I would have it. Unfortunately this is something that just can't be done."

"That's where you're wrong Smaug. I've been brought back from the dead before and I know of a way that might have a chance of saving her. But for it to work I'll need everyone to give me plenty of room."

"What are you going to do Indominus," asked Windy.

"Just put a little trust in me and see what happens."

Everyone backed away without saying a word, none of them knowing what Indominus was going to attempt. Scootaloo stuck close to Windy and Bow as Indominus looked up into the sky and began calling up to it like he was expecting somepony to answer his call.

"Please, if you can hear me, I need your help. You're the one who set me on this journey and you even gave Rainbow Dash the power to save my life. Now I need you to help me save her life." As Indominus spoke, the sky began to darken with massive clouds that seemed to be forming from nothing. Everypony became nervous from what was happening, except for Smaug. He was astounded by what Indominus was doing, the Dragon Lord never imagined that 'he' would respond to such a call for help. Then the Dragon Lord heard the undeniable name being said and he knew what Indominus was planning.

"Please help me save her, WINGED DRAGON OF RA!!"

The skies exploded in a flash of gold flames and then the unmistakable roar that Smaug recognized was heard. Out of the flames, Ra descended in his Immortal Phoenix form and headed straight for Indominus. As he landed, the flames diminished away from Ra, revealing his true self. Celestia was overwhelmed at the sight of the god who ruled over the sun itself. She and Luna immediately bowed to Ra and every creature followed suit. Even Discord bowed to him, because not even the Lord of Chaos was above a true god. None of the Wonderbolts dared to move an inch, they were too horrified of what would happen now that they had gone too far in their quest to kill Indominus.

Ra's sight fell upon Indominus and he was at first surprised to see Indominus in a new state compared to the Immortal Phoenix. But as soon as his gaze fell upon the broken and lifeless Rainbow Dash in the hybrid's arms, he knew why Indominus had summoned him. He met the transformed hybrid dinosaur with a gaze of hurt and sympathy for the pain he must've gone through seeing her killed.

"I'm so sorry Indominus."

"Ra you have to tell me. Is there anything I can do to save Rainbow Dash? I can't have come this far just to lose her."

"First you must answer this one question Indominus," Ra said in a clear and powerful voice. "Is there any shred of hatred left in your heart? Did you truly succeed in beating the Devil and conquering your rage?"

The hybrid dinosaur stared down at his fallen wife and thought back to the conflict he'd had with the Devil.

"No, I can't feel the Devil inside me anymore. She helped me beat him, they all did. I don't feel anymore hatred over my past, it's all gone." Ra glided over to Indominus and placed his hands underneath the dinosaur's.

"Then allow me to help you save her life. Just follow my lead." Indominus could only smile in relief as he and Ra spread their wings and took to the sky.

Everypony watched from below as the dinosaur and dragon god continued to climb into the air. Then they both stopped once they were high enough, and held Rainbow's body out towards each other. Then Ra shouted a single word to Indominus.


Both of their bodies began glowing bright gold as the dinosaur and god roared in perfect unison. All of Equestria was shaken by the incredible surge of energy from both creatures. Celestia could see massive amounts of golden energy being emitted from their bodies and going into Rainbow's. It was an act of sacrifice that Celestia didn't think was possible: Ra and Indominus were giving their very life force to Rainbow Dash, trying to bring her back. But it took an exceedingly powerful pony to perform such an act and still survive.

Indominus was straining from giving so much energy, but he continued to pour his heart into saving his girl. Then he and Ra bellowed a final united roar that caused the energy they were giving off to erupt and emit a light strong enough to blind everypony that was watching them. All that could be seen in the shining light were their red eyes and golden wings, almost like Ra and Indominus were a mirror image of each other. When the light finally dimmed, Ra and Indominus were descending back to the ground and gently laid Rainbow down when they landed. Her body had been completely healed from the attack and Indominus stepped back, seemingly holding his breath as he waited for any sign of a response. Twilight and the others approached and watched their friend for any signs of life to see if what Ra and Indominus had done actually worked.

