//------------------------------// // Vinyl Scratch reviews bad fanfics. // Story: Scratch Reviews! // by TheMajorTechie //------------------------------// Vinyl snorted in bemusement as she stared at the literary counterpart to a garbage fire. "This is trash." she complained, "No, that's offensive to my trash pile in the corner. This is crap..." A mental image of post-digested mixed words entered her mind as the embodiment of her current reading material. "Yup. It's horsecrap." Vinyl repeated, looking down to painstakingly continue reading. Vinyl leaned in close to Spike-etti the Great and Powerful Savior of All Things Good. "I love you." she cooed softly, bringing a hoof to the young dragon's cheek. "I love you more." Spike-etti replied, leaning in. "NOPE." Vinyl screeched as she threw the 'fanfiction' article out the window. "NOPE. NOPE. NOPE."