Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


In the end, Trixie didn't stop until she had taken care of both legs, and finished with a foot massage that she noticed Rarity was actually squirming. It was nice to help Rarity relax, but she wanted something in return; a back massage was thanks for saving the camp, but Trixie had just given Rarity a full body massage. "My turn."

The bubble of fantasy in Rarity's head burst when Trixie plopped down in the mud beside her. "You want a massage too?" She pushed herself up, easing her body from the sucking mud.

"Yes, the same as Trixie just gave." Trixie took up the same position Rarity had just been in.

"I'll give you a massage." For just a moment Rarity's fantasy started to come back, but when she rolled up and straddled Trixie's waist, she felt in a position of power over the girl. Reaching forward, Rarity slowly pressed her body down until her chest pressed to Trixie's back. Rarity had a perky pair of breasts, not as small as Rainbow Dash's, but she wasn't as proud in the chest as Sunset was.

For a moment Trixie was surprised, then she realized the massage might have meant more to Rarity than just a massage. She opened her mouth to say something, but no words came out as her friend kept her pinned—with those soft orbs against her back—in the mud. After a few moments, Trixie prepared to tell Rarity to get off, but the massage started properly.

Rarity's fingers, on the back of her neck, silenced any of Trixie's words. Fingers made strong playing piano (and lately keytar) worked at stiff muscles, and with reluctance, Trixie closed her eyes.

More worried than aroused—or so she told herself—Rarity began the massage properly. She was a little freaked out at her behavior, turning something innocent into something almost lewd. Her hands worked down to Trixie's shoulders, and she began getting into her work.

Each of Trixie's muscles were teased into relaxation. The touch of Rarity's fingers reducing her to the same consistency as the mud around her bit by bit. When Rarity found her rump, Trixie was sure her friend's fingers were curling just a little more than was needed, rubbing at the cleft of her ass with long strokes.

When Rarity moved for the last time, Trixie felt one of her feet lifted free of the mud and set in Rarity's lap. Trixie Lulamoon, for just a moment, was tempted to stretch her toes. She knew Rarity was wearing nothing at all, and her friend's cleft was so close she could accidentally touch it.

Her feet were swapped, and again Trixie was tempted, but by the time she finally built the nerve to try it, Rarity was setting her foot down. Despite the two of them laying in mud, and both being girls, and despite Trixie having been with guys before, it was the absolute most sexually interesting position she had ever been in.

"I think, Trixie, that we might have to do this again next time. It feels positively divine to be so well pampered." Rarity offered Trixie a hand to stand up, and she could see the girl needed it. Trixie looked like she had been drugged with something, but despite her slow movement, Rarity helped her out of the bath.

Though Rarity's body was covered in mud, Trixie couldn't help admiring it. Full breasts were the most obvious part of her friend, but a perfect, tapering waistline that led to hips to die for made Trixie feel a little inadequate.

Rarity could feel Trixie's eyes looking over her, and after the massage—given and received—she felt bold enough to try something. "Like something?" The shock that registered on Trixie's face, and the deep blush in her mud-browned cheeks, was worth it.

"W-What?!" Trixie looked away, for about five seconds. "Trixie was just admiring her friend, and was about to pay her a compliment." She could see the lie wasn't going over well, and blew out a long breath. "That is, Trixie is mildly jealous."

"Trixie Lulamoon." Her voice low, Rarity drew the words she needed up from her heart and offered them to her friend. "We just gave each other a massage. While I only have intimate knowledge of half of your body, that half is in excellent shape. I simply can't imagine the rest is anything but perfect." The words were unlike Rarity, at least, the vacuous fashion advice she normally gave. She looked into Trixie's eyes, and could see she understood how true the statements were.

Giving a deep sigh, Trixie stretched and arched her back. "Maybe Trixie should invite some boys next time?" The moment she said it, she saw Rarity's expression sour. "Did Trixie say something wrong? She…" A little light illuminated in Trixie Lulamoon's head. "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

Trixie's brain was running a million miles an hour. The context of Rarity's comments, her actions, suddenly all swung and Trixie realized she had been flirting with Rarity without realizing it.