A quick intake of air followed by heavy breathing and then seeing Rainbow open her eyes brought cheers of joy from everyone. Scootaloo was upon Rainbow in seconds, who couldn't figure out what was happening at first. But seeing Scootaloo in her embrace and her friends all coming over for a group hug, told Rainbow that she was indeed alive. Smaug. Discord and the Princesses couldn't believe what they had just witnessed. Indominus had given up a hug part of his own life energy to bring Rainbow Dash back, and yet somehow he was still standing. Any time a unicorn or alicorn performed such an act, they were so drained that they ended up dying within minutes of performing the sacrifice. Yet Indominus was still standing and more impressively, was still in the transformed state he had gained from beating the Devil.

Celestia, Luna and Smaug approached the golden duo, dying to know how he had done it.

"Thank you Ra."

"You're welcome Indominus, but this was possible because you lent your energy as well."

"How is he still standing, Winged Dragon?"

"It's easy Celestia. The reason why Indominus was able to bring her back was because of his new form. This form was a result of defeating the rage and anger that plagued him for so long in the form of the Devil. I believe both of you heard it from him, right Luna and Smaug?"

"Yes King Ra," both Luna and Smaug said in unison.

"By defeating his rage, Indominus achieved the true potential of the Immortal Phoenix. With this newfound power, he can do far more than just fight and destroy everything. He now has the power to heal others, even from death. If there was any hatred left in his heart though, he wouldn't have been able to heal Rainbow Dash. Instead, his attempt would've destroyed her body and left him with an endless hatred at himself. That's why I wanted him to beat the Devil, so he would have the means to protect Rainbow Dash from any kind of threat. Without this new form, he wouldn't have been able to save Rainbow Dash at all."

"Wow, that's simply incredible Ra," Smaug said in amazement.

"Now Indominus, you have the power I told you about. With it you can finally beat the Wonderbolts for good."

Before Indominus could answer, he was enveloped by Windy and Bow giving him tight hugs.

"Thank you, thank you so much Indominus. You saved her life, our Rainbow Dash," Windy said with tears in her eyes.

"We were wrong to think that you were just some animal, you're more incredible than every stallion she's ever met," Bow said. "I don't know how we can thank you enough for saving our daughter."

"I'd do it as many times as I have to because as I've said before. I love her too much. I will defy everything, even death to keep Rainbow Dash safe." Windy gave him a quick kiss on the cheek for the heroic declaration.

"Welcome to our family, Indominus Rex. Now we know for certain, you're the only one who's good enough for our daughter."

Indominus pulled his head away from the hug to see complete gratitude in their eyes. He was about to respond when an explosion in the distance got everyone's attention. Soarin had finally recovered from Indominus's earlier attack and was shrouded in the black flames again.

"Hear me monster! I'm not going to stop until I have spread your blood all over Equestria!" The Wonderbolt charged towards the massive group.

The dinosaurs, Spike, Smaug and his teammates, Discord and his monsters were ready to let Soarin have it, but Ra stood in front of them all.

"So this is the maniacal Wonderbolt that's been causing problems for you Indominus?"

"Yep that's him Ra."

"Mind if I show him what true power looks like?"

"Be my guest." Indominus made the group back away as Ra squared off, ready to face the charging Wonderbolt.

They noticed golden energy gathering over Ra's head and forming into a sphere of golden fire. That fire then started flowing into Ra's mouth, where it was being concentrated and made stronger. Just as Soarin flew past his fellow Wonderbolts, they watched in shock as Ra said one word and then fired.

"Blaze Cannon!"

The golden fire spewed out of Ra's mouth and struck Soarin right in the chest. The attack was so powerful it immobilized him on the spot and the golden fire burned away the black flames. What followed was an incredible explosion that knocked Soarin back towards his teammates. Indominus was amazed that Ra had forced Soarin out of the Immortal Phoenix with a single attack.

"That's what real power can do Indominus. Just like me, your new form is a perfect counter to that monstrosity's tainted one."

"Wait, you mean I can take him out of that form too?"

"Give it time and you will be able to destroy every single aspect of his life."

"What do you mean by that?"

"You'll see what I mean, now didn't you want to make them pay at last?"

"Hold on Ra, there's something going on over there."

Everyone could see that as Soarin was getting up, all the other Wonderbolts seemed hesitant to help him. The only ones that were still somewhat supportive were Lightning Dust and Wind Rider. Since they both hated Rainbow for humiliating them in the past, they had a reason to still be on Soarin's side.

"Come on boss, we have to get over there and crush him."

"We don't have to do anything for the likes of you, Clipper."


"You lied to us and used us for your own personal gain," said Fleetfoot.

