//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 Capture And Rescue // Story: Star Wars: The Cosmic Crystal // by Batfan98 //------------------------------// The stormtroopers put cuffs on the ponies and dragon, and one of them carried Rainbow Dash over his shoulder. One of them pointed to a troop transport. "Get in." The Equestrians did as they were told and walked into the transport single file. When they all got in, one of the troopers just simply dropped the unconscious Rainbow onto the floor. Everypony and dragon gasped and gave the trooper a death glare. "Hey! Be careful with her!" Twilight yelled angrily. The Stormtroopers just ignored her as they all got into the transport. They then felt it move up and forward. The ponies and dragon were surprised by it, they thought that only blimps and hot air balloons can fly. After about twenty minutes, the transport landed and the ramp behind them slowly slid open. "Get moving." one of the stormtroopers ordered and they obliged as one of them carried Rainbow over his shoulder. Once they stepped out of the ship, they were in some kind of hanger. The walls were grey and the floor was black and shiny. Some TIE Fighters stood and some stormtroopers were walking in groups. They then noticed a man in a grey suit and hat with a badge with two red and blue lines on it approaching. "Trooper, what is this?" he asked the one with the orange pauldron. "Some creatures we found in the fields, one of the assaulted us." The officer eyes the ponies and dragon "Take them to the cells. I shall contact Lord Vader immediately." he turned to leave. "Move forward." one trooper ordered as they left to take them to their cells. "What do we do, Twilight?" Spike asked worriedly. Twilight looked back at Spike behind her "I don't know, Spike. But we will find a way to get out of here." The door to the communication room opened as Darth Vader stepped in. On a buttoned desk was a small hologram of an imperial commander. "What is it, Commander?" "Lord Vader, earlier stormtroopers captured seven creatures. One of them appeared to be a dragon and the rest...well..." he trailed off, unsure how to answer. "I have no interest in any animals being captured." Vader turned to leave. "But Lord Vader" the commander urged "these creatures are unlike any other." The Sith lord stopped in his tracks, could one of these creatures be the one that Hyagnus was supposed to summon? He turned back around, facing the hologram. "I'm listening." "Well you see Lord Vader, they..." The Commander tried to find an answer that didn't make him sound like a fool. "Speak now, Commander." Vader's voice held no emotion, but the man on the hologram knew there'd be consequences if he didn't answer. "W-well my lord, they walk on four legs, they have bright colored fur, one of them has both a horn and wings, and they have the ability to talk." that's it, it was over, he'd now be the laughing stock of the galaxy. "Which planet are you holding them on?" Darth Vader asked. The Commander was surprised, how did Vader believe him. He thought he'd probably just leave thinking he was crazy. He cleared his throat "W-well my lord, we currently have them on the Dantooine system." "I am heading there, immediately. Prepare for my arrival." Darth Vader said as he turned off the hologram and turned to one of his attendants "Bring Darth Hyagnus here." the attendant bowed and did as he was told. He soon came back with the pony Sith lord and left. "Darth Hyagnus, a commander from the Dantooine system has contacted me. He told me he is holding seven creatures prisoner, one of them having both a horn and wings." "That's her. Twilight Sparkle." Darth Vader then turned to one of his attendants "Prepare the Excecuter for my arrival immediately." The attendant bowed his head "Yes, my lord." The Commander stood surprised for a moment, Vader believed him? How on all the star systems in the galaxy could be have believed him? He shook the thought away and decided he'd ask him why when he arrives. For now, he has to prepare for his arrival. The suddenly, an imperial shuttle came into view from the sky and headed towards the base. The commander just remembered that they called for a resupply of food and amo for the base, that must've been it. The shuttle landed in the hangar after sending a clearance code and out came a browned haired imperial officer with two stormtroopers pushing crates floating a few inches above the ground. A stormtrooper approached them "Excuse me. What's in those crates?" "Nothing to worry about, just food and supplies." the officer answered. "We're going to need inspection." The officer stepped back and let them proceed. In the crate was definitely what the officer said was in there. "All right. You're clear for inspection." he turned to two other stormtroopers "You two, escort them to the storage room." The two stormtroopers did so and led them down a hall. He soon led them down an empty hall were a call block was on the right. The officers and two stormtroopers stopped in their tracks. The two troopers in front of them stopped walking and turned around. "Is something wrong?" one of them asked. And without warning, the officer quickly pulled his gun from his holster and blasted both the guards before they had time to react. The officer took off his hat "Not bad, eh?" The two stormtroopers took off their helmets, one of them being a young woman with brown hair and the other being a young man with blonde hair. "Good job, you're lucky no one heard that." the woman dead panned. "Well excuse me, your worshipfullness." the man said. "Han, Luke, see if