"Until a few days ago, I didn't realize it. I'm a lesbian." Rarity said the word to test it out. "If you want to invite some boys, that would be fine, but I don't—" Starting to turn away, Rarity was stopped by a muddy hand on her shoulder.

"Trixie thinks that keeping this as just a girls' thing is fine, and so long as her friend, Rarity, can keep being a friend, she is okay with massages." She held out a hand to Rarity. "But you have to tell Lavender and Fuchsia."

"I'll be honest. Except for those present when I—when I found out myself, you are the first person I have told, Trixie." Rarity climbed slowly up to the boathouse as she spoke. "It all happened in a bit of a rush, and it just hasn't come up with anyone else."

"Not even your friends?" Trixie raised an eyebrow when she saw Rarity's blush—behind the mud that was staining both cheeks, at least. Being the unwitting pawn of Adagio, Aria, and Sonata had made Trixie examine herself critically after the Battle of the Bands event. She could have hardened further, but the opportunity to start a new friendship with Rarity had presented itself, and she liked herself a little more for having more people she could call friend. The old Trixie Lulamoon might have tried to use this information to her advantage. "I won't tell anyone."

Rarity reached the top of the dock and looked around. Fuchsia and Lavender were both cleaned up and wearing bikinis. Both girls looked good in them, and while Lavender was filling hers out quite well, Fuchsia had—or so Rarity could tell—tightened the straps on her top to keep her deficiency from showing. "Girls, I have to confess something."

Fuchsia blushed a little at seeing Rarity and Trixie without anything but mud on. She liked to think she wasn't a prude, but having her three best friends naked—even though Lavender had gotten dressed—was a bit much. She bit her lip.

"What's that?" Lavender picked up the hose from where she had dropped it after she had cleaned off. Thumbing the control, she turned it back to a wide spray and started to clean off Trixie and Rarity.

Just as the water started to wash away the mud from her chest, Rarity's struggle with her self-doubt was won. "I'm gay." She looked at Lavender and Fuchsia, ready to run away if either got confrontational. To her surprise, Lavender just nodded and smiled a little more, while Fuchsia blushed and looked away.

"Fuchsia?" Trixie saw how their friend had reacted, too, and when she took a step towards her, Lavender turned the hose on Trixie.

"Sorry. I'm just not…" Fuchsia looked back to the green grass of Trixie's family's back yard.

"Fuchsia's family is a bit up-tight." Lavender kept both muddy girls at bay with the hose.

Taking a deep breath, Fuchsia nodded to the sentiment. "My father would ground me if he found out you were—were gay. Why are you telling us?"

Rarity looked to Trixie. "Someone thought it would be a good idea to tell you, given that we just spent the morning naked in a tub of mud together. I only just found out myself." She wrung her hands and turned around for Lavender to work on her back.

Fuchsia's relatively ordered confusion was shattered into complete disarray. "What do you mean, 'You only just found out'? How could you only just find out?"

Lavender snorted. "Fuchsia, it's not like they write it on your birth certificate. It isn't a class you can take, with a test at the end."

"Trixie would pass that test with flying colors!" Trixie was not above mocking herself, when it was only her best friends, to help cheer a friend up.

"Of course you would, Trixie. But the fact is, Fuchsia, Rarity hadn't really been dating much, not like you or me. How would she have found out unless—" Lavender's left eyebrow rose.

"One of my friends. I tried to—I made an advance toward her, and she didn't take it well." Slightly muddy arms wrapped around Rarity, and she had a slightly muddy—and naked—Trixie Lulamoon hugging her at a time she was surprised she needed it. She hugged Trixie back, closed her eyes, and tried to ignore how good Trixie felt against her.

"Who was it?" Curiosity warred with Fuchsia's confusion now, and won enough ground to get her to ask for details.

"I bet it was Sunset Shimmer. Have you seen those breasts? Wow!" Lavender found it easier to hose when both her targets were together, although it meant there was probably spots she was missing. "Wait, wasn't she gay? I mean, her and Pinkie Pie seemed to hook-up after Camp."

Trixie eased back from Rarity, and caught her friend blushing a little after the hug. Part of Trixie's pride soared that Rarity, "Princess of Beauty," was turned on by her. "Trixie thinks forcing Rarity to tell us would be rather crude."