"We thought you just wanted to bring down that dinosaur, not kill Rainbow Dash," said Surprise.

"He's not our enemy Soarin, you are," yelled Misty Fly.

"Why should we help somepony who manipulates his own teammates, and fools them into helping him kill a pegasus who....who had been telling the truth all along?" Spitfire became furious with Soarin as the answer finally clicked in her head. "They were innocent, you're the real monster here."

"You're really gonna turn on me now? After we've gotten so close to killing that beast? Well, I didn't want it to come to this boss, but you've left me no choice. You'll fight alongside me, and you won't have a choice in the matter!" Soarin opened his mouth and a ghastly black energy burst from it.

That energy covered all of the Wonderbolts and began taking control of them. Their bodies were bending over and each Wonderbolt was being consumed by the energy. After a minute, they all stopped, stood up and walked beside Soarin like followers. Soarin gave a small portion to Lightning Dust and Winder Rider, but since they were already siding with him, the flames didn't turn them into rage controlled slaves. Now Soarin had an army of Wonderbolts guided by the deepest rage in their hearts and covered in the same black fire as his Immortal Phoenix. Celestia, Luna, Twilight and her friends were all flabbergasted at what they were seeing, but Indominus was no stranger to what he was witnessing. He had done the same thing to his own friends before, but never had he made them into slaves.

"Indominus, do you know what's happening," asked Smaug.

"Yes I do Smaug. What Soarin's doing is nearly similar to when me and my brother gave Rainbow and Scootaloo our energy against Black Death. Only Soarin's power is more tainted and corrupt than mine. He's flooded their minds with rage and is making them fight against their will. They were going to turn on him, so he had no choice but to make them fight alongside him."

"Don't fret Indominus, we'll fight alongside you now that you have your new power."

"No Smaug, I want to take them on by myself."

"What!?" Twilight and the others were surprised by what Indominus was asking. "Indominus, do you realize what you're going for here? We're talking about you fighting against thirty Wonderbolts by yourself."

"Twilight, please just let me have this. All of you fought them so that I could have the time to beat the Devil. Now it's my turn to return the favor, I want to see what I can do with this new power. Ra trusts me and I'd like you to trust me too, and I want to make sure Rainbow has time to get her strength back. So just let have this, ok?"

"Let him have this Twilight, we owe it to him," said Applejack.

"I trust he can hold his own against them darling," Rarity added.

"Plus, we can see what Indominus can do with this awesome might," said Discord.

"I'd like to see my husband in battle too," said Rainbow as she got back to her feet and finally got a good look at Indominus's new state. "Also he looks so damn cool."

"Oh alright. Go get that beast, Indominus, and show him who's the better hybrid."

"Thanks Twilight, and if I ever get in trouble you guys can step in and send a helping hoof against the Wonderbolts."

With permission from the Princesses and Ra himself and his newfound state, Indominus was finally ready to take on the Wonderbolts. Before he went out to face them, he gave a small portion of his power to the paralyzed dragon, which healed his spine and restored him. Everyone backed away with Ra watching over them all because he was also curious to see what Indominus could do. Although he knew Indominus would get such a form, not even he knew what it was truly capable of. It was an opportunity the sun god couldn't pass up.

"At long last, the fight I've been waiting for. Ready to beat this animal, Wonderbolts?"

"Yes. We're going to kill him for the last time. We'll make sure Blaze, Fire Streak and Wave Chill are avenged at last," said the rage possessed Wonderbolts.

"Alright, let's see how you fair when it's thirty against one, monster," said Wind Rider.

"Monster? I'm not a monster, I am.....huh. What is a good name for me?"

"How about a genuine demon," said Fleetfoot.

"Or a true freak of nature," said Surprise.

"Why don't we just stick to calling him and abomination," said Soarin.

"Oh I know. The Immortal WorldBreaker."

"Oh sweet mother of Celestia! He's so god damn cool!" Rainbow was practically fangirling at how smooth and tough Indominus sounded in his new form.

"Well Rainbow, I wasn't aware that my mother or I were expressions. Appropriate ones of course."

"Hmm, Immortal WorldBreaker huh? Sounds very fitting for his new look," said Ra.

The stage was set for an ultimate fight, between the army of Immortal Phoenix Wonderbolts and Immortal WorldBreaker Indominus Rex.