you can hide the bodies." the woman said as she pulled out a white comm unit from her belt "Threepio, we are now in the facility. Has Artoo found the main power core?" "Why of course, Princess Leia." said someone on the other line "He says it should be in the next hallway on your left." "Good. Over and out." Leia turned off the comm and turned to Han. "Han, you and me to to the main power code and set up mines." "Got it, Princess." Han said as he knocked over one of the crates for all the food to fall out, what also fell out were a few cylinder shaped bombs. "Good thing we kept those underneath the stuff." Leia turned to Luke "Luke, get rid of those bodies in one of those call doors and meet us back in this hall." Luke nodded as he picked up one body by the feet and dragged it into the call block. He got to one of the doors and pushed the button and inside wasn't what he was expecting. Inside were a purple and green dragon and six four legged creatures with bright colored fur. The creatures and Luke locked eyes for what felt like an eternity until one of them noticed the body. "Oh my goodness!" yelled the white one with a purple mane. The yellow one with a pink mane gasped "Is he...is he..." Luke's eyes widened "You can talk?!" The blue one with the rainbow main was slowly getting up and running her head "What just happened?" she then noticed one of those creeps in the white armor and saw him holding a dead body. She reacted quickly and tackled him to the ground "Who are you?! And what'd you do to him?!" "Wait, wait!! I'm not gonna hurt you!" Luke tried to explain. "Then what were you doing with the dead body?!" Rainbow demanded. "Luke!" Han shouted as he ran down the hall "Luke, what's taking you so..." he trailed off when he saw the ponies and dragon. "Uh...hi?" Twilight said. Han's eyes widened but before he could say anything, stormtroopers came into the hall and saw the dead trooper and the prisoners escaping. Before they could react, Han shot one of them in the chest, killing him. All the troopers were quick to open fire as the two rebels, ponies, and dragon ran out of the hall. "Leia" She saw Luke and Han coming and as soon as she saw the creatures, her eyes widened and she then noticed the sormtroopers and opened fire on them as well. She then shot a control panel on the wall as soon as her friends and the creatures got out of the cell black and the doors closed on the troopers. "Come on. Now." Leia said as she and the others ran. "Wait a minute" Rainbow Dash said "who are you?" "No time to explain that, the whole base knows we're here and the longer we stay here, we die." Han said as they made a turn down a corridor. As they sprinted down the hall, Han spoke into a comm "Chewie, were getting outta here, get the Falcon ready." a growl was then heard on the other line. They then ran up to the doors that slid open to reveal the control room. The two men in there pulled out their blasters and fired. The rebels and Equestrians took cover at the wall corner. Twilight noticed most of the fire power was focused on the three humans, so she peeked her head out and fired two beams from her horn at the two men, knocking them out. They all then walked into the control room and saw the window overlooking the hangar. There were stormtroopers in the area. "That's a lot of stormtroopers." Han muttered. "How in the bay are we gonna get outta here?" Applejack asked. "Let's see." Luke said, he looked around the control room and saw the panel and an idea was planted in his head. He walked over to it, pushed his finger against the button and bent his head down to the mic. "Attention, there has been a crew of rebels spotted on the west side of the base, I need all units available, repeat all units." Many of the troopers quikly stormed (get it;)) out of the hangar and only a few were left. "Not bad, kid. There's only a few left." Han said as they headed for the exit door. They made their way down to the hangar to find some stormtroopers guarding the place. "Alright, it's only a few." He turned to the ponies and dragon "Alright, we gotta get past them." Rainbow Dash raised her eyebrow "We saw you with a dead guy, how do we know we can trust you?" "Because we're your only chance of getting out of here." Han said, he made a good point. "What do you think, Twilight?" Applejack asked her. Twilight thought for a moment "If they wanted us dead, they would've taken care of that by now." she then looked at Han, Leia, and Luke "Alright, we trust you." Han gave a nod "Good. Now, question is how do we get past them?" Twilight though for a moment and then noticed one of the crates "I think I might have an idea." her horn then shined purple as a purple aura lifted something from the crates and threw it far to the left, knocking down some crates in the process. "What was that?" one of the troopers said as they all went to go check it out. It was their chance now, the rebels and equestrians quickly and quietly sprinted over to the ship while the troopers were distracted. As they walked up the ramp of the ship, they heard doors slide open. "Hey!" one of the troopers yelled as they began to open fire. Once the rebels and equestrians were inside the shuttle Han quickly got to the controls. "Hold on everyone." he said as the shuttle was being lifted into the air and flew off. As it did, the commander stepped through the doors. "Have you dealt with the rebels?" A stormtrooper turned to him "No sir." "Blast it!" The commander yelled. Then suddenly an explosion was heard, sounded like it was coming from the main power core. Wasn't long until the station blew up.