"Exactly, darling. Needless to say, my friend was not of the same persuasion, but she took me to see someone who could explain it all." A smile creased Rarity's lips, pulling the corners a little higher. Spicy Hot and Sonata Dusk proved to be two friends she hadn't even thought she would need to have.

"Look at her blush. She met someone!" Fuchsia was pointing at Rarity, her misgivings about lesbianism put aside while there was gossip to be had. "Who is he—she?" It was an awkward recovery, and she promised herself to be more careful in future.

"It might not even work out. We have a—a thing. Tonight." Rarity smiled at the thought, then realized she was standing, as naked as the day she was born, and had yet to even get dry. "Where's my bag?"

All the girls had dirty towels, and while they hosed most of the mud from them, the little travelers in the mud jumped ship to the soft fabric.

"She has a date!" Cackling like a maniac, Lavender turned off the hose. "Rarity, only just coming out and already on the prowl! Nice work."

"I was not 'on the prowl,' she is a friend, and she happened to be similarly aligned, and it just sort of happened." For some reason, Rarity felt a little defensive of Sonata, and a little worried about what Trixie would think. Guilt suddenly hit her. Trixie had accepted her as gay with barely even a thought about it, holding this back was only a little betrayal, but it was still betrayal. "Sonata Dusk."

Trixie's brain ground to a halt. She blinked a few times, and tried to will her mouth to open, but nothing seemed to work right.

"Wait, Sonata Dusk was one of those fish girls, right? The Dazzlings?" Fuchsia sorted out the dirty towels and set them in the sun to dry out. "I thought they were all bad guys?"

"Some more than others. Adagio was the one pulling the strings, and while Aria didn't have the fortitude to tell her where to go, after the mess here, Sonata did." Rarity tried not to blush at the memories of the Battle of the Bands; The Dazzlings' mind control had only barely touched her, but when it had it was disgusting. Finding out she was so dominant was probably why it had felt so bad, now she reflected upon it.

"Hold on. Trixie can't believe she is hearing this. You actually trust her?" Gesticulating wildly, Trixie stared at Rarity with incredulous shock. "She mind-controlled you!"

"So did Sunset Shimmer." It was the easiest card to play, and Rarity didn't feel bad about it. "She mind-controlled half the school, and she was worth forgiving."

"I'm not going to believe it, either, until I meet her. Why don't you bring her next time?" Pulling the big beach towel from her bag, Lavender carried her things toward the waiting sunlounges.

"If Rarity is bringing her girlfriend, Trixie is bringing a boy." It was petty, but Trixie was not above petty when it suited her. Of course, she was between boyfriends, which meant she would need to find someone suitably hunky, but that could be worked out later.

"Don't be silly. This is our thing, let's keep it just keep it to us four." Fuchsia bit her lip. She was interested in finding out if Sonata was on the level, if only to protect her friend. Why don't we have a proper fashion day tomorrow?"

Rarity perked up. "You mean a girls-only day?" She looked to Trixie with a touch of worry, but to Rarity's surprise Trixie looked excited too. Reaching down to her bag, Rarity lifted out the yellow two-piece she had brought, and started pulling it on.

"Don't think Trixie doesn't see this ploy. A girls-only day means Trixie couldn't invite a boy, but it does give her a chance to see if Sonata is going to take advantage of her friend's trust." Pulling her star-spangled bikini on, Trixie shared a grin with Rarity. "Besides, Trixie is sure Rarity will bring that red lip gloss she knows Trixie likes."

"Yeah, what boy would want to talk fashion with us all day?" Lavender rolled her eyes and laughed. "You have no idea how much I needed this. My last two finals were math and social studies." She settled down on one of the sunlounges, and looked up at Rarity with a begging expression.

"Alright." Rarity reached for Lavender's sun lotion and squeezed some into her palms. "But then you have to do my skin. You have no idea how the sun affects skin this white." Part of her shivered at being so close to Lavender. Waiting for Lavender to roll to her belly, Rarity untied the girl's bikini, and started applying lotion.

"I saw you last year, remember?" Lavender Lace reached down to her bikini bottoms, and untied the string on each side of those. There was something distinctly naughty about stripping naked and having a beautiful lesbian rub her down in tanning lotion.

"You really want this everywhere?" Blinking in surprise, Rarity looked up and down Lavender's curvy body a few times.

"Come on, Rarity, it's Lavender. If there were boys here, she would flirt with them." Trixie waved Fuchsia to lay down, and pulled out her own tanning oil. Dark blue skin meant she didn't burn, but she still liked to warm up in the sun.

"Dear?" Rarity leaned down and looked at a blushing Lavender. A shiver ran through Rarity at the realization that Lavender was flirting, and it felt nice to have someone do that, knowing her preference. "Well, you just lie there and let me rub this in."

Rarity started at Lavender's feet. She had a good amount of the lotion on her hands, and started by working the stuff between Lavender's toes, and then rubbed at her feet.

All Lavender could do was sigh happily and sprawl like a cat. There was something distinctly wonderful about getting attention from someone who found you attractive, and she could tell by Rarity's tone that that was the case.

"I don't need quite that much." Fuchsia Blush was keeping her bikini on, and was damned if she was going to put on a display like Lavender Lace was.

"Trixie is glad of this. I don't need to say it was a—a revelation, when Rarity came out to her after spending an hour massaging each other naked." Trixie worked the lotion where it was needed (which was basically everywhere), but a glance to what Rarity was doing proved that Trixie wasn't nearly as into the massage as either Rarity or Lavender. She had Fuchsia covered in no time, and settled on her own lounge.

Lavender could close her eyes and imagine it was a boy's hands gliding over her rump, her back. When Rarity's soft fingers worked up Lavender's sides, she shivered in bliss, but was glad her friend didn't stroke lower, to her breasts. Groaning when Rarity finished up, she turned her head to the side. "I have to get up now, don't I?"

"Yes, darling." Rarity booped Lavender's nose with one delicate finger, leaving a little dob of lotion on it. "Unless you want me to do the front, too?"

A rush of emotions poured through Lavender Lace, and she realized that despite her flirting, she was not prepared to have another girl fondling her quite so openly. "N-No thanks. I-I can do that."

Rarity had to catch herself from pushing. The memory of Rainbow Dash's reaction to her in the shop class was standing her in good stead, and she made a mental note to buy something special for Rainbow to thank her for forgiveness. "My turn now."

Taking a deep breath, Lavender sat up and fastened her bikini back together. She paused, her mind twisting in a knot over her refusal. Part of her was a little, tiny bit interested, but for the most part she liked men.

Rarity's bikini bottoms didn't tie up, so she had to actually shimmy out of them, but when she reached for her top she felt deft fingers push hers out of the way. Her top came loose, and she felt Lavender carefully pull each strap to the side.

Lavender realized her problem. "If I take too long doing this, I will get a tan line."

"It's just us girls here, Darling." Rarity kept her face forward, not turning to look. She could imagine, however, Lavender Lace's curvy figure—her breasts jiggling—as she worked the suntan lotion on.

The little voice won, mainly because there weren't boys around. Besides, Lavender's inner voice said, Rarity isn't even looking. She smiled and reached for the strings of her bikini, and unfastened them. The little voice was both smug and larger, as Lavender worked some of the lotion onto her hands, and then began at Rarity's shoulders.

Rarity's eyes were about to close in bliss when she saw the glass windows reflecting light. She suddenly realized, however, that the Sun's light wasn't all they reflected. Glorious lavender skin moved and jiggled as her friend worked over her back. Rarity stared at Lavender's reflection for several minutes before she finally tore her eyes away, and won a moral victory.

"You got a little tense there. Are you alright?" Lavender was down to the small of Rarity's back, and hadn't even realized that her application of lotion had turned into a massage. She was starting to regret not taking up Rarity's offer to apply the rest of her lotion, after all, she was working in the sun.

"Just distracted by a repeat of the breast massage I have had all month." Rarity got to the end of her sentence before realizing what she had said. "I mean—I mean you can speed up if you want, you don't have to be that thigh. Thorough! I meant thorough!" Rarity's face was turning red with not a hint of sun on it.

Again Lavender felt good about the compliments. It was nice to be appreciated for her looks. "Thighs and breasts? You really go for the whole package."

Rarity tried to relax, but now that Lavender knew she was looking, she figured she might as well keep watching. With a smile, Rarity realized it was going to be a long day.